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Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 13:10
by Terryphi
Thanks for the responses so far everyone. Fascinating!
As I started the thread I will own up to being 62 and soon to be a grandad. :)

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 15:46
by Minnesota
A week from 63 here :)

Reason for such interest by us "old Fogies" is we have time to play and many of us have been playing for many years.. my first computer was an IBM 1130... all cards... printer 100 LPM.. that is lines per minute... 8 K of memory... well 8 thousand 16 bit words... 16 K in bytes.. for you young folks :). Payroll I wrote overlayed itself 8 times... operator never had a clue. For it's time probably more programs and languages written for the 1130 than any other computer. Most schools had them. Lots of sharing of ideas and knowledge.

Are pictures soon to follow from proud parents and grand parents? :)))

Keep up the good work. Puppy is a fun project! Lots of folks are realizing Puppy is all they need on a computer. Let us keep making it easier and easier to use.

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 20:16
by dogle
Thanks to Terryphi for the idea, and the 'buntu link.

Very interesting to see how theirs is shaping up like a Poisson distribution, peaking in the 20s. I wonder how closely the respondent profile reflects the user profile.

Great scope for speculation, mesniffs.

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 21:30
by ecomoney
The earth has been around the sun 34 times with me on it, if thats relevant. I always thought the puppy posse were generally a little younger than the average people have posted here.....dont know why.

Im currently preparing a puppy laptop for a guy who is 92. The youngest user I know of is my friends little boy...aged 2, who is a gcompris testpilot, language is still a bit of a barrier, but he provides some great feedback into the development process via tantrums when it crashes.....hmmm :wink:

My beergut is well earned and fully paid for, and my "laughter lines". I havnt had any more grey hairs since I stopped using Micro$oft. I can still party thats the important thing...I have a stinking hangover atm lol

I find its not how long I live, its how much that really matters. :wink:

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 21:32
by racepres
Terryphi wrote:Thanks for the responses so far everyone. Fascinating!
As I started the thread I will own up to being 62 and soon to be a grandad. :)
Been a grampa for about a month now... aint as bad as I thought it was gonna be!!! RP

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2009, 22:03
by WhoDo
racepres wrote:Been a grampa for about a month now... aint as bad as I thought it was gonna be!!! RP
It's been 12 weeks for me, and she gets more gorgeous by the day! She's discovered her voice and will already squeal with delight when something takes her fancy! My first new love since my daughter, her aunty, was born 25 years ago next month! I'm looking forward to watching her grow and hope I live long enough to see her blossom into womanhood. What a joyous time we have in front of us, RP!

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 06:48
by gerry
Got six grandchildren. Just you wait until a three-year old leans over your shoulder, and says "you need a double click there, Grandpa." It happened!


Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 09:16
by Terryphi
I realise I didn't include an option "over 90". Apologies - I hope no one feels excluded! ;)

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 09:42
by gerry
One thing I've noticed as I've got older, and aquired grandchildren, is how, at gatherings of older people, we seperate into two big groups: those who talk about their fabulous holidays and house improvements, and those who talk about grandchildren.

Anyway- welcome to the club WhoDo. You will find in a year's time that you need to give serious thought to a new camera. With many digital cameras when you take pictures of children you get an annoying number of blank frames, because when you press the shutter button, by the time the camera gets round to taking the picture the child is somewhere else. This is especially so indoors, where the light may be poor, and I found that an SLR was the best. They use a different focus detection technology from compacts.


Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 19:17
by hegy
I'm writing from my Dad's account. I've tried lots of Puppies and I love them :)!

Using a 7 year old Dell Optiplex GX260 (Celeron 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM) that I bought from my pocket money.

I'm 13 :D (the youngest in this topic?)

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2009, 21:48
by battleshooter
hegy wrote:I'm writing from my Dad's account. I've tried lots of Puppies and I love them :)!

Using a 7 year old Dell Optiplex GX260 (Celeron 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM) that I bought from my pocket money.

I'm 13 :D (the youngest in this topic?)
I know of another 13 year old running around this forum, but he hasn't seem to have made his appearance in this topic, so I guess you can take the honor of the youngest. :)

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 05:03
by myman_05
30 years old & still in alpha not even reach beta yet :?

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 06:13
by John Doe
hegy wrote:I'm 13 :D (the youngest in this topic?)
You might win youngest!! :-)

I'm in the 31-40 bracket.

No kids, no wife.

Best wishes to all... regardless of age, race, religion, gender, knowledge or wealth.

p.s. the poll results really are a surprise.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 06:30
by ttuuxxx
John Doe wrote:
hegy wrote:I'm 13 :D (the youngest in this topic?)
You might win youngest!! :-)

I'm in the 31-40 bracket.

No kids, no wife.

Best wishes to all... regardless of age, race, religion, gender, knowledge or wealth.

p.s. the poll results really are a surprise.
Naaa I think the youngest is puppyluvr's daughter, she has her own puppy pc and I think shes under 10. I think thats what I remember from the wallpaper section.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 06:47
by tronkel
Hegy wrote:
Using a 7 year old Dell Optiplex GX260 (Celeron 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM) that I bought from my pocket money.
I'm just 62 and have a 2 year old AMD 2.4MHz computer that I bought from my pocket money too.

LOL, my wife was in a good mood that day - (she wears the trousers around here) :D

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 06:54
by John Doe
ttuuxxx wrote:
John Doe wrote:...
Naaa I think the youngest is puppyluvr's daughter, she has her own puppy pc and I think shes under 10. I think thats what I remember from the wallpaper section.
<10 is pretty young for running linux. great job getting her started.

two of my friends around here have a 5 year old daughter. I booted puppy on her computer once to explain that there where different types of systems. she still uses xp because that's what her games run under.

Sounds like we should shoot for ~5 year to get her going on puppy also.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 07:04
by ttuuxxx
John Doe wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:
John Doe wrote:...
Naaa I think the youngest is puppyluvr's daughter, she has her own puppy pc and I think shes under 10. I think thats what I remember from the wallpaper section.
<10 is pretty young for running linux. great job getting her started.

two of my friends around here have a 5 year old daughter. I booted puppy on her computer once to explain that there where different types of systems. she still uses xp because that's what her games run under.

Sounds like we should shoot for ~5 year to get her going on puppy also.
My daughter is 6 and she uses puppy sometimes to play online Bratz games, watch Bratz utube videos and she also writes with abiword, when she can't use her mom's xp pc, because shes on it. At this point in life she can't tell the difference, well once she like puppy over xp when I had that "citrus icewm theme installed" I made, she really loved the colours.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 07:14
by John Doe
thanks ttuuxxx, I'll have to look up the bratz games and videos for her.

your comment "she can't tell the difference" reminds me of having read about young children learning two spoken languages early in life. I hear they tend to think in either language interchangeably. Perhaps the same can be said of OS's.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 07:55
by wow
26 here.

Posted: Mon 27 Apr 2009, 08:36
by ttuuxxx
John Doe wrote:thanks ttuuxxx, I'll have to look up the bratz games and videos for her.

your comment "she can't tell the difference" reminds me of having read about young children learning two spoken languages early in life. I hear they tend to think in either language interchangeably. Perhaps the same can be said of OS's.
Thats true I once dated this french model who had a little girl around the age of 4, one day her grandmother came over with her latest boyfriend, he was Italian, so he spoke italian to her, within about 1 hr, she was almost speaking fluently and after 3hrs she was talking Italian perfectly, It could be because Italian and French are similar dialects, or it could be the age, I can speak french also and read a bit of Italian/Spanish but after 3hrs I had no clue how to speak Italian unlike 4yr old.