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Posted: Wed 19 Aug 2009, 08:33
by trio

You have to restart JWM to activate Patriot's jwm. but careful, I think some modifications are needed to change theme (in the theme changer script) to accomodate alien jwm

Posted: Wed 19 Aug 2009, 16:08
by DaveS
trio wrote:Hi,

You have to restart JWM to activate Patriot's jwm. but careful, I think some modifications are needed to change theme (in the theme changer script) to accomodate alien jwm
No problems with rounded corners here and your theme maker Trio. I am using the to get rounded corners.
Workrd fine on dpup and 4.3 also.

Posted: Thu 20 Aug 2009, 07:49
by DaveS
Its just a tiny tiny little thing Trio, but a 'bold' option for fonts would be nice, also a 'View con fig file' button which loads the theme file into Geany?

Posted: Thu 20 Aug 2009, 08:14
by trio

Sorry to disappoint you..I am not going those changes you ask

1. This is intended for new users to experience "the fun" of puppy...and also few other apps of mine, making a basic jwm theme from a GUI is enough for them, no need to add more complex options, so what's the point of showing gtkrc then?
2. My brain is burning, I have to take a break from puppy, haven't been successful though, I got the puppyaholic syndrom :lol:

Thanks Dave, you should try GTK Theme Maker, it will go well with JWM Theme Maker (I am now afraid to use the word "maker", panzerpuppy just gave a comment in Pstartupsound thread :wink: )

Posted: Thu 20 Aug 2009, 09:19
by DaveS
trio wrote:Daves,

Sorry to disappoint you..I am not going those changes you ask
Ok, thats cool. Big thanks for JWM Theme Maker. It takes just seconds now to do a new theme. Brilliant.

Posted: Fri 21 Aug 2009, 14:22
by steve_s
Trio! Very cool! I just saw this on Dejan's site and had to check it out...yet another tool for us eye-candy nuts...very, very well done! Now I'm going to play with this program for a few hours... 8)

Posted: Fri 21 Aug 2009, 14:42
by trio

Well, play then! :lol: also you might want to play with its partner: GTK theme maker.


Posted: Fri 21 Aug 2009, 21:12
by steve_s
trio wrote:Steve,

Well, play then! :lol: also you might want to play with its partner: GTK theme maker.

Man, I'm out of it! What is the link on that one? I've used the other one for picking out which jwm and gtk theme to use (desktop manager); great work there too... but a GTK theme maker?! Man, you are with it!

Posted: Sat 22 Aug 2009, 02:06
by trio

Posted: Sat 22 Aug 2009, 22:11
by dejan555
trio, can you apply some of selected colors to popup text too?

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 00:49
by trio
dejan555 wrote:trio, can you apply some of selected colors to popup text too?
I think you're not the only one asking about this...hmm, I was just about let the fully functional JWM the maker 1.3 alone :lol: , but seems like I will go further:
1. popup/tooltip background color (and text?)
2. tooltips for entries as infos about the usage

To be v 1.4

thanks for inputs

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 01:57
by trio
Updated to v 1.4
- pop-up box background & text colors
-border outline color
-tooltips (info of usage of entries & buttons)

see main post

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 05:09
by DaveS
trio wrote:hmm, I was just about let the fully functional JWM the maker 1.3 alone
LOL, LOL, and maybe a selector for active/inactive desktop pager?
This program is much too important to leave alone :)

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 07:32
by dejan555
Thanks very much trio, you could as well ust apply some of active/inactive colors already choosen in other fields if you didn't want to add new buttons, I see that pager is already changed this way, just missed the popups, they stayed the same always.

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 07:57
by trio

Desktop pager already changes according to other colors


I already made the options, It's better to seperate it than following other colors, it's supposed to be "differently shocking color" as it is pop-up info box

Thanks guys, wonder why you guys not too interrested in GTK Theme Maker?

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 08:54
by DaveS
I will get to GTK Theme Maker in a while T. Just not enough hours in the day. Also, the standard JWM themes are horrible, but Stardust and DeepThought are nice, so not so much urgency.

Posted: Sun 23 Aug 2009, 12:47
by dejan555
I don't really change gtk themes that much and I can't manage to make one that really fits for everyday use. I see you made lots of templates there, gonna try them when I can. Oh, gonna add link to puppy look site today, haven't time to work on it lately.

Posted: Sun 13 Sep 2009, 03:09
by ttuuxxx
Hi trio, I finally got around to trying this application and well it works excellent great job on it!!!
Its almost perfect, what I would like to see is that it could reopen a saved themes that you previously made, maybe a numbering system so it knows which themes were made with the theme maker and which weren't.

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2009, 20:00
by steve_s
Now with the addition of this theme maker, changing fonts is crazy-easy.

But here is something to try: add your own handwriting as a font.

It looks extremely cool, if you like your handwriting at all. Here's what to do: go to fontifier and follow the instructions. It takes about 10 minutes and will cost about $10. Then you'll have a ttf of your writing.

Then add it to your fonts file.

Then when you run the theme maker you just pick the font you made.


Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2009, 20:14
by steve_s
For example...

Man, I love this thing...nice job Trio! Took me like 2 minutes...