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Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 12:16
by amigo
Aragon, I just want to thank you for using version numbres and for leaving your original versions available! You are a true open-source adherent.

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 14:07
by aragon
amigo wrote:Aragon, I just want to thank you for using version numbres and for leaving your original versions available! You are a true open-source adherent.
trying to get there as part of my learning curve... :D


Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010, 21:55
by dejan555
Hey aragon, haven't forgot about your handy utility here, check out this post in metacity thread, I made a systray icon to launch it for panels that don't have menu/configurable launchers: ... 646#445646

Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010, 23:34
by technosaurus
I threw together a "proof of concept" little menu generator in gtkdialog a while back - the generated menu file in a standard puppy install ends up being close to 30kb so it is really slow this way (it would be faster if icons and mouse-over tooltips were removed, but i figured it would be easier for people to subtract code than recode it)

delete the quotes from /usr/share/applications/ayttm.desktop Category="..." or it won't run as written (fixes anyone)

Code: Select all

# can't use entries with " (double quote) in the comment section maybe others - Ayttm is one example
[ -f /var/locatedb ] && echo file database detected, skipping updatedb for finding of icons || updatedb --localpaths=/usr
[ -f /tmp/.pgtkmenu ] && Xdialog --infobox "generating gui" 0 0 10000 & gtkdialog3 -f /tmp/.pgtkmenu -G 300x600 && exit
Xdialog --msgbox "building menu" 0 0
for x in `ls /usr/share/applications/*.desktop`; do
   EXE="`grep "^Exec=" $x |cut -d = -f 2`"
   CAT="`grep "^Categories=" $x |cut -d = -f 2`"
   NAM="`grep "^GenericName=" $x |cut -d = -f 2`"
   [ "$NAM" = "" ] && NAM="`grep "^Name=" $x |cut -d = -f 2 |cut -d " " -f 1`"
   ICO="`grep "^Icon=" $x |cut -d = -f 2`"
   ##needs full path to icon - will rework later
   COM="`grep "^Comment=" $x |cut -d = -f 2`"
   NEW="<hbox tooltip-text=\"$COM\"><button><label>$NAM</label><input file>$ICO</input><action>$EXE &</action></button></hbox>"
   case $CAT in
      *alculat*|*inance|*heet|ProjectManagement)   BUS=$BUS$NEW;;
      *eskto*|*creensave*|*ccessib*)   DSK=$DSK$NEW;;
      *ocumen*|*ordProcessor|*ebDevelo*)   DOC=$DOC$NEW;;
      *ile*)   FIL=$FIL$NEW;;
      *Game|*olePla*|*imulation|*musement)   FUN=$FUN$NEW;;
      *raphics|*hotography|*resent*|*art)   GFX=$GFX$NEW;;
      *udio*|*ideo*|*layer|*ecorder|*usic|*idi|*ixer|*equencer|*uner|TV|*iskBurning)   MED=$MED$NEW;;
      Dialup|Network|HamRadio|RemoteAccess)   NET=$NET$NEW;;
      X-PersonalUtility|X-Personal|Calendar|ContactManagement)   PER=$PER$NEW;;
      *etup*|PackageManager)   SET=$SET$NEW;;
      *onitor|*ecurity|*ardware*|*ore|*ystem)   SYS=$SYS$NEW;;
      Utility|Viewer|Development|Building|Debugger|IDE|Profiling|Translation|GUIDesigner|Archiving|TerminalEmulator|Shell)   UTL=$UTL$NEW;;
      *nternet|*rowser|*mail|*ews|*essaging|*elephony|*lient|*ransfer|P2P)   WEB=$WEB$NEW;;
      *) MSC=$MSC$NEW;;
DLG="<notebook page=\"0\" tab-pos=\"1\" enable-popup=\"true\" labels=\"Business|Desktop|Document|File|Fun|Graphics|Media|Network|Personal|Setup|System|Utility|Web|Miscellaneous\">
<frame Business>$BUS</frame>
<frame Desktop>$DSK</frame>
<frame Document>$DOC</frame>
<frame File>$FIL</frame>
<frame Fun>$FUN</frame>
<frame Graphics>$GFX</frame>
<frame Media>$MED</frame>
<frame Network>$NET</frame>
<frame Personal>$PER</frame>
<frame Setup>$SET</frame>
<frame System>$SYS</frame>
<frame Utility>$UTL</frame>
<frame Web>$WEB</frame>
<frame Misc>$MSC</frame>
echo $DLG >/tmp/.pgtkmenu

Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2010, 05:04
by dejan555
Het technosaurus, that's cool, I had a small Xdialog dropdown thing, it's a two-liner only, here's the code: ... 560#381560

Posted: Wed 03 Nov 2010, 00:30
by harii4
works great for all the minimalist window managers like yeahwm.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 17:38
by aragon
Plaese see here for SimplePuppyMenu2:

No further development of this version.
