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Posted: Sat 08 Aug 2015, 19:19
by amigo
But Xnview is not, if you read the license. Anyway, it's using the real Xlibs so it's gonna look funky compared to gtk & co.

Posted: Sat 08 Aug 2015, 19:40
by Burn_IT
I was talking about GUIs not Xnview.

la revue photo en français

Posted: Fri 06 May 2016, 08:55
by Pelo
See topics 2016 by Mikewalsh , he provides his best tools using wine (2016)
I f you speak only french see ici la revue photo en français

What photo management software is available? click the blue.

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2017, 19:18
by peppyy
I am running xnview mp on tahr 6.0.5 and tahr64 6.0.5 The 64 bit linux version worked very well.

Downloaded,extracted to My Applications and click on

I created a shortcut for the desktop and set it as my default image viewer.

Recent Ubuntu-based Puppies: Shotwell can be built

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2017, 17:13
by mikeslr
Hi All,

A couple of days ago I built a pet of Shotwell which rans under Xenialpup 64-bit. [Seems functional, but not completely tested]. Sorry I can't upload it even though it weighs in at only 14 Mbs. This is more a testament to 666philb's ability as a Puppy Woofer, and those working on Woof than my ability as a application builder.

Untested, but the following should also work in Tahrpup (both 32 & 64 bit) and Xenialpup (32-bit), and peebee's lx derivatives. I'm uncertain regarding rg66's Xfce derivatives: perhaps in order to build an Xfce-Thunar Puppy some of the structures underlying Jwm-Rox are removed?

As I recall, it wasn't a great hassle; although the fact that it is a pet suggests that some debs had to be hunted down, symlinks created or files copied. Essentially the building technique was:

1. Set Puppy Package Manager to (a) download to tmpfs, (b) including files already present, and (c) not remove downloaded files. And set download location to an otherwise empty folder named "shotwell" -- with whatever other description is considered appropriate, e.g. -xen64-0.22 --the latter being shotwell's version number.
2. Set PPM to download all including dependencies to that folder. Download.
3. Boot into 32-bit Puppy: PaDS doesn't work in 64-bit Puppies.
4. If necessary, install PaDS:
5. Open your file-manager, scroll so you can see the shotwell folder holding the debs, right-click it and select "Combine to SFS".
6. Move the resulting SFS from /root to /mnt/home.
7. Reboot into 64-bit Puppy -- if necessary.
8. SFS-load the shotwell.sfs -- but don't run it. Rather, open a terminal to /usr/bin --where its binary, named shotwell, is located.
9. Type in terminal (without the quotes): "ldd shotwell".
10. Copy terminal output to file named "shotwell-missing.txt".
11. Check via pfind whether "not found" only means a newer version of a lib is present (which will require a symlink to it with the name the app was looking for; or, in 64-bit pups, the lib is located in a directory which puppy didn't search, again requiring either a symlink or copying the file to /usr/lib). Also do a visual check of all lib folders. Puppy may not be "digging deep enough". See step 13b regarding how to modify an SFS.
12. Search for missing files here:
13a. Download debs to shotwell folder and repeat above steps to create an SFS; or
13b. Mount the SFS, select View, and copy all contents to s folder named, for example, shotwell-xen64-0.22a. Then unpack the downloaded debs and copy ONLY necessary libs to appropriate locations. Open a terminal above this shotwell directory and type --without the quotes-- either dir2pet NAME of folder to create a pet or dir2sfs NAME of folder to create an SFS.

Test. Repeat if libs are still missing.

In 64-bit Puppies 13b has the advantage over 13a in that you don't have to boot into a different Puppy. Always use 13b to create a pet if your application runs under python. The python structure in an SFS will always have lower priority than the python structure built into Puppies or included in your SaveFile/Folder -- the one in the SFS will not be used.

The above may seem complicated, but as I recall it only took about half an hour to create the pet.


Both XP's XnView and photoscape run well under Wine

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2017, 17:51
by mikeslr
Hi All,

Not being a purist, I'm not opposed to running Wine or Wine-portable and using XP applications. Both XP versions of XnView and photoscape run well under wine(portable). Between the two you can do almost anything you want with photos; with two exceptions -- upload those photos to your online web galleries, or download them from those galleries.

In theory, at least, shotwell can "Share to major Web services, including Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube", and with some effort, google-photos. See, ... ogle-photo, starting about half-way down the webpage.

The reason I haven't fully tested shotwell is that my wife is the photographer of the family (if I ignore my son, David, who is a professional videographer), So a couple years ago it occurred to me that the only photos I need to take are those of my wife and landscapes -- she's not into them. And I have no reason to upload any of those. Shotwell was built on the slim change and perhaps inducement to wean her off Windows.


Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2017, 20:11
by smokey01
Geeqie not bad either.