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Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 08:03
by sunburnt
Thanks Jasper; A command sequence, instead of a value ( sort of...).

But isn`t the "$" needed on the alias to make it work?

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 08:22
by Jasper
Hi again

No it doesn't need a $.

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 10:15
by mikeb
Ok screenies are the only way here...

yad --file-selection --file-filter="IMAGES | *.png *.jpg" --file-filter="ALL | *.*"

produces the first... see the options list....

yad --file-selection --filename=/root/vincent.jpg --save --confirm-overwrite="Eat More Bananas?"

Provides alternative text for the confirm dialog...second image.

By the way how can GTK2 be set for single click in theshortcuts pane? Set at compile time?


Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 10:54
by mikeb
Hmm i fiddled with the sources a little...

--form spinwheel output is now an integer and not floating... seemed logical and easier for scripts.

Color selector in -form dialog now has 6 digit result not 12.

Removed mysterious error with --notification dialog connected with middle click exit...removed any case it could be added to the right click menu if required.


edit ..update see later post

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 15:49
by sunburnt
mikeb; Downloaded your modded Yad dialog, I`ll look at it.
Haven`t seen the shortcuts pane, so I haven`t a clue...

It`s senseable to make a std. filter list to be used for all of the file dialogs.
So to set it in code at startup don`t use an alias with "--file-filter=".

Q: Can no alias and a std. set of aliases be used together? . A: YES...
So filtering at startup, and the popup menu works to choose new filtering.

Mike, you do C programming it appears, ever mess with X ( custom windows ) ?
A way to do away with GTK and QT, and have a rational GUI foundation.

Jasper; Ah yes, that`s what the alias command does, it makes cli commands.

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 19:42
by mikeb
Well its nice to have an for pburn I can avoid a huge list of mp3 when all I want is the pburn file....the alias option is just for user friendliness and not essential....
A way to do away with GTK and QT, and have a rational GUI foundation.
I am a bad hacker,,,I find C akin to double dutch though realising what a low level language it is it at least makes a little more sense to for C++..
It does not come naturally like other languages I play with.

FLTK looks nice but has never taken off as a major alternative.

The shortcut pane is... see piccie... see how skilled I am with a mouse.

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 20:38
by sunburnt
You`re very skilled Mike, don`t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. :wink:

FLTK is pretty spartan from what I`ve seen in Tiny Core Linux.

Ahhh, the Places pane...

I hate wasted space, the file dialog puts the filter aliases above the buttons.
It should be next to the buttons, then the panes would be proper full height.

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 22:34
by greengeek
sunburnt wrote:You`re very skilled Mike, don`t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. :wink: .
Except when it comes to making straight arrows :)

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2013, 23:00
by mikeb
Yes I forgot there was a drawing tablet attached.... Mr smiley was relieved I noticed it eventually,

I wonder if this is why I have only once been asked to write technical documentation?

I am on the blunt side of the cutting edge....


Posted: Sat 17 Aug 2013, 03:54
by sunburnt
Got most of it working, but the file filters is just kicking my arse.

Anyone see anything that`s wrong with this picture?

There`s test code at the bottom that shows the command line.

For help type: yfiledlg -h

Code: Select all

#########	Setup a Yad file/dir. selector.

#####	Usage:  yad_filer [-f,-d,-m,-s,-t][-o /path/file][-p /path,-g W, H, X, Y][-x ext.]

appP=`dirname $0`

all='--file-filter="All | *"'				#####	Combo list of file groups.
hid='--file-filter="Hidden | .*"'
doc='--file-filter="Document | *.txt *.pdf *.doc *.docx *.xml *.htm* *.pps *.ppt* *.csv"'
img='--file-filter="Image | *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.xpm *.svg *.ico *.bmp *.tif, *.gif"'
aud='--file-filter="Audio | *.mp3 *.mp2 *.wma *.ogg *.aac *.ac3 *.flac *.m4a *.wav'
aud=$aud' *.m4a *.m4b *.m3u *.m1a *.mka *.mpa *.pcm *.midi *.mid *.m4p *.m4r"'
vid='--file-filter="Video | *.mp4 *.m4v *.ogm *.wmv *.wmx *.mpe *.mpeg *.mpg *.avi *.vob'
vid=$vid' *.mov *.qt *.mpeg-1 *.mpeg-2 *.mp2v *.m2v *.m2s *.mpa *.mp2 *.m2a *.asf *.asx *.swf"'

while [ $i -le $# ]							#####	Loop:  Parse command args.
	case `echo $@ |cut -d' ' -f$i` in

	-f) args="$args --file" ; ((i=i+1)) ;;										# file dialog

	-d) args="$args --directory" ; ((i=i+1)) ;;									# folder dialog

	-m) args="$args --multiple" ; ((i=i+1)) ;;									# multi. select

	-s) args="$args --save" ; ((i=i+1)) ;;										# save file

	-o) eval O=\${$((i+1))} ; Txt=`cat $O`										# overwrite file
			args="$args --confirm-overwrite=$Txt" ; ((i=i+2)) ;;

	-p) eval O=\${$((i+1))} ; args="$args --filename=$O" ; ((i=i+2)) ;;			# startup /path

	-x) eval O=\${$((i+1))} ; args="$args --file-filter=$O" ; ((i=i+2)) ;;		# extension filters

	-t) TB=55 ; ((i=i+1)) ;;													# taskbar offset

																				# window geometry
	-g) eval W=\${$((i+1))} ; eval H=\${$((i+2))} ; eval X=\${$((i+3))} ; eval Y=\${$((i+4))}

			scrW=$((`xwininfo -root |grep '\-geo' |sed 's#.* ##;s#x.*##'`-5))
#			scrW=`xwininfo -root |grep '\-geo' |sed 's#.* ##;s#x.*##'`
			[ $W -gt $scrW ]&& W=$scrW											# fix W
			[ $((W+X)) -gt $scrW ]&& X=$((scrW-W))								# fix X

			scrH=`xwininfo -root |grep '\-geo' |sed 's#.*x##;s#+.*##'`
			[ $H -gt $scrH ]&& H=$((scrH-TB))									# fix H
			[ $((H+Y)) -gt $scrH ]&& Y=$((scrH-H-TB))							# fix Y

			args="$args --geometry=${W}x${H}+${X}+${Y}" ; ((i=i+5)) ;;
																				# help
	-h) echo -e '\n\t\t#####\tyFileDlg\n\n\t# Usage:  yFileDlg [opt.1] [opt.2] ...\n'
			echo -e '\tFile open:  -f\n\tDirectory open:  -d\n\tPath:  -p /path/'
			echo -e '\tSave file:  -s\n\tOverwrite file:  -o filename'
			echo -e '\tMultiple files & folders:  -m\n\tExtension patterns:  -x *.txt *.doc'
			echo -e '\tGeometry:  -g W H X Y\n\tTaskbar offset:  -t  ( Comes before -g )\n'
			exit ;;

echo -e "\nScreen W x H  =  $scrW x $scrH\n\nYAD$args $all $hid $doc $img $aud $vid\n"

yad $args $all $hid $doc $img $aud $vid

Posted: Sat 17 Aug 2013, 10:47
by mikeb
tis a bash thingy it seems... this test works interminal

tart=--file-filter="Image | *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.xpm *.svg *.ico *.bmp *.tif *.gif" ; yad --file-selection --filename=/mnt/hda2/ --geometry=600x400+20+20 "$tart"

so no wrapper quotes for making the variable and double quote in the command line...

note there is a slipped in ',' in the img variable in your script...

tested the above in a quick script and it worked...


Posted: Sat 17 Aug 2013, 18:36
by sunburnt
Many thanks Mike; After a bit of fiddling I got the filters working.

--confirm-overwrite= doesn`t show the text. Last item I think.

But this is minor stuff, I`ll figure it out. Thanks again... Terry

Posted: Sat 17 Aug 2013, 20:09
by mikeb
Hmm might need quotes again.
To test it you open with --filename=existing_file and then ok... should prompt the popup if you did not know already.

Generally all my testing has been done on gtk 2.12 ... I assume you are using a more recent release which does at least confirm compatability.

With the filebrowser and other widgets one hopes to use it rather than a combination of (g)xmessage, Xdialog, yafsplash, gtklogfileviewer in conjunction with gtkdialog without the more dubious of the latters functions.

Well one has no brain so time to flee


Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013, 02:30
by sunburnt
I`ll keep fiddling. It`s close to being more automated and easier to use.

Yeah, like another thread I`m following, Puppy`s a monster mash of O.S. parts.

But there`s a few variants that attempt to fix this with Xfce, or Lxde, or ???

Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013, 11:12
by mikeb
Hmm a unified desktop like Xfce4 can help.... trying to have a common system can only be of benefit. Actually on puppy I use an old approach of early xfce4 plus Rox which is a light fast method but does give a more unified taskbar, useful additions and a complient menu hacky scripts needed. I also recently added those alternative drive icons...the ones driven by binaries and they are so much easier/lighter to work with especially for multiuser. Scripts are useful but overuse has its drawbacks.

As for puppy as a whole compiling it as an independant distro would make much more sense...after all ubuntu and slackware are hardly minimalist and there are some rediculous dependancies. I cut memory footprint of mplayer down 50% just by rebuilding with only whats needed as a media player as an example.

But I digress but its your thread so we can without any tantrums :D

have fun


hijacking another thread by using this one lol...death to /usr/bin/bootmanager. As I found with japanese motorbikes the more I removed the better they ran ;)

Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013, 20:05
by sunburnt
Hey Mike; Nearly ready to post my wrapper script for the yad Filer.

# I`m thinking that the --confirm-overwrite should just be a permanent "save" default.

I can`t think of a circumstance that overwriting a file without warning is a good idea.

What do you think?

Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013, 23:59
by mikeb
Hmm yes.... I would say thats expected behaviour.

It definately saves the script writer having to add a check and perhaps it should be default in the binary too. I will double check if there are any drawbacks on that one.

Today I am in NT4 land posting in Opera 10 so will play tomorrow....



Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2013, 19:00
by sunburnt
Can`t get the Save Overwrite Text to accept spaces no matter what I try.
So I did the usual Linux thing of substituting underlines.

I like this way better than Xdialog`s filer and it`s more controllable than the GTK FileDialog.
This is my new filer for any Puppy apps. I make. Other distros. may not have Yad in them.

Here`s the wrapper script that mods. the Yad File Dialog.

Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2013, 21:21
by mikeb
args="$args --confirm-overwrite=$Txt".... hmm perhaps some escaping needed.... as an original rather than generated command line it behaves...or it does for me.
I like this way better than Xdialog`s filer and it`s more controllable than the GTK FileDialog.
Yes it reaches the parts others do some other useful functions in there...I have yet to fully utilise it but will have a frenzy at some point

Ok this produces the desired result....

Code: Select all

TXT="Butt Cheek" ; ARGS="--confirm-overwrite=$TXT" ; yad --file-selection --save --filename=app.log "$ARGS"

each level of variable nesting reverses the need for quotes it seems.


Posted: Wed 21 Aug 2013, 01:25
by sunburnt
Hey Mike; I pasted your code and Yad didn`t even give a Save dialog, it was a dir. dialog!

I`ve about had it with Bash not handling command lines and spaces.
And then the apps. join in and add insult to injury.

I`m just going to use underlines, it`s okay...

I uploaded a newer one, all it does is check for Yad and error if it`s not found. ( Portability )