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Posted: Sat 18 Apr 2015, 11:16
by mikeb
Well the usual advice is to remove the autologinroot from inittab.
That unfortunately leaves you at a console login and then exec xwin is needed.

If something like Slim was used at that point just to make it nice that would probably fulfil that need...Slim itself not so simple as it really need a proper linux boot structure to work ok and puppy xwin/jwm/rox is pretty unfriendly to that.

As for profile..I guess the 'choose yer savefile' at boot does that job.

I prefer thought for food...


Posted: Fri 24 Apr 2015, 09:49
by mikeb
hey smithy this looks like a neat approach :)

sooo simple :)
I never new grub could do that...


Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2015, 12:42
by Smithy
Nice, interesting comment/ question from s243a :
"Being able to encrypt the drive is one thing but can we also somehow integrate this with a BIOS password so that other systems can't write to the drive without the password?"

Could be quite a scary prospect, the above, but would add quite a bit of protection as an option. Personally I would probably forget the password and have to get a new bios chip or something..

Don't use grub meself, but is there a way of adding it to the Idlinux.sys file, for people who use that bootloader?

Either way, a nice piece of script to add to Puppy :)

Posted: Sat 25 Apr 2015, 13:42
by mikeb
Don't use grub meself, but is there a way of adding it to the Idlinux.sys file, for people who use that bootloader?
well not familiar myself but if grub had the option you never know :)

never tried encypting drives or saves too many posts from those who have and come unstuck...

But the boot login seems a nice way for those who don't have or believe they have the CIA outside their front door :D


Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2015, 14:18
by Smithy
Well I had a very nice couple from the Jehovahs at the door last weekend, does that count?

Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2015, 14:27
by mikeb
Well I had a very nice couple from the Jehovahs at the door last weekend, does that count?
that seems to work in reverse..
they don't come any more as we know too much about them....


Posted: Sun 26 Apr 2015, 15:01
by Burn_IT
I had a couple walk away when I tried to convert them to Heinlein's "Thou art God"

Posted: Tue 05 May 2015, 06:50
by dejan555
mikeb, since you like to build your own pups you can easily move spot to /home and I don't think I need to explain you how :)

Puppy does have multiuser ability just like any other distro, but in the very begining of writing puppy scripts Barry made choice not to think about other users then root, and so many of those scripts place configuration files in the places where normal users can't access them etc... and that's why you can't launch X and many other apps when not running as root.

So now we have to rewrite scripts and fix things to get multiuser going... this wouldn't affect puppy size a lot at all so all the talk about puppy being compact for running as root only doesn't add up.

In dpup 486/487 I tried to implement multiuser - I think I didn't move spot, but any new users created have home dir in /home and I even sent modified files on woof-CE forum that would solve the root/user issue for the big part but it wasn't accepted (I didn't make changes through git though so maybe noone even bothered to test the tar I attached)

Posted: Tue 05 May 2015, 08:28
by mikeb
Yes not major changes and thats not the problem...getting it accepted is.

I made 2.12 multiuser and later on 4.12... used slim for the login manager.

Other fun bunny though is that some of those /root only script would be root only setting up there is less to change plus gradually ~/ and $HOME has been adopted by scripts.

My question was really as read WHY is spot in /root...after all running as a user still requires configs to be in that folder whereever it is.

Part of a broader question of why does /root have to be so cluttered.

But then you could ask why is the menu so cluttered someone is writing a search for it.

Why are the icons soooo ugly....

Why is background cpu usage so high...


Sorry asking annoying questions is part of my solitary existance...


Posted: Tue 05 May 2015, 17:00
by dejan555
Yeah , I don't know, it doesn't have any sense for one's home dir to be inside another user's home dir... let's make third user and set it's home dir inside spot's... we need to go DEEPER :lol:
All good questions, but that's just the way someone decided to be.

Posted: Tue 05 May 2015, 17:18
by mikeb
Yeah , I don't know, it doesn't have any sense for one's home dir to be inside another user's home dir... let's make third user and set it's home dir inside spot's... we need to go DEEPER Laughing
:D thanks for the chuckle ... I owe you one


Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 12:36
by Smithy
Why why why why why why why oh why..
Eh, cpu usage? You got a mass mailer bot running in puppy, mike and a torrent hound :)

Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 13:03
by mikeb
Eh, cpu usage? You got a mass mailer bot running in puppy, mike and a torrent hound
well i was thinking of Tahr (and others) on a pentium 3 1GHz showing 10-20% cpu noise.
Those drive icons and whatever other scipts chugg along in the background.

I like idle to mean idle :)


Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 16:26
by Smithy
Wish Android was like puppy, gawd knows what's going on in there, you stop things and they come right back up.
Still their slogan is " We want to know more about you than you know about yourself". Used to be "Do no evil or someit" lol.

According to the Top view running processes , says 95%-96% idle.
Not sure what the % VSZ column means but there are 9 things at 1%, 1 at 2%
and FF at 21%.

That's on Pemasu's dpup, with whatever kernel is in it.

Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 17:00
by mikeb
i like it when Htop is the one using the cpu :)

well not really a kernel issue unless its a buggy one.
pemasu probably did some nice script tweaking himself.

Now working out what weird permission thingy is preventing this ere network monitor from thats a brain was working sooo well too.
Such things will cause a depressive slump which can only be resolved with food.


Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 19:52
by Smithy
It's best...Just had some stilton, that is a bit of a mad cheese, but alright.

Maybe it's time for a Puppy food thread, we've had show us yer trolltechs, plenty of root stuff, maybe time for a way to a puppy users heart/ army marches on its,,type thing. Maybe not. Why, why why why why oh why :).

Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 20:17
by mikeb
Ok korma and chillies were the curious flavouring mixture tonight.... one is full with warm eyeballs..

That does not solve the technical issues but now I don't care :D

Yes a food thread... you'll be surprised how many funky recipies are hidden away in puppy users....and make a change from someone else's photographs.


Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 20:38
by Burn_IT
It's best...Just had some stilton, that is a bit of a mad cheese, but alright.
Blue or White?
The Village of Stilton is just down the road from me.

Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 21:14
by Smithy
Blue Stilton.

Posted: Wed 06 May 2015, 21:49
by Burn_IT
I've just finished a pot of blue that was given to me for Xmas a couple of years ago and we had forgotten it in the back of the fridge.
It crawled out and gave itself up..........