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new mtpaint released

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011, 20:23
by don570
new mtpaint released -- 3.34.74
* JPEG2000 file format support now can be compiled with either JasPer or OpenJPEG library
The newest mtpaint is just released. I wonder if the developer
put this feature in for Akita??


Re: new mtpaint released

Posted: Wed 26 Oct 2011, 22:26
by wjaguar
don570 wrote:* JPEG2000 file format support now can be compiled with either JasPer or OpenJPEG library
The newest mtpaint is just released. I wonder if the developer
put this feature in for Akita??
No, that was long ago, and for Slackware. :-) It was libopenjpeg that I first used, for back then it looked like having promise; when it later became apparent the OpenJPEG project was going nowhere fast, I added libjasper based implementation, for the latter, while having undocumented, and exceedingly ugly, API, is the only widespread implementation of JPEG2000.

And the recent changes to mtPaint are only those lines marked with "+" in the commit diff. :-)

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 14:03
by Puppyt
Thanks again sc0ttman -
I've just replied to a query on your Arcade Puppy 10 thread - but I've probably not provided the right solution - hope that you might be able to shed some more light on apparent kernel-freezing behaviour...
To cover your reply really briefly on many issues:

I haven't yet tested the ATI gear you have in your repro - I hope to get back to that when various smoke and fires clear in my non-digital life.
Do you have a suitable icon suggestion for opening emel2fm from wbar? Doesn't seem to be provided in Akita at the moment.
I always just go with something in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/, or use "Google Images", limited to 128x128, if I want something specific..
Thanks for that - that's what I've been doing for various apps - but I guessed wrong that you had emelfm2 in - it was just an artefact from wbar2.2 config presets.

Thanks for the heads-up on RoxURI too - that solves a bit of a mystery for me.
More in the "workhorse" mode I've been having troubles with disciples' PDFshuffler ... 6&start=45
Never used it, will check it out...
I actually tracked down a copy of the pdfshuffler.sfs on (dingo's?) dokupuppy repository. Alas it is sfs3 and I wasn't able to work out how to convert it to sfs4 - your's and a lot of other puplets I have loaded on various machines all lack that ability to retro-fit...
Wound up going back to XP to use IrfanView to accomplish that goal - convert a string of PDFs of single pptx slides into extracted TIF files, copy'n'paste together into ordered 3-slides-tall TIFS and convert them back to a single multipage PDF. Bumped up resolution along the way (from the 96 dpi originally provided) to ensure the final printed output on A4 paper, portrait, looked sharp. Bit time-consuming, but is rapidly accomplished due to IrfanView's ability to retain the setting that you're working with (like size you want your canvas expanded, where and how you want to save your modified images etc). Just wish I knew of a good Linux equivalent to IrfanView...
And I can get XArchon working too after a false start - I used to whup it's Arch back when I had it on an ol' Apple II clone - but it seems the whupping is now firmly from the other's foot.
How do I play it?? I might write a very simple popup dialog with controls before it loads....
I just uninstalled it and then re-loaded the pet to see how I might have done it. Press 'esc' (if you need to) to get the grey title screen with the menubar (Game/Settings/Help). Click on Settings>Define Players, and ensure that any one you choose is selected as "Player is human", while your opposition is "Player is Computer". Click on "Configure human player" to make sure that you select 'mouse' if you haven't got a joystick, Ok and Ok to get back to the title screen, and then up to Game>New. Should work :)
Thanks again for all your helpful responses,

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 15:44
by Aitch
puppyt wrote:Alas it is sfs3 and I wasn't able to work out how to convert it to sfs4 - your's and a lot of other puplets I have loaded on various machines all lack that ability to retro-fit...
Perhaps this is what you need?

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 16:02
by sc0ttman
Puppyt, good point about the wbar icons and settings on first load, I will update it... Emelfm should not be in there...

And I will probably re-package Xarchon, will either a help dialog, or set it up to use 'relative mouse' by default...
Aitch wrote:
puppyt wrote:Alas it is sfs3 and I wasn't able to work out how to convert it to sfs4 - your's and a lot of other puplets I have loaded on various machines all lack that ability to retro-fit...
Perhaps this is what you need?

Aitch :)
Akita uses sfs3 by default - it should not need to be converted.. Click on it to mount it, or right click and choose 'Load SFS' ... Either should work fine... If not, not sure why, I will test in a moment...

And that exact SFS converter is already included in Akita, I also added a right click option for it as well :)

I did come across a couple of actual sfs4 that would not convert to sfs3, but never an sfs3 that would not convert to sfs4.... hmmm... EDIT: Forgot, sfs 3.0 and 3.1 are not compatible.. Puppy2 uses 3.0, later puppies use 3.1

But I will probably upgrade mksquashfs4 because the new one Barry posted supports xz compression, and a lot of puppies are using that now, so we may see more xz compressed SFS files popping up around the forum... Maybe after that I will need to update the 'filemnt' script, I'm not sure

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 22:03
by don570
I compiled a version of mtpaint especially for akita
(with the compile options I used) along with
the other pet packages that should be upgraded
in the next version.

You can get it here


When I tried to make a compressed archive from a folder
in akita I tried the 'add to archive' right click. I found it
very confusing. Wouldn't it be better to do a straight
conversion of a folder into an archive.


I went to the repo to install

but to get it to launch I had to create a link called


Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 22:52
by sc0ttman
don570 wrote:I compiled a version of mtpaint especially for akita
Great thanks Don, I'll download now.. In which Puppy did you compile it?
I have not yet updated the Akita devx, so cannot compile some things, without a bit of extra work...
When I tried to make a compressed archive from a folder
in akita I tried the 'add to archive' right click. I found it
very confusing. Wouldn't it be better to do a straight
conversion of a folder into an archive.
That's exactly what should happen - I have noticed that the .tar.gz and some others work fine, but some don't... I might just use a script that makes a tar.gz, cos as you say, it's annoying that some formats don't work.
I went to the repo to install, but to get it to launch I had to create a link called
Yep, already listed as fixed in a previous post. the symlink will be in the main SFS next BETA...

compile mtpaint

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 23:25
by don570
I always compile in lighthouse 443 (which is puppy431).
Then I check to see if the binary will run in recent puppies.

Fortunately the recent versions of mtpaint's source code
will compile correctly in puppy431 for a wide variety of Puppies.

There was a period a year ago when that wasn't true,
but Dmitri made changes to his compile script.


Re: compile mtpaint

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 10:43
by sc0ttman
Thanks for the info Don..

Here's the latest updates:

Code: Select all

Oct 26
	- updated all radkys apps to latest: PupApps 1.5.7, PupControl 1.7.7, PupClockset 1.6.2, PupSnap 1.6.2
Oct 28
	- updated the Akita repo htaccess settings - improved display of files and info, online
	- updated to mtpaint 3.34.74, baconrecorder 2.3.4, QuickLaunch 1.7, conversion_audio 1.4, 

Oct 29
	- updated the VPN thing to gpptp 0.2
	- removed old psip package
	- updated to puppyphone-1.2-psip32-w5 (added symlink to to make it work)
	- updated pcdripper to 3.9.3
	- added pupdialog, gtkdialog-spash (needs work, I guess)
	- updated /usr/local/simple_network_setup/ to latest
	- added /usr/sbin/hostname-set
	- updated /us/sbin/filemnt to support later kernels, other small updates
	- updated /usr/sbin/ipinfo
	- updated browser-installer to 1.3 - ask to set browser as default if installed, other fixes
	- added more stuff to Akita repo and PPM:
		- libreoffice- (153MB), cave story 1.2, libopenjpeg, FlashPlayerStandalone-11

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 17:14
by don570
I made two mistakes with Quick Launch

1) I forgot to change version number

2) I forgot to put your wallpaper program on the
list of applications generated. I must have been tired the
night I put the package together :oops:

Hopefully I did it right this time...


akita updates

Posted: Tue 01 Nov 2011, 20:06
by sc0ttman
Thanks for the info Don. updated.

I will upload another BETA very soon...

Other updates made recently:

Code: Select all

Oct 30
	- updated SNS to latest, added proxy setup+NLS, plus latest Wary service pack fixes
	- updated some more udev rules, left one of them alone (55-puppy-blah-something)
	- added PupCamera and puppyautodetect, will need to test (check/update libgphoto)
	- added ooolight (only 57mb for an openoffice package) to Akita repo and PPM
	- update connectwizard to support proxy setup and hostname-set (still need to update NLS)
Nov 1
	- update browser-installer NLS for 1.3, added NLS for 'set as default' dialog
	- added fix to udev rule for adding all devices to correct groups (permissions)
	- updated gphoto2 and libgphoto to latest (2.14.something)
	- implemented /usr/sbin/mousecheck into /root/Startup/fullstart... maybe will move to delayedrun?
	- updated PPM: 
			- added a button to update the Akita repo 
			- downloads a .txt, containing list of files, appends to livepackages5a.txt
			- still needs NLS update
	- fixed and updated /usr/sbin/puppyinstaller to latest... may need testing, but should be OK

Akita Linux Beta 4

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 20:00
by sc0ttman
I have uploaded a new Beta version..

Akita Linux Beta 4

It is 1.2mb smaller than the last one :) Still loads to remove, if anyone wanted.
There's still a bit of work to do, but nearly done.

Download Mirrors: akita-linux-beta4.iso (88.46mb)

(Remember, Akita linux is, for now, still using sfs3, k2.6.25.16, just like puppy 4.1, 4.2 and 4.2.1)

In general, these changes have been made:

- improved Puppy Package Manager (PPM), still not great, but OK..
- new 'Akita' repo available in PPM
- many more right click options, particularly office doc conversion
- many more internationalised (18n'd) scripts: sfsconvert, pupdial, pgprs, etc
- loads of German, Spanish and Russian translations added
- updated many programs: ROX, Psip32, VLC-GTK, mtpaint, SNS, radkys, zigberts, etc
- added PupCamera, mousecheck, other recent things
- removed: gtkdialog2, gtkdialog3, everything(?) using Glade (which is still in for now)
- lots of other small fixes

Here are nearlly all the changes included in Beta 4, when compared to the previous release:

Code: Select all

BETA 4 - sept 20th onwards
	- better PPM dependency checking:
		- updated /root/.packages/livepackages5.txt:
			- added deps to xournal, should auto install required deps now
			- added mplayer as a dep to gnome-mplayer package
			- turned a few more packages to "on" - such as xorg-server, dmxproto
	- fix for gnome-mplayer (from PPM):
			- added /var/lib/dbus/machine-id (hardcoded text file)
	- added 'gnome-mplayer' and 'mplayershell' to defaults-chooser

	- i18n "Theme	Manager" and "Network Shares" GUIs
			- reworked /usr/local/ql_gui to support locales
			- updated rcfiles, added more of them - for de, es, fr, ru
			- updated the DOTdesktop menu files, with translations
	- fixed /usr/sbin/xserverwizard
			- the newer, updated version was broken for older pups, so I...
			- removed hardcoded paths to X, Xorg and Xvesa
			- removed some stuff that didn't work and wasn't needed

	- added the "xload" CPU monitor to startup options
		- created rc.xload script in /etc/init.d
		- added swallow /etc/init.d/rc.xload to JWM tray
		- added group options in jwm-extra for xload
		- updated '/usr/sbin/startups' script, added xload entry, updated all translation files
	- fixed /etc/rc.pmconky (not used as yet - pmconky still disabled at each boot, in .xinitrc)

	- added CLI .rtf file converter: /usr/bin/unrtf
	- added ROX right-click options and new run action for RTF files
	- added CLI backup util: /usr/local/bin/agedu
	- updated elinks: better handling of external image viewer 
	- added proper ROX-App and right-click options for ghasher
	- improved /usr/bin/doc2txt
		- checks filetype (doc/docx/rtf) and loads appropriate tools
		- supports X and no X environments
	- added/updated to the following:
		- fbxkb-0.4-i486, pburn-3.3.7, pfilesearch-1.26, pfind-4.24, pprocess-2.2.4, PupApps-1.5.6, 
		- PupClockset-1.6.1, PupControl-1.7.5, pupradio-0.14, sfs_load-1.2, TrayManager 0.4
	- fixed /usr/bin/jwm_menu_create 
		- was missing the 'Desktop' category, had only 'X-Desktop'
		- added full path to icons in shutdown menu entries
	- i18n'd PupShutdown (not radkys version, my own simpler version)
	- updated /root/Startup/gtk-mnt-links, different names for symlinks (now no ']' or '[' included...)
	- fixed libpoppler:
		- updated to latest w5 version, added more symlinks, required for xournal (from PPM)
	- now with framebuffer enabled.. added a different 'vmlinuz', compiled by Keef :)
	- updated boot options in menu.lst, uses 800x600x32 as default vga mode (vga=0x315)
	- fixed quick_launch, added checks for missing folders, also updated locale info for keybindings

	- improved CSV filetype support
		- added /usr/bin/csv2txt, converts csv for better readablility, outputs to text editor, support X and no X
		- added ROX right-click option for CSV files, which runs csv2txt
		- updated default Run Action for CSV (also now csv2txt)
Oct 17
	- updated VLC-GTK to 2.3.3
		- fixed: `vlc-gtk "FILE"` now plays FILE straight away
		- fixed --vout, --vol, --dolby options
		- fixed default options (on top=true, default video out=x11)
		- commented out OSD placement options (not working)
		- speed improvements:
			- now uses 'case', not 'if'
			- writes GUI to file before it loads
	- updated the following to gtkdialog3, updated RETVAL codes, also added speed improvements:
			- xorgwizard, puppyinstaller, pmount, petget,
	- updated livepackages5.txt, fixed mplayer dep I added earlier (changed to +mplayer_gui)
	- added muppyquickmount (its been fixed by MU and GTK-Basic was already included)
	- added gtkdialog4 from 'common' repo, removed gtkdialog2

Oct 19
	- added Akita repo to PPM:
			- uploaded stuff to akita repo and created /root/.packages/livepackages5a.txt
			- added livepackages5a backend and GUI options to /usr/sbin/petget and /usr/local/petget/
	- added features:
			- you can now filter .pets by: [pkgname], EXE, DEV, NLS
	- added ROX right click options 'makepet', 'elinks_text', 
	- updated quick_launch to 1.5
	- added xsok: a great little sokoban game
	- fix added for net-setup, matching latest in woof
	- added /usr/local/bin/roxuri - used to load programs and dirs from Firefox, etc
	- updated fixmenus, better support for openbox and fbpanel, if running

	- updated /root/.packages/livepackages5a.txt
		- mtcelledit in wrong category - should be in Calculate
		- added all deps, updated descriptions, sorted correctly, etc
	- updated viewnior to 1.1, added NLS (adds slideshow feature, among other things)
	- added /usr/sbin/mousecheck, /usr/sbin/getcurpos

Oct 24 
	- Akita repo is now the default repo selected in the PPM
	- removed the following: gtkdialog2, gtkdialog3, gtkdialog4, gins, ghunter, gaclulator, gperiodic, ssconvert, ssindex, 
											ghasher, glurp, gtrayicon, nicoedit, trayfm, foomatic-rip, fluidsynth, bareview, gtkmoz, set-xftdp 
	- added: recompiled gtkdialog4 (no glade deps)
	- added set-xftdpi (xdialog version)
	- added Phash to SendTo (OpenWith) menu
	- all versions of gtkdialog now just symlinks to gtkdialog4 0.8.1
	- updated many apps to ask for gtkdialog4
	- updated browser-installer to 1.2:
			- added google chrome package
			- better execution of installed browsers
	- added google-chrome to akita repo, and to PPM
	- updated /usr/bin/delete-stuff
	- updated ROX-Filer:
			- smaller, less dependencies
			- drag and drop columns enabled in Detailed view

Oct 25
	- updated pfilesearch to latest, now has -f option
	- updated ~/.jwmrc-tray and /etc/initd.rc.xload, works nicer when xload is off
	- updated freememapplet.. using a custom one: graphics from ttuuxx, right click menu (customised), plus updated to Barrys 2.3.1
	- re-updated /usr/sbin/input-wizard, now i18n'd and using gtkdialog3
	- updated geany config, now will remember 50 recent docs
	- added fbreader (613kb) to akita repo, and updated the PPM
	- added extra sqlite symlink to /usr/lib/ (needed by fbreader)
	- updated to custom partview, uses only gtkdialog/bash (no glade) .. still got 'show all drives' button
	- updated xbindkeys and xbindconfig, using .pet from pemasu :)
	- small update to elinks.conf and elinks bookmarks

Oct 26
	- updated all radkys apps to latest: PupApps 1.5.7, PupControl 1.7.7, PupClockset 1.6.2, PupSnap 1.6.2
Oct 28
	- updated the Akita repo htaccess settings - improved display of files and info, online
	- updated to mtpaint 3.34.74, baconrecorder 2.3.4, QuickLaunch 1.7, conversion_audio 1.4, 

Oct 29
	- updated the VPN thing to gpptp 0.2
	- removed old psip package
	- updated to puppyphone-1.2-psip32-w5 (added symlink to to make it work)
	- updated pcdripper to 3.9.3
	- added pupdialog, gtkdialog-spash (needs work, I guess)
	- updated /usr/local/simple_network_setup/ to latest
	- added /usr/sbin/hostname-set
	- updated /us/sbin/filemnt to support later kernels, other small updates
	- updated /usr/sbin/ipinfo
	- updated browser-installer to 1.3 - ask to set browser as default if installed, other fixes (still needs NLS update)
	- added more stuff to Akita repo and PPM:
		- libreoffice- (153MB), cave story 1.2, libopenjpeg, FlashPlayerStandalone-11
	- totally removed ghasher right click options (cos ghasher is no longer installed)
	- updated to sfs_load 1.2.9, fixes for later kernels and stuff

Oct 30
	- updated SNS to latest, added proxy setup+NLS, plus latest Wary service pack fixes
	- updated some more udev rules, left one of them alone (55-puppy-blah-something)
	- added PupCamera and puppyautodetect, will need to test (check/update libgphoto)
	- added ooolight (only 57mb for an openoffice package) to Akita repo and PPM
	- update connectwizard to support proxy setup and hostname-set (still need to update NLS)
Nov 1
	- update browser-installer NLS for 1.3, added NLS for 'set as default' dialog
	- added fix to udev rule for adding all devices to correct groups (permissions)
	- updated gphoto2 and libgphoto to latest (2.14.something)
	- implemented /usr/sbin/mousecheck into /root/Startup/fullstart... maybe will move to delayedrun?
	- updated PPM: 
			- added a button to update the Akita repo 
			- downloads a .txt, containing list of files, appends to livepackages5a.txt
			- still needs NLS update
	- fixed and updated /usr/sbin/puppyinstaller to latest... may need testing, but should be OK
2 Nov
	- updated pupdial, 18n'd, added 'es', 'ru' translations
	- updated sfsconvert, 18n'd, added 'es', 'ru' translations
	- added bootflash, also i18n'd pgprs..
	- also added 'es', translations for: 
			- bootflash, wizardwizard, flash-get, jwmconfig, psync, sfs_load,  ffconvert
			- welcome1stboost, xkb, xorgwizard, yad, ymount, resizepfile, input-wizard, pgprs
	- updated /usr/local/bin/defaultmediaplayer to simply 'vlc-gtk'

Beta 4

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 23:23
by oligin10
Hi Scott, been very busy personally right now. Will try to do some testing over next few days. Already downloaded and burnt to cd, did one bootup of it, will look it over soon. Thanks for the new version, looks good so far. Thanks, Rob

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 23:57
by starhawk
Hey, sc0ttman... LMK if there's anything I can do to help here... graphics would be easy for me to do ;) otherwise, if there's anything else you think I'm up to... hit me with it and I'll see what happens.

Bout the best part of being me is that, since I'm unemployed, I have just tons of time... pity that won't buy me a dinner at Red Robin ;) Oh well, someday, someday...

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 23:59
by don570
I've been using beta4 for the last day and
everything has been working nicely on my old IBM desktop.

You even put in the conversion of html to text right click.

One minor irritant is Barry Kauler's 'fixPuppyPin' script
which is supposed to move the three right desktop icons
to the right edge of screen doesn't work properly.

I should look more closely at the script to understand it better.


Posted: Fri 04 Nov 2011, 21:17
by rodin.s
I do not have desktop icons displayed when ROX-pinboard is enabled. I have this in terminal:

Code: Select all

# pup_event_frontend_d
/sbin/pup_event_frontend_d: eval: line 1: syntax error: unterminated quoted string
I don't know what does it mean.
Yaf-splash doesn't support UTF-8 so messages of pupdial could not be read in Russian. Maybe it should be replaced with gtkdialog-splash script.

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2011, 16:57
by sc0ttman
rodin.s - not sure what happened there, but I got icons up, in all locales, no issues, try running 'toggle-rox-desktop' in the terminal..

I've been testing the gtkdialog-splash that shinobar posted in the Slacko RC thread, replaced yaf-splash with the script he posted - it seems to work fine, although I dislike the fixed width... Am attempting to add a 'width' option...


Don - I've not look into FixPuppyPin, but maybe steal one from another recent Puppy and test it, I don't have any widescreen stuff to test it on..

starhawk - I like a lot of the wallpapers at, if you can get a nice 'Akita Linux' title up in the upper left, remove the vladstudio watermark and reduce the images to a reasonable filesize then that would be great! (or any others u like)

Aside from that you can test and improve any packages you download in the Akita repo, that would also be great...

Posted: Sat 05 Nov 2011, 18:22
by starhawk
I'll take a look at that. Did you get my PM, BTW?

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 23:49
by sc0ttman
Here's the changes made so far, after BETA 4 was uploaded:

Code: Select all

04 Nov:
	- added wuweis German translations for xkb, input-wizard, etc
06 Nov
	- updated pkg_chooser and all NLS files to match new buttons
	- replaced yaf-splash with gtkdialog-splash (01mickos modded version of shinobars waryq version) 
	- updated mousecheck to use its original yaf-splash command, hacked a bit for akita
My to do list:

Code: Select all

	- improve PPM update thing a bit

	- add Barrys new SoundWizard thing

	- update jwm_menu_create
		- try to remove duplicates if they end up in same category
				- if program already in subcat, don't add again...

	- update to mksquashfs4, with xz compression supported
	- fix hotkeys for JWM and ROX.. they clash in places
	- fix the following PPM packages:
			- openbox: puppify xdg menu stuff (see/add stu90s work)
			- fbpanel: install, update, re-package (see/add stu90s work)
			- freeciv 2.2.5: re-compile or fix existing package!
			- idesk: rcfile
			- xarchon: popup help info
			- add Xdialog info, setup stuff to pinstall of:
					- cups installer: start rc.monkey by default
					- tint2, refresh menus
					- fbpanel, refresh menus

	- add to akita repo and to PPM:
			- openbox and fbpanel combo from 2.14X 
			- goffice1 and goffice2 (add pinstall to make default blah)
			- bmpanel2 (customise it first - add a menu and tray icons!)
			- java

	- update /usr/local/ql_gui
		- add 'dependency' feature: add new tag to syntax of config files, if present, they are the deps (comma seperated)
		- then add openbox apps to the theme one, with openbox deps, then make es, ru, fr, de translations
	- update VLC-GTK - vlc-gtk-btn:
			- if audio files playing, add a simple playlist TREE thing, with filelist and play/stop/next/prev/save buttons
Anything I've forgotten, I'd like to know...

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 01:27
by starhawk
Been thinking... I'm a little skittish about rebranding other folks' wallpapers... but if you PM me a general idea of what the intended look is here, I'll be more than happy to cook up some originals.