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Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 10:14
by mavrothal
01micko wrote: yeah.. why not? :lol:

(HINT: to change just open in mtpaint and select effects> transform color, adjust the hue, get out and save :wink: )
Thanks and Thanks :D
Also, I'm sure we can ditch Flashplayer 10 since it has no chance to work! technosaurus has a wrapper for Flashplayer 7 that actually does work.. it fools sites into thinking you have flash10, it's a kind of masqerade :lol: , it's in the cutting edge forum.
This looks promising! I'll try both the 7 and the 9 version tonight and see how it goes. Maybe 9 is bearable :)

Latter... : Hmmm, I tried it with my favorite XO bowser, Opera 10.1 and Flash7 is pretty useless. I doubt there are still web pages that it can open.
Flash 9 is actually worse than Flash10! At least with Opera.
Looks like the iPhone/iPad threat has some effect. Maybe Flash 11 will run :D

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 10:47
by hailpuppy
HI 01micko,
I just logged into your site and figured out that there is tool called "
alien2puppy " I was thinking of using that to convert a 1.6jdk to an sfs file. Will it work.My concern in this is to be able to do java programming, at least in an introductory level using XOpup. We already can do programming in many languages.So far i havent seen a sfs4 file for 1.6jdk which i belive is a missing thing.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 15:39
by hailpuppy
Hi Mavrothal,
Downloaded (Edited here) V4 now using it.Unlike before,now i m browsing using firefox.sfs. you tube is not working wel.i downloaded and now playing it .only sound comes. i dont see video even in the downloaded version.In Skype 's case video was ok. but sound is problematic even when i took the skype test call. i hear sound very wel but the issue seemingly in is in the moke or the input process.

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 15:50
by mavrothal
hailpuppy wrote:Hi Mavrothal,
Downloaded V3 now using it.Unlike before,now i m browsing using firefox.sfs. you tube is not working wel.i downloaded and now playing it .only sound comes. i dont see video even in the downloaded version.In Skype 's case video was ok. but sound is problematic even when i took the skype test call. i hear sound very wel but the issue seemingly in is in the moke or the input process.
Audio visual apps really stretch the hardware to the limit. Flash is the worse probably. Depending on the video you may see anything from 1fps at best or just 1 frame :D
regarding Skype, sound is much better with a headset than the laptop mic in general and this is more true for the XO.
But are you saying that you actually did a two-way Skype video call and it did not crash???
That would be outstanding even at 1fps! A first ever!!! :D

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 17:51
by hailpuppy
This is how I checked the skype video call. I kept my wireless router just 2 feet5 away from me and grabbed another laptop.I logged in to both the laptop skype and XOpup skype using different user names and then checked the quality. In that case Skype did work fine and i checked voices also. I didnt get achance to do a skype call with a real second party over a long distance. Perhaps this was the case?
By the way I did the said testing using XOpup-V3.

With Xopup-V4 i could nt yet get a chance to do that test with the laptop and instead tried to connect through a guy in US from Sri lanka. I could see and hear his voice and video but he complained that he didnt hear my voice properly.He was always telling me to slow down with my voice. Even though he didnt hear the voice properly he said that he saw my video clearly.

And on the other hand I couldnt see my own video on the screen even when he could see mine.(Im not very sure about this particular observation of mine)

I tried to do a skype test call also.Even though i could hear the testers voice when I listened to my recorded voice it didnt come right.Voice was like shaky and very speedy .

My results with the downloaded youtube video.
Mplayer-played only the audio with a blank video
Gxine sfs-No video and no audio
No GUi VLC- Audio only
all sfs files were taken from chice pup forum with below link ... 79&t=47465

Note: With Sugar OS and camera activity in video recording, i remember my voice being recorded and played back very well,So inbuilt microphone must be ok ?

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2010, 18:32
by mavrothal
hailpuppy wrote:Mavrothal,
This is how I checked the skype video call. I kept my wireless router j
With Xopup-V4 i could nt yet get a chance to do that test with the laptop and instead tried to connect through a guy in US from Sri lanka. I could see and hear his voice and video but he complained that he didnt hear my voice properly.He was always telling me to slow down with my voice. Even though he didnt hear the voice properly he said that he saw my video clearly.
Skype video-conferencing is crashing on the XO-1 in Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu, AFAIK.
Puppy IS beter :D
I have to fix the damn camera... :D

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 04:03
by hailpuppy
Hi Mavrothal,
Ahem you might want to fix the Microphone also buddy.By the way I was just about to ask how you compare our lovely XOpup with the Fedora build for XO-1,which they claim as the Best OS ever for XO! :)

I have failth that our guys in Puppy world will produce the best OS ever for XOpup. If they could come this far with daunting obstacles,which even made me feel that I might have to abondom the hope of an XOpup, they can surely go a bit further to produce the best OS for XO. :) ...

And again I wish I could join your effors to build the XO but I lack the expertise but in times to come i will be .... :) hopefully...

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 04:34
by hailpuppy
Hi Mavrothal,
There is another issue with the touchpad curser. Sometimes it doesnt go in the direction we want it to go. I have observed this mostly at times when we open an application and immediately after closing the application.

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 06:47
by mavrothal
mic: type "alsamixer -V all" in your terminal and see if any setting is off. To increase sensitivity just turn bias on.
What is the exact problem? Recording should be OK but Skype out was always a bit rough

BTW is there any pet for ALSA GUI?

Touchpad: For first generation XO-1s (with the 3 segment touchpad) the jumping cursor is a perennial issue. Is a hardware problem. That's why they changed it in the second generation XO-1 and the XO-1.5.
When it goes crazy just press the 4 keyboard corner keys, with the "fn" last, to recalibrate.
But look at the bright site, you can activate the wide tablet mode and write with a stylus in this touchbat :D
(just: echo 0|1 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/ptmode )

Best OS ever: Yes is the Best OLPC/SugarLabs, Fedora11/Sugar, OS. :wink:
It should be in your XO-1 internal NAND. Try either the official os852 or the SugarLabs, Dextrose version (better IMHO).

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 07:26
by hailpuppy
mavrothal wrote:
Best OS ever: Yes is the Best OLPC/SugarLabs, Fedora11/Sugar, OS. :wink:
It should be in your XO-1 internal NAND. Try either the official os852 or the SugarLabs, Dextrose version (better IMHO).
This isnt clear .are you saying that there is a beter OS for XOlaptop other than XOpup??? :cry:

Hmm..if you have a link to get it Mavrothal can you post it?I want to see if iys better in which ways its going to go past XOpup..

As`for other things I l have it checked and let you know when I get to home. Im stil at office :shock:

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 09:26
by Aitch
mavrothal wrote:BTW is there any pet for ALSA GUI?
Haven't seen one, but found these...

This is earlier, but may have useful tips/links

ALSA main page [puppy uses cutdown, full sometimes recommended

See also Jack


Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 10:01
by mavrothal
hailpuppy wrote: This isnt clear .are you saying that there is a beter OS for XOlaptop other than XOpup??? :cry:

Hmm..if you have a link to get it Mavrothal can you post it?I want to see if iys better in which ways its going to go past XOpup..
With XO-1-class hardware, "Best OS" means the OS that can do what you think is more important with the less possible compromises for you

On the XO-1 I have used variants of Fedora9, Fedora11, Debian Leny, Debian Squeeze, Ubuntu 8.4, Ubuntu 8.10, Tinycore 2x and 3x ... and I still want Puppy to be developed for the XO-1.... But that's me... :D

I do not think is appropriate in a puppylinux forum to give specific info for other OSs. You can find all these in, and . They all have search buttons :wink:

thanks for the info

Posted: Tue 07 Sep 2010, 12:00
by 01micko

Check your inbox.. hopefully a pleasant surprise there :wink: ( er.. hopefully!!!)


EDIT: for alsa gui right click the speaker icon in the tray :wink: "retrovol" window has 2 choices, config and full, Full is for alsa settings, retrovol is fully alsa compliant :wink:

congrats for this new build for the XO!

Posted: Wed 08 Sep 2010, 16:19
by culseg
Great to see v3 and v4 for XOpup! I am enjoying testing Puppy on my XO.

First, kudos for mavrothal for his daedalian skills and persistence in leading and tracking this effort. And kudos for all other contributors and advocates.

Next, I do like the added 'xo-pup.jpg' screen with its OLPC logo since it builds on the collaboration that make hardware, software and systems work.

touchpad widget

Posted: Thu 09 Sep 2010, 07:56
by mavrothal
For those with the first generation very "jumpy" XO-1 touchpad, there is a bright site :o , it can turn into a wide area tablet.
I thought would be nice to include this option in XOpup, so I made the
Download it from the host site, click on it to install it and next time you select the "touchpad configuration" in the "Keyboard/mouse wizard" the selection widget will appear.
Try it out and see if it makes life easier, particularly in drawing or anything that needs fine mouse control.

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 04:46
by hailpuppy
Hi Mavrothal,

Does this mean that we can watch youtube now with xopup???:)

I know with experience that XOpup is superb.The only issues that I have so far with it are ,

1.the inability to watch flash videos
2.Somewhat not so smooth movie watching experience
3.Video recording with web cam
4.Not so smooth voice transfer through microphone when engaging in Skype?

But none of these issues stop me from being proud of us Puppylovers as Puppy has made XOlaptop a real laptop!

But if i remember corectly there was a video featuring a Windows XP enabled XO laptop sometime ago.I inquired the local Microsoft Office about it and they said that it is no longer in operation. In that video the web cam and the microphone was really working and the guy in the video actually did a demonstration of it. ... w-official

does this mean that we can further develop XOpup so one day we will no longer have to debate whether it is the best OS for OLPC...I mean the OS with which we will not have any compromises...;)

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 05:18
by hailpuppy
Ahem Err.Mavrothal,

I do know that demanding is lot more easier than pardon my contiuous requests......

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 15:18
by mavrothal
hailpuppy wrote: 1.the inability to watch flash videos
2.Somewhat not so smooth movie watching experience
3.Video recording with web cam
4.Not so smooth voice transfer through microphone when engaging in Skype?
1. Unless Adobe comes with a _really_ light flash player for portable devices XO-1 will not play flash video better than 1fps. Usually 0.1-0.01fps :( Does not have the horse power. No way around it.

2. Vido playback is usually smooth in my hands with the 2.11.9 driver (XOpup-v4). Do you have any specific movie example?

3. This is a problem with the specific application. I guess we have to look for a replacement app that works (or fix this one).

4. This is a Skype issue really. Skype is using its own components for audio and video. There is not much that can be done from the XO end to change that. The fact that can do video conferencing is really above expectation.

Windows will run on XO-1 but you have to ask M$ for their special XO-1 XP version. Is nowhere in the wild that I know of.

Now making an XO-1 OS without compromises... I'm too old to believe in miracles. Just think of this: the XO-1 has the specs of a late P3 early P4 eg a 10-year old machine. There is no way that will become an Atom machine or even a Via no matter what magic the OS will do.

Posted: Sat 11 Sep 2010, 18:23
by hailpuppy

But what the heck!!! I love my XOpup still and you guys for making a dream come true. The reason why I have hopes for flash movies because once I was on youtube and the videos were any way working, so I thought they might work after downloading them but with Mplayer I only heard the sound. And with video , I l just be happy with it, I guess Im asking for too much here :)

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 03:30
by hailpuppy
HI Mavrothal,

I found a solution to stop unnecessary growth of lupusave file,
refer below link.Perhaps for XOpupV5 you could include this change?
:) ... 738#383738