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Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017, 03:27
by bigpup
I suggest you make the main, full topic, in the "How to" section of the forum.
Make an article in the newsletter, about it.
Give a link to the "How to topic".

In the newsletter give information about it.
What it is.
What it can do.
Why you would want to use it.
Why it is better.
Give example of using it.
A review.

This is a newsletter not a forum.

Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017, 03:41
by bigpup
I was thinking of doing a section about the lost Puppy programs.

Something like lost treasurers.
Forgotten Puppy programs.

Go see what I could find, that was specific programs written for Puppy, but have not usually been in a Puppy version.
I know some really good stuff was written just for Puppy and the Puppy way of operating.
We are Puppy. 8)
Resistance is futile. :shock:
You will be assimilated. :D

What do you think?

Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017, 08:35
by smokey01
bigpup wrote:I was thinking of doing a section about the lost Puppy programs.

Something like lost treasurers.
Forgotten Puppy programs.

Go see what I could find, that was specific programs written for Puppy, but have not usually been in a Puppy version.
I know some really good stuff was written just for Puppy and the Puppy way of operating.
We are Puppy. 8)
Resistance is futile. :shock:
You will be assimilated. :D

What do you think?
@bigpup: lost treasures sounds like a good idea.

Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017, 10:00
by drunkjedi
bigpup wrote:I suggest you make the main, full topic, in the "How to" section of the forum.
Make an article in the newsletter, about it.Give a link to the "How to topic".
Yes I was gonna make a howto thread on forum anyway. Thanks.
bigpup wrote:I was thinking of doing a section about the lost Puppy programs.

Something like lost treasurers.
Forgotten Puppy programs.
That is a wonderful Idea.

May I suggest sending a PM to our beloved Pelo.
That man's archeological skills are legendary.
I wonder how he finds those old stuff.
He may even have a list.

many things don't work , perhaps more now than before

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2017, 16:31
by Pelo
"Notecase is very easy to learn and use."
I will help if i had something to inform that can be helpfull about 'old' stuff perhaps, but i am not so much an user of old apps. My purpose when i came to Puppy was to change from Windows, which was the OS provided by the airline boss, to all employees.
Second purpose : keep my english alive.
Third purpose : run an OS fast and with apps free of charge to allow me practicing my hobbies.
Programs and makings Puppies are not included in my goals. Only to help myself as i would do with my car, for light breakdowns.
My rule was using yet existing apps of Puppy, and learn how to do with them. That is the reason why i browse the forum to test apps and check which one please me and still work. Because many things don't work , perhaps more now than before.
That is a more featured answer to a PM Received.
Notecase : i tried it, very fast.. Need some practice.

I have just take a glance at the newletter

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2017, 16:52
by Pelo
I have just take a glance at the newletter... Hum hum hum.. The problem is that people start a lot of projects.. abandoned soon... What about the Wiki, ..
Smokey01 is LTS, of course, there is no doubt about him :!: I will think about it again, it's not negative, but not a full agreement as i told in my PM (to Bigpup)

Posted: Tue 28 Mar 2017, 04:42
by smokey01
Someone dropped me a couple of.ttf fonts. What would you like me to do with them?

Posted: Sat 01 Apr 2017, 22:22
by smokey01
Whenever I publish a newsletter I usually receive a few emails. Some to say thanks, others to identify errors or suggestions. This time I have received none so I am assuming this is a good thing.

Although I have a couple of people doing the proof reading it's still possible for a couple of errors to sneak through. This is usually because I miss the correction. To make this process a bit easier I have registered a copy of Notecase Pro which has spell checking built in.
There are some differences in the file format between Notecase 1.9.8 and the Pro version but I can work around that.

Previously I have tried writing articles in Abiword/LibreOffice and copying them into Notecase. The problem: I have to re-create links and images which is a pain. I also tried CherryTree which includes Spell Checking, but, it will not export a Notecase file although it will import one.

Spell checking in one application while making the corrections in another is simply painful.

Next month I will use Notecase Pro 4.2.6 so let's see how that works. Hopefully it will be more successful. Readers should be able to use Notecase 1.9.8 to read the article.

If anyone has a better suggestion I would be happy to hear it.


Posted: Sat 01 Apr 2017, 23:11
by mcewanw
My only feeling about it is that the old notecase provided in Puppies is not being developed any more so may stop working in terms of needing old libs and so on. I think I read somewhere of some people having an issue like that already, but maybe they found a fix?


Posted: Sun 02 Apr 2017, 00:32
by musher0
mcewanw wrote:My only feeling about it is that the old notecase provided in Puppies is not being developed any more so may stop working in terms of needing old libs and so on. I think I read somewhere of some people having an issue like that already, but maybe they found a fix?

Hi William.

Yeah, that was in the DPupStretch-7 thread perhaps 3 weeks ago.

I think jamesbond and ttuuxxx collaborated on sort of a remake of
notecase. They had to alter the original code to get it on the rails again
with DpupStretch's glibc 2.24. Maybe I remember some details wrong,
but it was something like that.

How about using a simple html template for the PupLin-Newsletter? Html is
as universal a format as you can get these days. Abiword can save in it,
also aOO, LO, Seamonkey, etc.


users as me never used it before.

Posted: Sun 02 Apr 2017, 03:41
by Pelo
:evil: notecase, a newer version will not do better if users as me never used it before. We must learn how to use it first, it's not a question of version.

Psip (PuppyPhone)

Posted: Sun 02 Apr 2017, 09:06
by peebee
Re: the article on Psip (PuppyPhone) in the April17 edition....

I think the reason that up-to-date versions of Psip (PuppyPhone) are not appearing in recent woof-ce puppy builds is that they are not available in the repository, e.g. see: ... lacko14.2/
and there is no entry in: ... 2-official

so the one that is used is the very old one in Packages-puppy-common-official

and also there is not a petbuild for Psip (PuppyPhone) - again e.g. see: ... slacko_142

And there doesn't seem to be an active forum thread for Psip (PuppyPhone) (or have I missed it??)

If up-to-date 32-bit and 64-bit versions can be made available then they can be uploaded and will appear in builds....

Posted: Sun 02 Apr 2017, 10:47
by smokey01
I thought slacko had the latest both 32 and 64bit. I also thought 01micko had a fair bit to do with woof-ce so it's odd it hasn't been included.

Now that the info is in the April newsletter anyone can build it.

Latest newsletter index and sorter app

Posted: Sun 02 Apr 2017, 22:34
by 6502coder
Here is where you will find the latest PNI.txt file (Puppy Newsletter Index) , which I am updating every month. The updated index file will usually appear within a few days after the latest Newsletter.

Here is also where you can find the latest version (currently 1.3) of the PNI sorter application. It adds a "Puppy Newsletter Index Sorter" entry to the Document submenu. The sorter app expects to find the PNI.txt file in either ~/Downloads or ~/my-documents

It's been tested in both Puppy 4.1.2 and TahrPup 6.0.6.
MD5 d57bb883790a82287c5a87be4ea929da
SHA256 4e2e6a56fa02599259dd330eb7153a87de0a62e8f289fb54f26e18460fa178ac

Re: Latest newsletter index and sorter app

Posted: Mon 03 Apr 2017, 08:24
by greengeek
6502coder wrote:here's a PET for version 1.3 of the PNI sorter application. It adds a "Puppy Newsletter Index Sorter" entry to the Document submenu. The sorter app expects to find the PNI.txt file in either ~/Downloads or ~/my-documents. It's been tested in both Puppy 4.1.2 and TahrPup 6.0.6.
Awesome.Works well. Tested as working on Slacko 5.6 too.
Here's the latest PNI.txt file (Puppy Newsletter Index) updated through the April 2017 newsletter.
Uh oh - doesn't list the April crossword. Shock Horror! :shock:

received via facebook and Puppyluver

Posted: Mon 03 Apr 2017, 08:41
by Pelo
Puppy Linux newsletter (english version) received via facebook and Puppyluver. what about notecase ? i suppose few of us were using it before

drunkjedi, there is something funny when i see what applications are used with debian/puppy mixture. Sure xhyppo and notecase are not bad apps because they are older than newest (which don't work, broken)... Our Toutou 436 in fact was in advance... Howver they need to be tested. Because there are perhaps rusted I am glad that ours devs come to my policy : 'don't judge relating to the age of things, but how much people can trust them'
Newest versions of notecase will need our passengers to learn it as the older version. I am surprised of how you consider that people know Linux, things that devs are unable to do, they as their passengers do it themselves (compile drivers for instance).
There is an item 'compiling' in Puppy Linux newsletter. You want us to go again at school, we just want to play with our computer. When my english will be perfect, i will go the next step.

Re: Latest newsletter index and sorter app

Posted: Mon 03 Apr 2017, 20:47
by 6502coder
Uh oh - doesn't list the April crossword. Shock Horror! :shock:
Sorry about that, greengeek. Fixed and reposted above. What's really annoying is that I caught that error in my own copy of PNI.txt, but forgot to make the correction in the posted copy.

Re: Latest newsletter index and sorter app

Posted: Tue 04 Apr 2017, 08:44
by greengeek
6502coder wrote: I caught that error in my own copy of PNI.txt....
How do you assemble the text file? Not manually I hope - that would be a real drag. Is there some way for notecase to export it's index?

Posted: Tue 04 Apr 2017, 17:36
by 6502coder
I just read the newsletter and add records to the index as I go. It's not worth going to the trouble of trying to automate the process, for two reasons: 1) I'm going to read (or at least skim) the whole newsletter anyway, and 2) there's no practical way to automate the creation of the Description field, which I hope users of the index file are finding helpful.

It may not be obvious, since most of the Descriptions are quite brief, but I spend a fair amount of time composing these, so that the average non-expert Puppy user will have some idea what an article is about. When an article deals with a specialized topic, the Title alone can be meaningless to the average user. The Description also provides a place for me to work in keywords that can be picked up in a search, for example using the fields.awk database tool, or even just grep; this enhances the usefulness of the index file.

Posted: Tue 04 Apr 2017, 22:36
by smokey01
Calling for May edition contributions.

Thanks to past contributors.