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slacko-700 b3

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 11:48
by Billtoo
Google earth is run from the Google Chrome browser now, displays perfectly on this intel chip, all earlier Google Earth versions have problems with intel graphics (dark blocks all through the screen).

Nice :)

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 15:44
by Sailor Enceladus
The JWM 2.3.x "clicking on the menu freezes the desktop" bug still happens for me occasionally in Slacko64 (where a Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is usually required to regain any response when clicking on things). It doesn't seem computer specific because I'm on a newer Core2Duo laptop at the moment, using the default theme that came with the iso. I might compile a 64-bit version of jwm-905 today too then. I've also had the problem happen with Tahr and Xenialpup and Slacko632 with JWM 2.3.x.

anyone know about this?

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 16:05
by belham2
Hi all,

I went to use "SFS-Download-Manager-0.14" that's included in Slacko-700b3 (32-bit) to download one of the SFS-options, specifically the "qt4-4.8.7_slacko-7.0.sfs" that pops up as a choice to download.

So I hit download, and it downloaded to the expected /mnt/home directory, but then it popped up a failed-integrity-check message. Anyone know what's up with this? Is it safe to use, lol?? Or is it just that's it hopelessly outdated now as mostly everything requires some form of qt5?

Thanks for any replies.

slacko-700 b3

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 16:28
by Billtoo
It works in this newer build of Slacko64
I guess 01micko fixed it.

EDIT: OOPS, didn't read carefully, you're talking about the 32bit Slacko beta, I haven't tried that one lately.

EDIT2: I just did a woof-CE build (rationalise branch) of the 32bit beta and it has the same error that you're seeing in 32bit b3.

desktop freeze jwm

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 18:53
by norgo
Sailor Enceladus wrote:The JWM 2.3.x "clicking on the menu freezes the desktop" bug still happens for me occasionally in Slacko64 (where a Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is usually required to regain any response when clicking on things). It doesn't seem computer specific because I'm on a newer Core2Duo laptop at the moment, using the default theme that came with the iso. I might compile a 64-bit version of jwm-905 today too then. I've also had the problem happen with Tahr and Xenialpup and Slacko632 with JWM 2.3.x.
I'm using currently Slacko- testing branch 2017-05-15 kernel 4.1.11 PAE and
can confirm the desktop freezing problem.
It happens very rarely but it happens.
Yesterday I had once again such a desktop freeze.
Had two applications opened and clicked at the window of the inactive application.
After that the only way was to restart the xserver using Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.

Up to now it happened on both of my computers,
both are using an intel graphics chip.

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 20:04
by bigpup
01micko wrote:I'm not being drawn into a PAE debate again. I will however ship a delta that changes the kernel in 64 bit back to 3.16x.
The memory issue was in the 32bit version of Slacko.
The 64bit version is working correctly and seeing all memory.

This computer does have integrated graphics. It has a Intel i5 processor.
However, the integrated graphics is not being used.
A Geforce GTX 970 graphics card with 4GB of memory is providing graphics.

Posted: Sun 21 May 2017, 22:00
by Sailor Enceladus
norgo wrote:
Sailor Enceladus wrote:The JWM 2.3.x "clicking on the menu freezes the desktop" bug still happens for me occasionally in Slacko64 (where a Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is usually required to regain any response when clicking on things). It doesn't seem computer specific because I'm on a newer Core2Duo laptop at the moment, using the default theme that came with the iso. I might compile a 64-bit version of jwm-905 today too then. I've also had the problem happen with Tahr and Xenialpup and Slacko632 with JWM 2.3.x.
I'm using currently Slacko- testing branch 2017-05-15 kernel 4.1.11 PAE and
can confirm the desktop freezing problem.
It happens very rarely but it happens.
Yesterday I had once again such a desktop freeze.
Had two applications opened and clicked at the window of the inactive application.
After that the only way was to restart the xserver using Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.

Up to now it happened on both of my computers,
both are using an intel graphics chip.
Thanks norgo. Both of mine are intel graphics too! I wonder if there is a connection. :)
01micko wrote:I will however ship a delta that changes the kernel in 64 bit back to 3.16x.
For what it's worth, the 4.4.67 kernel shows the battery icon level for me in color, but 3.16.43 always just shows it as gray/dead. ... 542#949542


Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 02:23
by sszindian
On startup... if you press F2, you get the screen of boot options but... the cursor doesn't show up to do anything with them! Hitting escape-key gets you back to the first boot screen.

The update program feature that was in (getting them direct from Slackware) was much easier and nicer to use instead of having to update the PPM then search for and install the updates... 'Mind you, just my opinion!

Overall, it's a very nice program and things seem to work as they should... 'so far'... Testing continues.


PS: Thanks for the new Google Earth builds... the 64-bit works although slow, slow, starting up and doing any tilt-features etc., on this old Intel graphics card.

The Google Earth 32-bit will not run even with the 32-bit libs installed.


Slacko64. Intel HD Graphics need "i915.modeset=0" in grub

Posted: Wed 24 May 2017, 07:56
by Maurizio4Puppy
Hi all,

Running a new installation made with "F2FS installer - Flash Drives" on a Mac mini (mid 2011) with Intel HD Graphics 3000 or on a Samsung ATIV Book 2 with Intel HD Graphics 4000, I receiving these errors in /var/log/messages:

On Mac:

May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] stuck on render ring
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 6:0:0xbb8ff7f8, in Xorg [5807], reason: Ring hung, action: reset
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU hangs can indicate a bug anywhere in the entire gfx stack, including userspace.
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] Please file a _new_ bug report on against DRI -> DRM/Intel
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] drm/i915 developers can then reassign to the right component if it's not a kernel issue.
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] The gpu crash dump is required to analyze gpu hangs, so please always attach it.
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU crash dump saved to /sys/class/drm/card0/error
May 23 20:41:19 puppypc25607 user.notice kernel: drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang
May 23 20:41:51 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] stuck on render ring
May 23 20:41:51 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 6:0:0xbb8ff7f8, in Xorg [5807], reason: Ring hung, action: reset
May 23 20:41:51 puppypc25607 user.notice kernel: drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang
May 23 20:41:57 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] stuck on render ring
May 23 20:41:57 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 6:0:0xbb8ff7f8, in Xorg [5807], reason: Ring hung, action: reset
May 23 20:41:57 puppypc25607 user.err kernel: [drm:i915_set_reset_status [i915]] *ERROR* gpu hanging too fast, banning!
May 23 20:41:57 puppypc25607 user.notice kernel: drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang

On Sansung laptop:

May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] stuck on render ring
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 7:0:0xbb8ff7f8, in Xorg [5188], reason: Ring hung, action: reset
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU hangs can indicate a bug anywhere in the entire gfx stack, including userspace.
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] Please file a _new_ bug report on against DRI -> DRM/Intel
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] drm/i915 developers can then reassign to the right component if it's not a kernel issue.
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] The gpu crash dump is required to analyze gpu hangs, so please always attach it.
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU crash dump saved to /sys/class/drm/card0/error
May 23 21:41:44 puppypc25607 user.notice kernel: drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang
May 23 21:41:50 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] stuck on render ring
May 23 21:41:50 puppypc25607 kernel: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 7:0:0xbb8ff7f8, in Xorg [5188], reason: Ring hung, action: reset
May 23 21:41:50 puppypc25607 user.err kernel: [drm:i915_set_reset_status [i915]] *ERROR* gpu hanging too fast, banning!
May 23 21:41:50 puppypc25607 user.notice kernel: drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang

Adding "i915.modeset=0" argument in grub, solves the problem.

Posted: Thu 25 May 2017, 21:57
by norgo
Intel HD4600

May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] stuck on render ring
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 7:0:0xbbaff7f8, in Xorg [6669], reason: Ring hung, action: reset
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] GPU hangs can indicate a bug anywhere in the entire gfx stack, including userspace.
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] Please file a _new_ bug report on against DRI -> DRM/Intel
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] drm/i915 developers can then reassign to the right component if it's not a kernel issue.
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] The gpu crash dump is required to analyze gpu hangs, so please always attach it.
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 kernel: [drm] GPU crash dump saved to /sys/class/drm/card0/error
May 25 08:55:59 puppypc3523 user.notice kernel: drm/i915: Resetting chip after gpu hang

maybe change of "AccelMethod" from "sna" to "uxa" could help ?


tried to force a GPU hang using "AccelMethod" "uxa"
result: no GPU hang up to now ( I gave my best :-) )

How to force a GPU hang
open a video player like SMplayer and play a video in high resolution
open a second application e.g. Abiword, grab a window corner and resize this window very fast multiple times
mostly GPU hang is the result

@Sailor Enceladus
Sailor I need a test object :-)

please create a text file 20-intel.conf with following content
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "intel"
Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
copy this file to etc/X11/xorg.conf.d

restart X-server

Posted: Sat 27 May 2017, 08:23
by bigpup

Nvidia Geforce gtx 970

At boot up when it gets to starting X.
Get errors and X does not start.
Type xwin
It seems to go to next step where nouveau driver takes over, but stops with start x errors.
Type xwin
Boots to working desktop.

Installed Nvidia driver.
Now boots to desktop.
No errors.

Posted: Sun 28 May 2017, 10:26
by gyro
norgo wrote:copy this file to etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
I have intel integrated graphics i915.
I got rid of my gpu hangs by using a similar file as "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf"



Posted: Wed 31 May 2017, 18:18
by sszindian
Default Image Viewer:

When you click on a Picture (in your Pictures folder) the default image viewer works as it should and... when you select the 'slideshow' feature it works as it should selecting different pictures... however, when you go to 'full screen' it doesn't display all pictures full-screen size (as previous viewers did). If the original picture is only 2x3-inches, that's the size picture you get on full-screen.


Posted: Wed 31 May 2017, 18:25
by zigbert
Default Image Viewer:
moving (drag) the image with the mouse errors if not releasing the mouse-button after the mouse-cursor is idle (not moving).

Posted: Thu 01 Jun 2017, 18:52
by bigpup
Slacko 64bit version

Did not check the Slacko 32bit version, but I assume results would be the same.

Checked the offered help in all programs.
These programs had a help offered, but selecting help options offered no help documents.
Got error or nothing visible to see.

LibreOffice (all programs)
System Profiler and Benchmark
Document Viewer

Posted: Thu 01 Jun 2017, 18:57
by bigpup
Slacko 64 bit version

Programs listed several places in menu

Leafpad - Utility, Graphic, Document

Sylpheed - Network, Internet

Transmission - Network, Internet

Posted: Thu 01 Jun 2017, 19:36
by Sailor Enceladus
bigpup wrote:Slacko 64 bit version

Programs listed several places in menu

Leafpad - Utility, Graphic, Document

Sylpheed - Network, Internet

Transmission - Network, Internet
Can confirm this in the 32-bit version too. For reference this is where they were in Slacko 5.7:

- Leafpad: Document
- Sylpheed and Transmission: Internet

Another observation is that there's a line on the top of Multimedia and Business categories. :)

Posted: Fri 02 Jun 2017, 16:54
by bigpup
Slacko 64bit

Keyboard setup as PC 102 generic

None of the keyboard warning lights work.

Num lock
Caps lock

In other versions of Puppy, with same setup, these lights do work.

Posted: Fri 02 Jun 2017, 19:01
by norgo
If somebody wants to play around with todays testing branch


size: 245 MB
md5: 2d2f1dec2e0e7a05a31954fb86e8f467

Slacko- test [Solved]

Posted: Sat 03 Jun 2017, 05:56
by davids45
G'day norgo,

I have tried your slacko as a frugal manual install and almost everything is fine with my usual applications and operations.

But as you can see from the screenshot, the desktop drive icons have too much labelling so there is an overlap where there are two rows. The first row is also higher up the desktop which also affects some other packages (my pwidgets overlaps the icons at the right edge of the screen).

Where do I find how to have just one line under the drive icons - I prefer sda1, sda2 sda3 etc as I know the important partitions (my data).

I do not want two or more lines.

Thanks for posting the slacko,

David S.

P.S. I found the problem fix in Desktop>Puppy Desktop>Desktop Icons>Drives where un-buttoning the Show Labels for Each Partition leaves just the partition code. And lowering the Edge Gap runs them closer to the bottom of the screen.
So that's no problems with this slacko for me so far :D .