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Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 20:56
by scabz
shariebeth wrote:
scabz wrote:
shariebeth wrote:Using 2.6.5 and it's working great (puppy 4.3.1). But how do I get a desktop icon?
Go to /usr/share/applications/pidgin.desktop drag that file to your desktop and rename the file on you desktop if you want.
I don' t have that....
I have /usr/local/apps/ but no pidgin.desktop there. I did a pfind and it says No files found!
If you have a menu entry and have it installed then it is located /usr/share/applications/ look for your pidgin.desktop file in there.

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 21:41
by dejan555
Of course you do have a *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/
If you hadn't there would be no menu entry.

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 22:09
by shariebeth
I found it, ignore me, still learning my way around the file system. ::oops:

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 22:21
by dejan555
shariabeth: Menu is generated from desktop files, if something is in menu there's also *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/
You can drag any of those to desktop then right click on desktop icon -> Edit item or Set icon
Some places for icons:
/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps <-- this is where all default desktop icons and icon themes are

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 23:01
by tazoc
Wolf Pup,
Thank you for the pet, I needed it for Lighthouse Pup and it works great.

Thank you for the mirror also!

Posted: Wed 03 Feb 2010, 18:52
by scabz
Wolf Pup Thanks for your pet!!
here is a pet for Facebook chat ver.1.64
plus json-glib ver. 0.7.6
Works perfect with your pet ... h&id=26090

Posted: Mon 08 Mar 2010, 12:00
by algyzas
I have no idea why, but this version of Pidgin is not connecting SSL, so XMPP and Yahoo are not working (not connecting).

Re: Pidgin 2.6.5 for Puppy 4.3

Posted: Wed 10 Mar 2010, 23:41
by Cali
Hello, i've installed your pet for the 2.6.5
and i've managed to transfer the accounts.xml from an ubuntu installation without problems.

Just the online-status icons are way to big and i don't know why.

Any ideas?

Pidgin OTR Plugins

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 08:58
by yxtbi
Hello dear wolfpup your OTR plugin works in a version compiled from other guy, 2.5.8 but not in your last versions. if i install his version first and then yours then the OTR plugin works, there is something missing for it but i dont know what exactly. you have experience with this becouse the OTR plugin is yours too :) can you please compile the next versions that OR plugin works too ? this is a great crypted chat thing that works over all communications that are supported in pidgin.
and for working webcam video stream it needed farsight, compiled with --enable-vv

i have tried to compile it self but no chance, i get compile error

p l e a s e

Pidgin 2.6.5 not connecting to ICQ

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010, 10:10
by attawan
when connecting to ICQ Pidgin 2.6.5 IM client started giving the error, “Received unexpected response from

Posted: Fri 26 Mar 2010, 10:25
by Makoto
Actually, the primary fix for that error is the one listed on Pidgin's homepage ( "Having trouble with AIM/ICQ? Uncheck 'Use clientLogin' on the advanced tab of the account settings. "

Then, if that alone doesn't work, try the option to disable SSL.

Posted: Sat 17 Apr 2010, 03:37
by Wolf Pup
Pidgin updated to 2.6.6, and added spellchecker, OTR link. :)

Posted: Thu 06 May 2010, 00:28
by Neptune
Why I cannot download it? Need user name and password?

Posted: Thu 06 May 2010, 00:40
by Makoto
user: puppy
password: linux

Posted: Fri 07 May 2010, 11:26
by lemmiwinks
wow thanks dude, I FINALLY have a puppy messenger program that actually connects to msn! I've been searching through different programs for days now and they all couldn't connect to msn for one reason or another. Many thanks :)

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 00:40
by romanian_pup
I am new around and I don't know how things work. First of all I want to thank you for sharing this programs.

I dont want to offend anyone, but I am worried about the security of my computer. Can you please tell me if is safe to install pet packeges. I am afraid of spyware or any other things. How can I be sure that a pet is clean?

Thank you and please don't be upset, I appreciate your work and I thank you for that.

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 10:40
by Neptune
How can I download the package? It need User name and password!

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 11:50
by dejan555
Username: puppy
Password: linux

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 12:02
by Neptune
dejan555 wrote:Username: puppy
Password: linux
:lol: Thanks a lot!

Posted: Wed 19 May 2010, 12:10
by dejan555