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Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2008, 03:19
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Actually, as I am using this as my main OS now, Im going to "Beef up" the next version a bit. as I have mine. However, mine is a bit overdone. runs wonderfull, has it all, but fit on a cd...not a chance.
Im considering either an expansion pack kinda thing, maybe sfs? IDK. However, Gizmo or PSIP, or both. MPlayer and VBox are for sure gonna be there, Perhaps WINE as well, but I find it a pain. VBox serves me well for M$. Im fond of the Icecat/Opera setup, but do we need both??
Heck, you are the users, what do YOU want to see in an Enlightened Dingo???
Heres what Ive got so far:
E-17 (obviously)
Opera (Flash worhs in 9.51)
Icecat, (or Firefox, if it will behave)+Flash
MPlayer+plugins+every codec I can find.
Gizmo / PSIP
The Gimp
CPU scaler
Darkfire theme
Custom Backdrops / Icons for E-17
All of these run well in Dingo, I use them every day..
Any suggestions??
Any bugs??..(sometimes some of the Icons on my IBAR vanish, anyome else.??)
I thought about IceWM, but with darkfire, JWM will be fine!!! ( I have adapted it a bit for
Serenity, and turned it blue!!)
Looks like it may be a big Pup!! :D

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 16:15
by hayagix
I want to setup my older machine to give to my 13 year old niece. This may be the ticket with all the bells and whistles. I'm sure she would love the look.
Can you incorporate the shutdown fix?

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 16:28
by puppyluvr
:D Hello hayagix,
Yes, I can.. However, consider that it is a very dangerous button to have on your desktop!!! Especially with a touchpad..
Consider also that Dingo needs 256mb ram to run properly, and if you want to run a VBox XP within Puppy, 512 mb would give you enough to allocate half to XP, and Puppy still run fast too.
For a 13 yr old, on an older machine, you may want to look into Jonh Biles TeenPup. It has all the stuff kids need, (IPod software included), and is based on Puppy 2.14, which runs well on older machines..
What are the specs of the intended machine????

Posted: Fri 08 Aug 2008, 23:28
by hayagix
Thanks Puppyluvr. Its an old desktop with a one gig athlon processor(Tbird) and 768 ram. Soundblaster sound and nvidia graphics. Linux runs very well on it. There is an old Xp install that will be wiped and a lone flavour of Puppy installed to hard disk. She will be pleased to have a computer and learning how to use linux will be secondary. I don't want her to be discouraged by root permissions and user logins. Its important that she can get online and do the basic kid stuff immediately.

Yes. I have downloaded TeenPuppy and will look at it. Maybe I should rig a dual or multiple boot of different flavours but that could be overwhelming. Was I reading somewhere that the developer was thinking of abandoning the Teenpup project?

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2008, 01:17
by puppyluvr
:D Hello hayagix,
That may be old in the "real world", but in "Puppyland", thats a porche!!! You definately should be able to run any Puppy you want, or a few, or more :D (I have a similar machine with 6 Puppies on it, (and XP)). Even Compiz should run with the nvidia drivers.
Noo , I had not heard that John Biles was giving up on Teenpup. I hope its a "vicious rumor" LOL. Although based on an older Puppy, (2.14), Teenpup is stable and well equipped. One of my daughters uses it Dual Boot with XP.( If it would see her wireless, she might forget about XP..Probably not..LOL)

The 768mb ram is great, and allows you ample "headroom" for big apps, ie Firefox, OpenOffice, ect..or for VBox.

Ive done "anything but" narrowing down your choices, huh??
Well, thats Puppy.
Unlike a certain fastfood place, Puppy really is "Have it your way!!

Whatever you choose, you will want working flash and java, fullscreen video, MP3 player, DVD playback, OOffice for homework,ect...One drawback for the kids, until recently, was myspace. Gizmo allows chat to myspace, as well as aim, yahoo, icq, irc, ect....PSIP will do the same, but is still under development..

Not to "toot one of my own" releases, but Transitions has all these and more.(except gizmo),and has proven very stable for me for daily use. Not as "Eye candy" as some other Pups, although it does have both XP and Vista themes...Just a thought..

Ive found my Enlightenment based Puppies to be a bit confusing to new Linux users,
at first, and difficult to upgrade for the average user, due to E-17`s menu structure. (The program installed, now where is it :? )

No matter what you choose, congrats on getting her started with Linux at a young age, before M$ could warp her mind... :twisted:

Any Questions, ect...I / WE are here..
Good luck and have fun....

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2008, 04:12
by hayagix
Thanks Puppyluvr. Excellent advice. You are absolutely right about E-17 and new users. I got distracted by the look. First bootup of Buddapup is amazing. We love to have it on when company comes over. It has generated alot of interest and questions.

I'm going to download Transitions tonight and, hopefully, testrun over the weekend along with Teenpup.

I can't thank you enough for your help.

I did not mean to start a viscious rumour about Teenpup. The project is alive and well. I misunderstood what was going on in this thread. ... 9f60afc57c

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2008, 05:33
by puppyluvr
:D Hello hayagix,

Sorry, the vicious rumor comment was just a joke, however, looking at the thread does merit concern for the future of Teenpup.

Yes, E-17 is georgous, isnt it. :D Great for showing off. On Puppy 217, I had a lot of stabilty problems, but Dingo seems to have solved that. I use Serenity daily, as my main OS. Ive blown my pupsave up to 3gb!!!

I hope you find the Puppy for you...

Good luck...and keep me posted :D :D

Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2008, 22:42
by meridian_blue
Can Compiz/Fusion be used with Enlightenment in BuddaPup?

And is it possible to run ReactOs with VirtualBox in BuddaPup?

And whether Compiz/Fusion and/or VirtualBox, what would be a advisable minimum requirement?

Thanx again for BuddaPup... It made me a believer, for sure...=!

PS: I believe Mplayer and Gimp would make excellent additions to BuddaPup...=)

Posted: Mon 18 Aug 2008, 05:26
by puppyluvr
:D Hello meridian_blue,
Sorry slow response, missed your post somehow.
@ Virtualbox:
VBox is very resource hungry. Yuo need enough ram to run 2 OSs. Say you allocate your Guest OS 256mb. At peak moments, it will use it all. But Puppy needs ram too. 512mb is a good enough mark, (256 for Dingo, 256 for guest). I have run it in 382mb well enough, unless your guest is an M$ product. But then I like to use the host OS as well, multitasking I guess. I believe 256 would work, but I havnt tried it as of yet.
Also, my CPU is 1.8 ghz, and at times VBox pegs it, causing everything to crawl. I use a CPU scaler to help keep this laptop cool, but before I installed it, VBox made it run HOT. Especially if I have the windows open. :D (Pun intended).

@ Enlightenment and Compiz-Fusion.
That was the first question I asked Tombh when he released wNOP!! :D
Unfortunately, no. And as I have since learned, darn it, no. :(
Compiz-Fusion is a "Desktop Environment" which requires a compositing Window Manager such as KDE, Gnome or in the case of wNOP, Xfce.
Besides, Enlightenment produces its Desktop "on top of" the existing Window Manager. In Serenity, the Jwm Desktop is still running behind the Enlightenment Desktop. Transparent objects, like desklets, show the Jwm desktop behind them.
You can change the "background" of these transparent areas with the Jwm background settings, while in Enlightenment!!
So I think we would need Enlightenment-Fusion...LOL

@ I have tried to run ReactOS in VBox, but I believe I ran into a password problem.
I will try again and post the results...


Posted: Tue 19 Aug 2008, 13:49
by meridian_blue
I forgot to mention... does BuddaPup use ndiswrapper?

I'm using a NetGear WPN511T RangeMax Wireless N Adapter but this notebook card does not seem to register in the Network Wizard...=!


Posted: Wed 20 Aug 2008, 04:51
by puppyluvr
:D meridian_blue,
Yes, ndiswrapper is in Serenity, however, having never used ndiswrapper, I couldnt tell you if it will work for your card or not.
Many members have reported good results with ndiswrapper, so should be no prob...


Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 02:37
by meridian_blue
A composite BuddaPup?


Sorry, forgot to mention... Xfe, XMMS and Mut in a future release?

Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 04:08
by puppyluvr
:D WOW, Im drooling!!!
That would be soooooooo cooooooooool :D
Will be looking into that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat 23 Aug 2008, 04:40
by SeeKnowEvil
i've usedd e17 for a year now as my primary desktop (ii have always used xubuntu and installed e17 over it)...
e17 is AMAZING... if e17 ever gets to a DR, iit wil be the greatest thing ever (i doubt we will ever see a DR, since i've been waiting a year now for an alpha)...

i saw a buddapup demo on youtube, i have never thought about trying e and pup.. sounds like an awesome match....

then i come here and see that your in oklahoma... ii thought i was the only one nerdy enough here to actually use e17 daily...

i might have to give buddapup a try (although im going to try to compile my own and try that fusion module posted a few threads earlier (:drools:)...

one quick question, does buddapup include the bling module??? some e17 distros are not including it.. its bug ridden, but I love it...

Posted: Sat 23 Aug 2008, 16:53
by puppyluvr
:D SeeKnowEvil,

A fellow Okie? Running an e-17 Linux? Theres hope for this place yet!!! :D

Both the 2.17 (Fire and Rain) and the 4.00 (Serenity) relaeses of Buddapup contain the same mods:

bling <<<<<< As you can see, "bling" is there as well. For me, all it
clock >>>>>> seems to do is enable "dropshadows". Also disables
cpufreq >>>>>> itself occasionally. When my shadows are gone, I know to
deskshow >>>>>> re-enable it!!!
flame <<<<<< This one is a CPU hog..But I love it!!!!!
mem >>>>>> Several of these do not work for me, but I boot

mixer >>>>>> ACPI=OFF on my laptop, which renders several
net >>>>>> of them useless.
photo >>>>>> Also, the CPU freq scaler for Puppy is a godsend
rain >>>>>> for my P4 laptop. All my future Puppies will have it.
start >>>>>> It cuts the temp and batt usage in half.. :D
Oh, Yea, definately gonna be all over the E-17/Compiz thing!!! Seems a natural combination. Probably wont use it in future releases though as Compiz has pretty high hardware specs video wise, whereas Enlightenment will even run in XVesa very well, and I want to keep the Buddapups as "Dinosaur Friendly" as possible.
Serenity needs 256+ ram to run, which I dont like. I am working on an E-16/17 Puppy for minimum machines. Shooting for Win98 specs, ie 96mb ram, 8mb video, 266mhz P1, ect... Have a test machine in route, as VMware can only tell you so much. Prob 2.xx based for older hardware.
If you get the Compiz/Enlightenment thing compiled and running before I do, which is likely as time is my "albatross", hook a brother up, LOL... :D
It will have to be an SFS Im sure, as Enlightenment seems to integrate better that way, at least for me. I still have a lot of stability issues with Compiz. If I tweak it much, It crashes X on me. CCSM is buggy for me, refusing to save changes ect...One of the reasons Ive stuck with Enlightenment is E-16 is rock solid, and E-17 is pretty stable as well, excepting Flash.
But both of them together would be worth "squashing" all the bugs!!!! 8)


Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 00:51
by runtt21
@seeKnowevil , I hope you left a good comment on that clip at youtube!!!

Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 04:40
by SeeKnowEvil
so your the handheld camera buddapup guy???

Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 04:49
by SeeKnowEvil

have you played around any with the new systray module...
im eagar to try that one too.. (i think a RC release of open GEU is the only distro using it)... but it successfully incorporates a system tray (that other programs can use) in e17...

Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 17:50
by runtt21
If that was my clip you saw then yes I am the " handheld camera buddapup guy". WHERES MY COMMENT ??? LOL !

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 04:07
by puppyluvr
:D runtt21,
I have posted a comment twice, but they wont stick. There is a question about system req., but my response posts dont show up.??
Been a youtube member 1 yr+, never had this prob...hmmm
Answer the poor guy, please!!
Answer: System requirements= anything with 128mb+ ram and P2/400mhz+ CPU
Install = full, frugal, live CD, USB, SD, (Darn near anything)(You know)!!
Ill keep trying to post a comment....

PS.... If you can get xvidcap to record a Buddapup, ( 217/400) on your machine, why not post it, as I cant!!
My video mem is lacking!!
