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Thanks mikeb

Posted: Thu 04 Sep 2008, 20:39
by playdayz
Thanks mikeb, I had gotten libstdc++ updated, but not libart_lglpl. I am on my way to reboot and try--if it works you will probably hear my shout!

<Add> That was it!!!!! It looks like 3.01 is working 100% thanks to mikeb.

Here are my notes for whatever they are worth. ... ckages.rtf

Did you notice anything odd about kchart--in 4.00 it crashes when opening a template but it will work opening a file. Or do you notice anything you did that I didn't do? thanks much for your help--oh, and is the version you have for 2.1x the same now as the 3.01 version? best.

Posted: Mon 08 Sep 2008, 18:17
by mikeb
Oops ,missed question..
is the version you have for 2.1x the same now as the 3.01 version
yes...just made with squashfs 3.1.
Did you notice anything odd about kchart--in 4.00 it crashes when opening a template
When i first tried kchart it took about 40 seconds at 100% but did render the barchart. But when I tried today it struggled again but no chart just menu and lines. I have noticed kde apps once configs are set in /root that's it....any system changes are ignored eg adding aspell. Also one running one application can affect another...all very interdependant. So perhaps when i first tried i had tested applications in a particular order.

On a more irksome note it seems kword (not just this package but in any distro) has a problem opening rtf / doc / abw and pdf with a table in.
Example ...make a it in one of those formats...reopen it and it will be messed up...but open the saved document in abiword /epdf and everything is as it should be.



Posted: Tue 09 Sep 2008, 19:02
by mikeb
Ok to post on a positive note I added k3b which increased the sfs by 2.5Mb including cdrdao and cheerfully erased and burnt an audio CD from mp3 :)
Could be a worthwhile small addition.



Great program I think

Posted: Tue 09 Sep 2008, 19:37
by playdayz
Awesome Mike, k3b was the first linux program that really got my attention as a great one. Did it involve any more than just adding the program file + cdrdao?

BTW, the K-Office developers were really stressing to me to work with KOffice2. Adding programs in KDE4, they said, was as simple as adding kde-libs, kde-runtime, and the program, for instance, Koffice2. I tried and it wasn't that easy ;-) But it should be easier than with KDE3 and K-Office 1.6.3.

What I think would be best would be to develop a basic kde pet or sfs (not to be confused with kde-base) that one could install and then add whatever programs one wanted as individual pets. thanks.

Posted: Tue 09 Sep 2008, 21:33
by mikeb
Anything with k3b in the name + cdrdao + tox2cue/toc2cddb + libmusicbrainz....
all stolen from the kde357.sfs for puppy.(and got the desktop running too with a bit of merging but thats another story ) So generally is quite a moduler setup...adding apps just like any other package for puppy.



Posted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 05:31
by tmgroup2
I think Puppy's Office Software is fast, small (only 20MB) and beautiful but Koffice is 80MB. It made puppy linux to beige linux

Posted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 13:23
by mikeb
but Koffice is 80MB.
psst i sneaked it down to 51MB inc k3b :D
and puppy remains fast ;)


i tried having only kword/kpresenter/and the spreadsheet but saved only around 12MB as the core kde libs take quite a bit as does qt...but other apps can use qt once in there reducing their requirements .

Let's Hear It

Posted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 14:46
by playdayz
psst i sneaked it down to 51MB inc k3b Very Happy
Awesome mike, can we do something with it? I would be happy to host your sfs. Or if you can make a list of what you removed I will remove those things and repost the smaller version. I would like to do the same for the 4.00 version--I could do that if I had an sfs of yours or a list of the changes. Your sfs would be for 2.1x I think, but I am pretty sure I could look at that and know what to do for 3.01 and 4.00 (not much actually). I now think it might be possible to get a one size fits all sfs. Just let me know what would work best for you, thanks.

Posted: Fri 12 Sep 2008, 15:01
by mikeb
Well I was a bit naughty .... i simply removed all docs and unused locales.....could be an optional package.

I had done that to make a smaller download for a friend to test out .... all the functionality is the same as the original.



Posted: Thu 18 Sep 2008, 23:11
by mikeb

I tried the koffice in puppy 2.02...needed tls glibc but thats ok cause helps with newer wine versions........
But when i tried kchart it started up straight messing.....the major difference is that 2.02 uses X11R6.

Just thought i'd lob that in there


Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 16:26
by aibo99
Could I use it in Puppy 4.1.2 ? :D

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 16:52
by Lobster
rename it K-Office_412.sfs
and yes I am using it :)

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2009, 17:06
by mikeb
We have all been Konverted.... :D

Posted: Thu 15 Jan 2009, 17:02
by ttuuxxx
Here's a 48MB pet in English only, ...
When I converted the sfs to a pet and installed it, the SFS was missing some Qt parts, Some critical KDE system links, Some plugins for word, and some libs and programs, I removed the compiling extras, some extra large icons, Locales, and spent Around 5hrs into this today. This is just the first testing model, I'll continue it this weekend if anything is missing. Installs and works fine on my pc, but I have the puppy devx installed which has qt parts and also the extra qt package from the puppy repo.
Maybe when I get home from work I'll try it Live. Anyways enjoy testing it.
Once its all good, which it could be, I'll convert it to a sfs also if people wanted and if thats ok with playdayz, I don't like to step on toes.

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 17:56
by ttuuxxx
Well guys I tried the version I posted above and works, without anything else needed :)
I also found a Lightweight project management program for KDE.
You need the Office installed to use it, this is like a addon on to Office.

Personal project management program with support for task lists and log books


- Categorizing tasks into projects
- Viewing how much time you have left to complete a task
- Creating logs of completed tasks
- Scheduling followup tasks when a task is completed
- Scheduling tasks to start in the future

Took like 2 minutes to put together with the Ubuntu Gutsy kde repo

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 18:31
by ttuuxxx
Here's 2 terminals :) with tons of options, even more than Sakura :)
Konsole which is the default KDE Terminal
and YaKuake

YaKuake is inspired from the terminal in the Quake game: when you press a key (by default F12, but that can be changed) a terminal window slides down from the top of the screen. Press the key again, and the terminal slides back.

It is faster than a keyboard shortcut because it is already loaded into memory and as such is very useful to anyone who frequently finds themselves switching in and out of terminal sessions.

You can move the terminal around by holding the 'Alt' button down and drag it with the mouse. f12 scrolls the terminal up/down

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2009, 18:58
by ttuuxxx
Here's a Thesaurus which would be a good addition :) to the Office

Posted: Fri 03 Apr 2009, 11:15
by charlie6

my rig: ToutouLinux4.1.2/ k2.6.25.16/frugal (french translation of Puppy4.1.2)
KOffice loaded at
and renamed afterwars as K-Office_412.sfs
All modules have a menu entry after rebooting and run.

This KOffice.sfs sounds like good news ! Many thanks to the developpers !
I was looking for something more tiny than OpenOffice and able to perform mail merging.

I wonder how fixing the following errors:

1) KWord while asking for Print Preview:

Code: Select all

Could not open
Reason: Creation error
2)KSpread while opening a GNumeric spreadsheet:

Code: Select all

Could not open
Reason: Parsing error
Many thanks in advance for any idea!

Re: KOffice 1.6.3 for 4.00 and 4.06 ***& 3.01*** New Version

Posted: Sat 04 Apr 2009, 09:37
by charlie6
Hi playdayz,
thanks for your tread !
my rig: Toutou4.1.2-k26.25.16-frugal (=french translation of Puppy412)
playdayz wrote: For anyone interested, here is a catalog of packages and changes: ... ckages.rtf
Should I have to install the above packages?
I installed KOffice.sfs. Install OK!; just can't get Print Preview working on KWord or on loading a Gnumeric spreadsheet with KSpread as now.

Thanks for any answer!

Posted: Sat 04 Apr 2009, 15:52
by mikeb
Preview failed: neither the internal KDE PostScript viewer (KGhostView) nor any other external PostScript viewer could be found.
Do you get this message for print preview....I do.
If so then that would suggest that some sort of postscript viewer is needed...I believe a mime launching/desktop file needs altering...but i'm no kde expert.
