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Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2010, 02:25
by OverDrive
Hi, I've been using this recently and one thing that I have found that sure would be nice is a pdf file viewer of some kind. When I'm doing some development work from time to time I need to look something up in a reference pdf document. I tried the xpdf and epdfview pets and both do not work after installation. Any ideas?



Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2010, 03:58
by raffy
Some people here have done an acrobat reader pet, hope you can find it. You may need it 'coz some advanced manuals cant be handled by the small pdf readers in Puppy.

Or just upload the PDF in gmail...

Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2010, 20:24
by Aitch

Posted: Wed 14 Apr 2010, 04:34
by OverDrive
Thanks Aitch, Foxit did the trick. It installed and worked on the ones I tested.


Update LHMP pet

Posted: Sat 21 Aug 2010, 00:51
by growler
I updated my LHMP package for Lucid 5.1

It contains:
Hiawatha 7.3
MariaDB - (Formerly known as mysql) 5.1.47
PHP 5.3.3 - using the new Fast CGI manager
and PhpMyAdmin 3.3.5

It has accompanying scripts under /etc/init.d/ to start hiawatha (rc.httpd) and mariadb (rc.mysqld) ...

Hope it's useful to someone else

Posted: Sat 21 Aug 2010, 06:03
by dejan555
Thanks growler, will surely be usefull.

Very nice work and here is a wish...

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 08:04
by Atle
First i would like to pay my respect to such guys as PuppyMartin and Growler.

I have tried Webserverpuppy both the lamp and xampp, in order to install the most used world wide CMS, Joomla. So far i run into numerous problems and have had no success at all. I shall not go into details as the rabbit hole is so deep and the technical details, way above my head. But a hint is the user nobody, ftp rights, files and folders that are unwritable. The same goes for WebERP. .

Now here is a wish. As Joomla is sort of an "multipurpose" CMS, that can by ease become almost whatever you want, with over 5000 plugins and bridges to several other very useful applications, like moodle, shopping solutions and what what what, it would be really nice to get some Puppy that delievers this out of the box.

Trying out Growlers Pet, left with just a big question mark, i bring forward the following wish:

Is it possible to make three versions of Puppy Lucid that runs as both client and server?

1) A Out of the box Lucid with WebERP

2) A Out of the box Lucid with Joomla

3) A Out of the box Lucid with Joomla and WebERP

There are not only one major obstacle for a "mainstream" guy like me to make this, but rather two. The first is to install the CMS or WebERP at all. Second, if I ever succeeded, i will then start a hopeless project, and that is to remaster the "new distro".

I shall give some example of what i am talking about, as Deadwait at the Slitaz website made a Live running Joomla Slitaz, but it is based on a Slitaz that you can not install to HD, but only to USB for some reason, and you can not store the changes made to the system. At least i did not manage to do that. Still this Live CD is the only Live CD i have seen that is actually taking the development from " a live webserver" into a Live webserver with preconfigured useful applications"

Now this brilliant example of what i call a hybrid system, giving new and unknown possibilities to Linux as an educational tool. What i am on to, is to fill up the joomla with educational material as found on the web, be it about PHP or simply joomla, in order to give a free and usable operating system, a collection off educational material for offline usage and a "lab" for practice and experimental development. As a "Lucid Puppy Joomla" will only use less than 25 percent of the space on a CD, there is then left about 500 something MB of free space, whereas the educational content is found and organized in the Joomla. Get me?

This off course is not limited to a CD, but can be a DVD packed with educational videos, useful programs like GIMP and whatever for webdesign and so forth. Also the beauty off the USB installer can be a carrier of even larger "educational distros" in areas and parts of the world where teachers has no clue about programming and internet is very expensive.

The main reason for asking for Lucid is the fantastic support for all kinds of modems. I have a PCMCIA CDMA modem and Lucid/ Quirky, is the only distro that really supports that and all other mobile internet modems like USB GSM and CDMA. So I believe that the option of connecting to the internet should be present. Also there is another beauty here, as old computers can be useful again, as Lucid can be pretty nice with your ram.

I hope for some comments on this issue.

Best regards

PS! If one takes a look at the so called stand alone servers for Joomla, one shall see that in reality there are none running live or anything close to this proposed concept. ... ne-servers

Running webERP or Joomla

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 08:34
by growler
Have you only tried the webserver puppy or have you tried installing the .pet in the above message in lucid puppy 5.10?

I run webERP on it and have had Joomla on it too previously. Joomla has the advantage of not requiring special URL re-writing like most CMS's - so is the easiest CMS to configure in my experience.

To install webERP you simply unzip the archive under the Web-Server directory.

The only difficulty might be that you need to change the permissions on the files to allow the web-server user "nobody" to write to the space - as the config.php needs to be written to the /root/Web-Server/webERP directory.
If you open the terminal rxvt program under utilities and enter:

Code: Select all

#cd /root/Web-Server/
#chown -R nobody webERP
and then in Firefox/Sea Monkey or whatever browse to:


the installer comes up and off you go.

The same process applies for Joomla


Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 08:52
by Atle
The installation of the PET is done in Puppy Lucid 5.10. I have followed the instructions and all seems fine, apart from "PHP Session Support Disabled". I use Firefox 3.6.6 that should support cookies.

Also there is another error with: Company data dirs (../companies/*) Unwriteable

Is that an issue I should worry about, or just go ahead and install?
I belive i must create a database for webERP

When visiting:


I get: phpMyAdmin - Error

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

Ohh... and during the installation of the PET, you get a message that at least ends with doing some things with The challenge here is that the message appears for a very short time. Not time enough to take this information down to paper. That is slightly confusing.

Also... at the bottom of the installation page for webERP(http://localhost/webERP/install/index.p ... ecked=true), i find this Warning:

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_k9j4haddamvfsel73fakd0ktc1, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct () in Unknown on line 0

(sorry for editing this 4 times, but i did not see that the installer page was very wide, so some of the information i had to look for far out of my windows on the right side)

EDIT: Added the html file as seen in the installer of webERP

Installing webERP

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 09:48
by growler
Session support disabled is a problem ...
What sort of installation are you using - in particular where is your pupsave file saved to? Maybe you are saving back to DVD or CD?

Browse to http://localhost/webERP/phpinfo.php

to see how php is configured.... I suspect there is some issue writing to the pupsave.

This is also a problem as described in the message above:
error with: Company data dirs (../companies/*) Unwriteable
This is why you need to go to rxvt terminal and enter the commands in the note above.

The webERP installer will create your database based on the inputs you enter.

Very nice...

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 11:14
by Atle
The PC i was using had no pupfile. But still it seems to save all my data very good. So you where right. My bad. Sorry.


I install a brand new 5.10. Installing, then reboot without pupsave, then boot into from HD, and then make pupsave. I have not seen yet if its in or outside the folder. This is on another PC that gave me the choice of saving the pupfile. So i did it all "by the book".

I then install Firefox to have a webbrowser that accept cookies. Then i place the extracted webERP into the Web-Server directory and does the above described commands in terminal.

Still i have the same message at companies. Not writable.

And for some reason the webERP webpage is so wide. Very wide as in four to five times as wide as normal. I use the latest official version of webERP from the It was rendered slightly better in NetSurf. I am not sure why its like that, as i did not have this problem earlier using the same untouched files.

So should i just install and then do the commands in terminal or is doing it after placing the webERP files, and before pointing at them in webbrowser ok?

And what about the message that appears during install, the window you look at that says something about password woofwoof and

I await to go further into installation, until the companies appears to be writable.

Or do i need to restart the webserver for this to take effect?

I really appreciate your kind help


EDIT: I have uploaded the phpinfo.php to

Installing webERP on puppy LHMP server

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 21:43
by growler
I assume you got the session support going once you had saved a pupsave file.

The message after installing the .pet tells you that the mysql username root has password woofwoof. You need this information to enter into the webERP installer - so that the database username "root" and its associated password "woofwoof" can be used.... obviously because I am writing this here it is not safe to do this and really the username and password for the database should be changed... but to get you started makes sense to use root/woofwoof to prove the concept.

When you go into Rox file manager and look at the files under /root/Web-Server/ - are the files under webERP and webERP/companies/ all owned by nobody?

When you go into the process list and look for hiawatha process and the php-fpm process are these running as the user nobody?

A little confused why the web-server is reporting its inability to write to these areas. If all else fails you could go into rxvt

#cd /root/Web-Server/
#chmod -r ugo+rw *

as a large sledge hammer to break this one.

Installing webERP on puppy LHMP server

Posted: Sun 12 Sep 2010, 21:44
by growler
Sorry impatient double click - duplicate posting - now removed!

Posted: Mon 13 Sep 2010, 12:34
by Atle

I do as you say and terminal says on after the second line:

chmod: cannot access ugo+rw : No such file or directory

Posted: Mon 13 Sep 2010, 19:21
by growler
OK sorry

#cd /root/Web-Server
#chmod -R ugo+rw webERP

note capital -R

Posted: Mon 13 Sep 2010, 21:37
by Atle
So i choose to edit this post as it was written while i was drunk and pretty much impatient to see results. Sorry for my rant.

A short and more sober version of my rant was that I could never get things to work and getting these things to work is not a hobby, but rather the most important issue for me in a educational project in Africa.

I am very sorry for this post and can only excuse my self by informing that Guinness Foreign Extra here i Tanzania is contains 7,5 alcohol and that sort of makes you into a terrorist when it comes to posting on forums. Anyhow, Growler did thank good not get upset with me and I shall continue to chase the "perfect live CD" for my project.

Lung cancer and drunkeness

Posted: Tue 14 Sep 2010, 03:57
by growler
OK I will make something up for you and post it ... not much time these days but give me a weekend.

In fact I did already make a webERP puppy server and it is up on sourceforge under webERP

look under files - its an older version though

Edit: sorry no I deleted it quite a while ago. Will have a go at a new one.

Posted: Tue 14 Sep 2010, 08:56
by Atle
Ok... I will put all my efforts into making a live Joomla CD. I think maybe the Joomla forum will be the better place to overcome any Joomla specific error messages and so forth, but i will also make a post here, whereas i describe the errors and how(if) its being solved.


Joomla live CD

Posted: Tue 14 Sep 2010, 11:09
by growler
I am downloading joomla now ...

Your post made me chuckle actually - I know just exactly how you feel - very frustrating. I am learning Genie and it seems particularly rough - I am leaning on a lot of C "black belts" myself and it makes me feel good to be able to help someone else!

I have webERP installed on a vanilla new 5.10 install - I hesitate to mention that it was completely painless. I did get the session support disabled initially - but that was because I was trying to use netsurf rather than a browser with cookie support I think. I downloaded seamonkey and all was well.

I have installed Joomla a few times before already so not expecting too much trouble. However it is bedtime now for me and I am away for a few days so it will be next week before I can look again.

Posted: Tue 14 Sep 2010, 11:32
by Atle
Ok... Here its lunch time. Watch out for a warning in Joomla that appears at the top of the page when the installer is running. I did some research on Joomla forum, but never really found a solution.

I will start from a fresh install on the laptop dedicated to this project and post whatever i come across.

I also came to learn that there is a integration with Open Office and webERP. And i have asked Mo Kelly if its possible to rewrite his cart solution for Joomla/webERP to cover cash sales and not only Paypal, as speaking from an Africa point of view, we do not expect credit cards to be mainstream before maybe 5 to 10 years.

Good night to New Zealand...