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Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 23:04
by downsouth
Well said, timremy!
To Barry and Warren (in particular, but others too) this moderately techo person says a big THANKYOU.
Folks, let's be supportive - ask questions if you need, tell us all about your successes, but let's not bite the hands that feed us.

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 23:12
by headfound
Man, I like the calculators - ever been offline in windows and tried to work out anything complex or tried to convert anything?
Puppy is still the easiest and (for its size) quickest and most comprehensive operating system around and thats why it will continue to be my everyday choice.
Thanks Barry!

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2009, 23:23
by mulrah
BarryK wrote:The basic premise of this thread, that 4.3 was based on 4.1.2, is not correct, it is based on Woof, which had major changes from 4.1.2.
Woof provides all the underlying infrastructure.

Then there is the level of the packages, and as I already posted, they too underwent major upgrades.
I knew that 4.3 was built with Woof before I posted and that this was a revolutionary step forward for Puppy. I was asking about the packages and used the phrase "based on" to describe 4.3's relationship to 4.1. I apologize for any confusion with the concept that 4.3 is "based on" Woof.

Based on the replies of late, it does seem like 4.3 used 4.1's packages as a starting point and justifiably so, while bringing in some but not all of the advancements made in 4.2. I figured Barry might have just started with 4.3/Woof before 4.2 was done or maybe there were specific reasons why specific decisions about packages were made or maybe something else I did not understand or maybe a combination of all three. Thus, I posted.

No criticism was intended, and I apologize if anything I've said has led to a misunderstanding. For my part, I've found most of the replies in this thread quite elucidating of not only my initial question but also a number of other issues.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 00:45
by dawg
Caneri wrote:If possible, could some of the top devs help jrb and his Choicepup efforts so we can have sfs on the fly in an official manner (modular Puppy)?

I don't mean to disparage jrb as his efforts are very good...I would just like to see a few top dogs help him out with the tricky stuff.

There is lots of interest if I read things correctly.
It just seems the Puppy thing to do....TY
Yes, that'd be really awesome!
Just without the desktop icons, please; it's enough the home directory is messy the way it is :D

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 02:17
by Lobster
Being positive can be hard.
Many of don't or can not be bothered.
BarryK is bothered.

We nearly lost 4.2
I am glad to hear that woof will continue and a new distro too :)

I am also inspired by those who help out by testing, encouraging and finding value in peoples efforts.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 04:02
by jrb
Caneri wrote:If possible, could some of the top devs help jrb and his Choicepup efforts so we can have sfs on the fly in an official manner (modular Puppy)?
Its ready and after a week and a half of testing I think its perfect. Check out SFS_Linker-431bk-1.0.

Those of you who really want SFS's on the fly should try this out and let me know what you think. It seems to have slipped under the radar, not a lot of testers so far.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 08:11
by mikeb
Puppies strength is also it's weakness ie it's flexibility. A jack of all trades...let's list them
1)run from live data to various media
2)run from live cd(dvd) and save back to it.
3)run frugally from hard drive installed amongst other operating systems on the same partition.
4)run from flash sticks / slow media
5)run as a 'normal' install
(I'm sure I missed something :D )
each of those has many variations including ways in which it is booted.

Software can come from...
1)Included with the core 'install'
2)downloaded/installed with a package manager from a repository
3)downloaded as a self installing package
4)downloaded from other distros and installed using various methods
5)loaded as an archive file at boot (and now runtime)

Imaging getting all that running just many possible combinations.
Compare with say ubuntu...installed as 'normal' to a partition, uses files vetted by a reliable source, software from a repository, boots with grub...that's it....sounds a lot simpler (boring!)

Oh and with these other distros I suspect you get what yer given rather than many users all wanting this and that included(and getting it).
And how many custom ubuntu's are there...yes another puppy feature is the ease of making a custom distro.
Oh and then there's the experimental build systems.....

Puppy is perceived as small and therefore simple....but in reality it's probably the most complicated distro there is...much more of a challenge than just pile everything there is in linux-land onto a partition so you can't go wrong.

I mentioned before about 'wow, how do you fit all that?' in...not by accident that's for sure.....the looks should be as smart as the thinking that goes in there too...something I learnt a long time ago.

well just felt the need to post that lot


Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 09:07
by Colonel Panic
Good post Mike.

Ubuntu's probably the distro Puppy's going to be compared with most. I'm an admirer of Ubuntu - it's very solid and stable in my experience - but those virtues come at a price. It's very hard to change anything in Ubuntu, for example to install any software which isn't in the repository.

I think there's room for both approaches to making a Linux distro.

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 12:42
by nic2109
Lobster wrote:Being positive can be hard.
Many of don't or can not be bothered.
BarryK is bothered.

We nearly lost 4.2
I am glad to hear that woof will continue and a new distro too :)

I am also inspired by those who help out by testing, encouraging and finding value in peoples efforts.
Yeah; it's a worry. Anyone who does anything in public or voluntary service pretty quickly gets to take the positive as read. Somehow, being negative is just so much easier.

Perhaps it's time for some resolutions to be kind and polite and positive and generally "nice" to one another. I'm up for it; is anyone else?

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 12:48
by DaveS
nic2109 wrote:
Lobster wrote:Being positive can be hard.
Many of don't or can not be bothered.
BarryK is bothered.

We nearly lost 4.2
I am glad to hear that woof will continue and a new distro too :)

I am also inspired by those who help out by testing, encouraging and finding value in peoples efforts.
Yeah; it's a worry. Anyone who does anything in public or voluntary service pretty quickly gets to take the positive as read. Somehow, being negative is just so much easier.

Perhaps it's time for some resolutions to be kind and polite and positive and generally "nice" to one another. I'm up for it; is anyone else?
I'm in........


Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 13:49
by raffy
Whodo and Barry - what's happening here was precisely what happened to Whodo after the release of his "baby" 4.2CE.

Was that burnout?

Also for Barry: Puppy is already high in the Distrowatch ranking. That's comforting enough. :)

We are learning as a community. Brad (Technosaurus) has seen what happened in 4.2CE. and was forewarned.

TO DO: Let's not forget a feedback vote after a project is released, so that the leader/team will somehow feel confident about what % of people he/they have satisfied. (Expect less than 100%.)

cut the crap

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 15:37
by topaz
why do people want puppy to become ubuntu pup puppy is great and gets the job done so support please

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 17:37
by Lobster
For those into a more positive approach, perhaps learn a little more about reframing . . . ... raming.htm

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 18:42
by vtpup
Burning out is one those unflattering terms people mistakenly apply to someone who has changed his/her mind about what they want to do. It implies passivity and victimization, instead of choice and preference.


Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 22:11
by raffy
OK then, let's use the opposite which is "engagement". We are all for Barry being engaged in development while also welcoming CE teams who will alternately take care of continuity and user-friendliness of the Puppy builds.

Even then, any CE team would find it hard to fully satisfy "user-friendliness"...


Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 22:33
by menno
Why some of you cann't accept a different road to go .

Barry take s road a , the CE takes road b , some other takes a other roads .

What is wrong with that ???

It woud be a shame for Puppy if Barry stops with evalueting his idea's about how to generat Puppy .

Gr Menno .
(Oke my Englisch is very bad , I hope you understand wath I feel ! )

Posted: Fri 30 Oct 2009, 07:46
by topaz
I see its a matter of ballance between the two views.
Barry has a very background view on what puppy is for (useability. sustainability ie useable on old PCs, flexability in that puppy can easly be modified. It is unfortunate that the latest puppy had problems but it is a big leap from earlier versions useing diffrent builds but its still progress even if we have to have gliches now and then

The other camp can be satisfied by puplets and CE editions even retro CE editions ie a 301 CE build which may make some intrest from people who have not adapted puppy before!

So lets engage Barry as a core developer and support him as thats what the WWW, Puppy COMUNITY is, its :) all about its people AND puppy linux. :D

4.31 Is Great!

Posted: Sat 07 Nov 2009, 14:52
by demosthene1
I love the new Puppy 431. I've been installing it everywhere on everything. It is fun, solved computer problems, looks great and is at a very high level of computing expertise. I can't thank Barry Kauler enough for creating this linux masterpeice!

This world would be truly less if Puppy and its creator did not exist. There would be a huge hole in my computing life and that vacuum can only be filled by Puppy Linux. I use other distros [Ubuntu] but Puppy I can rely on to always be rock solid!

While other distros may crash and burn, Puppy is the distro that saves me from Microsoft Windows Hell!