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Posted: Sun 01 Nov 2009, 00:38
by vtpup
Well Pylaydayz, I think the answer is in the name. Portable Document Format. It was designed to be displayed on any platform and look the same. Basically because it is a graphic format, not a character format.

Word's .doc on the other hand was designed to be proprietary.

Posted: Mon 09 Nov 2009, 21:33
by playdayz
I had a big disappointment today. I went to use Softmaker Office 2006 Textmaker to open some docx files and guess what? With all that hype about their excellent better than OpenOffice MS Word compatibility, Textmaker would not open or even recognize a docx file. I couldn't believe it, but the fine print on their web site seems to reinforce that, no Office 2007 compatibility. I hope I am totally screwed up about this because otherwise their software is useless to me.

@vtpup, yeah, but PDF was designed by Adobe--which doesn't make me feel that much better--however I agree, it is the portable format of choice now (over rtf). Unless you want the recipient to be able to edit the document.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2009, 01:11
by vtpup
playdayz wrote:I had a big disappointment today. I went to use Softmaker Office 2006 Textmaker to open some docx files and guess what? With all that hype about their excellent better than OpenOffice MS Word compatibility, Textmaker would not open or even recognize a docx file. I couldn't believe it, but the fine print on their web site seems to reinforce that, no Office 2007 compatibility. I hope I am totally screwed up about this because otherwise their software is useless to me.
Well, the way we handle it here (and we do writing and editing for publications, which more and more are sending out docxs) is we first open it in Open Office, and then save it to a MSWord doc file. Then it can be opened in the software of choice. In our case, it's MSWord 2000, which is the most compatible and best behaved of the lot on Wine. Of course Open Office is a huge program for using it simply as a docx converter. But there you are... Actually I do use OODraw a lot for other work, and even OOWriter for non-critical composition. But not for professional use.

Yes, it's hard to get away from MSWord for word processing for publications. Unfortunately the specific.doc file incompatibilities of Open Office and the rest have discouraged most publications from making the switch. In fact most do not even want submissions on non-MS software because of the formatting problems when dealing with freelancers.

It is unfortunate that instead of adding a million options, alternate WPs don't really concentrate on getting a true file compatibility in a simpler WP. Something that could be trusted, and thus might have appeal for professional work. I don't need a million ways to do things, one way is fine if it's compatible.

I worked on the Open Office team for a month trying to write specs for some simple things, but got overuled by feature creep proponents who so complicated things that implementation slipped from months to over a year. I gave up after awhile.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2009, 06:02
by Patriot
Hmmm .....
playdayz wrote:I had a big disappointment today. I went to use Softmaker Office 2006 Textmaker to open some docx files and guess what? With all that hype about their excellent better than OpenOffice MS Word compatibility, Textmaker would not open or even recognize a docx file.
This is a clear example of using an inappropriate tool for the job. The textmaker 2006 handles .doc very well ... not .docx ... This is stated on their site (and manual) with regards to version 2006. Even the current latest textmaker 2008 does not support .docx .... please understand your tools capability (ie. don't use a screwdriver to drive in a nail).

The Textviewer 2009 beta however does support opening and viewing .docx files ... Good and proper working support for .docx is to be available in the next textmaker 2010 release (that's what I read)...


Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 05:07
by Puppyt
...and regarding Textmaker, apparently if you purchase the SoftMaker Office 2008 package, you will get a free upgrade to the Office 2010 and its hyped-about docx translational capabilities (plus PlanMaker, Presentations etc). I'm not sure when the upgrade will be valid however, as it depends on your purchase option...

I jumped just now at an 8-euro special, personal use, for SoftMaker Office 2008 for Windows, thinking that I could use it for translating colleagues' docx's under Wine, or XP as the mood might take me. Had to dig for it in the "other downloads" section in the 'purchase download' path, and glad to have it to upgrade my ailing Office2002, but it appears that I should have gone for the full version (Windows, Linux, or Both bundled - and their educational pricings are *pretty* competitive) in order to get the free upgrade. The 2010 release is under beta, with a free trial available - 50Euro until Monday when it goes up to 70Euro.

EDIT: Typed the above in haste, re-checked the SoftMaker site... the free upgrade option applies only to full-priced Office 2008, but as it is more expensive, Office 2010beta would seem to be the better way to go - provided others with more expertise than I can get it or the free trial version working under WINE. (Or until the historically more expensive Linux version is out.)

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2009, 16:58
by Patriot
Hmmm .....
Puppyt wrote:........ Office 2010beta would seem to be the better way to go ........
Ola, thanks for the heads up ... Grabbing the 2010beta now (wowzer! it's 125MB!) ... The new pricing does seem very attractive ... Licensed for up-to 3 PCs for one purchase ... Ok, let's see how this goes .....


SoftMaker 2008 free

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2009, 22:25
by Puppyt
SoftMaker have a "Load and Help" promo going at present, with € 0.10 donated to a certified charity at, for every free download of their penultimate Office suite. Ah - it's their Windows version, and still lacks DOCX interoperability from what I understand, but all the other bells and whistles are there (TextMaker, PlanMaker and Presentations). So possibly it might provide a cause-worthy alternative to OO if you're happy running it under Wine:


wine + free softmaker office suite fast/uses low resources

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2009, 05:21
by efiguy
Hi all.

Admire the work you've accomplished, really want to try the Wine for using some of my favorite vindo progs, Namewiz, Dir2fil, Homesite, validator, etc
Don't know version or how to do it yet.

The uploaded file has links to office resources that may solve some of the dilemas expressed in the thread.
- I myself as a new linux recruit are not up to trying to help or suggest how to use these, but certainly hope you all figure it out , for it offers another large population a method to break away from the proprietary world.


Free Linux version

Posted: Fri 18 Dec 2009, 13:15
by scheck.r
The full 2008 Softmaker Suite is available for Linux for Free now until 31 december.
Go grab it ! :D

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2009, 04:07
by Puppyt

Thanks for that heads-up, scheck.r - I can confirm that the download page at now has links to free SoftMaker 2008 for Linux. I'm downloading the deb version to run in gposil's dpup (his and his team's 477 retro version). I wonder if, after the donation promotion is finished, Puppy Linux might have words with SoftMaker regarding the creation of a new pet, to upgrade the old TextMaker2006 on the puppy repositories? Sounds like a winning combination,


This Puppy's not just for Christmas

Re: Free Linux version

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2009, 06:58
by Lobster
scheck.r wrote:The full 2008 Softmaker Suite is available for Linux
Available in SFS and pet format :) ... 423#373423


Posted: Wed 10 Feb 2010, 06:07
by Frank Cox
Softmaker 2010 is blinding fast on Puppy and works fine with docx.

There is a free reader available for 2008-9 .

Why do you all use the windows version? The Linux version flies.

Another solution when someone sends you a docx is to open it online and save as htm or print to file which turns it into a pdf.

2010 beta IS LIGHTNING QUICK on puppy, the Linux version anyway,

fpscan identifies virus in Softmaker Office

Posted: Sun 04 Jul 2010, 13:58
by yorkiesnorkie
When I scanned this with F-prot using fpscan at the command line it identified the windows installer as having a password stealer. this exe was downloaded from ""

Code: Select all

# fpscan /mnt/sdb1/ofw06freefull.exe 

F-PROT Antivirus version (built: 2009-12-23T13-43-55)

FRISK Software International (C) Copyright 1989-2009
Engine version:
Arguments:        /mnt/sdb1/ofw06freefull.exe 
Virus signatures: 2010070313370d183ddccd8e5fb930be3de9119a6e16

[Found password stealer] <W32/Pws.BQZG (exact)>         /mnt/sdb1/ofw06freefull.exe

Disinfect? (Y)es, (N)o, (A)ll yes, (I)gnore all, (Q)uit scan: Yes

[Warning] <Error closing file: Invalid argument>        /mnt/sdb1/ofw06freefull.exe
[Deleted]       /mnt/sdb1/ofw06freefull.exe


Files: 1
Skipped files: 0
MBR/boot sectors checked: 0
Objects scanned: 1
Infected objects: 1
Files with errors: 0
Disinfected: 1

Running time: 00:52
false positive?

Password Stealer

Posted: Sun 04 Jul 2010, 16:26
by Frank Cox
Is there a way to check with another program just to make sure,Avast perhaps?

Maybe you should forward this to Softmaker, see what they say, and then if they say it is false run it again and see?

I love their software, the only thing it won't do I asked it to so far is create fonts as outlines but I only use that occasionally to make signs and I can create those docs with Open Office. However if they stole my password I would be very upset, not that it would really help them.

False Positive?

Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2010, 18:01
by yorkiesnorkie

I checked the same file, ofw06freefull.exe, over with Avast for linux, and it didn't find anything. It may be that f-prot found a false positive.

I feel like a man with two watches, I don't know what time it is...


Re: False Positive?

Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2010, 21:17
by Frank Cox
yorkiesnorkie wrote:Hi,

I checked the same file, ofw06freefull.exe, over with Avast for linux, and it didn't find anything. It may be that f-prot found a false positive.

I feel like a man with two watches, I don't know what time it is...

Hi Yorkie:

How much space does Avast use and how often does it update? I use it on my Window boxes but being on dial=up at home i have been reluctant to use it in Linux since it is so rare to get a virus in Linux anyway.



Posted: Tue 06 Jul 2010, 19:02
by yorkiesnorkie

It's a 27 mb download. I downloaded both the deb and the tar.gz file from Avast. You have to get a license key to get it to work.

I only ran the update once via the gui in order to check Softmaker Office. I used it also to check a windows jumpdrive and windows partition. No virus on linux! :lol:

I think you'd find it a pain to update on dialup. Just my opinion.



Posted: Wed 07 Jul 2010, 04:02
by Frank Cox
I think i will take my chances with xprot

Posted: Wed 07 Jul 2010, 17:21
by yorkiesnorkie
I've had mixed results the xfprot gui, but f-prot works from the command line. I primarily use it for checking out PC files. For example I found four infected files on a windows partition and f-prot also reports various files on a windows partition as suspect or damaged I'd say f-prot works, updates, etc., works ok. Since it comes with the OS, that's something of an advantage since there's nothing else to install.



Posted: Mon 29 Nov 2010, 21:10
by Frank Cox
yorkiesnorkie wrote:I've had mixed results the xfprot gui, but f-prot works from the command line. I primarily use it for checking out PC files. For example I found four infected files on a windows partition and f-prot also reports various files on a windows partition as suspect or damaged I'd say f-prot works, updates, etc., works ok. Since it comes with the OS, that's something of an advantage since there's nothing else to install.

In the meantime I have become such a big fan of Softmaker I am now offering it to my customers and plan to hit some local firms .
As var as virus protection the only Avast program for linux I have found .Avast4Workstations only scans when you tell it to making it very useful for running off a flash drive to rescue Billy Boxes .Always carry a disk as well in case you can't boot from USB and be sure to create a pupsavefile so you can frugal boot.
I am still using 2008 but will upgrade to 2010 on my next order,

Might watch for them having another giveaway this year!