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Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2010, 09:37
by ttuuxxx is not compatible with, even with the system link you made, When I went to run my old reliable gimp from series 4, that works on series 3, and a couple of for series 2 :) a message came on the screen, something like error loading called for and received
so I took from a older version and then it worked fine

Re: Swedish keyboard

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2010, 09:51
by BarryK
pakt wrote:However, disregarding that, dare I mention that X refuses to start in quirky006 on two of my PCs that have nVidia graphics, regardless of which resolution I try?

I have to edit xorg.conf from the cli and change 'nv' to 'vesa' for X to start.
Yes, you are not alone, Lobster and ttuuxxx have to use vesa.

You shouldn't have to manually edit xorg.conf though. When you run the Xorg Wizard, if the test fails using 'nv', there is a window that offers for you to switch to 'nouveau' or 'vesa'.

Well, noone is having any luck with nouveau, but I do hope that situation will improve when the 2.6.33 kernel is released.

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2010, 10:10
by BarryK
ttuuxxx is not compatible with, even with the system link you made, When I went to run my old reliable gimp from series 4, that works on series 3, and a couple of for series 2 :) a message came on the screen, something like error loading called for and received
so I took from a older version and then it worked fine
Yes, I want Quirky to be able to run Puppy4 packages, so I have added the old libjpeg package (and removed that incorrect symlink).

Thanks for letting me know about that. I would like to know of Puppy4 packages that don't work. I have found one, Picpuz, the pieces of the puzzle can't be dragged -- maybe it just needs to be updated.

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2010, 11:22
by Lobster
Yes, you are not alone, Lobster and ttuuxxx have to use vesa.

not only do I have to use vesa but the colour becomes
bleached out if I leave the computer and the screensaver kicks in
[shudder] Too 'orrible to use
Tried 006 briefly and the nv and drivers again but will await new kernel
with hope. :)

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 07:41
by ttuuxxx
Hi Barry anyway we could get rid of pwsget and replace it with Uget, The reason why is that Uget does all the functions of pwsget, plus it has other features like pause/resume, It also will continue failed downloads and keep retrying, It can use proxy's also which is good for firewalled countries, also there is a Seamonkey plugin called Flashgot, which can integrate it, and from the download list you can select Uget or Axel, which is nice and handy :) Plus flashgot is good for downloading embedded videos. The Flashgot Seamonkey plugin is located at and below is the Uget package. The Uget package is already stripped, I system linked the sound files to default 2barks, I system linked all 5 images to one 24x24 icon. Really I don't think it can get any smaller :)

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 08:00
by ttuuxxx
and if anyone wants to a English(80 kb compressed/1MB expanded smaller) only version of flashgot that I removed the locales, download below, just extract it and click on it.

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2010, 10:27
by ttuuxxx
Seamonkey crashes when I try to go to this site, no big deal for me, but figured you know about the bug :)

Black background

Posted: Fri 05 Feb 2010, 11:24
by gjuhasz
The same black background appears under VMware (I propose to use VMware as one of the "Puppy-standard" testing environment because problems are easy to reproduce for all testers there).
ttuuxxx wrote:Hi Barry still have the black backgrounds on the menu/taskbar icons

X refuses to start in quirky006

Posted: Fri 05 Feb 2010, 11:37
by gjuhasz
After configuring X for test, I got a black screen with no chance to return. I have a Toshiba Tecra 8000, which works well with the rest of Puppies I tried. It is interesting that the file is available in Quirky006.
Remind that Neomagic 256 AV (NM2200) chipset does not support Xvesa.
BarryK wrote:
pakt wrote:However, disregarding that, dare I mention that X refuses to start in quirky006 on two of my PCs that have nVidia graphics, regardless of which resolution I try?

I have to edit xorg.conf from the cli and change 'nv' to 'vesa' for X to start.
Yes, you are not alone, Lobster and ttuuxxx have to use vesa.

You shouldn't have to manually edit xorg.conf though. When you run the Xorg Wizard, if the test fails using 'nv', there is a window that offers for you to switch to 'nouveau' or 'vesa'.

Well, noone is having any luck with nouveau, but I do hope that situation will improve when the 2.6.33 kernel is released.

Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2010, 21:01
by `f00
Hm, after reading the tribulations of others I feel almost blessed. Xorg works oki for me after an edit (or three, but that was just hardoffs before I got a save in). Basically the same display gripes (jwm and .jpg narrows it) as in q003. gmplayer works (audio CD and vidCD, it had issue with a few cheapo DvD where it couldn't find the stream or something so gave up on it) but fails after awhile .. seems like a feedback-freeze of some kind, no spikes or extreme load noticed just keens and freezes.

<start text ramblenotes>

firstlook (pfix=ram usw) - xorg still messes up on my hwr, just not quite as badly (and luckily I had the scrap of paper from q003 listing items from a known-good xorg.conf so I could edit the almost-right guessing of xorg and move on with only one hardoff). It's GOOD to see a 'normal' geany after stardust :lol: thanks, BK. One of the main items I'd like to see if fixed is the .jpg issue before even thinking of trying a disc-switch upgrade (I see the alpha-trans is still not so good in jwm icon display..). Ah, nico251 :) Retrovol .. almost too many controls in rclick 'advanced' (File->configure poofs it :( , but it comes back after re-X *whew*).

hardoff/redo-xorg (PLEASE have the Xvesa simple option up-front, xorg is a pitb to go thru when a pup crashes just to get a display or it fouls up - even when you have the cribsheet) after audio crash with a CD in gnome/mplayer. another hardoff with pcd (please, please please Xvesa up front, I'm starting to not like Xorg all over again..). Oki - forget all multimedia junk for now. Install a known-good player or get a save in first so I don't have to Xorg every %#&@ time...

Kill roxpin. Try a bg setter (hsetroot) with a .jpg .. oki, missing a lib (so what else is new) Ha, same error - a .jpg is a "bad image" of course .. good to know I didn't do all those .jpg-to-.png in q003 for nothing. Or it may be Imlib2 or a few components need to be different for q... among other things.

___disc-switch 'upgrade' from q003___
The 'usual' fixes to retain preferred default(s), icontheme&etc plus a few others to suit. Jwm has a less-than-correct look regarding icon-alpha as noted (and also as noted in q003 test, other wms¹ are fine). After the disc-switch upgrade and fixes, it seems more stable. pCD 'progress'bar display is static-solid at track1 (not really a progressbar or track indicator anymore); but tracks do change, the sound is good and it's stable. gmplayer does a bit better on display but relative output volume is a bit less for this player .. and it crashes (now that Xorg is hopefully done with after a few saves, hardoffs not so painful to recover from).

Idle is better (with respect to cpu) if pmount is used, it may be time to turn off 'life-support' for roxpin and driveicons. kcompmgr still sucks up an inordinate amount of resource if used in jwm(beta). Zigbert's pcc might be a good add for trimming menu(s) and services&etc once it's available for general use, pmenu especially is much improved (although favorites and the ptray system is still a user-preference imo, handy though they are the ui might be made more intuitive).

</end text ramblenotes>

Loaded up the liveCD multi with a fair amount of stuff in the first four savedirs and it finally went RAMFULL and 'lost its mind' after dumping wine in on the fifth (tscha, it was looking nice too..)

After a remaster, looking good (except for the pesky jpg issue, be nice if that's fix'd in q007..) and still on liveCD multi for the moment.

kibble or walkies.., what a choice for a bit o' doggie :)

..jpeg issue fixed with - installed withoutpity's xfce wm for quirky (nice but a few caveats, nonetheless since I believe he may have touched a 3rd rail or two in getting thunar to clickmount drives - after install not only didn't that happen, but xarchiver had some anomalies and some mounting was messed up a bit :| ). Anyways, got to fussing about zapping all the pngs I made from jpgs that now worked proper :), redoing all that mess, fixing menus and all (xfce still doesn't pull straight from the jwm xdg, or withoutpity had to do some hacks? that resulted in less tidy and a few dupes .. it's much better than most of pup menu being in "other" xfce category :lol: ). Shaking it down .. somewhere in there I noticed .sfs files weren't click-mounting as usual in rox and some mimetypes didn't look right (xfe wasn't affected, other than it's not getting bumped for rendering thumbs since the jpg fix). Jwm still messes the alpha on icons, though (it may be scaling or just smallish icons, dunno).

All going fairly well, then I stuck a CD in to listen to and ... oh well, session lost (should know better since 006 has nipped me more than once or twice with any multimedia playback).

May just roll back to redo or rethink desireability of xfce4. It may be me, but too much is going wrong since I added it. Mostly the '3rd rail' of mounting, specifically click-mounting sfs files in a rox window but also optical discs - got the sfs for the xfce doc package, but if it can't be easily mounted :roll: 'prefer' Thunar is something I'd rather not and 'auto'mounting is .. call me paranoid and/or conservative take your pick. One of the reasons I use multiple file managers is that each does well in its niche according to the task at hand.

Speaking of documentation, local docs may still need to be manually searched for or attempts made to get a viable workaround to this issue if the local doc is there, but fails to be read properly :roll: For better or worse, afaik 6oo6|e ain't on my local machine…

@dejan555 - yep, xorg almost gets it right with ati cards (but sometimes almost is still a dark hole or some time spent running it down to most folk). A known-good xorg from a recent pup that works on the particular hwr and a bit of editing at initial boot(s) seems to be the best way to set the bad guessing right as far as xorg, radeon, ati, RV280 or ATI Technologies, Inc is concerned - not sure about more recent, but both my 9200 and 9200 SE confuse this xorg a bit.

¹ - afterstep, blackbox, e16, fluxbox, openbox, pekwm, wmx and now xfce4 (probably should have tried icewm since it's fairly decorative, but enh)

Posted: Mon 15 Feb 2010, 11:45
by Sage
Couple of issues so far with 006.

The first may relate to what tx has written above? won't work for me (nv) perhaps I need to load more stuff?

The UPGRADE FULL installation option (from 003) doesn't work properly - many issues, black screen, black background with missing icons, crashes, etc. - nothing reproducible. First time I've experienced most of these features in a Puppy. Obviously need investigating, but due to time constraints at present will re-install from scratch.

...and as for the new GRUB installer, clearly a question of shooting oneself in both feet, and probably both arms, too. The view from the mountain top may be clear, but folks grovelling around in the mud at the base are unlikely to see much. Principal distro developers, inter alia, like most academics at the top of their game, frequently fail to take account of the great unwashed yet to be inculcated into the art. STOP IT, guys! We already know you are smart. Let's have the old cr*p back - at least a small number of us could cope with it........

Posted: Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:05
by Terryphi
I have been very happy with Quirky006 on my desktop computer but yesterday I tried wi-fi on my old Acer Aspire 1350 laptop with a Netgear WG111v2 usb device. The WG111v2 has always been troublesome for me but I did get it working with Upup461 "out of the box" using the P54 driver. It does not work in Puppy 431 and Dpup484b4. This driver is not in Quirky006 but it is in the separate drivers .sfs file so I loaded it up with BootManager. For some reason Quirky006 still does not see the device.

Is Quirky006 configured to use the P54 driver ?

Posted: Thu 25 Feb 2010, 21:13
by dejan555
Hi Barry, sorry I haven't followed whole discussion I just tried Quirky for the first time. I'm running quirky at the moment on desktop PC, specs are here:
When I first booted and choosed xorg with 1024x768 resolution X didn't run well, everything was draging, even jwm menus where slow and when starting applications I could see how app window is drawn on desktop. Then I copied xorg.conf from my dpup setup and now everything flies! So if anyone with Radeon 9250 card have this issue here I attach my xorg.conf, put it in /etc/X11 and uncompress it. I read on your blog that you focus on multimedia codecs I'll see how gnome player acts. That's it for now, oh yes and seamonkey fonts seem smaller then usually, do I have to edit global font size or something in seamonkey conf?

EDIT: Oops, forgot attachment

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 08:52
by 4-stroke
Works really good on a eeepc900 with the celeron cpu.
Mounting and unmounting a 8gb SDHC card seems slow for some reason. Reading and writing to it works ok.

Edit: Just tried it in 4.3.1 and it's mounts a lot quicker.

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2010, 21:48
by john biles
Is it just me, if you click on a avi or asf video file Gnome-Mplayer tries to play it looking like its reading a number of files but never plays. Now if i open the avi navigating through the Gnome-Mplayer menu it plays fine?

Is it me or is it happening to others as well.

Posted: Tue 02 Mar 2010, 00:29
by john biles
Hello Barry K,
I posted the problem with Gnome-Mplayer not playing AVI's etc if you click on a media file, oh yes Gnome-Mplayer opens looks like it trying to read many files not just the one you want. After it does that it just sits there.

Now if I open the media file from Gnome-Mplayer's Menu it plays.

Also If I install Mplayer-Gui from the Quicky repository and made that the default media Player and click on a file it works as expected and plays the video.

I posted this problem 5 days ago as well on Barry K's blog with no reply??

It's no big deal for me but for a newbie this would be a big deal as they'd click on a media file and discover it doesn't play resulting in doubt's in their mind about the reliability of Quicky and Linux.

I'm looking forward to Quicky 007 hopefully this will have been fixed.

Posted: Tue 02 Mar 2010, 05:32
by 4-stroke
john biles wrote:Hello Barry K,
I posted the problem with Gnome-Mplayer not playing AVI's etc if you click on a media file, oh yes Gnome-Mplayer opens looks like it trying to read many files not just the one you want. After it does that it just sits there.

Now if I open the media file from Gnome-Mplayer's Menu it plays.
I don't have this problem. This is just a wild shot in the dark, but do you have spaces in the file names?

Failing to store internet connection details

Posted: Thu 04 Mar 2010, 09:12
by shako
Hi Barry
Downloaded Quirky 6 a couple of days ago and am slowly working my way round it, everything seems to work played a couple of dvds the only problem is that it fails to store the internet connection details.
I have tried both a frugal instalation and booting off the disk with a storage file , but neither keeps the info. This is the first time this has ever happened with a puppy.
Running on an Advent laptop 7081 with wired internet connection.
Apart from this all seems to work.