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Posted: Fri 29 Nov 2013, 03:57
by tallboy
Ted Dog, good thinking! But, it also raises some questions. If I understand correct, puppy reads the latest save files first, because newer files are not written over by older files. But the older files still have to be read, to load saves that are not written over at a later stage, and that reading process is taking time. If all saves are made into a new .sfs, will not the code telling puppy to look for other puppy files at botup have to be altered? Wouldn't that limit the choises of which media the puppy is run from? I mean you may have to decide at first boot, that your puppy for example is limited to run from a live disc. If you later change your mind and want a frugal or full install, then you cannot use the same .sfs.

What I really would like to have, is an easy way to include/exclude what is saved in a multisession save. Sometimes you only want to save a small change made in a preferences file, not the entire session. At other times you may want to save the setup for a new windowmanager and all the connected files, but not the letter to grandma.

BTW, I fail to see the point in writing multisession to a harddisk, why would anyone need that?


Posted: Fri 29 Nov 2013, 13:18
by Flash
One advantage of using multisession on a hard disk is that the original files are preserved. This would be useful for forensic purposes. Say you pick up some malware that alters your OS for nefarious purposes, multisession makes it easy to see just what it's changing.

Posted: Fri 29 Nov 2013, 14:26
by Ted Dog
as gmartin pointed out the resulting sfs file could be reused as a type of frugal save session (just rerolled each time on save) the saved sfs would be a remaster fully usable customized same named as original sfs but in a saved session folder. pfix=ram would still use orginal unmodified version. and may add pfix=new as a flag to rollback to last sfs save session only.
I reroll my own remaster after customizing and use that as a base for my multisession dvds or Blurays. So I already do this and have for years just now since we can modify the codebase with wolfce, plan to upload my existing code mods for everybody else. :wink:

Posted: Fri 29 Nov 2013, 19:24
by Flash
Ted, your multisession seems to be completely different from multisession as I meant it, where Aufs combines the sessions after loading them -- or, theoretically, as they're being loaded, though I don't think that's the way Puppy rolls.