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Posted: Thu 18 Oct 2012, 00:24
by RSH
Hi mcellig.

The background is Wallrefresh Online Wallpaper ---> Stockholm.

On the bottom is wbar, that's right. But it's an old version, Actually a modified version of 1.3.3 with setup.

The Icons on the right are the usual drive icons. I did set them to the right side in /etc/eventmanager.

Code: Select all

#left, right, bottom, or top of screen...
The icon theme is my personal edition of the faenza icon set.


I have put a script into LazY Puppy that makes symbolic links from /usr/share/pixmaps, from /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps and some other paths to the wbar icon directory in /usr/share/wbar/wbar.icons - so, i can use all those icons in wbar. If I do switch the icon theme the wbar icons do change also this way. :)

Posted: Thu 18 Oct 2012, 01:50
by rmcellig
Thanks! Appreciate it.

Posted: Thu 18 Oct 2012, 12:10
by SFR
stifiling wrote:Hey thanks for that SFC. just one last thing i want to say and that would appear as though the googleimages would be the best of the scripts. but based on my history with using them, the script is really the best. it doesn't freeze sometimes like the google one seems to randomize better...(for one reason or another the google one tends to duplicate more often), and also.....the wallpapers are plentiful and tend to be more beautiful and more like 'real' wallpapers.

i wish i had said these things before u rewrote the app. but i do think...u'd like the ifl one better.

Good job though...the new RWC looks really nice.
Hey Stifiling

The problem with InterfaceLift is it seems that categories as well as resolutions are 'hard-coded', that's why I've chosen googleimages, which gives more...err...freedom..?
For instance, one can choose "cat+sweet+fluffy" or "thermonuclear+explosion+mayhem" in any resolution and he/she'll get, more or less of course, what was expected.

But it's not a big problem really, I've resolved that this way:
If user enters * into 'Search query' and/or 'Resolution' field - then InterfaceLift will be in use; otherwise - GoogleImages.

Fair enough, I think?

I've attached v1.6.1 to my previous post.


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 13:30
by SFR
Update, version 1.6.2:

Bugfix: possible corruption of pinboard wallpaper when RWC/computer is turned off during downloading.
Added: 'Safe Search' checkbox; until now 'safe search' was "on" by default.


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 14:18
by rmcellig
Looks good!! You are doing amazingly well with this app.

For the look inside sub folders option. How many folders deep does it go?

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 15:00
by SFR
rmcellig wrote:For the look inside sub folders option. How many folders deep does it go?
Hard to say. :lol:
I just created 100 nested subfolders and RWC still finds pictures saved in the deepest one...
You can try by yourself:

Code: Select all

for i in {1..100}; do mkdir "test-$i"; cd "test-$i"; done; cp /usr/share/backgrounds/* .
(note that there's dot at the end)

It depends more on Linux/Kernel limitations than RWC, I think.


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 15:05
by rmcellig
Great! Thanks. I'm going to try RWC in the new Puppy Linux that was announced this week. So far I really like it.

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 17:34
by sc0ttman
rmcellig wrote:Looks good!! You are doing amazingly well with this app.
Agreed, in my brief tests (so far) it works nicely...

I am testing on Akita, which doesn't use the ROX pinboard by default,
so ROX pops up an error msg when the pinboard is first enabled by RWC,
and a default pinboard instance is started, with only the default Home icon visible...
But of course this doesn't happen if the ROX pinboard is already running...

Anyway, the above problem is not really anything to do with your app,
just what happens when ROX is not already running, but it brings me to the question...

Would it be possible (if you're even interested) to make this app use feh to set the wallpaper?

Akita uses feh when the ROX pinboard is not active.. It builds and runs another script. Example of the generated script below:

Code: Select all

[ -x /usr/bin/feh ] && /usr/bin/feh --no-menus --bg-fill "/usr/share/backgrounds/akita.jpg"
I would be more than happy to get feh working with RWC myself,
but wondered if you had any known caveats, thoughts or suggestions, etc...
If not, then don't worry... Cheers.

EDIT: I added the following to /usr/local/RWC/rwc-main:
EDIT2: changed Center to Centre below...

(not tested much at all...)

Code: Select all

#261012 added support for feh, use it if present (it's prob not)
case $ROX_STYLE in
	Centre) FEH_STYLE='--bg-center' ;;
	Stretch) FEH_STYLE='--bg-fill' ;;
	Max) FEH_STYLE='--bg-max' ;;
	Scale) FEH_STYLE='--bg-scale' ;;
	Tile) FEH_STYLE='--bg-tile' ;;
	*) FEH_STYLE='--bg-scale' ;;
[ "`which feh`" != "" ] && feh --no-menus ${FEH_STYLE} "$WALLPAPER" || {
rox --RPC << EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
 <env:Body xmlns="">
</env:Body> </env:Envelope>

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 17:59
by SFR
Hey Scottman
Would it be possible (if you're even interested) to make this app use feh to set the wallpaper?
I think it would . It's just a matter of modifying rwc-main script - it checks if XFCE is the default WM (cat /etc/windowmanager | grep xfce), if not - ROX is set as default.
It will be enough to modify main '' condition in the mentioned script.

I'll download Akita and see how to best adapt RWC to it, but if you'll be the first, just let me know, so I'll include it.


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 18:02
by sc0ttman
SFR wrote:Hey Scottman
Hi SFR... I just saw your reply after I edited my post, sorry....

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 18:11
by SFR
No problem, thanks for feh style definitions!
I'll test it a bit and upload new version in a few days.


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 21:56
by SFR
SFR wrote:I'll test it a bit and upload new version in a few days.
Ok, I'm natural born pessimist - I meant "hours" of course. :wink:

@ Sc0ttman:
I've done it in a bit different way:

Code: Select all

if [ `which feh` ] && [ ! "`xwininfo -root -tree | grep 'ROX-Pinboard'`" ]; then
because if there's Rox pinboard in use AND feh is also installed (in other Puppies, for instance, as a part of Battleshooter's Conky+Lua), RWC would use feh then.
(phew, it took me a while to find out "how to determine if pinboard is in use or not", btw)

So, RWC now works with Akita's default configuration (feh), but if user decides to use pinboard, it works aswell.

Also, Akita has different output of xrandr, so I've added small modification and current resolution should be recognized correctly now.

PS. I didn't test it "exhaustively", but everything seems to work fine so far; couldn't find any flaw...but future will tell. :wink:


Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 22:48
by sc0ttman
Thanks, thats great.. Just a quick question, what am I supposed to do when I get the 'only 1 instance' popup msg, to get the GUI to load again? (Aside from killing it manually - I'm thinking of noobs and novices...)

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2012, 23:48
by SFR
Yes, I just noticed that it happens from time to time in Akita (although never happend in Slacko).
Surprisingly the addition of sleep 0.3 right before this line:

Code: Select all

[ `pidof rwc-config | wc -w` -gt "2" ] && xmessage -bg red -center -title "RWC Error" "Only one instace of RWC allowed!" && exit 1
at the beginning of rwc-config script seems to "resolve" the problem.
But I'm not sure, because it happens very, very rare for me...

Please check out if it's ok for you too, so I'll upload corrected version tomorrow.
Also, perhaps a lower value of 'sleep' will work aswell..?

Thanks for noticing this, btw.


Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 11:02
by SFR
I _think_ I found the actual bug, it was /usr/bin/rwc-config:

Code: Select all

exec /usr/local/RWC/rwc-config &
I've no idea why did I put & there, but for 90% it was the cause; most likely /usr/bin/rwc-config process was dying too slow. Interesting that it wasn't happend in Slacko..?
But thanks again, it was definitely RWC bug.
I hope it'll be ok now.

I've also added experimental support for LXDE (tested only on LXPup).


Since all versions are scattered in different places in this thread, quick summary of supported DEs:
- ROX (without pinboard, but with 'feh' as wallpaper setter)
- LXDE (experimental)

EDIT: tiny bugfix in detecting current resolution; if it works for you, ignore it. Reuploaded after 5 downloads.


Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 12:02
by sc0ttman
SFR wrote:@Sc0ttman:
I _think_ I found the actual bug, it was /usr/bin/rwc-config:

Code: Select all

exec /usr/local/RWC/rwc-config &
I've no idea why did I put & there, but for 90% it was the cause; most likely /usr/bin/rwc-config process was dying too slow. Interesting that it wasn't happend in Slacko..?
But thanks again, it was definitely RWC bug.
I hope it'll be ok now.
This one seems to work fine, excellent, thanks. :)

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2012, 23:21
by rmcellig
Where can I find Gtkdialog 0.8.0 or later and how do I install it?

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 09:57
by SFR
Most likely you have it already (0.8.0), unless you're using some older Puppy at present.
Open terminal window and type:

Code: Select all

gtkdialog4 --version
to be sure.

The latest Gtkdialog-0.8.2 you can compile yourself (here's the appropriate thread) or search for a .pet.
IIRC, I've seen Oldyeller's, RSH's (for Lupu) and 01micko's (for Slacko) packages somewhere in the forum.


Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 10:21
by rmcellig

I'll see if I can find a pet. I really like RWC ( your wallpaper changer) !!

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2012, 11:35
by rmcellig
After I install 1.6.4, I noticed it didn't have a menu entry so where did it install it and how do I invoke it? Thanks!!!