Page 23 of 38

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2012, 16:40
by zigbert
Next attempt is to embed pfilesearch into Pfind.
There are pros and cons also with this solution..... What is your opinion?




You need to install both pets to get things going.

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 18:43
by don570
I prefer some type of 'Popping up' action to get the
info about a file like CTRL-I or a tooltip popup because I
was trained on an Apple Macintosh but right clicks
make sense as well. Your latest pmusic interface is good.

Over the weekend the idea struck me that you should try to
crunch as much instructions and buttons in the top portion
of the Pfind window as possible and that would let the bottom
half of window to be the name and path.

The 'Calculate Total' would simply tell the user the total
number of hits (if he's interested in this info)'

The total button could be eliminated to save room by making it
a menu item. I see from your work over weekend that you have
choosen a notebook widget arrangement which is fine
however it requires an extra line or two of space, so
a menu item would be the better choice if possible

Here's the mock up. There is no 'Search' button to save space
but the window title could have the instruction 'Tap ENTER'.
And the red arrow down would be the advanced button.
The combobox saves quite a bit of space over the Radio button


...and here I show the 'Total' menu item.

Note that when 'Show all results' if chosen by user the
application would exit and then relaunch with all the results
shown in bottom of window. I don't think the user would
notice this if he had a fast machine.


Posted: Tue 12 Jun 2012, 16:07
by zigbert
Thank you for your ideas, and that you take the time to build mockups of them. In particular I like your alternative combobox for 'Where to search'. Depending on the final gui, this could give a cleaner gui.

I will put Pfind on hold for some days, so that everyone gets the time to enlighten us. Let's not rush into some it-kind-of-works gui.

Thank you

Posted: Wed 13 Jun 2012, 19:58
by don570
Another idea....

When the user right clicks on a folder and selects 'Search inside'
why not have an alternate script for pfind called 'pfind_foldersearch'

This script could be nearly line for line the same as your 'pfind' script
and located in /usr/local/pfind/ as well. It would be able to share
the local folder translations.

The one difference would be the default value of the combobox,
since the default selection would be 'Current directory' rather
than a System search.

I could make a Rox right-click link back to the script 'pfind_foldersearch'


Frankly I didn't like your notebook idea. Your previous version was better.



Posted: Wed 13 Jun 2012, 20:02
by don570
Have you tried

Code: Select all

export THEME_COLOR=black
It looks cool 8)


Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2012, 13:53
by zigbert
Rox right-click is meant to be built in, but failed in these test builds..... Should be fixed.
Frankly I didn't like your notebook idea. Your previous version was better.
:D Thank you for mention it.

Here you get a new one.....

Posted: Fri 15 Jun 2012, 13:54
by zigbert
Hopefully a bit closer to something good....

Posted: Sun 17 Jun 2012, 08:19
by zigbert
Got it
Onto bugfixing


Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2012, 20:43
by zigbert
Version 5.0 is uploaded
See main post

changelog 5.0
- Rewritten GUI
- Show find command (thanks to Sit Heel Speak)
- Move locales to /usr/share/locale/
- Removed the switches -o and -a
- Removed search-group; Mail
- Bugfix: Search inside folder (from rox) made 'where to search' buttons to not work. (thanks to don570)
- Bugfix: Sort by extension if filename ends with space or if filename lacks '.'. (thanks to disciple)
- NLS: Added: LOC_HITS, 103, 712, 900
- NLS: Changed: LOC109, 151, 152, 153, 154, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 613, 618
- NLS: Removed: LOC110, 112, 130, 131, 132, 133, 314, 315, 316, 401, 404, 410, 607, 608, 619, 710, 800, 801

Bulldog Finder 1.1

Posted: Mon 18 Jun 2012, 21:24
by don570
I made Bulldog finder compatible with Thunar and the Saluki distribution ... 879#629879


Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2012, 17:36
by don570
I used the following code to get Thunar to work

Code: Select all

if [ -e /usr/bin/Thunar ];then
exec Thunar "${ROXPATH%/*}/"
rox -s "$ROXPATH"

Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2012, 17:43
by don570
Some better icons are needed in recent pfind.
Note that the letter 'T' for Total is acceptable for
European languages --> French verb 'totaliser'
derived from Medieval Latin t

Posted: Tue 19 Jun 2012, 19:17
by don570
Here's a couple more



Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2012, 11:00
by zigbert
Thank you for your suggestions. Please be aware that the icons in Pfind are hardcoded SVGs. They are temporary built to /tmp/pfind-*.svg while Pfind is running. To change the icons the svg-path has to be edited. Here is the code (/usr/local/pfind/func):

Code: Select all

	case $2 in
		ALL) SVG_PATH="m 2.5117521,2.5127521 v 2.277177 H 25.346752 V 2.5127521 H 2.5117521 z m 0,12.3183199 H 25.346752 V 12.553895 H 2.5117521 v 2.277177 z m 0,-5.0205715 H 25.346752 V 7.5333236 H 2.5117521 v 2.2771769 z m 0,10.0403835 H 25.346752 V 17.573707 H 2.5117521 v 2.277177 z";;
		DOC) SVG_PATH="M 24.58158,4.4375486 22.51587,1.8386698 C 21.994344,1.1834161 21.041743,1.0756732 20.384923,1.5966477 l -1.630128,1.2960629 3.952835,4.969455 1.630635,-1.295004 C 24.993795,6.0448528 25.10338,5.0920187 24.581578,4.4375484 z M 4.6752097,14.091718 8.6280453,19.061173 21.523793,8.8053582 17.568883,3.834293 4.6752097,14.091718 z M 2.4771543,17.867259 1.313071,20.820365 4.4530638,20.350927 7.3702447,19.916734 3.5572244,15.120571 2.4771543,17.867259 z";;
		PIC) SVG_PATH="M 2.5,1.6925041 V 20.886008 H 26.359504 V 1.6925041 H 2.5 z M 22.603841,19.238567 H 6.2556627 V 3.3399451 H 22.603841 V 19.238567 z M 10.232247,9.5704861 c 1.260135,0 2.282559,-0.994308 2.282559,-2.219791 0,-1.2263427 -1.022424,-2.2197917 -2.282559,-2.2197917 -1.2610193,0 -2.2825595,0.9943084 -2.2825595,2.2197917 0,1.225483 1.0215402,2.219791 2.2825595,2.219791 z M 21.72104,11.504102 17.375959,7.2785061 11.263507,13.222872 9.5694827,11.575431 7.1375807,13.940459 v 4.438723 H 21.72104 v -6.87508 z";;
		MUSIC) SVG_PATH="m 4.605438,7.4162562 v 7.8959998 h 4.495 l 6.729,5.526 0.004,-18.9479998 -6.73,5.526 h -4.498 z m 13.808,-0.908 c -0.393,-0.389 -1.024,-0.389 -1.415,0.002 -0.39,0.391 -0.39,1.024 0.002,1.416 v -0.002 c 0.863,0.864 1.395,2.049 1.395,3.3659998 0,1.316 -0.531,2.497 -1.393,3.361 -0.394,0.389 -0.394,1.022 -0.002,1.415 0.195,0.195 0.451,0.293 0.707,0.293 0.257,0 0.513,-0.098 0.708,-0.293 1.222,-1.22 1.98,-2.915 1.979,-4.776 10e-4,-1.8649998 -0.76,-3.5619998 -1.981,-4.7819998 z m 2.295,-2.294 c -0.393,-0.391 -1.024,-0.391 -1.413,0 -0.392,0.391 -0.392,1.025 0,1.414 1.45,1.451 2.344,3.447 2.344,5.6609998 0,2.212 -0.894,4.207 -2.342,5.659 -0.392,0.39 -0.392,1.023 0,1.414 0.195,0.195 0.451,0.293 0.708,0.293 0.256,0 0.512,-0.098 0.707,-0.293 1.808,-1.809 2.929,-4.315 2.927,-7.073 0.001,-2.7599998 -1.12,-5.2679998 -2.931,-7.0749998 z";;
		VIDEO) SVG_PATH="M 24.463361,2.5196281 V 3.3913179 H 20.604713 V 2.5196281 H 8.0632494 V 3.3913179 H 4.2046013 V 2.5196281 H 3.347124 V 19.451446 h 0.8574773 v -0.87169 h 3.8586481 v 0.87169 H 20.603856 v -0.87169 h 3.858648 v 0.87169 h 1.071847 V 2.5196281 h -1.07099 z M 8.0632494,17.534366 H 4.2046013 v -2.489973 h 3.8586481 v 2.489973 z m 0,-3.53616 H 4.2046013 v -2.489974 h 3.8586481 v 2.489974 z m 0,-3.535364 H 4.2046013 V 7.9728691 h 3.8586481 v 2.4899729 z m 0,-3.5361604 H 4.2046013 V 4.4367083 H 8.0632494 V 6.9266816 z M 10.794315,15.041206 V 6.4071736 l 8.044853,4.3170154 -8.044853,4.317017 z m 13.669046,2.49316 h -3.858648 v -2.489973 h 3.858648 v 2.489973 z m 0,-3.53616 h -3.858648 v -2.489974 h 3.858648 v 2.489974 z m 0,-3.535364 H 20.604713 V 7.9728691 h 3.858648 v 2.4899729 z m 0,-3.5361604 H 20.604713 V 4.4367083 h 3.858648 v 2.4899733 z";;
		ZIP) SVG_PATH="m 15.709362,16.119896 -1.558657,-3.259497 -1.779423,3.751302 -6.6664078,-2.596387 0.1542698,3.082667 8.366923,3.452903 9.67201,-4.235214 -0.132105,-3.938393 -8.05661,3.742619 z M 26.682027,3.9747385 16.988738,1.4201901 14.323594,3.5287188 11.583087,1.6664877 1.938562,5.222015 5.3032406,7.6281534 2.2595142,11.813634 11.904926,15.568883 14.148045,10.833969 16.14912,15.024186 26.250249,10.33348 23.49733,6.6161227 26.682027,3.9747385 z M 14.112581,10.258486 6.0807961,7.2350243 14.304088,3.9976316 l 8.518533,2.5695473 -8.71004,3.6913071 z";;
		CODE) SVG_PATH="m 9.1315157,2.7888182 -6.8467058,8.6629998 6.8474964,8.662 2.4904307,-3.15 -4.3578579,-5.512 4.3570669,-5.5109998 -2.4904303,-3.152 z m 10.0210153,0 -2.488849,3.151 4.357067,5.5109998 -4.357067,5.511 2.488849,3.15 6.848287,-8.662 -6.848287,-8.6609998 z";;
The icons are taken from this icontheme. technosaurus made them available here


Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2012, 23:39
by don570
When a file is chosen then an entry box
could be filled with command

Code: Select all

ls  -lh
or other useful data


Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 13:37
by Argolance
Tested the latest release of Pfind (5.0): great!
I noticed 2 little things:
  • - I thing It is a pity that, like previous releases, Pfind "forgets" the place (chosen by user) where to find Search text (from a work session to another)...
    - Icons are not visible enough using dark gtk themes...
Best regards.

Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 15:13
by zigbert
don570 wrote:When a file is chosen then an entry box
could be filled with command

Code: Select all

ls  -lh
or other useful data
I think all data is shown if you scroll horizontally


Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 15:20
by zigbert
Argolance wrote:Tested the latest release of Pfind (5.0): great!
Thank you
Argolance wrote:- I thing It is a pity that, like previous releases, Pfind "forgets" the place (chosen by user) where to find Search text (from a work session to another)...
Please explain more specific. I am a stupid guy.
Argolance wrote:- Icons are not visible enough using dark gtk themes...
True. The theme color is for now hardcoded and set in /usr/local/pfind/pfind line 17

Code: Select all

export THEME_COLOR=black
I hope and think we will see a global setting for SVGs in some future. - Or a way to detect the gtk-foreground color.

Your theme looks great, where can i find that?


Posted: Sat 23 Jun 2012, 17:07
by don570
Argolance wrote:Pfind "forgets" the place (chosen by user) where to find Search text
I think Argolance was referring to pfilesearch
which always opens up with the same options
selected unless a directory search is made.

It is possible to make a list of mounted drives
to choose as a target. I did this in monkey find.



Posted: Sun 24 Jun 2012, 07:51
by Argolance
Thank you for answering.
Please explain more specific. I am a stupid guy.
It is not always very easy to tell things in English, sorry!

So: Right of the welcome Pfind window, user can choose "Where to search" files. In previous releases, Pfind didn't forget the chosen option. Now it always comes back to the default value: "Personal files". It was nevertheless very convenient!
Your theme looks great, where can i find that?
Thank you.
This jwm-gtk theme is part of the Desktop Environment (2PDE) I made for the next release of Toutou Linux...

Best regards.