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minor bug

Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2017, 07:42
by evereman
I forgot to mention that this did not occur when I first used 710.

It has begun to happen over about the last couple of months only. Before that everything seemed to work perfectly.

Was the system changed so that updating it could cause this bug?

I would like to be able to update every time, as I used to, and start with all up to date programs. :P


Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2017, 12:16
by quirkian2new

I am running edit_sfs-2.16 on FD701 and FD702. But I "think" FD710 may also give the same result. With physical ram 4 GB, seems only 1.8gb or so can be used by edit_sfs. When the sfs file size is under 280MB, the operation is successful. While file of sfs file is approaching 350 MB, it failed without any error message.

I cant remember the actual download link. Attached is a copy (to remove the .gz at the end)

Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2017, 13:57
by eowens2
Smoky01 says
eowens2 wrote:
I seem to have to lost the 'bullseye' widget in the tray beneath the screen, clicking on which leads one thru the wi-fi setup (fortunately my wi-fi is still connected).

I can't find it! How can I get it back?

click on wpa_gui or type it in a terminal should put it back in the tray.
That worked fine, but it does not survive terminal closure or a reboot.

Is there a 'startup file' somewhere that including 'wpa_gui' will initiate the widget with each bootup?

Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2017, 14:30
by smokey01
@eowens2, Look in /etc/xdg/Startup

It will work in /root/Startup as well.

Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2017, 16:51
by step

I read in the edit-sfs OP here that the first time you run it you need to give it the path of a working dir, in a Linux volume, and optionally you can set a RAM disk. I take it to mean that you can also not run with a RAM disk at all. That makes sense, so edit-sfs should be able to handle very large SFS files entirely in the working dir, if there's enough free space.
As for only 1.8 GB RAM available out of 4 GB total, that seems about right. By default Fatdog64 sets /tmp as a RAM file system, which takes about 50% of available RAM. That leaves no more than 2 GB free for applications, including for when edit-sfs wants to create its RAM disk.

Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2017, 21:40
by Wognath
In Fatdog, spot can't list root but he can list other directories with the same permissions (755) as /root. For example, when running Sylpheed as spot, I can't attach a file from /root: "Could not read the contents of root: permission denied"

Could someone explain why this is so? In Tahr and Slacko, spot can list /root. The only difference I see is that root folder in fd64.sfs is 711, although "ls -ld /root" shows 755.

Thanks in advance
EDIT: OK, that was it. Repack fd64.sfs after "chmod 755 root" and problem is "solved". What new problems have I created? :shock: Is it expected for directory to have inherited permissions from a lower layer?

Re: minor bug

Posted: Tue 13 Jun 2017, 07:18
by step
evereman wrote:I forgot to mention that this did not occur when I first used 710.

It has begun to happen over about the last couple of months only. Before that everything seemed to work perfectly.

Was the system changed so that updating it could cause this bug?

I would like to be able to update every time, as I used to, and start with all up to date programs. :P
Hi evereman, thanks for reporting this issue. Updates involving disk mounting occurred on May 8 and 13. However, I doubt that they get installed with a gslapt upgrade operation. In a system that's affected by this issue can you please run these commands in a terminal and post the results:

Code: Select all

ls -l /usr/sbin/mountmon /var/slapt-get/*
pidof mountmon
How did you actually run pmount/unmount when this issue occurred?
Does it still happen? If so, can you please run the pmount command in a terminal window and see if there are any error messages?
This issue could even depend on the specific disk models in your system, and be difficult to reproduce on other systems. When it happens, you could check the kernel log for error messages and hints - use command dmesg.

Posted: Tue 13 Jun 2017, 14:16
by FanDog
hey step, if you may help me one last time.. : -)

I'm trying to install one package from npm (yo), but it complains it has no permission to write to the node folders (pup_ro is obviously mounted Read-Only).

Problem is, apparently it requires the -g flag (global), 'cause when I try to install it locally, to work around this (and it does install), the yo command itself never appears.

So my question is either, how to find the command (can't seem to find, maybe it just doesn't install correctly without the -g or maybe it's a symlink to something named something else? glancing over github didn't help much); OR how to re-mount pup_ro as rw?

Any suggestions?

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 01:17
by dr. Dan
Greetings, all. I have two issues lately and a question.

First, on both my HP and a recently acquired Dell laptops, suspend is sometimes slow to respond, sometimes doesn't at all, and is not predictable in it's variety. This may occur whether I close the lid or use the button in the start menu. I may have induced it in the HP with the Control Panel automatic updates (I don't know), but I have avoided doing that on the new Dell. A previous Dell laptop suspends well and predictably.

Second, on the new Dell, flSynclient keeps reverting my touchpad sensitivity setting to the original level. All other settings stay as I have set them. Any suggestions?

The question is whether the Fatdog System Updater package updater method is reliable.

Thank you!

minor bug (resolved)

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 03:14
by evereman
To: Step

All ways of selecting Pmount are working perfectly now. Not sure what happened.

When I went to upgrade with Gslapt to check for the previous bug, I got an error:
Failed to download pfilesearch: HTTP response code said error

My uptime was 56 days, so I decided to shut everything down & reboot.

After a reboot and Gslapt updates, the Pmount display popped up instantly.

Sorry for any inconvenience. Will definitely check everything out (to the best of my limited ability ;^) next time before posting.

Thanks for your help, anyway.

Chrome not starting SOLVED

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 06:09
by evereman
jake29 wrote:Chrome 59.0.3071.86 (64bit) not starting in Fatdog64-710

Oh crap, they moved to GTK+3...
You need to install gtk3 (+ its deps) via Gslapt and this should make it working.

Thanks, SFR. I don't reboot very often & was up 56 days this time before rebooting, & when I did, Chrome would not start. Found your post and fixed it.

Love FD64! Thanks to all who unselfishly support it!


Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 06:22
by evereman
Does anyone here use Wine 2.0? I need it to install a trading platform (Metatrader 4) that only run on Windows or OSX.

Although I have Windows 7, I haven't used it in a couple of years & really, really don't want to wrestle with it (ever again).

I tried installing from Gslapt & it says it's installed, but will not start.

I've rebooted since, so that installation is no longer on my computer.

Would installing from the repository be any better, do you think?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.

Wine Not!

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 13:39
by evereman
Wine is just too much trouble for me at this age (74).

I've found a browser based solution that will work. It's not ideal, but works well on FD64.

Thanks to all here. Can't praise FD64 710 enough.

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 14:17
by FanDog
@ evereman

To install Wine you need to load a SFS.

Go to the control panel -> System -> SFS Manager then choose Wine from the list (the last item in my view).

After the download, go to the SFS loader (same place), pick wine and move it to the right. If you want it to load automatically every boot, it will ask for confirmation after you leave the window.

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 18:11
by DrDeaf
Greetings to all,

Does anyone know of a small but capable tablet device small enough to fit into a pocket and that will boot FD? For pocket carry, I presently use a GSM smartphone with no SIM. However, I would like to drop the Android system and go with FD not only for my regular notebook but for the future use FD in my handheld as well.

Traveling with a conventional notebook/laptop will probably only become more inconvenient in the future, and handheld devices have developed capably.

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 19:16
by jotab
I installed chrome from control panel, but the chrome wont launch, not happens... How can I fix it?


Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 19:58
by FanDog
@ jotab

Hi, first thing you should try is going to Control Panel -> Updates -> Get Google Chrome.

This should probably work. Otherwise, you may have to update your source repos before trying with Gslapt again. (see if the repos end with 702 (a version of FatDog) and replace it with 710).

Another thing you should try is running from the console, and checking the error output. You may have to install gtk3 for it to work.

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 20:58
by step
FanDog wrote:hey step, if you may help me one last time.. : -)

I'm trying to install one package from npm (yo), but it complains it has no permission to write to the node folders (pup_ro is obviously mounted Read-Only).

Problem is, apparently it requires the -g flag (global), 'cause when I try to install it locally, to work around this (and it does install), the yo command itself never appears.

So my question is either, how to find the command (can't seem to find, maybe it just doesn't install correctly without the -g or maybe it's a symlink to something named something else? glancing over github didn't help much); OR how to re-mount pup_ro as rw?

Any suggestions?
Normally global packages are installed in /usr/lib/node_modules. Is there such a path in your system? If not, you could try creating it with rox or mkdir and then installing yo with -g. If it's like any other package you should find it under /usr/lib/node_modules/yo.

pup_ro is ro because it's an SFS. can't simply remount an SFS rw. Instead you could tell node and npm to use alternative default paths that are located in a rw filesystem. You can do that by setting environment variables such as NODE_PATH. Read the node/nps documentation, here's a starting point.

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 21:05
by step
@jotab, in addition to what FanDog wrote, see this post.

Posted: Thu 15 Jun 2017, 01:51
by FanDog

Cool. but remember that previous problem? I'm afraid it's gonna shadow anything that's already there. So what I'm gonna do is try that and re-link any subdirs.. since it hasn't complained up 'til now, it's probably not updated often. (there seems to be "only" npm there but, it itself has a node_modules subdir which could change more often)

anyways, tomorrow I'll update this post with the results. : -) thx.