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Posted: Wed 16 Oct 2013, 06:19
by Dewbie
starhawk wrote:
I wanted Dewbie's remaster.
You might want to test these instead.
(Wish I'd known about them before...)

Posted: Wed 16 Oct 2013, 15:58
by starhawk
So, to be clear, all I need to do to adapt the stock 2.14x-RC5 to your config (or similar) is --

(1) remove dillo, seamonkey, and firefox.
(2) add the seamonkey tar.bz2 as a manual install.
(3) remaster.

I can easily do that. I may even pull out sc0ttman's Woofy tool, since I'm actually more familiar with that than the standard remaster script :oops: all my old dev work was done with Woofy...

Posted: Thu 17 Oct 2013, 07:13
by Dewbie
starhawk wrote:
So, to be clear, all I need to do to adapt the stock 2.14x-RC5 to your config (or similar) is --

(1) remove dillo, seamonkey, and firefox.
(2) add the seamonkey tar.bz2 as a manual install.
(3) remaster.

Basically, yes.
Install Pfind .pet from Puppy 4.x repo, then use that and (built-in) Turma to locate the files.
See my post over here.
Makes it easier to work on larger edits at your own pace.

I installed SeaMonkey in /usr/local (default installation path for official binary).
Then I moved ALL plugins to /usr/local/seamonkey/plugins.

I made /usr/lib/mozilla as a relative link to /usr/local/seamonkey.
(This is because 2 and 3-series Puppies can't see the plugins in a regular usr/lib/mozilla folder.)

I haven't tried any of those static SeaMonkey builds linked above, but they should be faster.

Posted: Fri 01 Nov 2013, 07:37
by Dewbie
Re: page 327, this thread, 11th post (by me)
OK, there is a fsck (filesystem check) script in init, for save files.
But it's broken.
So I started a thread for that here.

RTL8191S USB instead of PCI 2200 Intel

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 21:52
by Dookus
Hi all.

Inspiron 6000 eth0 is Intel 2200 module loading ipw2200.

Spent some time working on settings in the connection wizard (prefer Frisbee, but not included with this distro)

I find through research that the 2200 cards are not well in Linux, I also have a RTL8191S chip USB device made by Comfast Model CF-300NS, what is the process of getting that recognised and running at start up? probing did not work.

Posted: Thu 21 Nov 2013, 07:57
by Dewbie
BarryK wrote (in 216 and 217 news):
...I have added a message to the console when a check is being made, so that we can observe exactly how long it is taking (previously there was no explicit message that identified exactly when or if a f.s. check was taking place).
So I revised the 2.14x init boot script, adding the very same "pup_save f.s. check" message BarryK included in 2.17.

I also did the following:
* Edited / clarified change-log at top, and pfix boot options.
* Commented out the optional save-file filesystem-check script. It doesn't work.

2.14x runs save-file filesystem checks at every boot, even if you don't choose the pfix=fsck boot option. This option only activates filesystem check of available ext2 / ext3 partitions during shutdown.

To add this revised init boot script to initrd.gz, follow ttuuxxx's instructions from here:
For 2.xx and earlier, Puppy used actual fileystem images. Those are more annoying to work with. If all you need to do is small edits, you can just decompress it, mount it, edit it, unmount it, recompress it, and replace it, like this:
gunzip initrd.gz
mount initrd /mnt/data -o loop
### Now go into /mnt/data and make any edits you need to make ###
umount /mnt/data
gzip initrd
Edited 11/24/13
I wrote:
adding the very same "pup_save f.s. check" message BarryK included in 2.17
Well...the message was the same.
But unlike 2.17, I put it on a separate line:
(etc. substituted for code)

Code: Select all

pup_save f.s. check...
Mounting (etc.)
(Sorry about that...rookie mistake. :roll: )

I just corrected this.
Now it's exactly as it appears in 2.17:

Code: Select all

pup_save f.s. check... Mounting (etc.)

Posted: Sat 07 Dec 2013, 17:12
by wanderer
looking for 217 pets and unleashed core

found them


Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 20:10
by a_salty_dogg
Am trying to bring this very old comp back to life since it's all I have access to after my main one (only marginally more recent Pentium 4 with 1GB RAM but coped with Wary 5.5, Precise 5.6 and Windoze XP fine ) sadly ran up the curtain to meet its maker.

Current hardware specs are IBM PL300 desktop PC, Pentium II, 320MB RAM.

So far I've tried many "vintage" Puppy OS's, and am liking 2.14x version 10 (seems the least flakey of all I've tried and lovely GUI, plus adequate installed programs for my needs "off the shelf", once I added Opera.
Have tried it both as Live CD with Pup_save.2fs on USB, and now as USB install booting from Wakepup CD (VERY nice feature, thank you)

However having a couple of hitches for which I can find no solutions in search:

1) Browser settings are not getting saved on shutdown, either on the default Aurora thingy (listed in the menu as FF, if that is relevant) or in Opera. (I'll leave that Dillo dinosaur out of the discussion, seems neither use nor ornament) This is strange because 2.14 is the one legacy OS I've found which actually successfully saves Alsa settings from one boot to the next, even keeps the volume icon displayed and I hear the doggy alert sound after desktop loads, a first for me!!

Please note all other defaults: connection type, keyboard, locale, etc, are saving perfectly as usual

2)The "Save" icon never actually appears on the desktop after the second boot of the OS having created a save file on first shutdown, nor ever at any other time, never had that happen with any other Puppy before.
Is there maybe a command I can run in terminal to perform the same save action "on the fly" as an alternative.

Sorry if this post turned into a mega waffle-fest but is my first post here and thought it best to give the full background.

Many thanks in advance if anyone can point me towards fixes.

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 21:08
by Dewbie
a_salty_dogg wrote:
The "Save" icon never actually appears on the desktop

BarryK didn't introduce this feature until version 2.16.
(17th note here.)

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 21:35
by Keef
I'm pretty sure I had the same problem myself, although it may have been earlier releases. I know for quite a while htop would never save settings, but I don't remember anyone else reporting the problem, it eventually went away by itself - and by that I mean some other change must have stopped it, there was not a specific fix. Do you get any strange error messages on shutdown? Something referring to 'tail', if I remember correctly. There is probably a post by me about it buried somewhere in this thread...

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 22:43
by a_salty_dogg
Wow thanks both for incredidbly speedy replies!

@Dewbie, ahhhh that explains that then. Sorry, I've never had cause to dabble in any versions other than 4 and 5 before my crisis last week so wasn't aware, just assumed (yep, I know, never assume, lol)
Pity because I've always found "save" can greatly prolong my sessions by cleaning up what's in RAM.

Do you happen to know if there exists a command one can use manually in terminal to perform the task?

@Keef, yesssss, something along the lines of "tail2 file location not found", then messages about "power down" and needing a hard shutdown, but by that stage it's already reported saved to correct save file in correct location so I didn't worry overmuch.

What's htop please?

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 22:52
by Keef
htop is a system monitor. Good for checking what's using up your CPU or RAM. Should be in the 'System' section of the menu. I've not used 214X for a while as my last laptop had wifi that was not recognised. Might dig it out again, but the current one is a similar age - a mighty 2 gig Pentium M with 1 and a bit gigs of ram (came with 1 gig but had a spare compatible 256mb stick to go in the other slot).

[EDIT] I found my old post - I had reported that Geany was not saving settings, although I'm sure I've had that problem with htop (perhaps not with 214X). The shutdown message I got was:

Code: Select all

tail: cannot open '+2' for reading: No such file or directory
Never found out the cause.

Posted: Sun 15 Dec 2013, 23:10
by a_salty_dogg
Ah tyvm for that clarification. I should have a play in there, disable a few to see if I can cut down my overheads via bootloader config?

I envy you, I just discovered my good old friends the 512MB RAM cards from the now defunct comp have only one cutaway slot where the IBM demands 2.
Not easy mopping up blood sweat and tears from a motherboard ((:

Thanks again for you help.


Yes, exact same error message quoted in above post, thanks for the edit,
PLUS can now confirm it doesn't save settings made in bootmanager either!

Really annoying, is there no way to force it to recognise changes on shutdown or preferably "on the fly"?

Posted: Mon 16 Dec 2013, 15:22
by starhawk
a_salty_dogg -- you need good ol' SDRAM that isn't DDR, DDR2, or DDR3 ;) DDR anything has one notch, plain SDRAM has 2.

Look on the sticks you already have and tell me which of the following they say:

I have all three. HEAPS of PC100. Alas, I have almost nothing above 64mb capacity sticks -- but if you want some and you are in the US, I can send you what you need for postage (if I have it!). I've done this for other members here as well.

If you're not comfortable with that, I'll gladly help you find deals on everyone's favorite online flea market ;) they do tend to have the best prices, and when you get down to it RAM is RAM...

Posted: Mon 16 Dec 2013, 21:48
by clarf
Keef wrote: [EDIT] I found my old post - I had reported that Geany was not saving settings, although I'm sure I've had that problem with htop (perhaps not with 214X). The shutdown message I got was:

Code: Select all

tail: cannot open '+2' for reading: No such file or directory
Never found out the cause.
a_salty_dogg wrote: UPDATE:

Yes, exact same error message quoted in above post, thanks for the edit,
PLUS can now confirm it doesn't save settings made in bootmanager either!

Really annoying, is there no way to force it to recognise changes on shutdown or preferably "on the fly"?
Hi a_salty_dogg and Keef,

That error has been present on 2.14X from the beginning of his creation. Fortunately for you, some user just found a solution for it recently.

Please check his post: ... start=4878

I hope this information could help you.


Posted: Mon 16 Dec 2013, 22:02
by Keef

Actually I was thinking you were the man to ask. I'm surprised I didn't spot that solution before. I'm back on 214X right now, and not having the old problems (that I've spotted yet), but will apply that fix anyway. I'm using my old savefile from previous laptop, but intend trying a clean boot to test.
Opera 12.16 runs nicely, and Seamonkey 2.22.1 ran as well until I added the devx (pet converted to sfs). :roll:

Posted: Mon 16 Dec 2013, 23:02
by greengeek
Should the syntax be:

tail -n +2

(just because the integer has a + to define beginning of file)

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2013, 06:24
by a_salty_dogg
clarf wrote:

Hi a_salty_dogg and Keef,

That error has been present on 2.14X from the beginning of his creation. Fortunately for you, some user just found a solution for it recently.

Please check his post: ... start=4878

I hope this information could help you.

MANY thanks, clarf, worked a treat!
Done a couple of test runs and now appears to save all browser and config settings, and machine powers off cleanly at the end of the shutdown cycle.
Thanks due also of course to zekebaby who originally found the solution.

@starhawk, thank you, very kind offer but I'm in England, also seriously hoping this is going to be only a temporary stop-gap until I can source a suitable new comp in my price range (think of a nice round figure, lol).
RAM cards can be picked up for a couple of pounds here too but the problem is locating the larger ones which I'd need for older machines.

Thanks to everyone who jumped in so promptly to help here, case closed!

Posted: Tue 17 Dec 2013, 17:24
by greengeek
Just confirmed that the correct syntax is:

tail -n +2

so snapmergepuppy can be made functional by inserting the missing '-n' as an alternative to the awk method.

Later puppies tolerate the '-n' not being there but 2.14 doesn't. Is this a result of some kernel related thing or some old util?

Posted: Tue 21 Jan 2014, 05:34
by Dewbie
greengeek wrote:
Just confirmed that the correct syntax is:

tail -n +2

so snapmergepuppy can be made functional by inserting the missing '-n' as an alternative to the awk method.
Just noticed...

Code: Select all

tail +2
...also appears in /usr/sbin/snapmerge.
Should that also be changed?