Page 26 of 54

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 19:58
by don570
Clicking on a .htm file still gives an error message.



'The right click 'Add to tar.gz' makes an archive,
but the name of right click option is confusing if it
makes or creates an archive from scratch.

I see that you converted pmusic to be a CD ripper program,
but the window title is still 'pmusic'. Why not 'CD Ripper'?


Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 23:00
by starhawk
Oroborus WM --> ... 663#593663

Use the one in that post. It's newer. There are some themes and such elsewhere in the thread, but the download for Oroborus in the first post is older than the one in the linked post above.

Patriot's rt3070sta driver --> ... 46&t=50059

Of course, I used the one for k2-6-25-16.

No worries about the rest.

Re: mtpaint 3.40

Posted: Fri 20 Jan 2012, 17:02
by sc0ttman
don570 wrote:Did you miss my previous post about mtpaint 3.40? ... 807#593807
No, good spot - I put the wrong one in - you included the old one in the archive as well, and for some reason I put the older one in by mistake.. Still not sure how..

Don, do you have the NLS (.mo) files for 3.40?

Also, I still have no troubles opening .htm files from a fresh boot... :?: And to be honest 90% of users will not use elinks, once another browser is installed.. But I will look into it...

Pmusic has 3 entries, 1 is already "CD Player/Ripper"..

Also, pCD is still included, which should be removed...
Cos pmusic now has an Audio CD player built in.. I forgot to do that ages ago..

I'll change the right-click to 'Create .tar.gz'

starhawk, thanks for the driver, I will add it to the zdrv for the next ISO, and thanks for the oroborus link..

Posted: Sat 21 Jan 2012, 20:12
by don570
Oopps! Did I forget to include the mtpaint NLS file? I did compile it.


When you test clicking on a .htm file make sure it's
a fresh frugal install which is what I do.


Posted: Sun 22 Jan 2012, 11:37
by sc0ttman
Thanks for the NLS files don :)
don570 wrote:When you test clicking on a .htm file make sure it's
a fresh frugal install which is what I do.
I very rarely use save files.. I just booted as usual (pfix=ram) and tested all the htm files in /usr/share/doc/.. Will test again soon..

Posted: Sun 22 Jan 2012, 17:25
by sc0ttman
Changes made AFTER Beta6 was uploaded, these will be in Beta7:

Code: Select all

Jan 16th, 2012
	- updated dir2pet, added --silent option
	- updated dir2pet right click option, now dir2pet uses --silent, better icon, etc
	- updated /usr/bin/makepet, uses dir2pet--silent
	- added all .pets in Akita Repo to the PPM (livepackages5a.txt):
		- claws-mail-3.8.0-i386 - email client
		- dbus-glib-0.82-akita - needed by some apps in akita repo
		- gsudoku-akita - game
		- 4pane-0.8.0-i386 - great file manager
		- MediaInfo_GUI_0.7.52-i386 - get info on video/audio files
		- mp3splt-gtk-0.5.7a-i386 - mp3 file splitter
		- multivnc-0.5.1-i386 - VNC lcient
		- pidgin-2.7.5-i386 - chat/messenger client
		- sylpheed-3.1.2-p4 - email client
		- sylpheed_NLS-3.1.2-p4 - email client - locales
		- xawtv-20081014 - video4linux/webcam/TV client
		- xawtv-DVB-20081014 - video4linux/DVB/webcam/TV client

Jan 18th, 2012
	- updated drive shortcuts in /media
		- fixes in ~/Startup/gtk-mnt-links,/usr/sbin/blkid_generator
		- gtk-mnt-links now removes old symlinks
		- 'loop' devices (mounted sfs files) now ignored totally
	- added nice download progress bar script: /usr/sbin/download_progress (by techno)
			- i18n'd it, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch
			- not using busybox anywhere, except ash shell
			- changed wget options to wget -c -4
			- added correct exit/error codes
			- include dir or file name as 2nd option ($2) to set output dir or file
	- updated /usr/sbin/petget and PPM, nicer download GUIs:
			- now using nice, i18n'd download progress bar
			- nicer; now uses/requires /usr/sbin/download_progress
			- faster; shorter pings and wget timeouts
	- updated browser-installer, nicer download GUIs:
			- now using nice, i18n'd download progress bar
			- now uses /usr/sbin/download_progress

Jan 22nd, 2012
	- updated mtpaint to 3.40 and its NLS files
	- renamed right click option 'Add to .tar.gz' to 'Create tar.gz'
	- removed the old 'dir2pet' right click option (inode-directory)
	- added the rt3070sta module to zdrv
	- removed pCD and its menu entry
	- set geany to UTF-8 by default, for all files
	- updated to latest grub4dosconfig (1.7.2), it has better CF card support
	- fixed /usr/sbin/delayedrun: added more checks to delay flash-get from running, unless browser is started
			- added `grep -v download_progress|akita_setup|Xdialog` to flash-get `ps` checks
	- added to Akita repo/PPM: 
			- xplorer2, a file manager, needs libjpeg8
			- libjpeg8, a jpeg image library
	- added more pan-unicode fonts to Akita repo/PPM:
			- cyberbit: supports european, arabic, russian, hebrew, arabic, chinese, korean, japanese
			- freefont: supprts mainly european fonts, arabic, latin, etc
			- undotum: supports many european, chinese, korean, japanese
			- unbatang: supports many european, chinese, korean, japanese
			- large-unicode: supports many, many languages
Also am checking out menu profiles, better rpm support and gtkdialog-desklets

Posted: Mon 23 Jan 2012, 17:43
by don570
I discovered that .ogg .oga and .flac audio files can be opened
with mhwaveedit, so a right click option 'Edit with mhwaveedit'
will work.


akita_setup translations

Posted: Tue 24 Jan 2012, 18:24
by sc0ttman
don570 wrote:I discovered that .ogg .oga and .flac audio files can be opened with mhwaveedit
Thanks don, i'll update soon..

On another note:

I have a script that I would like translated..
(French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese... any others are great too)

It is the 'akita_setup' GUI which runs at 1st boot, after firstrun..

The 'akita_setup' script has buttons to load programs like browser-installer, defaults-chooser, package manager, universal installer, sound wizard, toggle-rox-desktop/desksetup, network setup, PupControl control panel, and more..

I have attempted to translate most of it myself...
It also has a large text describing stuff - which I have not yet attempted to translate..

Here is the script, which includes the translations as well, using a lightweight method for internationalisation (by techno) - which I find WAY nicer than gettext for a number of reasons...

Russian translation.

Posted: Tue 24 Jan 2012, 22:11
by rodin.s
I have made Russian translation. Although I believe that with gettext it could be done simpler. But you are the boss.

Re: Russian translation.

Posted: Wed 25 Jan 2012, 15:49
by sc0ttman
rodin.s wrote:I have made Russian translation. Although I believe that with gettext it could be done simpler. But you are the boss.
But you are the man! Thanks very much once again! :D
I know you love gettext, and do GREAT work with it,
but so many users feel too intimidated to use it..

Just in case anyone cares, the reason I like to avoid gettext:

- no gettext required (obviously)
- (most) users contribute fewer translations when gettext is required
- no extra tools required when not using gettext (no poeditor, etc)
- when using gettext, if changing base (often the 'en') translation, it breaks others
- locale must be changed to test, cannot simply run `LANG=de myscript`
- gettext needs files scattered at a number of different directories
- gettext simply needs more files, meaning more precious ram/disk space
- technos method is simplest, translations can be in-built, or wherever, its most lightweight (for me)...

However, saying all that:

- I will have a much nicer, even better .mo editor, in the next iso
- click on a .mo, if real, then mo->po->text editor...
- edit as required, then ->po->mo, replace old one..

Basically, regardless of whether a .mo file is a real 'machine object' file,
or simply plain text, clicking on it will load it up in a text editor,
and saving the changes made in the text editor will update the .mo translation :)

Posted: Wed 25 Jan 2012, 16:09
by sc0ttman
Also, here is my modded download_progress, a great little GUI, by techno, for showing, you guessed it, a files download progress! (see a few posts above)

I have i18n'd it, but the translations probably need fixing, adding to, etc..
I also added a 2nd, optional parameter - an output file or dir

Usage: download_progress URL [output file/dir]

Here is the file, attached.
(not a real .gz, just rename and remove the extension)

Updated translations, code cleanups or fixes welcome.

Russian translation

Posted: Wed 25 Jan 2012, 17:50
by rodin.s
A little fix of above file for Russian. I have also updated translation for FFConvert. ... 295#599295

Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 10:54
by esmourguit
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Here is the download_progress script, with the french translation modified, based on modified russian translation.

The progress bar doesn't work for me on Wary 522

Cordialement ;).

Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 16:18
by Argolance
Téléchargé hier pour test: certains esprits sont faits pour se rencontrer! :D
The progress bar doesn't work for me on Wary 522
... But works fine with Puppy/Toutou 4.31!


Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 16:58
by sc0ttman
esmourguit wrote:The progress bar doesn't work for me on Wary 522
Maybe try `busybox wget` instead of `wget` ... Or remove -c -4....
All on line 58...
Or maybe try adding LANG=C outside the download_progress function

EDIT: Thanks very much rodin.s and esmourguit for the fixed/corrected translations :D

Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 19:48
by sc0ttman
This code (below) helped me check which are 'real' .mo files, and which are text files in /usr/share/local/*...
I plan to rename all the fake .mo files in Akita to .locale files...
Any thoughts on that are welcome!!

The check:

Code: Select all

 for x in /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/*; do echo "$(file "$x" | head -1 | cut -f1 -d'(' | cut -f7 -d'/')" ; done

e16 window manager

Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 21:59
by sc0ttman
I have added the following e16 window manager .pets to the Akita repo:

E16 is supposed to work great on old PCs.

Notes: The 'Applications' menu seems to be messed up - double entries for all .desktop files... Not sure what causes it.. I will be using e16 over the coming days, and try to improve it on Akita.

Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 22:34
by don570
Pemasu was careful to set up the e17 WM in Exprimo
to make it useable. It can be a mess if it's not set up correctly.
I wrote quick_launch to deal with the strange interface.
You should continue to modify it to satisfy your needs.

Macpup has links to instructions to use e17 WM, but not sure
if they're any use for e16 WM


Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 19:09
by sc0ttman
don570 wrote:Pemasu was careful to set up the e17 WM in Exprimo
to make it useable...You should continue to modify it to satisfy your needs.
Not gonna be easy - I will need to edit the main script which creates the menu, and its a PERL script, and my PERL is crap. The script is /usr/share/e16/scripts/e_gen_menu ... Maybe a BASH alternative could be used? A wrapper should suffice, that:

- eliminates duplicates
- consolidates/combines some of the categories (with sed?)

And my needs are zero - I don't ever want to use e16 or e17; if anyone wants it really nice - best not wait for me to set it up!

E16 might be nice once setup with all bells and whistles, but I don't like bells and whistles...

About JWM:

I plan to update JWM in Akita, to fix at least 1 problem: dual screens.

The JWM in Akita does not support proper dual screen setups, so I must use openbox for that..
However, it has been fixed in more recent versions of JWM..

But the latest JWM has other issues..

Firstly, icons are badly messed up - it needs a libpixman update to libpixman-1-0_0.24.0 (I think)
Secondly, the JWM drives do not work with the new 'jwm -reload' option :(

I might message Joe, to ask if the -reload option can be made to apply to all <include> tags too.
That should fix it, right??

So, at the very least, Akita should soon have a newer JWM, that supports proper dual screens,
but probably not the -reload option... :(

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 21:37
by sc0ttman
JWM update: in a test environment... not permanent, yet..

I updated to the latest libpixman...

I then updated to JWM-579 and am currently using Xinerama (enabled through my Nvidia-173 drivers, in repo) to stretch my desktop across 2 independent screens, JWM menus appearing only on first screen, playing a move on my 2nd screen, FF on the 1st, all working well.. This was not possible in earlier versions :D

The JWM drives don't work quite as nicely with JWM-579 - some gtkdialog windows are not maximising correctly with it enabled, but overall it's working nice..

There's 1 major annoyance for me though - the -reload option does not affect the JWM drive icons, so jwm -restart is still required to update the JWM drive icons :(

However, fixmenus, restartjwm and other scripts have been updated to use jwm -reload and this is working nicely - installing pets works great - no flicker or JWM restart needed to add programs to the menus! :)