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Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2016, 22:04
by april
I,m wondering if there is going to be an update for Precise 5.7.1 .
Its getting a bit long in the tooth kernel wise.
Very little of the new hardware works.

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2016, 23:40
by Smithy
April, I think you can grab a kernel from another distro and rename the precise.

I used Phil 66 Xenial kernel sfs and renamed a wheezy sfs to xenial and it booted up with new kernel sfs and new hardware gubbins. Seemed to be ok. Didn't test thoroughly though.

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2016, 01:25
by perdido
I gots bugs :-O

Puppy Precise 5.7.1 setting up a frugal install to an SSD hard drive, freshly created partition(sda3) with ext3 file system, puppy installed in a directory named /001/

Boot parameter pmedia=ataflash

Booting from sda1 NTFS using grub4dos

The save file will not record deleted files (after I delete them with ROX or XFE) from the puppy file system root - but it will record files added to the puppy file system root. The save file will also record installed and removed pet files in PPM. It just will not record files deleted from the puppy system root /
The files will not go away.

Tried this 3 times with different sized save files (512MB, 768MB, 2GB) with same results.

Problem happens both when using and not using pupsaveconfig. pupsaveconfig is an add-on for precise 5.7.1.

Also verified md5 of puppy install disk.

Barry K mentions something about possible problems with the save file in Precise 5.7.1 if the file exceeds 1.8GB, mine was both under and over that with this issue.

There are also problems retro-fitting a save folder to Precise 5.7.1, thinking this could be related. ... 2&start=21

I will report back on this if I find a solution. I have only been running Precise as a full install up until now, without issues.

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2016, 03:54
by perdido
Follow-up to my previous post.

My system does not like the pmedia=ataflash (pupmode 13) on the SSD hard drive.
It saves properly using pmedia=atahd (pupmode 12)

Not exactly what I want, actually don't see any much difference between pupmode 12 and a full HDD install except we keep system changes seperate in their own file system. Kind of like a save folder except different. Libby the Kid.

So now pupsaveconfig can't be used because pmedia-atahd writes to the save file in real time. pmedia=ataflash loaded everything into memory but was acting strange, see previous post.

Still think there is a bug in there if pmedia=ataflash is supposed to work on a hard drive, everything I have read points to it being supported.

PC Cardbus networking

Posted: Sun 03 Jul 2016, 23:01
by esbelugas
Starhawk, hope I'm not too late with this suggestion, but it may help someone else in any case. I've also had problems getting a PC Cardbus network card working, but I found a fix.

I have Precise 5.7.1 on an ageing laptop (Compaq Evo N1020v from 2003) with a Texas Instruments PC Cardbus interface and D-Link DWL-630 Cardbus wireless card. Similar symptoms to yours. I read about an issue with some Realtek chipsets (used by D-Link among others) on some Cardbus interfaces, where the card goes into an unstable state at power-on, and needs to be reset before it will work reliably. So I wrote the following simple script:

Code: Select all

ifconfig wlan0 down
sleep 3
pccardctl eject
sleep 3
pccardctl insert
sleep 5
ifconfig wlan0 up
The "eject" command logically disconnects everything on the Cardbus, then the "insert" command re-connects them. The card drivers and network wizards will then kick in as expected. I run this automatically at boot time and it's been perfect for 6 months+.

Maybe worth a go. HTH

BTW, this issue seems to have been resolved in the current Slacko release, but I keep Precise on this old laptop because it's more responsive. :D

Posted: Sun 03 Jul 2016, 23:26
by starhawk
Did not work initially... however, I've done so much wireless testing on that thing that I've kind of become my own enemy. There's a half dozen wireless utilities on there, at least...

I'm going to do a reinstall and see what happens.

EDIT: After no fewer than four of my CD drives refused to work (!) and the hard drive in the CPi decided to die (at least according to BIOS) -- I'm calling it quits for the evening... if I don't I'm going to have to learn to alcoholic and that's not something I want.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 17:08
by starhawk
I think I may have a workaround for the CardBus problem... esbelugas, I'll still try your script ;)

Turns out I have a USB 1.1 hub that takes external power (it has a switch that takes it from self-powered to wall-powered). The CPi has only one USB port -- which is why I didn't want to use a USB WiFi card -- but with a hub, things are a little different...

Doesn't much matter, though, with the hard drive busted. (I hope it's the drive and not the controller... I should probably test that, though.)

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 18:35
by starhawk
Weeeeeeeeell... I installed Precise 571 non-Retro this time.

More things work, but the sound demon has returned. The driver doesn't exist at all in Precise 571 Regular.

Anyone want to compile it for me? :lol: I need the applicable one for a Crystal 4237B sound chip. IIRC the driver is called cs4236... please no SSE anything in the compile target, I'm rocking a Pentium II here.

I'd do it myself, but I really don't fancy the idea of compiling even that on a 300MHz P2 with a quarter gig of RAM. I'd be there all afternoon.

EDIT: Never mind... even *USB* WiFi cards refuse to work here. Screw it, I'm installing ClassicPup. It's deathly slow but it will probably actually work...

EDIT2: no, I'm just setting it aside. I had to hard power-off it after the CD drive in it refused to work (WTH?!) and once again it won't boot right.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 21:28
by Mike Walsh
Hey, starhawk.

Sounds like your hardware is throwing not just one 'wobbly', but a whole series of them... :lol:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 22:09
by starhawk
It's a rebellious 17 year old, what do you expect? :lol:

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 22:13
by Mike Walsh
starhawk wrote:It's a rebellious 17 year old, what do you expect? :lol:
^^^ 'Nuff said..! I remember what I was like at that age... :lol: You've definitely got your work cut out, old son... :roll:

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 22:38
by starhawk
Actually, this one's probably got me fired up once too many. I can't really do with it what I wanted -- so it's probably headed to the local tech shop for recycling, come Thursday. Of course I'll strip it of anything meaningfully useful first...

...which of course won't be much. The RAM is actually valuable because it's very very weird (look up "EDO memory" some time... they didn't make it for long, and they haven't made it in forever), and I just put a 1.8" SSD in the drive tray, with an adapter, and that assembly is staying with me. That's about it, TBH.

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 23:38
by esbelugas
> this one's probably got me fired up once too many
Sometimes it's worth one more go. Sometimes it isn't. Maybe sleep on it and then decide. :)

> look up "EDO memory" some time
Definitely worth keeping hold of this, I think. I bought some used EDO memory a short while ago - difficult to find and 8Mb cost me as much as 4Gb of SDRAM!

Posted: Mon 04 Jul 2016, 23:52
by starhawk
8mb? That sounds like 30pin SIMMs. You got a 386 or sumptin?

That Dell takes a max of 256mb, and that's what it's got -- 2x 128mb sticks. They were a Christmas present last year ;)

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2016, 12:49
by esbelugas
My mistake - it was 32Mb EDO, 72 pin. I bought it for an old system board (think it was Socket A based), but sadly the board went belly-up shortly after I took it out of storage.

I did buy a 72-pin 8Mb module at the same time, but it was regular FPM to add to a late model 486 (16Mb total). No chance of running Puppy on this box, so I'm planning to install FreeSCO and see what it can do as a network appliance.

Posted: Tue 05 Jul 2016, 22:14
by starhawk
FPM is not regular :wink: it's just as weird as EDO. Both were briefly common around the time the dinosaurs went extinct...

Precise 5.7.1

Posted: Mon 06 Mar 2017, 21:06
by TIW
Hi. I have deleted Seamonkey from precise.5.7.1 but find those Seamonkey icons coming back in /.confg/
Why are they coming back ? How to stop them from doing so ?
Thanks for your help.

Posted: Mon 06 Mar 2017, 21:10
by bigpup
Did you delete it by using "Remove Builtin Packages"?

Posted: Tue 07 Mar 2017, 13:06
by Semme
*On second thought, I'll pass..

Posted: Fri 28 Jul 2017, 09:38
by snayak
Dear All,

I am using Precise puppy on my AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (512MB RAM) machine.
I downloaded precise-5.7.1-retro.iso and devx_precise_5.7.1.sfs from ... ise-5.7.1/.

Where should I look for the following pakages?
1. Java
2. Python
3. Virtual Box
4. Kernel sources for 3.2.48

Didn't find them at sfs folder :-(

Kindly guide.

Srinivas Nayak