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Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2009, 10:31
by puppyiso

I missed the bridge file.

Now it works. The next is the menu.

Thank Thank Thank you, Irihapeti


John S

Posted: Thu 18 Jun 2009, 20:24
by Irihapeti

That is great news!

All the best with the rest of your project.


Posted: Wed 15 Jul 2009, 10:36
by puppyiso
I tried Chinese today but there was NO correct pinying input.

None was correct.

Please check the Chinese input. The screen you see is with Gnome clothes on.


Posted: Wed 15 Jul 2009, 12:11
by Irihapeti

It looks as though you only have Scim-tables installed, which doesn't include pinyin. Scim-m17n (and you'll need the other two m17n packages as well) has some pinyin options.

The other choice is scim-pinyin (智能拼音), which is quite popular. That's just a single package download. When it's installed, it shows up in the scim menu as

Hope that helps.


Posted: Sun 26 Jul 2009, 22:22
by Irihapeti
你们好, 我的朋

Posted: Sat 01 Aug 2009, 15:55
by pacchiee

Good work! Does the newer versions still require to be replaced or have you included it in the package?

Posted: Sun 02 Aug 2009, 00:11
by Irihapeti
pacchiee wrote:Irihapeti,

Good work! Does the newer versions still require to be replaced or have you included it in the package? is only needed for Puppy 4.2; later versions have been fixed. And no, it's not included in the new scim packages.

It's probably better to install the gtk-2.12.1-xinput packages instead. Just if you aren't going to be doing any compiling, and the other three if you are. The first one contains anyway. (Maybe it's time to remove it from the directory; it was a stopgap sort of solution anyway.)

Hope that clarifies things a bit.

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2009, 07:48
by levian
hi Irihapeti,
i was trying to install scim-pinyin into my puppy 4.2.1,
that includes installing

n more tables n files that were found in /members/Irihapeti/ which i eventually got lost. both geany n leafpad doesn't give me any reactions. nor with cltr+space. i even tried reinstalling my puppy to get the scim to work, but it still doesn't. what should i do next? please help.

i am able to read some chinese fonts though.

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2009, 09:49
by Irihapeti

For some further instructions, look here: ... dly-method and ... -installed

You shouldn't need to reinstall Puppy but you do need to restart the x-server, or reboot.

If you want a good display of Chinese characters, install wenquanyi bitmap font. The instructions are here: ... ling-fonts

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2009, 11:21
by Aitch
Hi Irihapeti

How you keeping?

Just a quick reminder, requests have been made to move your/everybody, that is - files from

to the new site/hosting - I think :? [pm prit1 for confirmation]



Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2009, 00:54
by levian
hi Irihapeti,

thanks for the kind reply.
these are the also among the instructions that i followed, which later resulted to searching for answer through the forum. i still get a Dependency missing for when installing the bridge though. i did include the gtk-2.12.1-xinput package while installing the 3 packages previously.

as for the font installation, i followed the instructions listed in the INSTALL file, n got stuck at the stage 5 - "test". i get "no such file or directory" when typing /usr/X11R6/bin/x1sfonts | grep 'wenquanyi', i repeated the steps twice n still get a "no such file or directory". what did i miss?

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2009, 10:37
by Irihapeti

You only need to make sure that the wenquanyi folder is in /usr/share/fonts and then reboot or restart the x-server. At least, that's all I've ever done.

If you got a missing dependency error when installing scim-bridge, check that you are not using a version of scim compiled by someone else. That's the only reason I can think of for the error.

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2009, 01:11
by levian
hi Irihapeti,

thanks for the kind reply. i placed my wenquanyi under /usr/share/fonts/wenquanyi/wqy-bitmapfont/. when i opened up geany's font, i can see WenQuanYi Bitmap Song n WenQuanYi Zen Hei, but under the previews are all english ABCs. is that how it is supposed to be?

i downloaded these packages from /members/Irihapeti/

i continued n installed the rest of these packages too yesterday,

n also another chinese localization package from

for the bridge error, first i tried - n received the error of missing library files for: then i tried n received the error of missing dependencies:

i managed to get it working after reinstalling a fresh copy of puppy. there were still missing dependencies error but so far everything is working fine. i can read n input chinese characters now. thank you so much, Irihapeti!! :D

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2009, 10:56
by Irihapeti
The missing files when you install scim-bridge-qt4 are in

You will need that package only if you are going to run qt4 applications.

Anyway, I'm glad it's working.

Posted: Thu 13 Aug 2009, 02:05
by levian
hi Irihapeti,

should i install after it is working now?
i have installed so much packages that it stuck at "If X failed to start, type "xorgwizard" to setup X" error during start up, therefore i ended up reinstalling my puppy instead.

all that is left is having my printer install.
do you happen to know anyone who can help me with it? sorry for so much trouble, i am not literate with linux. most of the time, it is try n error for me. hehe.

Posted: Thu 13 Aug 2009, 02:59
by Irihapeti
levian wrote:hi Irihapeti,

should i install after it is working now?
i have installed so much packages that it stuck at "If X failed to start, type "xorgwizard" to setup X" error during start up, therefore i ended up reinstalling my puppy instead.

all that is left is having my printer install.
do you happen to know anyone who can help me with it? sorry for so much trouble, i am not literate with linux. most of the time, it is try n error for me. hehe.
You only need to install if you are going to be using qt4 programs. If everything is working without it, then I would say that you don't need it.

Printers: sorry, can't really help. You could try leaving a message in the Advanced Topics -> Hardware subforum.

Trial and error is a great way to learn. I knew nothing about Linux two years ago. The number of things I've broken and reinstalled would be huge. Fortunately, Linux makes reinstalling easy (well, much easier than Windows).

Posted: Thu 13 Aug 2009, 03:23
by levian
hi Irihapeti,

i already posted under the hardware section.
it's true, all it takes is the experience to make us grow accustom to it.
thanks for your assist for the past few days! :D

Posted: Fri 21 Aug 2009, 05:28
by kensuguro
any hints for scim-anthy on puppy 4.2.1?
I installed everything, and it all seems to be working.
I can call up scim with ctrl-space, and get anthy to show up, actually type and see hiragana.. except, when I press space to convert to kanji, nothing happens. I can also press enter to commit the hiragana..
Is this a known issue?

I've installed:
all the gtk+ packages

seems it's extremely close to working.. just no kanji.. any help appreciated.

Posted: Fri 21 Aug 2009, 08:27
by Irihapeti

You need one more package:

I knew it was needed for scim-canna in Puppy 4. I didn't realise it was also needed for scim-anthy.

I've updated the new wiki page to include this information.

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009, 20:32
by Irihapeti
For those who are interested, I've uploaded the latest versions of the m17n database and libraries, plus the anthy server. They are available from the usual download locations.