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Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 15:46
by greengeek
Scottman, I read on one of your other posts that you were looking at how to lock down Puppy for use in a kiosk.

Is this a project you plan to pursue?

I'd like to have a kiosk setup that booted from HDD but automatically stored any data changes to another partition. ie: all recently acquired data is constantly saved so that it is retained when machine rebooted, but no system files can be changed.

It would be intended to give newbies an environment to learn the puppy ropes, without them having to understand what pfix=ram does etc.

Maybe you have already done something similar?

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 18:56
by smokey01

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2012, 17:53
by greengeek
Thanks Smokey. That looks like an interesting write-up.

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2012, 18:40
by technosaurus
I have posted a way to _completely_ lockdown a desktop in a separate thread (though its intended purpose was to show the absolute minimum required to boot to a semi-functional desktop) ... I can make a reworded howto if people show enough interest

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2012, 23:30
by greengeek
technosaurus wrote: I can make a reworded howto if people show enough interest
Yes, I would be keen to look at any methods of achieving this.

I would like to make a basic puppy desktop that cannot be tampered with, and provides a browser capable of viewing Youtube, and with Abiword or Libreoffice in case the user needs to create a document. (Akita and Mijnpup look like good possibilities..)

If it was possible I would also want to include some sort of keylogger or document backup facility so that all of the users work will be saved to a seperate partition if the power goes off or they shutdown without having remembered to save their files.

Boot from CD and save to usb might be one option, but I think it might be faster to have an HDD based setup if poss.

I saw that Scottman mentioned a similar idea on another post so I wondered if he had something like that in mind for Akita.

Akita Linux beta7

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 16:44
by sc0ttman
Akita Linux Beta 7

This one is very 'up to date' with Woof2, as of Feb 25, 2012.
It also has many custom fixes and improvements.

Download URL: akita-linux-beta7.iso

(md5: d4f6d3e3d6dfee57bb4e6bf982f063c8, 90.7MB)

Devx, for compiling: akita_devx.sfs (sfs3, 88.9MB.. updated Feb 23rd)

Akita is binary compatible with Wary 5.1.x, using the Wary5OLD repo.
Akita also has its own repo. Packages from dpup should mostly be OK too..

But remember, Akita Linux is (for now) still using sfs3,
with kernel, just like puppy 4.1, 4.2 and 4.2.1.

A summary of changes in beta7:

- lots of updates & fixes from Woof2 (see Woof2 blog, Dec 2011 - Feb 2012)
- many newly i18n'd apps and new translations
- better NLS system - .mo and .locale ... momanager now in devx
- latest JWM, firstrun, pupsaveconfig, frugal-installer, grub4dosconfig
- many fixes in devx - it's working very nicely now
- better Akita repo PPM updater, now with lists of new pkgs, logs, etc
- around 40 new packages added to Akita repo, in PPM
- many updates and fixes for existing PPM packages
- much better support for e16, xfce, openbox
- customised, standardised Akita versions openbox, fbpanel, lxpanel, wbar, e16
- much improved default setup of elinks browser (javascript works, etc)
- more browsers added to choice in browser installer

To do:

- fix puppyinstaller - it's badly broken at the moment (test it.. or use frugal installer)
- get more translations.. momanager and woof2 should make it easier
- underdog linux
- kernel version fixes (for kernel switch later)
- pxe booting
- better elinks wrapper
- opengl installer
- add dpups Qt to repo, plus lost of qt apps
- updates in woofy
- updates in PERL, check lupu
- fix restartwm/restarx, and therefore, some scripts that use it
- fix momanager: remove some SSS stuff, fix (basename $0) errors, remove 'builtin' stuff

Here are all the changes I have not previously posted about:

Code: Select all

Jan 16th, 2012
	- updated dir2pet, added --silent option
	- updated dir2pet right click option, now dir2pet uses --silent, better icon, etc
	- updated /usr/bin/makepet, uses dir2pet--silent
	- added all .pets in Akita Repo to the PPM (livepackages5a.txt):
		- claws-mail-3.8.0-i386 - email client
		- dbus-glib-0.82-akita - needed by some apps in akita repo
		- gsudoku-akita - game
		- 4pane-0.8.0-i386 - great file manager
		- MediaInfo_GUI_0.7.52-i386 - get info on video/audio files
		- mp3splt-gtk-0.5.7a-i386 - mp3 file splitter
		- multivnc-0.5.1-i386 - VNC lcient
		- pidgin-2.7.5-i386 - chat/messenger client
		- sylpheed-3.1.2-p4 - email client
		- sylpheed_NLS-3.1.2-p4 - email client - locales
		- xawtv-20081014 - video4linux/webcam/TV client
		- xawtv-DVB-20081014 - video4linux/DVB/webcam/TV client

Jan 18th, 2012
	- updated drive shortcuts in /media
		- fixes in ~/Startup/gtk-mnt-links,/usr/sbin/blkid_generator
		- gtk-mnt-links now removes old symlinks
		- 'loop' devices (mounted sfs files) now ignored totally
	- added nice download progress bar script: /usr/sbin/download_progress (by techno)
			- i18n'd it, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch
			- not using busybox anywhere, except ash shell
			- changed wget options to wget -c -4
			- added correct exit/error codes
			- include dir or file name as 2nd option ($2) to set output dir or file
	- updated /usr/sbin/petget and PPM, nicer download GUIs:
			- now using nice, i18n'd download progress bar
			- nicer; now uses/requires /usr/sbin/download_progress
			- faster; shorter pings and wget timeouts
	- updated browser-installer, nicer download GUIs:
			- now using nice, i18n'd download progress bar
			- now uses /usr/sbin/download_progress

Jan 22nd, 2012
	- updated mtpaint to 3.40 and its NLS files
	- fix for gconv: added cache, speeds up loading up gtkdialog (apparently)
	- renamed right click option 'Add to .tar.gz' to 'Create tar.gz'
	- removed the old 'dir2pet' right click option (inode-directory)
	- added the rt3070sta module to zdrv
	- removed pCD and its menu entry
	- set geany to UTF-8 by default, for all files
	- updated to latest grub4dosconfig (1.7.2), it has better CF card support
	- fixed /usr/sbin/delayedrun: added more checks to delay flash-get from running, unless browser is started
			- added `grep -v download_progress|akita_setup|Xdialog` to flash-get `ps` checks
	- added to Akita repo/PPM: 
			- xplorer2, a file manager, needs libjpeg8
			- libjpeg8, a jpeg image library
	- added more pan-unicode fonts to Akita repo/PPM:
			- cyberbit: supports european, arabic, russian, hebrew, arabic, chinese, korean, japanese
			- freefont: supprts mainly european fonts, arabic, latin, etc
			- undotum: supports many european, chinese, korean, japanese
			- unbatang: supports many european, chinese, korean, japanese
			- large-unicode: supports many, many languages
	- updated gftp to ttuuxxxs version with puppy-friendly icons
	- fixes in akita devx, re-uploaded to akita repo

Jan 24, 2012
	- fixed tcl/tk packages in Akita PPM and repo: wish_apps, impress, gnocl
	- i18n'd & partially translated /usr/sbin/akita_setup - French, German, Spanish, Russian
	- updated Flash-Get: now using the download_progress GUI and fixmenus
Jan 25, 2012
	- updated RU translations, /usr/sbin/akita_setup,download_progress
Jan 26, 2012
	- updated wmswitcher to 0.18, added support for e16
	- added e16 window manager to Akita repo and PPM: 
	- fixed RPM handling, see #26012012, line 189: 
			- fixes in pupzip: if exploderpm fails: 
			- now uses rpm2targz..then rpm2pet/pet2tgz
	- fixed/updated MIME types:
			- updated RPM exec action to 'pupzip'
			- also moved all in .config, to Choices, replacing older ones
	- renamed a few right-click options, fixes in globicons, too
			- better SFS right-click options
			- new rpm right click option
			- globicons changed to match new options
	- removed duplicate/outdated rpm handling scripts in /sbin and /usr/local/bin:
			- /sbin/exploderpm
			- /usr/local/bin/rpm2targz,rpmoffset,unrpm
	- updated French translation in /usr/sbin/download_progress

Jan 28, 2012
	- added TOR-browser to repo and PPM , deps installed with it:+dbus,+libevent
	- updated to JWM-579, and libpixman-0.24.2
	- updated /usr/sbin/fixmenus to use new `jwm -reload` option
	- fixed /usr/sbin/toggle-rox-desktop, NOT to use new `jwm -reload` option
	- updated /usr/local/bin/fixmenus_on_locale to use fixmenus
Feb 03, 2012
	- updated the 'Update Repo' button in Package Manager (/usr/local/petget/ 
			- now creates log file of all updates $HOME/.packages/akita_repo_updates.log
			- now lists all new packages added to repo in popup dialog
			- fixed list sanitation and duplicate removal
			- show error message if update failed
	- updated /usr/bin/jwm_add_favourite: now uses `jwm -reload` (was /usr/bin/add-jwm-favourite)
	- updated JWM 'Apps' menu: 
			- added akita_seup to favourites
			- updated exec cmd for jwm_add_favourite
			- reversed order of faves added: newest added to bottom of list
			- fixed exit codes and program name gathering
	- updated VLC-GTK to 2.3.6
			- main GUI: now supports pmusic_CD, instead of pCD (for audio CDs)
			- on-screen controls: only resize/move video playback window if fullscreen 'off', in main GUI
	- updated /usr/sbin/flash-get: 
			- download and install with Flash11, if QtWeb or midori already installed
			- menu refreshed after Flash install, using fixmenus
	- updated libcairo: updated to version in wary51x...
	- fixes for libpoppler: updated all to versions in wary51x, not inc the akita-compiled 0.14.5
	- fixes for openbox: theme_manager and network_gui: use wrappers in /usr/bin/, move cmds out of .desktop files
	- fixes in ~/.packages/livepackages5a.txt:
			- gsudoku: size and category
			- tk-8.5.6: category and deps
			- scribus: "optionally needs python264"
			- python264: "optionally needs tcl_tk"
			- browserlibs: "optionally needed by QtWeb, Midori, others"
	- fixes in akita_devx.sfs:
			- fixed: -lX11 errors, added the missing .so symlink
			- fixed: removed some symlinks in main sfs that were messing up X11 includes
			- fixed: removed broken libGL symlink in /usr/lib/
			- fixed: updates and additions in /usr/includes/ and /usr/lib/pkgconfig/, from /usr/X11R7/* 
			- fixed: also removed the redundant stuff left over from above, in /usr/X11R7/*
			- fixed: moved some stuff from main sfs into devx (/usr/include/*)

Feb 07, 2012
	- added DE translation for sfsconvert
	- fixes in VLC-GTK, updated to 2.3.7:
		- better disc checking for DVDs and CDs
		- faster gtkdialog exec
		- small fix for VCD playback
		- make file>open much easier, always go to dir of last played stuff

Feb 09, 2012
	- updated to: retrovol-0.12, pequalizer-0.4
	- fix: remove jwmrc-apps and jwmrc-drives from ~/.jwm/jwmrc-extra
	- fix: make sure jwmrc-tray has </Tray> and newline at end of file
	- fix in /usr/bin/, when selecting gtkdialog version
	- fix: make dotpup a symlink to petget in /usr/sbin/
	- fix: remove old pup-advert-blocker in /usr/local/ and upate menu entry
	- i18n fix: pmount uses gtkdialog-splash in place of gxmessage/xmessage, where possible
	- i18n fix: renamed all fake *.mo files to *.locale files
			- renamed all fake .mo files in /usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/
			- updated all(?) scripts that need the renamed .locale files, to now look for *.locale
Feb 16, 2012
	- fixes in PPM (/usr/local/petget/ 
			- fixes in "update repo" function, no duplicates ever added to repo
			- faster GUI - updated gtkdialog check and exec... 
	- fixes for ~/Startup/gtk-mnt-links

Feb 19. 2012
	- fixed libjpeg: updated libjpeg to 0.0.7, system wide: removed libjpeg 0.62, recompiled imlib2, mtpaint, 
	- elinks updated: now supports javascript:
			- requires libsee-3.1.1424, added to main fs
			- updated config file to support more terminals, better webpage layout, etc
	- fix: removed some gettext stuff, moved to devx
	- fixes in devx - updates to wary5.1.x versions:
			- akita_dexv.sfs, 89mb, 006b4031fce125ceabeb1e041afc1667
			- (contains libgettext-0.17, momanager, etc)
			- added imlib2_DEV-1.4.2-i486, libjpeg_DEV-7-w5, libsee_DEV-3.1.1424-6-i486, libtiff_DEV-3.8.2-1-w5
			- fixed iconv: updated to /usr/include/icon.h from WaryQ (5.1.x) 

Feb 20, 2012
	- updated to latest in woof2; many fixes and newly i18n'd scripts:
			alsawizard,  burniso2cd,  filemnt,  pupcamera, set_hwclock_type,
			askpass,  icon_switcher, pupdialog, set-time-for-puppy,
			bootflash,  loginmanager,  pupscan,  partview, xwin,
			sns_stuff: help_security,,  sns
	- fixed: mv /sbin/dir2pet,dir2tgz to /usr/bin, remove dupes in ~/my-applications/bin/
	- added: ~/Choices/MIME-types/text-x-patch
	- updated elinks settings: 
			- nicer colours settings
			- better bookmarks(press 'S' key).. inc puppy search engine (
			- better session handling, etc
			- updated homepage, scroogle seems dead :(
	- updates in devx: momanager, new2dir

Feb 21, 2012
	- fixed: /etc/rc.d/rc/sysinit; added many, many woof2 updates and fixes
	- updated init script (inside init.gz), moved placement of 'done'
	- fixes for i18n in ~40 .desktop files.. Name= must go before Name[*]= !!
	- fixed: un-removed libjpeg 0.62
			- fixes lots of old repo stuff, browsers
			- Akita still compiles cleanly against libjpeg7, using latest devx (Feb19 onwards)
	- updated mtpaint default settings
	- updated to browser-installer 1.5
			- added Links 2.5
			- added QtWeb 3.7.2
			- added TOR Browser Bundle 2.2.35, plus deps if needed (libevent,dbus-glib)
			- updated Russian translation

Feb 22
	- i18'd /usr/local/bin/pupzip	
	- fixes added from woof2: clean_desk_icons (dfd2cf6c790f766e), sns (7b7d177b7579da2e)
	- small fix in /usr/local/petget/

Feb 23
	- update FR and RU translations in browser-installer
	- updated default shutdown menu to /usr/sbin/akita_shutdown
			- /usr/sbin/PupShutdown moved to /usr/sbin/akita_shutdown (avoid errors if adding radkys .pet)
			- updated JWM menus, jwm_menu_create, ~/.jwmrc,~/.jwmrc-apps
			- fixes in i18n of akita_shutdown
			- added DE, ES, FR, NL, RU translations to /usr/share/locale/.../akita_shutdown.locale
			- updated shutdown menus of PPM pkgs: fbpanel, e16, openbox, lxpanel, xfce
	- fixed i18n of zdrvcutr_gui: 
			- added FR and RU translations
			- moved translations to /usr/share/locale/
	- removed mo2po editor (/usr/sbin/ceelab/), it's replaced by momanager, in devx

Feb 25
	- updated to pupsaveconfig 2.1
	- updated to frugal-installer 1.5
	- fixed openbox obconf in PPM, also nicer fonts
	- fixes in wmrestart, so it only restarts the *WM*, if possible
			- created symlink 'restartx' that points to restartwm
			- if called as 'restartwm', only restart the current WM , if possible
			- supports: jwm, openbox, xfce, e16, (check WM switcher for others)
	- small fixes in /usr/bin/wmexit, sync with akita_shutdown
	- fixes in akita_shutdown:
			- i18n fix for "Exit to Prompt" button
			- fix: 'Restart X' button now using the new 'restartx' symlink
	- updated PPM: added 32 pkgs to Akita repo list (livepackages5a.txt)
			xfce_minimal_DOC-, xfce_minimal_DEV-, spacefm-0.7.1-i486, 
			streamripper-1.64.6-i486, scratch-, fossil-1.21-x86, movgrab-1.1.8, 
			links_DOC-2.5-i486, links-2.5-i486, mtpaint_NLS-3.40-1-akita-i486, mtpaint_DOC-3.40-1-akita-i486, 
			xfe_staticFOX-1.32.1-i486-akita, NVIDIA-177.82-k2.6.25.16, NVIDIA-180.60-k2.6.25.16, 
			NVIDIA-190.53-k2.6.25.16, NVIDIA-71.86.06-k2.6.25.16, squeak-4.2-10966-i686, jre-, 
			dillo-3.0.2-akita, gadmin-sshd-0.0.1-i486, geeqie-1.0-i486, libdrm-2.4.25-w-20110427, 
			libgpg-error-1.10-w-20110914, pciutils_DOC-3.1.7-i486, tar-1.26-w-20110313, pburn-3.4.2, pburn-3.4.3, 
			pmusic-2.3.0, pmusic-2.4.4, poppler_DEV-0.14.5-i486, xdotool_DEV-2.20110530.1-i486, 
	- updates (mainly cosmetic) to /usr/local/package_creator_fs/*

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 19:20
by don570
Note to scottman :

I created some new right click menu items to convert audio
files, such as converting a wma audio file to wav

Several languages available.

It should be easy to integrate it into Akita. It just requires ffmpeg
and lame.

It's called

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 19:49
by technosaurus
don570 wrote:Note to scottman :

I created some new right click menu items to convert audio
files, such as converting a wma audio file to wav

Several languages available.

It should be easy to integrate it into Akita. It just requires ffmpeg
and lame.

It's called
what does it do that ffconvert does not? (besides not do video)
don't get me wrong, I like simpler solutions, but if we start having multiple multimedia converters, we will see the "too many calculators" rants all over
... so I like adding it to repo, not necessarily the iso

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 20:34
by don570
It's just a nice feature.

I've just discovered that lame can convert ogg files as well to mp3.


Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 18:01
by technosaurus
I found a way to view images from elinks ... inks-3057/

the same could be applied to other types of media for vlc/mplayer/gmplayer
as well a pdf using mupdf/fbpdf

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 22:24
by Keef

This is working very well. My Armada M700 has morphed from a P450 to a P750, so things are snappier anyway.
Just a couple of issues:
Running Alsaconf from the Alsa Sound Wizard brings up a very narrow terminal window - it closes if you attempt to resize, (runs ok if started from terminal though). This was the case with beta 6 too.
Line 86 of alsawizard looks like this:

Code: Select all

rxvt -geometry 60x3 -bg orange -e /usr/sbin/alsaconf 
Changing to 70x30 seems to fit best, but any attempt to resize the window (not really necessary) still causes it to close.

Tried to install Amigo's src2pkg, but it failed when trying to compile libsentry. No idea why, but I'll post on his thread too. (yes, I've got the devx...).

Akita 7 wont boot from CD

Posted: Sun 26 Feb 2012, 23:42
by outtaspam
Hello Puppy Lovers,

I'm having trouble getting Akita B7 to boot from a DVD+RW in my PC (specs follow). The ISO was burned in Win7 using its built in software.

The boot process stops with a blinking cursor after displaying this message

login[3891]: root login on 'tty1'

Thanks in advance for your help,

HP VL420
P4 1.8 Ghz
639 Mb RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 2MX/MX400
Retrofitted DVD-RW and second 80 Gb HDD

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2012, 15:53
by sc0ttman
outtaspam, thanks for testing, not sure what that problem may be...
The old kernel doesn't like your hardware, maybe?
did you try booting with various pfix options?

pfix=ram pdev=sda1 pmedia=atahd psubdir=akita .... etc

There are various commands you can use to see what's going on, or not...
I think the 'dmesg' cmd should help, also there are some kernel logs in /tmp ..

From the console, if you can, try `cat /path/to/file` to read it... Or 'mp' ;)

Keef, I PM'd you about src2pkg, it's likely the gcc in the akita devx..
Install the gcc .pets and its deps from the wary5OLD repo, that should solve it..

I will also take a look at the sound wizard thing too...
Thanks for the feedback.

Techno, I have looked into that stuff before, and was all set to do it,
but I just cannot seem to get fbida compiled - I got libexif, lesstiff, etc all built..
But fbida keeps spitting errors about exiv and some files being missing,
can't remember exactly what at the moment...

But this leads me to something else.. I wanna compile a few things with framebuffer support,
but it seems as though the Akita devx does not have the requried stuff to
compile for framebuffer support, for example when building the 'Links-2.5' browser

Posted: Tue 28 Feb 2012, 21:40
by sc0ttman
Quick update...

I have fbi installed, only the console one, not the X viewer...
I have elinks working nicely with fbi in framebuffer :D
I have adjusted elinks settings accordingly.

I have also updated more libs in the main SFS, /usr/lib and /usr/X11R7/lib...

I also updated lots of stuff in the Akita devx, and even got the wary 5.1.x devx working fine as well.

EDIT: solved fontconfig problems.


Posted: Wed 29 Feb 2012, 21:56
by Keef

Using Links 2.5 successfully with graphics and no X. For some reason it won't work under the plain framebuffer, even though the driver is enabled. It does work with DirectFB though.
Installed current DirectFB
Compiled links with:
--prefix=/usr --enable-graphics --with-directfb --with-fb

Key presses are doubled and it is impossible to type anything sensible (URLs etc) and moving the cursor with the arrow keys is affected too - jumps an extra line. To cure this, you need to do this:
Create a .directfbrc in root and add

Code: Select all

. Found this fix after a bit of Googling.

The mouse cursor is a mess - barely visible, but usable once you get used to it. The cursor does tend to 'stick' to it a little eg if you use TAB to shift fields, it may stop where the mouse it positioned.

Launch links with:

Code: Select all

 links -driver directfb

Beta 7 review:

Posted: Fri 02 Mar 2012, 01:28
by don570
Beta 7 review:

1) You forgot to update Bacon Recorder and Quick Launch.

2 You must remove the file
.../OpenWith/.audio_x-ms-wma/Edit using Mhwaveedit

3) Is it possible for you to patch the kernel to open EXT4
formatted partitions? I have one because I used an Ubuntu installer.

4) I noticed that your right click feature 'Start with slideshow'
doesn't work when you try to launch the file from a USB stick
formatted as fat32. I investigated and found that feh and
feh_slideshow worked fine so I looked into how you made your
right click option.

I believe I found the mistake...

When I removed that one line the right click option worked fine
on a file stored on a USB stick.

5) Would you check if
.../OpenWith/.audio_x-pn-realaudio/Edit using Mhwaveedit
works. I don't have a file to check this.




Posted: Fri 02 Mar 2012, 08:07
by shinobar
Test please!
Test release: (2012-03-02)
Enhanced RAM mode, multisession live CD support, fixes regarding Puppy-4.x(was failed multisession CD operation).
Also need to refine the translations.

Posted: Fri 02 Mar 2012, 23:38
by sc0ttman
Keef, thanks for the tips on Links, I will have a play with it, and see what I can do...
Sounds like a bit of a non-starter though, which is a shame :(

Don, thanks very much. I'll add those QL and BR updates later,
doing other more 'backendy' things at the moment..
Same with the right click stuff, more pressing matters for me now...

about ext4: Various parts of Akita still need to be updated to support it..
It's not just the kernel: init script, rc.* scripts, libparted, gparted, PUI, etc..
If anyone can help be more specific about ext4 fixes, let me know...

I'll double check the slideshow thing... Good spot..

Thanks for the testing guys, much appreciated..

And just to be clear, I still plan to release an Akita that uses a nice, new kernel.
I'm thinking the Wary uniprocessor kernel.. I think it has PAE, too...
I don't care about PAE at all, but read the uniprocessor worked better than SMP...
I would like to also try a recent 3.x kernel, if possible...
And I will go with union_fs, not aufs, if possible..

A new kernel (+ required fixes) will provide new hardware support, ext4, etc...

AFAIK, various packages are kernel (feature) sensitive, but not so many...
These include libparted(?), nsidwrapper, alsa(?), others?
I'd like to be corrected if anyone knows I'm wrong!

Posted: Sat 03 Mar 2012, 17:26
by don570
I compiled the most recent mtpaint (with no jasper) and
it works well with akita. (version 3.44.03)

I had to compile using puppy 431 because the devx package I have is
for beta6 and it gave errors. Hopefully you've fixed the
problem with the beta7 devx package.

Here's all my software including bacon recorder and quick launch
archived so you can check.


Posted: Sat 03 Mar 2012, 17:30
by don570
Be careful when you choose libparted . It must be matched
with the kernel. I know that much about operating systems. :lol:
