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Posted: Fri 11 Apr 2014, 01:27
by rufwoof
Thanks BigPup

I was aware and had tweaked those settings already.

I think its just a question of the different web sites I tend to visit using different layouts where the messages and message posting boxes use different fonts/sizes. Such that what's reasonable on one site is small on another (or big on another).

I've established a reasonable compromise, and the zoom plugin also helps.

Posted: Fri 11 Apr 2014, 15:41
by puppy_apprentice
rufwoof wrote:I'm looking forward to zigbert's util.

Am I the only one (perhaps colour blind) that has problems with matching jwm with gtk themes and/or getting colour/theme/message settings that are functionally usable in practice?
I have not good eyes too. I've changed only color of the text to white. Former color was to dark for me especialy on dark background.
Standard Slacko 5.7.0 - I couldn't read terminal well. htop also a strain (I've set mine to monochrome). For some themes the speaker/internet tray icons night on disappear. Geany orange text is also a strain IMO. But it might just be me - aging eyes.
Yep terminal default colors are to dark (at least for me).
It will be nice if font will be bold.

I have suggestion for partview or system graph applet to add bar for system memory usage.

I've found better font for me. In console icon as argument put this:

Code: Select all

-fn -*-fixed-bold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Everybody can find own favorite font thx to command:

Code: Select all

For permanent change, change line in ./.Xdefaults from:

Code: Select all

urxvt.font: xft:Nimbus Mono L:style=Regular:pixelsize=14

Code: Select all

urxvt.font: -*-fixed-bold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Default font in terminal looks good on LCD monitor but on CRT bold font is better. And LCD screens are lighter than (old) CRT screens. Besides TTF fonts leaves some artifacts in terminal (small dots). With X fonts i haven't seen any artifacts.

Posted: Sun 13 Apr 2014, 14:16
by Karl Godt

Code: Select all

xfontsel -print >>xfontsel.out
defaulttexteditor xfontsel.out
so it does print the selected fonts to a file.

Slacko 5.7 final

Posted: Mon 14 Apr 2014, 14:01
by L18L
Slacko5.7 (and 5.6) have an outdated version of gparted_shell
which is not internationalized.

Internationalized version is:

Code: Select all

#(c) copyright 2008 Barry Kauler
#2008 Lesser GPL licence v2 (
#v411 BK: wrapper for gparted, prevent indefinite scan at startup on some systems.
#v424 update desktop drive icons. note, this is also done in /usr/sbin/bootflash, puppyinstaller.
#v424 report that gparted crash with a non-english locale.
#111013 remove LANG=C
#130118 rodin.s: add gettext.
#130722 new method to signal to update desktop drive icons.

export TEXTDOMAIN=gparted_shell
export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale

#v424 report that gparted crash with a non-english locale. well, maybe just do this...
#export LANG=C # off for gettext, hope it won't crash

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 15:16
by puppy_apprentice
Karl Godt wrote:Use

Code: Select all

xfontsel -print >>xfontsel.out
defaulttexteditor xfontsel.out
so it does print the selected fonts to a file.
Your code give me an idea to make rox-app for this (only Polish and English locales included).

AppRun script:

Code: Select all

#shell script to manage console app


case $option in
        "--font") font=$(xfontsel -print) #choose font for console
                  if [ $font != "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" ]
                      cat /usr/local/apps/console/before.txt >.Xdefaults
                      echo "urxvt.font: "$font >>.Xdefaults
                      cat /usr/local/apps/console/after.txt >>.Xdefaults
	*) /usr/bin/urxvt;; #just start default console
I will make similar app for browsers (it will try to find installed browsers and generate new .xml file for app menu).

Edit: Added "If" block.

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 17:32
by Senderok
Hi all. New release is really awesome, but how to switch time from 12Hours mode to 24hours mode? And how to remove second ':' after minutes.

For example, currently, time shown as:
And i need it to be shown as
Take a look


Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 17:40
by SFR
Try Menu -> Desktop -> JWM Window Manager Settings -> Clock


Posted: Tue 15 Apr 2014, 17:45
by Senderok
SFR wrote:Try Menu -> Desktop -> JWM Window Manager Settings -> Clock
Yes, it solved both problems completely:


Thank you very much.

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2014, 22:12
by puppy_apprentice

Posted: Mon 28 Apr 2014, 16:41
by puppy_apprentice
Shutdown app is nice but little slow (slow start, is this problem with svg graphics?) on my old machine so I've made JWM button to shutdown my computer quicker. I've made button for save option too. I've tried to delete save icon from my desktop but after reboot it appears again. So how to delete it forever.

If anybody wants the same option, edit file:

Code: Select all

and add two lines after Clock tag:

Code: Select all

		<Clock format="%H:%M">minixcal</Clock>
		<TrayButton popup="Save" icon="/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/save48.png" border="true">exec:save2flash</TrayButton>
		<TrayButton popup="Shutdown" icon="/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/shutdown48.png" border="true">exec:wmpoweroff</TrayButton>
And i have an idea to make JWM shutdown button with options from shutdown app. Is there any quicker scriptable toolkit than gtkdialog or i have to code it in Bacon or C?

Edit for curious people: hand on the screenshots belongs to Josie Maran ;)

Posted: Wed 30 Apr 2014, 01:31
by rufwoof
SneekyLinux rates Slacko 5.7.0 at 91/100

Posted: Thu 01 May 2014, 19:29
by xanad
Hi Micko, hi all
this is an italian langpack for slacko 5.7 that I built (100%):
langpack_woofce_it-20140525 : ... sp=sharing

and this is a relative derivate:

Puppy Slack-it_570.iso : ... sp=sharing


Xanad ... 695#774695

Slacko 5.7 final

Posted: Sun 18 May 2014, 18:18
by Billtoo
I did a new install to a 400x sdhc card.

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sun 18 May 2014 on Slacko Puppy 5.7.0 Linux 3.10.32 i686
2.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0166 (rev 09)
oem: Intel(R) Sandybridge/Ivybridge Graphics Chipset Accelerated VGA BIOS
product: Intel(R) Sandybridge/Ivybridge Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0
X Server: Xorg Driver: intel
X.Org version: 1.12.4
dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile x86/MMX/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.4

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Core 0: @1200 1: @1200 2: @1200 3: @1200 MHz

It's working well.

Posted: Sun 18 May 2014, 19:08
by oldyeller
Hi mick,

I'm downloading now I can't use it on my new desktop, But I can on my Dell D430 lappy.


Bug in current Shutdown processing

Posted: Fri 23 May 2014, 08:08
by gcmartin
Bug Report
when shutting down, if I choose to change folder at shutdown "Sanity Check" to /mnt/sda2/Slacko57, the system WILL NOT save the session. Hitting the Yes, Save button will quickly move from X-desktop to the console window. I see a terminal message of unable to save session and exiting without save. Again it ONLY happens when I change the folder to where i want the save-session to be saved. The following does not create the save-session.
But, if I leave the original "root" (ie "/") and accept the Summary without changing, the shutdown processing will create the save session in the root of the drive.

Here to help.

Posted: Fri 23 May 2014, 14:33
by bigpup

Where exactly are the other Puppy files located on hard drive?

Posted: Fri 23 May 2014, 21:37
by gcmartin
bigpup wrote:Where exactly are the other Puppy files located on hard drive?
Slacko was booted Pristine from a CD. The HDD is ext4 formatted partition. All works well without changes to the screen which present ONLY "/" initially, BUT if you change the directory to what is show in the pic, for example, the save-session will NOT save to the "change" directory which is shown in the picture (namely /mnt/sda2/Slacko57).

BTW, rebooting and moving the items Shutdown placed in root to the target folder manually, the system finds his save-session on a subsequent reboot (as it does normally). So, the placement of the save-session does not matter at boot time whether it is in the root or the target directory. Further, the system saves all system updates to that changed directory's save-session file as you expect.

Is there something that should be known about some preexisting PUPPY files in Slacko57-Final that would allow shutdown to behave one way when save-session to root directory and another way when save session to a non-root directory?

Hope this is clear for understanding

slacko 5.7 seems fine

Posted: Sat 24 May 2014, 22:06
by cowboy
Frugal install with Grub4Dos to 8GB lexar usb stick on Dell Latitude D530. First boot, frisbee identified Broadcom wifi adapter, and connected without issue. SNS also worked after fresh reboot.

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c)
Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (secondary) (rev 0c)

Processor 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz
Memory 2064MB (193MB used)
Machine Type Physical machine
Operating System Slacko Puppy - 5.7.0

Ethernet controller Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5755M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)
Network controller Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11a/b/g (rev 01)

Posted: Sun 25 May 2014, 02:45
by ttuuxxx
Hi Micko, I downloaded your slacko around 3 weeks back, I added Xine,VLC, flash,Chrome and gimp.
Yes Chrome, As you know I've always been a Firefox user, but lately The latest ones are really getting slow after they've they've been running for week. I addded adBlock to chrome and boy does that ever kill the ads on FB,Torrent sites, Popups, just makes the browsers work perfect all the time.
VLC,gimp runs great. Pretty much all you need. I did have some issues with slow repo servers.
I also Installed LxTask and pmusic plugin EQ. If I'm going to use a min music player a eq is a must :), LxTask is simple and easy to use. One of my favorite task managers.
This is a great release. I can't fault it on my end what so ever :) Great work.

Posted: Sun 25 May 2014, 09:56
by Sylvander
Will I be able to update my slackosave.4fs for Slacko-5.5.91 to 5.7?
Does it make a difference if they're PAE or non PAE?