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Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 19:11
by Jejy69
Hi mates !

@mavrothal, thanks for this report, I didn't know that 1gb was not enough.
Indeed, we can save space. I'm working on it as soon as possible. :)

@natgab, Thanks you, I was a little afraid that my absence is a source of discontent. :) If you want, I released today KDE 4.10 sfs, but I don't know if it works correctly on Lxpup 13.

Cheers !

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2013, 02:49
by Terry H
Jejy69 wrote: I released today KDE 4.10 sfs, but I don't know if it works correctly on Lxpup 13.
I installed the kde4.10 sfs in lxpup13.01. Everything I tried worked. The WM Switcher application, also worked when selecting KDE..

It did however appear to have an issue. A notification was displayed:

" Nepomuk Semantic Desktop needs Virtuoso RDF Server to store its data. Installing the Virtuoso Soprano plugin ismandatory for using Nepomuk."

Whatever is missing, it didn't appear to interfere with the operation of the system. I did some searching in Puppy Package Manager and found a package for Soprano 2.7.6.

I don't know if this package is relevant to the notification message. I didn't install it as there were 10 dependencies which were huge.

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2013, 13:37
by Jejy69
Hello Terry H,

Yep, Nepomuk doesn't work with Root account. So i removed some applications linked to this software, like this, KDE sfs is more light, but the pup-up is always here...
But Nepomuk is not important. :)

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 16:30
by billyboy47
I am trying to run it also on my Vye S18 mini with 1mb of ram but it is too slow for some reason. It has an AMD GeodeLX processor.
I can get the screen resoltion sorted via vesa from xorg but still remains slow.

I have downloaded Lxpup Slacko 13.01 to my old asus with 526mb ram, all is well. Responsive etc etc, even with youtube video!

Any ideas regarding the geodeLX or is it simply rubbish at handling anything? I have windows xp on it currently and it still cannot handle youtube videos correctly.

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 08:40
by natgab
Jejy69 wrote:Hi mates !

@mavrothal, thanks for this report, I didn't know that 1gb was not enough.
Indeed, we can save space. I'm working on it as soon as possible. :)

@natgab, Thanks you, I was a little afraid that my absence is a source of discontent. :) If you want, I released today KDE 4.10 sfs, but I don't know if it works correctly on Lxpup 13.

Cheers !
---I'm currently using the older version of MATE, the one included with LXpup13. Do I have to change back to LXDE, delete the MATE.sfs and then add the new one version and then switch DE again? I would rather ask before I do it and not mess things up.

The new KDE I am going to add to an extra USB with a new install of Lxpup 13. I haven't used KDE since Kubuntu 7.10 I think. :D This USB is on my keychain for emergencies.

KDE desktop question

Posted: Sun 03 Mar 2013, 07:30
by natgab
The USB called SANDISK (sdb1) is my USB with KDE installed. It works great, but I can't make Dolphin (the file manager) to show me the full USB. I have the folder Storage HD, and I cannot see that information.

How can I see it in KDE like I am able to see it in MATE? I tried going to /root and looking in /mnt, but the folder does not show up. I carry this back and forth from work and would like to be able to access my information if I have to use the USB to boot a broken PC.


SOLVED: Fixed the KDE problem. Now I can see what is on my USB and I was able to place the short cut in the Home folder widget (white arrow). Red arrow shows path of where it is located, for anybody who had the same problem.


Posted: Tue 05 Mar 2013, 18:22
by WillM
LXpup – More Than Just Puppy Linux With LXDE ... linux-lxde

Posted: Wed 06 Mar 2013, 18:25
by natgab
I'm not getting Flash video since yesterday. YouTube and Yahoo says Adobe plugin has crashed. Anybody else?

flash version: 11,2,202,273


I re-installed an older backup of my save file with KDE. This loaded and when I turned on Firefox it updated automatically to 18.01. Youtube loaded and worked. My other save file that was giving me problems had FF 17.01 and would not let me update through Puppy Package Manager.

I guess something was messed up in Puppy Pkg. Manager from some extra applications I updated.

--PeeBee, what does your update to LXpanel do? Does it make the computer shutdown automatically? Every time I turn off KDE, I get the prompt and need to type "shutoff / reboot".

LXPanelX for LxPup 13.01

Posted: Wed 06 Mar 2013, 22:19
by peebee
I was a fan of LXPanelX that Jejy used for LxPup 12.12

so when LxPup 13.01 was released with LXPanel I decided to see if I could install LXPanelX.

The result is this pet:

This is definitely offered with no warranty whatsoever - but I have been using it for a bit and it seems to work OK.

After installing it, do a Restart WM from the shutdown menu to get it going.

The pet includes as well as LxPanelX a top and bottom panel configured how I like them plus a button in the top panel to suspend my laptop.

[edit] Oh yes - it also contains a fix to rox so that Puppy progs that rely on rox actually use pcmanfm.

Hope somebody enjoys trying it out.

Missing icons

Posted: Thu 07 Mar 2013, 12:18
by peebee
Some files when displayed by pcmanfm have missing icons in LxPup 13.01 - see vmlinuz in the screenie - anybody know how to make a default icon display?

Re: Missing icons

Posted: Thu 07 Mar 2013, 17:49
by simargl

Re: Missing icons

Posted: Thu 07 Mar 2013, 17:54
by natgab
peebee wrote:Some files when displayed by pcmanfm have missing icons in LxPup 13.01 - see vmlinuz in the screenie - anybody know how to make a default icon display?
---Running LXDE right now with Oxygen icon color set. I get all of them.

Do either of you have trouble with Flash? I guess I'm going to have to re-install, still getting flash error. :(

Files I added to the USB thumbdrive

Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2013, 02:35
by BobSongs
I installed Lxpup Precise 12.12 to my thumbdrive. However, the USB boot from the thumbdrive didn't give me the CD's start up options.

To restore those options to your USB thumbdrive (RAM drive), copy these files from the Lxpup CD to your USB stick:
  • boot.msg
Then, using leafpad, edit syslinux.cfg on your thumbdrive. You'll see it only has this line:

Code: Select all

default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash
I changed mine to look like this:

Code: Select all

default puppy
display boot.msg
prompt 1
timeout 50

F1 boot.msg
F2 help.msg
F3 help2.msg

label puppy
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash
I grabbed that extra bit of code from the CD's syslinux.cfg file.

Why make the USB boot resemble the CD boot?
My personal file, lxpupsave-Dell.4fs could break or get corrupted. Should booting to my normal personal setup fail, I can reboot from the same thumbdrive, press F1 and type

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=ram
and let it boot without my broken file. Or, I can create a second profile on the same 16 Gb thumbdrive to try different options.

I restored ''default'' to be puppy because none of the boot up options worked on the USB drive until then.

Re: Files I added to the USB thumbdrive

Posted: Sun 17 Mar 2013, 19:31
by natgab
BobSongs wrote:I installed Lxpup Precise 12.12 to my thumbdrive. However, the USB boot from the thumbdrive didn't give me the CD's start up options.

To restore those options to your USB thumbdrive (RAM drive), copy these files from the Lxpup CD to your USB stick:
  • boot.msg
Then, using leafpad, edit syslinux.cfg on your thumbdrive. You'll see it only has this line:

Code: Select all

default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash
I changed mine to look like this:

Code: Select all

default puppy
display boot.msg
prompt 1
timeout 50

F1 boot.msg
F2 help.msg
F3 help2.msg

label puppy
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash
I grabbed that extra bit of code from the CD's syslinux.cfg file.

Why make the USB boot resemble the CD boot?
My personal file, lxpupsave-Dell.4fs could break or get corrupted. Should booting to my normal personal setup fail, I can reboot from the same thumbdrive, press F1 and type

Code: Select all

puppy pfix=ram
and let it boot without my broken file. Or, I can create a second profile on the same 16 Gb thumbdrive to try different options.

I restored ''default'' to be puppy because none of the boot up options worked on the USB drive until then.
--Can I do this to the one I am using? Or does this have to be done to a clean install? I think I'd like to try this and have separate saves too.

edit menus

Posted: Sun 17 Mar 2013, 20:31
by danneauxs
Just installed and playing with this. Very fast and I like it but some issues.

The issue of this post is menus.
Can I edit menus? If so how?
I'd like to delete an icon for a program that didn't install properly, even better I'd like to rearrange the whole menu layout. One of the things I've chafed at since I first used puppy a few years ago was I want my menu system to reflect how "I" think not how someone else wants it to be. I usually end up cluttering up my puppy desktop to avoid using the menus.


Re: Files I added to the USB thumbdrive

Posted: Mon 18 Mar 2013, 04:32
by BobSongs
natgab wrote:--Can I do this to the one I am using? Or does this have to be done to a clean install? I think I'd like to try this and have separate saves too.
Feel free to follow the same steps on your copy of Puppy Linux.

The idea is:

1. Copy the files mentioned in my post to your USB SanDisk stick. The MSG files have the bootup tips. I find it frustrating when they're not handy at start time.

2. Compare the contents of the CD's syslinux.cfg file and the copy on your SanDisk stick. The only real difference should be the pmedia should equal usbflash.

3. I recommend leaving a copy of any file you change on the stick -- with the exception of a name change. Change the name of syslinux.cfg to something like syslinux.cfg.orig in case things go in a different direction that expected.

PLEASE NOTE: since my original post I noticed that puppy pfix=[parameter] wasn't working quite right. I knew I'd get it eventually and it works just fine now. However, it meant copying a few more files from the CD to my own SanDisk, namely:

Tiny files, to be sure, but I can remove them and test the boot to see how necessary they are. I will post my findings as a later edit in this post.
EDIT: and ldlinux.sys are not necessary for the system to work, apparently. From what I've observed the problem was my syslinux.cfg file didn't have this line:

Code: Select all

kernel vmlinuz
This caused Puppy to get confused and ignore my attempts at changing how it started up. But all is now well.

Which devx file?

Posted: Tue 19 Mar 2013, 11:11
by neo1967
Hi to all,

which devx file I must load (install) (after full installation) to start the MoManager?


Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2013, 19:09
by Jejy69
Yo mates !

It's been a month that I have not answered... The time passes really fast...

I'd love you to be involved, provide advice for a possible future release. If you like it, that's great, but do not hesitate please, we share different points of view. I feel I only listen to myself, as if you have no choice.
Express your desires, updates, software, themes, skins, of course the possibility of our comptences and opportunities.

For now, I started some things like:
-Slacko 5.5 ( I'll ask 01Micko ).
-Lxpanel 0.5.12
-Gslapt, slapt-get, pkgtool, replace petget. ( Apt-get like, Dependencies gestion, less install errors, packages upgrades, command line installer, add more repositories ).

See you later !

Posted: Fri 22 Mar 2013, 06:18
by BobSongs
Jejy69 wrote:Yo mates !

It's been a month that I have not answered... The time passes really fast...

I'd love you to be involved, provide advice for a possible future release. If you like it, that's great, but do not hesitate please, we share different points of view. I feel I only listen to myself, as if you have no choice.
Express your desires, updates, software, themes, skins, of course the possibility of our comptences and opportunities.

For now, I started some things like:
-Slacko 5.5 ( I'll ask 01Micko ).
-Lxpanel 0.5.12
-Gslapt, slapt-get, pkgtool, replace petget. ( Apt-get like, Dependencies gestion, less install errors, packages upgrades, command line installer, add more repositories ).

See you later !
If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion.

I would like to see a version of Lxpup that carries enough software to fill a CD. Standard applications like LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird and so forth as part of it by default, as well as the ability to boot to more than one Desktop Environment. Allow me to explain why.

The standard release of Puppy Linux is small, fast and perfect for older computers as well as to test on newer machines. It works well as a light desktop for basic PC purposes as well as an emergency start up disk to rescue information from a Windows computer that no longer boots up. I'm sure standard Puppy Linux has many many more uses.

However, when I run Puppy (standard release), I find myself adding a number of pieces of software and remastering it. I speak of things like:
  • LibreOffice
  • The GIMP graphic editor
  • Inkscape svg editor
  • Audacity audio editor
  • Firefox web browser
  • Thunderbird email client
  • Google Chrome web browser
  • VLC media player
  • As well as the software found here:
The standard Puppy Linux helps to save many very old PCs from being thrown away. But there are a growing number of more powerful PCs that could easily run a bigger and fuller version of Puppy. I have no idea if this cross section of computers has a tailor-made release of Puppy for them as well.

I know there have been puplets in the past that have tried to put a lot of software together, but many of them are either hard to find or simply disappear.

Puppy has succeeded in many areas: rescue old PCs; be very user friendly. So my desire would be to see a beefy Puppy designed to rescue more recent PCs from the trash pile.

the way to get there

Posted: Fri 22 Mar 2013, 09:38
by Volhout
PHATSlacko has most of your needs.

Just needs Jey's LXpup changes for LXDE and other desktops.