Muppy 0084 Beta 2 with Compiz + Gnome 2.22.3 + KDE 3.5.9

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Custom KDE

#61 Post by AnewJeff »

That sounds great! No rush on the build-packages. I'm still learning to find my way around the new Muppy so it may take me a while to get to it. I'll let you know how it goes. Once again, THANKS!!


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#62 Post by tlchost »

MU wrote:I uploaded Muppy008.4 beta 1.
It should be stable, but a beta is intended to find final bugs.
So please report issues that should be fixed for the final release.

Mark like a charm!

Just for reference:

If one has a printer that uses a USB feed, you might want to use the
PSI and instal cups-install-v.0.3.pup and cupspdf-0.3.pdf. Install the cupspdf after you add your printer and the pdfwriter drops right into the printers available

I also installed burn2isocd, which works fine.

I have a lot of "not registry entry needed" windows programs on a USB drive....with the wine that's in simply click in the aplication and off you go.

If you want to have a GUI-like operation, you can use pstart from

The release, like the ones before it, are really great!

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X Driver?

#63 Post by Fishy »

Boots up fine, but when I select xorgwizard and my monitor and card it tells me that I have selected vesa and cannot run compiz fusion. I know that the xorg settings are okay as I run dingo with them. Otherwise all is good and I am sending this on Muppy 0084 Beta 1, puppy pfix=ram. :D

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#64 Post by MU »

thanks for these nice hints :)

So you had set up the graficscard in xorgwizard first.
Then the compizwizard ran.
There you chose automatic?
If yes, please exit X, and run again
Now try the manual setup, it should let you choose between 2 nvidia drivers, one for old cards, one for new ones.

I am waiting for the delivery of a new notebook, then I can test the nvidia drivers on my own, but there is currently a delay of 3 weeks with getting this machine.

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#65 Post by Jim1911 »


I have a problem setting up my USB printer with this muppy. I've installed, which has worked in other distributions for this HP C5280 printer, but that didn't help.

Thanks for the new gnome and kde updates. Are there any special instructions to follow in trying these with Dingo?


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#66 Post by MU »

Muppy uses a newer cups.
Please backup your savefile, and try the dotpup mentioned by tlchost. ... l-v0.3.pup
mirror: ... l-v0.3.pup
Does that fix it?

Muppy by default already includes hpijs-2.8.6b, but I could not test this version yet.
In Muppy 0083e there was an older version.

Gnome+KDE in Dingo:
I think this will not be so easy, as they depend on many libraries, that Muppy comes with by default.
For Dingo, many had to be added.

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#67 Post by MU »

if you download the Muppy-buildsystem, you will see a folder

It includes all the slackware packages, that I used to update Puppy 3.
If you have those, you have most needed to run gnome or KDE.
There will just miss Python, and some minor libs, like libtag.
Those later could be found in:

So to "upgrade" Dingo, you had to go like this:
install hal, dbus, udev.
These are essential.
You can easily create PETs from the folders in the Muppy-Buildsystem.
To run them at startup, you also had to add most from
It has group files, and some configs, and init.d/muppydaemons, to run the 3 mentioned above.

A pet is created like:
cd muppy008.4build/sfs-sources/systemupdate
dir2pet gamin-0.1.9-i486-1

Then you could check with "ps", if hal, dbus and udev run.
If this works, you could add Gnome or KDE to the bootmanager.
After reboot, for Gnome, run:
Then reboot again.
This is required, because Dingo has no mechanism to run it automatically before the daemons in /etc/init.d/.

Then you might start JWM as usual, and type in a consolewindow:

Now you might see messages about missing libraries, so you could create PETs as mentioned above from the required files in the Muppybuildsystem.

The problem is, that some libs might not work with Dingos libs. No idea. But in theory, you could end up, in installing all of them, so you more or less would have again a Muppy0084.
This is a kind of adventure, to find out.

For KDE, it will be much easier.
It does not need Gtk, so you can keep all those of Dingo.
It might just need very few multimedialibs or so.

I would suggest, to start with KDE first, and just if you have success, look at Gnome, that might be a somewhat frustrating experience.

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#68 Post by Jim1911 »


Thank you for the detailed instructions. The cups-install-v0.3.pup worked fine to add the HP5280 printer. Please consider staying with the older version to avoid this problem for those of us with USB printers.

I've removed the weather applet and would now like it back, please advise me as to how to replace it.

Have downloaded the sources packages and will tackle KDE with Dingo first. I plan to use the new 4.0.6 version. That should keep me busy for quite a while.

Incidently, I'm now using your gnome desktop, and there is no problem with the top bar of maximized applications being covered up as with the MuppyPanel desktops.

Problems with applications in Gnome desktop system preferences menu:
1.Awm Manager does not work, running awm-manager in a console, bash reports “command not found

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#69 Post by MU »

To add the weather back:
right-click the gdesklets icon in the tray (looks like a puzzle).
This opens a popup.
Select "manage desklets".
Here you can add it in "uncategorized".

the other issues will be more difficult to sort out.
libsoup I removed, because it causes Evolution to crash.
Maybe I can use the new one from the latest update to 2.22.3.

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#70 Post by Jim1911 »


For some reason, switching from the Gnome desktop to your standard Icewm + Muppy Panel the top bar of maximized application is now visible. Nothing like intermittent problems to waste your time, I'll try to duplicate the problem, and report back. Thank you for helping me get the weather applet back.

Please consider including in your next Beta "clucene-core: Depends: glibc-solibs >= 2.5-i486-4" which is needed for Gslapt to install Bibletime. Haven't had that problem with your KDE 3.5.8.


Report: With the "3D Emerald + Muppy Panel Desktop", there are problems with Opera being maximized, however, the symptoms change ie: Opera covered the Panel completely and top bar was off screen, another time Opera was missing the top bar, but it was not covered by the Panel (just missing). Didn't have these type problems with other desktops, however "Fluxbox" and "Openbox" both gave problems and I had to use Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to recover.

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Question about Panel & a screenshot with wbar

#71 Post by AnewJeff »

I've been playing around with the beta quite a bit and have been quite impressed! Even though I'm not much of a computer guy & am still very new to Linux & Puppy, I've found my way around Muppy pretty well so far - a testament to Mark & all the Puppy team!!!

I've added Wbar and removed some things to clean up the look of the desktop. Unfortunately, these change leave me without a few essential desktop items, which I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to add to the GtkBasic Panel.

Does anyone know if it is possible to add things such as: blinky, a battery monitor, and a window list to the GtkBasic Panel??? I've looked around for answers but have yet to find them...

My Muppy (so far):
My Muppy.jpg
Muppy (008.4b) with Compiz:
- Added Wbar. Removed Icedock, Conky, and the "nomenu-LXpanel" from 3D Emerald + Muppy DE to give it a cleaner look.
(38.5 KiB) Downloaded 967 times

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3D- Nvidia Issues

#72 Post by Fishy »

CFWIzard will not work unless drivers are installed before running xorgwizard. My problem is that after the compiz wizard finishes, it kicks me back out to the xwin/reboot/shutdown dialog screen. Tried "startmuppy" and it brings me back to the reboot shutdown dialog screen. I cannot get back into Muppy at all, just a revolving xorg wiz, compiz wiz, xwin. :?

Even after rebooting I end up at this point. As long as I leave Muppy alone it works fine. It is a full install.

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Is there a special start command? :oops:

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#73 Post by MU »

xwin/reboot/shutdown screen
hm, I am confused, I don't know which screen you write about.
Is it a textmode screen, or a dialog running already in X?
Just a wild guess:
type this, if you get a console:

rm -f /tmp/wmexitmode.txt

Does that change something?
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#74 Post by MU »


No, the GtkBasic-Panel has no windowlist and no tray to display apps like Blinky.
It might be possible to write a small windowlist addon next week.

But the tray is currently not possible.
Maybe you could try instead xystray:

Instead of wbar you could use cairo-dock.
but it depends on Gnome, so it is part of the Gnome.sfs.
It has a plugin for a tray.

Apart from that, I know no solution to get a windowlist and tray without lxpanel :roll:

Another thing to try is to use lxpanel instead of GtkBasic-Panel.
But this would require some settings, so that it displays on top of the screen, with a menu.

I will see, if I can add a configuration for this next week.

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#75 Post by MU »

Concerning CUPS

The version in Beta1 was the old selfcompiled version from Muppy 008.3.

There must have been some library or whatever conflict, so that it did not display USB-Printers in 0084Beta1.

I was not able to find the reason, so tried to get Cups 1.3.8 from Slackware to work.
After hours of testing, I got it to work.
This also required an update of Ghostscript and Gutenprint.

I also looked at the issue with bibletime.
Finally I ended up in adding a lot of libs from Slackware.
The issue was:
you install bibletime, and it downloaded again lot of stuff already existing, like mesa. There even was this solibs conflict. The reason was, that these libs were not listed in the Slaptget packagelist.
By using many original slackwarelibs now, we have a much cleaner packagelist for slaptget, and it will no longer install redundant stuff.

As this was a quite complex update, I took the chance, to upgrade Gnome, too.
So beta2 has Gnome 2.22.3.
Here Evolution now also works with libsoup (the same one as before).
So it looks like the library upgrade also had a stabilizing effect.

It will take the whole night to build and upload the Beta2, maybe parts follow tomorrow.
I'll keep you informed, when you can start to download the Minis.

I also replaced the Ati 7x driver with 8.4x, but could not test that myself, so it might be broken.

So I need feedback of a user with a newer Aticard.

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#76 Post by Jim1911 »


Great, it's amazing what you've been able to accomplish. I wasn't expecting you to address the issues I raised so quickly. You need to get some rest after all that.

I won't bother with the beta 1 build file since you're so close with beta 2 to try gnome and kde with dingo.

Thank you,

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#77 Post by AnewJeff »


I appreciate the tip, please don't worry about configuring something special for this. I'm sure you've got enough on your plate already (or get a little sleep...),

I already tried the LXpanel at the top but wasn't satisfied initially. I'll try it again and see if I can tweak it to my liking.

Thanks again.


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#78 Post by MU »

I thought I could modify the winlist I once posted:
But in Compiz, it does not work.
So I can add no windowlist for compiz :oops:

Beta 2 is available

I uploaded Minis, Addons and development.sfs.
KDE and Office addons are the same as in Beta1.

Please do not use the old Gnome with it, this might give a mess, if you try the new Gnome 2.22.3 then, too.

The buildsystems will follow tomorrow.

- as stated before, again many library upgrades from Slackware, to make Gslapt work more reliable and fix reported bugs.
- Gnome 2.22.3 (requires Mini + Addons)
- addons now include imagemagick (needed by grafic-apps in KDE/Gnome).
- Mini now uses Flash 10 rc1 released on august, 11th.
- Cups upgraded to 1.3.8, Ghostscript to 8.62, Gutenprint to 5.0.2, hpijs to 2.8.7.
- autopackage included (install autopackages like: bash the.package)
- Ati flgrx in compiz-wizard upgraded to 8.493, but NOT tested! This is a repackaged version from the russian puppians, I think the pet was packaged wrong. We need a tester to confirm, that it works, then I can report it back to the russian team.

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#79 Post by MU »

Got a report via PM:
Exaile works, good job but shoutcast radio stations, aac, extended information do not work. I added and the dependencies and gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs_0.10.20-i386 from debian and shoutcast radio works! But the problem that every 10-20 seconds the sound is broken...I do not know why. It seems that in gstreamer there are not aac faad decoder too. I search python-gnome-extras to extended information too. Apart this problems it works very good:-)
My reply:
you could try to install gstreamer with Gslapt.
The current gstreamer is a selfcompiled version, I missed to replace it with a slackware package.
I'd be interested to know, if that would work, too.

Thanks for the info, best will be to post reports in the forum, as my in PMs I easily loose overview.
Sidenote: all isos/addons uploaded now.
Buildsystem in the next days, want to solve gstramer first.

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Can no longer Print

#80 Post by tlchost »

MU wrote:[
- Cups upgraded to 1.3.8, Ghostscript to 8.62, Gutenprint to 5.0.2, hpijs to 2.8.7.
Can not use this version to print to USB connected Laserjet4Plus. Even worse, I installed cups-install-v.03.pup, which has always worked in previous versions and the printer will not work..

Rebooted with previous beta version and I can print.

I hope this can be fixed.


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