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Puppy Community Register

Posted: Sat 10 Oct 2009, 21:31
by kazzamozz
Thanks ttuuxxx

Not a bad idea re the forum thread: Puppy Recycles.
Since starting with puppy the forum has already taught me heaps, what I thought was scary is now a real challenge, when something doesn't work I scour the forums to find the answer and so far have succeeded.
Getting my Vodafone modem to work was the clincher. Now there's no looking back too Microsoft only forwards to puppy.........

Would be too glad to help where I can in relation to older hardware. I only recently turfed out a heap of old stuff (before I found puppy)
However I still have heaps of different systems and new ones too. Can't seem to help myself re hardware.
I fear after finding puppy by accident this will only make my addiction worse!

My goal now is promoting puppy to all and sundry who will listen
Yell it out loud and clear


Posted: Sun 11 Oct 2009, 11:21
by Aitch
I have a question

Does anyone know an easy way to categorize the posts here, so that people can may meet up/contact with others offering similar/related help....?

For Example: Colonel Schell is starting to organise updating manuals/info, [a much recognised need] and several have offered help here, but aren't linked to his announcement/ thread....

If you are interested....

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 29 Oct 2009, 03:09
by scabz
maybe level 2 i can make pets, and sfs files. i have only used linux for around 2 years.I started running web servers on windows and switched to linux, hell i still have a windows server still running cuzz just to lazy to switch to linux.If anyone needs files hosted or mirrored i have alot of space.i have very crude skills in html, and php. i am decent at mysql but used it mostly in my windows days.i have very bad writing skills and am not good at putting my thoughts to words.

I love puppy and have it on 6 of my 7 computers i use, well besides the one windows server.

i do not use irc much but can message me here on the forum.

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 02:52
by William (Dthdealer)
Level 1

Minimal programming knowledge of C and python
Self-taught HTML
Intermediate at shell scripts

I've never created a .pet nor a puplet but I have used Puppy for 2+ years now and I know how most of the system works.

Forums - William (Dthdealer), Dthdealer (William), Dthdealer

No registered IRC account, my nick is normally Dthdealer.

Posted: Fri 05 Mar 2010, 02:22
by Saturn
username forum = saturn
puppy linux irc nickname = Xrter ,moderator

i'm barely a level two kinda between one and two to be honest in the fact that I am not totally new to puppy(been using it since 2006) but more to the fact that i know basic housekeeping tasks ,how to install and such and the only programming knowledge i have is a basic understanding of c,c++ and html
I am a bandwith sponsor serving up a recorded eight gb's of pets a day according to host monster's aw stats program

and I am also trying to help the community out by starting a better, more robust and capable wikki with Iguleder in the hopes it will be on par with other major distro documentation such as debian and arch
we are looking to compose articles that are very through ,extensive, and easy to understand in plain english

more info here:

so ya I am level two guy just not too big on programming

that is all


Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2010, 08:04
by pri
look like the other guy was longg time with puppy, registered now.

btw i miss this :oops:

forum name : pri
irc : HaRoCafe

doesnt have any background IT just having some fun work on puppy, and learning it by doing.

make some pet and iso, ( ithink this one is usual just simple) so i think i just in number 1 :D

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 10:43
by paulhomebus
I've started contributing, I'm no programmer, but I'm good with Html & CSS & Graphics design in general. I've been trying to learn PHP, so if any of you PHP guru's can spare some time, help me where you can.

I have a good appreciation of linux system structure, I'm slowly learning bash scripting, I know quite a bit about how Ubuntu works.

So I put myself at level 2...

If I can help in any way (that might challenge/improve my skills), & other than just making pet's and sfs's then give me a PM.

PS. I'm also hoping to learn more about python programs and how they can be made into executables - so I guess I better start learning python too...

forum name = paulhomebus
IRC name = palhmbs

Puppylover 4 eva...

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 18:54
by noryb009
Level 1, though somewhat level 3. I know a few languages (C++, PHP, ect.), but have hardly used linux.

forum/IRC: noryb009

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 15:18
by darkcity
Level 1 ; -)

Posted: Sun 23 Jan 2011, 21:21
by starhawk
Level 1 going on 1-1/2.

I haven't picked up on all the proper vocabulary (what's a symlink?) but I catch on fast and I'm learning to do some pretty advanced stuff. Just don't ask me to debug it on my own :lol:

e.g. made two pets (from debs) that don't work yet. I've very little idea as to what's broken.

Be happy to offer slightly old hardware (5+ yrs of age) as well, but I'll have to charge a little for it, mostly for shipping.

Puppy Forum: starhawk
[H]ard|Forum: starhawk
Email: laserhawk64[at]yahoo[dot]com -- or just click the email linky at the bottom of my posts.

Posted: Mon 24 Jan 2011, 19:28
by abushcrafter
Global Internet Name=abushcrafter

  • CSS
  • (Nooby level) Bash/GTK Dialog
  • Menu System Config

Posted: Sat 29 Jan 2011, 20:04
by DM was on fire!
Name: DM was on fire!
IRC: [dmwasonfire]
E-mail: This is also my MSN address.

I do graphics, know a little bit about Linux (I really should considering I've ran it almost nine years now). Call me a level 1 and 3/4.

Posted: Thu 07 Mar 2013, 19:04
by mysticmarks
Glad to see so many users willing to contribute to open development! I've been cold for 2 years now, but am going to start looking back at new compilations and see what's changed. As for everyone saying you don't know linux..that's OK. Linux kernel is very established, and the key players aren't leaving..ever. The BIG thing is your wide range of skills here. If you can PHP, Java, C+, C#, etc. then you have the ability to compile native to linux via those skills. Take applications you enjoy now and spice them up. Don't like the GUI? Change it! Think it needs a new button? Add it and upload! cant build a PET file? Look over the list here..tons of people are getting good. Communicate your needs, and pass the files to be packaged! Lots of "the other system" has programs that can be translated be skilled coders. We "open sourcers" NEED that to keep this platform meeting OUR demands.

As for an earlier question, symlinks are just a linux equivalent to a shortcut in proprietary systems. It's a redirect within another file location. Generally this practice is supposed to help eliminate file redundancy, and in general it does exactly that. Dependent files are structured this way. If java is required to run the program, why have a second copy of it? You don't. You require java, then in your own package include symlinks within the files to the standard java locations.. OR creat a script that serached for the version of java and creates a sym link during the installation. Both are practiced, and in some cases both are used together to form low level fail safe loading.

The MAJOR DIFFERENCE from the big guys, and this system is FILE STRUCTURE. The user base is defining it day by day. HOPEFULLY.. If you plan to develop a package, you follow through with writting down the logical structure and create the appropriate file layout for your program based on what exists. IE- if you need a temp folder for a subroutine, just reference an existing location for that. Why create "Temp" when you already have "temp" or "tmp". :wink:

Posted: Mon 02 Sep 2013, 19:41
by nilsonmorales
nilsonmorales forum/irc
support team in #puppy-es spanish channel
Puppy-es project comunity puplet
Level 2 i guess

Posted: Tue 03 Sep 2013, 19:06
by watchdog
forum name: watchdog
I think level 2.
Happy to help and to contribute. I want to give back at my best all I took from puppy's developers and from internet.

Posted: Sat 14 Sep 2013, 01:36
by Karl Godt
So its time for me I think to register here too :
If you program in any language relevant to puppy and/or are excellent with linux file structures, software installation, scripting, etc.
Label yourself level 3.
Not much programming language skills except hello world in C/C++ and Html .
Mostly bash scripting I learned while reading Mr. Kauler 's scripts in Puppy Linux plus few exterior scripts .
AWK is my worst abillity, sed and grep are quite well .
I hate the menu.desktop structure, so am not posting .sfs and .pet much .

Am Running Puppy Linux only, mostly the Macpup derivate Foxy3 on full installations .

The Murga Forum actually was the first site I registered without fancy user name .
I was tired about all these well mended suggestions to use weird names and passwords and because I am still convinced on Puppy Linux though it has flaws here and there especially with these USB modes .

Former started with full SuSE Linux 6.2 on P-I and had a time off without computers for several years :)

@ bkhome I am K Godt, since I my lost my password there .
@ irc I am Karl_Godt_CLIENT_NAME ; not using irc much cos irc is too fast for me .

Posted: Thu 26 Sep 2013, 16:37
by partsman
Well I don't know how helpful I can be here as I wish I had more time to spend learning about puppies root core ! But after reading the first post I guess I would say I am a 1 1/2 :) I started using puppy about a year before I registered I can make a pet & sfs files and feel fairly comfortable with basic file structure of puppy I have been tinkering with comps for a few years prior to discovering puppy and have a handful of older boxes laying around :) I have done my share of distro hopping ! But keep coming back to the distro that I fell in love with :wink: the people in these forums have been more than helpful that has given me a new outlook on life :D Anything I could do for the puppy cause I would gladly do with a smile :wink: please feel free to ask and contact me through this forum :wink:

Posted: Thu 03 Oct 2013, 01:08
by Deacon
I'll be glad to be a tester. Quite good at it.