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QuickSet concept

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 01:08
by shinobar
sinc wrote:you seem to have an independent idea of where you want things to go, have you considered taking over one of the other distribution pups that are not currently being developed. such as dpup which has a great start but gposil has unfortunately not been back for a while. or spup that barry started, etc? just wondering.
Thank you for your offer.
Maybe i do not have enough time to do with another puppies at this point of time.
The reason why i am working on the Lucid Puppy is it is excellent as for the base. Playdayz and the team, including many testers, did great a deal.
But also it is easy on any puppies to bring out the QuickSet concept, i mean the graphical boot menu, drect desktop and new country wizard.
Hope Barry takes QuickSet on the woof.

Frugal Installer

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 05:37
by shinobar
Even frugal install of puppies are easy to do by hand, Lupq has a GUI named Frugal Installer.
One of the reasons i made this is for bigginers to avoid the Universal Installer, complex and has traps.
The Furugal installer with Grub4DosConfig is easy and safe. You can setup all the things accepting the defaults.

If you like to install lupq on USB drive, still the Frugal installer is my recommendation.
If you find the difficulty with boot up the USB drive on your PC, try the Boot Flash next.

Frugal install on USB drive using the Frugal Installer is almost same as installing on any other drives.
But the Grub4Dos installing, select the target drive and recommended to tik on the 'Search within only this drive'.

Try and enjoy!


Re: Partview and etc.

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 06:35
by ecube
shinobar wrote: network-tray-ecube is a slight different, right?.

I personally do not like Bary's new network tray.
Presently the functions of the network_tray buttons are:
  • Left button:
    When there is no network connection, this runs the 'defaultconnect' script. Otherwise, 'ipinfo' is run.

    Right button:
    Displays a dynamic menu. The choices are:
    "Setup networking"
    "Network status information"
    If there is an active network, then there is also this menu entry:
    "Disconnect from network"
    And having disconnected, there is then this:
    "Reconnect to network"
'ipinfo' of the left button is identical to "Network status information" of the right button.

network_tray-ecube replaces the redundant 'ipinfo' by a splash screen showing "actual ip-address/No IP-address found". (I have found it very useful dealing with unstable wireless connentions to have a simple way of determining if there exists an ip-address or not.) I have tried without success to convince Barry about the wisdom of my suggestion.

Maybe it would be better to show the output of the pip script in the mouse pointer splash information.

Re: Partview and etc.

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 07:49
by shinobar
ecube wrote:network_tray-ecube replaces the redundant 'ipinfo' by a splash screen showing "actual ip-address/No IP-address found". (I have found it very useful dealing with unstable wireless connentions to have a simple way of determining if there exists an ip-address or not.)
must be nice.


Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 10:44
by shinobar
You may not be familiar with.
Winfonts (lupq-004 and later) is an aid for PC's dual booted with Windows.
It enables Windows fonts and the virtual memory to be also used on Puppy.
Try it if you have lupq dual boot with Windows.

a wrapper for the Synaptic touchpad

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 14:31
by shinobar
On Lupu and on LupQ-005 and older, the Synaptics touchpad works from the first desktop, but the flsynclient fails.
I made a wrapper script which can be a solution.
Please try attached, and reply test reports.
It work both on LupQ and on the lupu-510.
Version 20100828 has a typo at the code for Lupu. If you are using LupQ-006 and later, need not install or update.

The reason why the flsynclient fails, i suppose next mechanism:
At the first desktop, the X-server detects the Synaptic touchpad and automatically configure the driver to work.
But the 'SHMConfig' is set 'off' for security reason, whereas synclient requires 'SHMConfig' 'on'.

The main script i made, /usr/bin/, works as the wrapper of synclient.bin, and add proper touchpad entry to xorg.conf.

calling for translations

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 15:19
by shinobar
some .pot files you can find at /usr/share/doc/nls on lupq.
i recommend poedit to make translations for the gettext system. ... _utilities


Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 18:33
by Tasgarth
shinobar wrote:
some .pot files you can find at /usr/share/doc/nls on lupq.

usr/share/doc/nls does not exist.(full install)
Or maybe I understood something wrong.

Re: /usr/share/doc/nls

Posted: Mon 23 Aug 2010, 22:21
by shinobar
Tasgarth wrote:usr/share/doc/nls does not exist.(full install)
/usr/share/doc/nls is on lupq-004. if you are not running lupq-004 live cd nor frugal installed, you can click lupq-004.iso and click lupq-004.sfs.

Flash Player PET

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 08:29
by shinobar
lupq-003 and later does not contain Adobe Flash Player. Install the libflashplayer PET from here.

There is a trap:
If you boot up lupq without pupsave(lupqsave) and install libflashplayer, the main part of the PET is installed at '/mnt/home/libflashplayer'.
The directory '/mnt/home' means the partition your pupsave exists. But if you boot up without, '/mnt/home' is not on the HDD but RAM.
It is no problem as for as you are running on RAM. But when you make the pupsave, the '/mnt/home' on the RAM disappears.
It is not the lupq specific problem. Some PET does such a behaviour with any puppies.

Using these PETs without pupsave is no problem.
But if you will make pupsave, do it first. Install nothing before you create the pupsave.

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 12:38

How do you know that SHMConfig is set OFF at first desktop? There aren't any config files when X is working automatically.

What is the security problem with SHMConfig being ON?

Touchpads seem to be a problem with this new XOrg. Some will not get recognised at all. I am trying to understand how Puppy and XOrg detect and configure touchpads in the hope of finding a solution.


Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 14:47
by shinobar
ICPUG wrote:How do you know that SHMConfig is set OFF at first desktop? There aren't any config files when X is working automatically.
What is the security problem with SHMConfig being ON?
I am not sure what is the problem in fact. The SHM is a channel to configure the driver on the fly i understand.
ICPUG wrote:Touchpads seem to be a problem with this new XOrg. Some will not get recognised at all. I am trying to understand how Puppy and XOrg detect and configure touchpads in the hope of finding a solution.
The wrapper i made is an aid only in case the touchpad works on X but the synclient fails.
I don't know how the PC or the linux OS detects the touchpad. You can check up what the OS detected at '/proc/bus/input/devices'.


Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 19:18
by upnorth
Hi Shinobar:
Updated to lupq-006 and everything is running smooth. :)

Only noticed some lines of code in /etc/profile are redundant


167=>179 repeats line 57 to 69

Code: Select all

ulimit -c 0
if [ `id -gn` = `id -un` -a `id -u` -gt 14 ]; then
 umask 002
 umask 022
USER=`id -un`
PS1="# "
and the logic for dealing with the rox filer focus bug at line 52:

Code: Select all

#100208 rox-filer needs this for GTK >= 2.18, fixes focus problem...
if [ `grep -E '^gtk+-2|libgtk2.0' /root/.packages/woof-installed-packages | head -n 1 | cut -f 3 -d '|' | cut -f 2 -d '.'` -ge 18 ];then
is overridden at line 164

Code: Select all

#v4.84 Rox select problem

Re: /etc/profile

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 22:28
by shinobar
upnorth wrote:Only noticed some lines of code in /etc/profile are redundant
167=>179 repeats line 57 to 69
Thanks. I did not realized.
The file is from old woof that lucid puppy 5.1 also uses.
I forgot to check out the most resent woof, which is updated some code by Barry.

new mtpaint available

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 22:55
by don570
There's a new version of mtPaint just out.

It opens the SVG format which can come in handy.
I made a pet and it's available


Re: new mtpaint available

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 23:27
by shinobar
don570 wrote:There's a new version of mtPaint just out.
It opens the SVG format which can come in handy.
I made a pet and it's available
Thanks, got it, seems working fine.

mtpaint compile

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 00:08
by don570
I compiled mtpaint on lighthouse 4.43
using configuration

Code: Select all

./configure --bindir=/usr/bin release GIF gif jpeg tiff gtk2 staticft intl
Then I monkeyed around with the links and libraries until
I got a pet that would run on a bunch of Puppies including luci218

Also I made sure that desktop file had the same odd name that Puppy
uses in order to block the original desktop file.

Portability of customized Lupq

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 00:09
by shinobar
I discussed before at the topic of Lucid Puppy 5.1 development on the portability of the customized Lucid Puppy.
Of course our QuickSet edition(lupq) still keeps the portability with the customized one.

Imagine a lupq pre-installed your favourite browser, applications and language pack.
You can bring it with you to another PC, Internet café, or present it to your friends.

There are 2 options, remaster CD or USB pen drive with pupsave(lupqsave).
Remastaring is not so difficult using the remasterpup2. There can be some tips and traps, but I do not describe the detail here.

USB pen drive is so easy if the PC can boot up from it. Use frugalinstaller and grub4dosconfig both lupq has.
  1. Install lupq on a USB drive, do not make pupsave at this point of time.
    The Furugal installer with Grub4DosConfig is easy and safe. You can setup all the things accepting the defaults except at the first dialog of the Grub4DosConfig. Select the target drive and recommended to tik on the 'Search within only this drive'.
    If you find the difficulty with boot up the USB drive on your PC, try the Boot Flash.
  2. boot up from the drive.
  3. reboot and make pupsave first. install nothing before making pupsave.
  4. install browser, libflashplayer, any of your favourite applications and language pack if you need.
  5. shutdown PC. The pupsave shall be updated and powered off. Then take out the USB drive
Thats all.

  • Once you run xorgwizard, then the xorg.conf be sticky on the PC. Copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf1 to /etc/X11/xorg.conf to recover portability. And type next command on the virtual terminal to sync the keyboard layout.

    Code: Select all

    keymap-set --load
  • To arise countrywizard automatically, remove /root/.config/firstsetup directory.

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 05:34
by nooby
I fail to find lupq 6 on the mirror.


Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 06:06
by shinobar
nooby wrote:I fail to find lupq 6 on the mirror.
Takes some days delay on the mirror.
Download from the primary on that case please.