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The Old Kernel Panic Msg.

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 11:15
by sszindian
528: First run of program... no problem, all boots and it appears everything works well. (booting from live CD)

On shutdown, create a savefile to HDD.

On next boot, I get the old 'KERNEL PANIC' about half way through files loading and am stuck there.

Tryed another download just to be sure... same 'KERNEL PANIC'

Have not had the Kernel Panic msg since way way back in the early development of 5xx.


Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 13:30
by LateAdopter
I can confirm the lost configuration on the second boot.

Manual frugal install to hd without changing the default savefile name on the first shutdown.

It is a standard AMD integrated MB with Realtek audio and wired ethernet.

The signs on the second boot are:

it says copying to RAM

It does not go Woof Woof during boot up

Ethernet is not working

The devx sfs that I put in the bootmanager is not loaded

Having enabled the ethernet and installed the ATI display driver pet and Opera 11.50 from the deb, it now works properly, except...

It still does not go Woof Woof, but the audio does work.

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 15:40
by playdayz
On next boot, I get the old 'KERNEL PANIC' about half way through files loading and am stuck there.

Tryed another download just to be sure... same 'KERNEL PANIC'
sszindian, Usually a kernel panic at that stage is because of a bad read of the CD. Did you by any chance have the first CD copy the lupu-528.sfs to the HDD when you shut down and created the save file? If so, please delete it and boot from the new CD you downloaded. It wouldn't hurt to check the md5sum.

You might also try puppy pfix=ram, just in case.

Iron 13, Google Chrome 13, Chromium 15

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 16:10
by playdayz
To use the newer Chromium-based browsers, please install Instant Update 001 for Lucid 5.2.8 ... 253#554253 ... ... ...

Please use only these pets--definitely do not use the pets for Slacko.

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 17:56
by MoebusNet
Lupu 5.28 frugal install to 4 Gb USB thumb drive with pupsave file using fat16.

When I boot up, I am unable to boot using "puppy pfix=ram"; vmlinuz etc. starts loading immediately. Is this a "feature" to speed boot time, or did I possibly corrupt something?

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 18:14
by 4-stroke
I used the Prename, batch file renamer to rename a bunch of files.
After booting with the devx.sfs Prename stopped working.
This is because the devx contains a perl script named prename in /usr/bin, overriding prename in /usr/local/bin.

I solved the problem by entering the full path in the .desktop file for Prename.

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 18:37
by playdayz
When I boot up, I am unable to boot using "puppy pfix=ram"; vmlinuz etc. starts loading immediately. Is this a "feature" to speed boot time, or did I possibly corrupt something?
MoebusNet, puppy pfix=ram means that Lucid Puppy will load "clean" without loading any lupusave file that might be present. vmlinuz and lupu-528.sfs will load to load and start Puppy, just no lupusave file so it will be like a first boot.

I am not sure about fat16. I have only tested a usb drive with fat32.

For future reference, there is one oddity I noticed about using Bootflash. I used it on a usb drive that was formatted for Linux ext4 and I got a boot error, even though it said it was (re) formatting the drive. I then used Gparted to delete the partition on the usb drive, leaving it unformatted. After that, Bootflash worked to create a bootable usb drive. AFAIK Bootflash will format fat32.

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 18:48
by bigpup
MoebusNet wrote:Lupu 5.28 frugal install to 4 Gb USB thumb drive with pupsave file using fat16.

When I boot up, I am unable to boot using "puppy pfix=ram"; vmlinuz etc. starts loading immediately. Is this a "feature" to speed boot time, or did I possibly corrupt something?
How did you do the install to the thumb drive?

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 18:50
by playdayz

Re: Iron 13, Google Chrome 13, Chromium 15

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 19:15
by Brown Mouse
playdayz wrote:Brown Mouse, majorfoo, and others,

This is experimental but it has been working for me. It does 2 things--first, it makes the newer chromium based browsers work without the pinwheel of death problem with loading, and second, it lets Seamonkey and other gecko based browsers work when installed along with the Chromium browsers.

1. First, please uninstall any Iron, Chromium, or Chrome pets.

2. Second, install this libgconf2-4_3.1.6 pet. ...

3. Then install one or more of these Iron 13, Chromium 15 or Google Chrome 13 pets. ... ... ...

Please use only these pets--definitely do not use the pets for Slacko.

Install the Seamonkey 2.3 Lucid pet if desired, or Firefox, etc. If they are already installed they should now work without re-installation (crossed fingers).

Please let me know, especially if you notice any side effects, since if this works out it will be included in the first Instant Update. Thanks.
Thanks playdayz,I'll do some testing.

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 19:33
by Brown Mouse
Followed your instructions playdayz and then installed Chromium 15 and I'm seeing this again.


Sorry playdayz I jumped the gun!Did a reboot and that message doesn't appear now when opening Firefox,Seamonkey and Thunderbird.All looking good. :D

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 19:55
by playdayz
Sorry playdayz I jumped the gun!Did a reboot and that message doesn't appear now when opening Firefox,Seamonkey and Thunderbird.All looking good.
Very good news. A reboot must be necessary in some circumstances. I will add that to the instructions. Thanks. It's cool having the chromium browsers working properly. I have been loading them all up and testing. They are big though. Loading 4 of them about ate up my 512MB save file ;-)

BTW, the way I made the pets, one can install more than one of the chromium-based browsers without them interfering with each other.

WINE whine

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 20:29
by kevin bowers
In my full install of 528, WINE has lots of menu entries--but no "WINE Programs" entry, because it doesn't need one! Go to the Windows program you wish to run and click it, it will automatically open in WINE. I have been wanting the old xnview program to run in Puppy; the Windows version works in WINE. If you don't want to locate the .exe every time you want the program, find it once, and drag-and-drop it to your desktop. Make sure the Windows partition is mounted! Now if I could just get Cool Edit 2000 and Nitro PDF to run in WINE...

Other thoughts on 528:
First Puppy to have a driver for a microscope camera I have; works great with guvcview, better than Windows.
Google Earth won't run, perhaps because it requires the drivers that PPM specifically says are not for NVidia cards? I installed the NVidia drivers but no go.
511 used to occasionally drop the wi-fi connection if I didn't pet it every couple hours, even with its improvements. Hasn't happened with 528 yet.
Gnome Mplayer had a bug in full-screen mode in 511, just moved the active window to the middle of the screen but didn't make it full-size, fixed.

All in all, a rock-stable distro, very useable for newbies yet customizeable for us long-time users. Playdayz, Smokey01, and all the rest: Thanks!

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 20:38
by playdayz
Google Earth won't run, perhaps because it requires the drivers that PPM specifically says are not for NVidia cards? I installed the NVidia drivers but no go.
Thanks Kevin, I think Google Earth 6.0.3 *should* run with the Nvidia drivers in Quickpet, under Drivers. Test your card and then install the appropriate Nvidia driver. Maybe someone else with an Nviida card could test Google Earth--it definitely needs the high end graphics. Oh, i do have one Nvidia card to test.
Cool Edit 2000
The greatest ever--I still use it. The copy protection might be a problem in wine. I'll try, but I am booked for a couple of days.

remaster lucid puppy 5.2.8

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 22:01
by majorfoo
I have been advised by playdayz that rerwin reworked the remaster script and playdayz included his reworked script in lucid 528.

Just completed remaster of 528 and did not need the pet from lucid 525.

Thanks rerwin for you contribution on this useful tool.

Just a couple of small items that would make this better

1. On remaster, eliminate need to go through the personalize settings routiine. This is done prior to remaster and not required on new iso.

2. When I boot new iso, I am still getting a message that puppy was not shut down properly with option to ignore or continue.

This was addressed in 525. Prior to remaster, go to etc directory and remove hidden file XLOADED.

Looking good guys. Thanks for your dedication and hard work.


Re: Iron 13, Google Chrome 13, Chromium 15

Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011, 22:05
by majorfoo
Brown Mouse wrote:
playdayz wrote:Brown Mouse, majorfoo, and others,

This is experimental but it has been working for me. It does 2 things--first, it makes the newer chromium based browsers work without the pinwheel of death problem with loading, and second, it lets Seamonkey and other gecko based browsers work when installed along with the Chromium browsers.

1. First, please uninstall any Iron, Chromium, or Chrome pets.

2. Second, install this libgconf2-4_3.1.6 pet. ...

3. Then install one or more of these Iron 13, Chromium 15 or Google Chrome 13 pets. ... ... ...

Please use only these pets--definitely do not use the pets for Slacko.

Install the Seamonkey 2.3 Lucid pet if desired, or Firefox, etc. If they are already installed they should now work without re-installation (crossed fingers).

Please let me know, especially if you notice any side effects, since if this works out it will be included in the first Instant Update. Thanks.
I can confirm that this solved my problems using update from Seamonkey 2.2 to Seamonkey 2.3 or using

Thanks playdayz for providing this fix.


Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2011, 00:13
by aarf
aarf wrote:
BarryK wrote:I have announced Lucid 5.2.8 on my blog. Once that is done, somehow Ladislav at comes to know automatically that there is a new release.
there already now
soething seems to have gone stray
Lucid Puppy 5.2.8 is the fastest and friendliest Lucid yet. It is the fastest because it is the first Lucid to use the C and ffmpeg libraries optimized for i686 computers rather than the older i386 computers.

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2011, 01:26
by MoebusNet
playdayz wrote:
When I boot up, I am unable to boot using "puppy pfix=ram"; vmlinuz etc. starts loading immediately. Is this a "feature" to speed boot time, or did I possibly corrupt something?
MoebusNet, puppy pfix=ram means that Lucid Puppy will load "clean" without loading any lupusave file that might be present. vmlinuz and lupu-528.sfs will load to load and start Puppy, just no lupusave file so it will be like a first boot.

I am not sure about fat16. I have only tested a usb drive with fat32.

For future reference, there is one oddity I noticed about using Bootflash. I used it on a usb drive that was formatted for Linux ext4 and I got a boot error, even though it said it was (re) formatting the drive. I then used Gparted to delete the partition on the usb drive, leaving it unformatted. After that, Bootflash worked to create a bootable usb drive. AFAIK Bootflash will format fat32.
@playdayz : sorry to take so long to reply; trying to repair 5.28 I completely crashed it. Had to do a clean reinstall from scratch (took hours - too long to explain).

I think I somehow corrupted 5.28 when I changed from one computer to another. The symptoms are that I do not get the graphic showing Puppy 5.28 and offering 5 seconds to enter boot options before vmlinuz etc. start to load. I've had this happen before (unintentionally) if a pup_save file for one computer loads on another computer. Once the pup_save file loads on a computer, there is no easy way to avoid saving changes to the pup_save file.

I'm on a clean install now, so I hope to avoid this in the future *fingers crossed*

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2011, 01:48
by noryb009
To anyone interested, I've compiled a windows installer for lupu 528. You can download it here. (More info)

Posted: Mon 22 Aug 2011, 02:28
by playdayz
C and ffmpeg libraries optimized for i686 computers rather than the older i386 computers.
I saw that aarf. I decided not to worry about it--Lucid 5.2.8 is not really totally i686 like Slacko is--it's just those 2 libraries (important libraries they are). They also had the wrong number for Abiword, and maybe some other stuff. I just thought people probably don't look that closely.