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Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2013, 08:01
by Dewbie
Currently running SlimBoat 1.1.36 (official build) on Wary 5.1.1.
Had to add and libc6_2.11.2-10_i386.deb.

WARNING: libc6_2.11.2-10_i386.deb breaks Pmount.
(Fix is here.)

Also tested with Wary and 5.2.2; same applies.
Will not work with 4-series.
It's very quick, even on a P2 / 350 with dial-up. :)

Also found a bug:
It locks up when clicking on, then canceling, download links.
Has to be closed out and relaunched; nothing major...

I'm comparing notes behind the scenes with another forum member.
He was able to get QtWeb to do the same thing, and suspects a WebKit bug...

Posted: Sat 10 Aug 2013, 11:30
by OscarTalks
@ Dewbie
Have you managed to get Flash Player working in SlimBoat in Wary?

@ Everyone
It seems there are some people who like SlimBoat so here is version 1.1.38 as .SFS and .PET packages

Released 07th August 2013

To download from Data File Host:-
Use the small grey "DOWNLOAD" button
If you see a larger "Download Now" button it is a Windows .exe downloader and an advert so ignore it.

See below for newer version

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 01:30
by Dewbie
OscarTalks wrote:
@ Dewbie
Have you managed to get Flash Player working in SlimBoat in Wary?
No...despite having Flash in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, I'm getting a message indicating that it doesn't see Flash.

Dragging and symlinking Flash to /usr/local/slimboat/plugins makes no difference either.
(SlimBoat is installed in /usr/local.)

@OscarTalks: Where do you install SlimBoat in your .pet and SFS?
(Easier to ask than to download, as I have dial-up...)

Posted: Fri 16 Aug 2013, 21:05
by OscarTalks
@ Dewbie,

My SlimBoat packages place the main slimboat folder in /usr/lib as this seems to be the convention for browsers in Puppy. I believe other locations would be perfectly OK also though.

I have still not been able to get the Flash Player to work in Wary/Racy or Slacko. I did email the developers about it some while ago and they said that they were not sure why, but that it is not a path issue.

Posted: Fri 16 Aug 2013, 21:28
by capoverde
Downloaded Slimboat 1.1.38, Italian localization, just minutes ago directly from their website. Running it in Puppy Precise 5.6.1 right now and posting with it, after searching the forum to see whether someone else had already tested it - and Xman had!

Just for caution, I chose to place Slimboat in a separate folder rather than in the usual /usr system folder, to be able to get rid of it easily if not OK.

Very fast and responsive, seems to have no problem on YT: if I get it right, it does decode Flash videos perfectly (they should be the ones evidenced by the rotating-balls-circle logo while loading). Also doing fine on a HD video in Vimeo, both in Flash and HTML5 (it's clearly marked there).

A very pleasant surprise was to find a specific link for Puppy Linux in their Downloads page (in English only, no such link in the Italian page): followed their suggestions and all worked perfectly in less than half a minute i. e., after downloading and extracting the Gstreamer libs in place.

Of course a deeper and longer testing is needed, but seems interesting, although not really lightweight - 58 MB against SeaMonkey's 51 (full package).

Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013, 07:00
by Dewbie
OscarTalks wrote:
I have still not been able to get the Flash Player to work in Wary/Racy or Slacko. I did email the developers about it some while ago and they said that they were not sure why, but that it is not a path issue.
This is what I'm getting in Wary 5.1.1, in Help / Configuration Information.
Notice the 0 next to Flash Download Control; everything else is a 1.
What number are you getting here with Puppies that will run Flash?
(In Tools / Options / Download Control, my Enable Plugins box is checked.)

Posted: Sun 18 Aug 2013, 09:35
by OscarTalks
Dewbie wrote:What number are you getting here with Puppies that will run Flash?
Flash Player runs OK in the Debian and Ubuntu based Puppies.
I looked in Dpup Wheezy and the "Flash Download Control" number is also a ZERO so I guess that's not the problem.

I indicated to the developers that it is difficult for the Puppy community to make a lot of noise about SlimBoat as a Puppy browser if it doesn't fully work in Slacko or Wary.

I was told that they compile it in Ubuntu 10.04 which is why the glibc in Wary is too old. I asked about a specific build for Wary and they didn't rule it out, but I guess it is low priority for them unless perhaps more people contact them and request it. It seems BarryK may be moving away from Wary as an official Puppy now also, but when you add in the Flash/Slacko issue plus the fact that I have found a couple of websites that don't render properly or even cause the browser to crash completely it makes it a semi-showstopper for me which is a pity because I do quite like SlimBoat and it seems others do too.

I have continued to post my packages in this thread because it is not too difficult to do and it seems that some people are using them, but I have thought about knocking it on the head and may do so at some point in the future. There are several other good browsers out there to choose from.

Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2013, 00:28
by Dewbie
OscarTalks wrote:
I indicated to the developers that it is difficult for the Puppy community to make a lot of noise about SlimBoat as a Puppy browser if it doesn't fully work in Slacko or Wary.

Indeed; Slacko's still the main Puppy.
It would be helpful if SlimBoat indicated on its website *which* Puppy versions it works with...

Also, most post-4-series Puppies can still get YouTube this way.

(See my post over here about an apparent WebKit bug that also affects SlimBoat.)

Posted: Sat 26 Oct 2013, 13:39
by OscarTalks
SlimBoat version 1.1.42
Released 14th October 2013


Download .PET and/or .SFS packages from my Yandex Disk here:-

Newer version released - see below.

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 15:10
by Marv
currently running version 1.1.42 sucessfully in LxPup 13.10c which is slacko based. Flashplayer now (plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla in LxPup) works. I have installed the additional library files needed by opera per this thread ... 845#680845. Prior to that, flashplayer did not work either in Opera or SlimBoat. SlimBoat is installed to a directory on my boot partition. Gtk themes found ok, both in LxPup and alphaOS 12.1. Bookmarks exported from opera in html format, imported to SlimBoat sucessfully. Works on several sites I use that now break Opera. I'll continue to use it and try it on some of the other older pups on this laptop.

Thanks for this thread,

Posted: Thu 14 Nov 2013, 23:45
by OscarTalks
Hello Marv,

Good work! Thanks for letting us know about that. I wondered about how best to approach this and rather than trying to include symlinks to libs in different locations in different puppies I thought it best to include a copy of those libraries in the private /usr/lib/slimboat/libs directory. This makes SlimBoat "self-contained" in that it will still work even if other browsers are removed.

Flash Player now works in Slacko which is a great leap forward. Tested in 5.6 and 5.5

Also, version 1.1.43 has just been released so I have packaged as .pet and .sfs and uploaded to my Yandex Disk here:-

EDIT:- Duplicating the libs did not work so trying "Plan B" - see below.

Posted: Fri 15 Nov 2013, 01:03
by Marv
Good, I'll move my libs. Two more little things re Slimboat.

Lots of complaints about the bookmarks bar/menu font size. Played with dpi, lots of things to no avail. Can be set with qtconfig but the qt4 pkg is HUGE. Simple solution is to manually edit the font size in /root/.config/Trolltech.conf. It persists through 'Application style' changes ok and much improves the overall look IMHO. Page font size easily set in Tools>Options>Appearance and with Ctrl+ and Ctrl-.

Haven't yet nicely 'portablized' the 'profile' directory to the boot partition so it is shared by all pups. I have it kludged with symlinks but they are pretty fragile. I've asked the SlimBoat forum about that.

All in all it's come a long way since I last used it.

Posted: Fri 15 Nov 2013, 01:41
by OscarTalks
Hmm, looks like I need to think again about this. Putting those libs in there has made it work in Slacko but broken it it the Debian and Ubuntu Pups.

Posted: Fri 15 Nov 2013, 01:53
by Marv
I use opera also so I have them in /usr/lib as well. Not currently running any Deb or Ubuntu derivs..... Does it see other/older libs in /usr/lib in those? /usr/lib must have priority? Run it from terminal and see?

Edit: Created directory data on boot partition. Symlinked to it in /root/.local/share. Firstrun of SlimBoat creates its 'FlashPeak' directory in the common boot partition. Shared by all pups with that symlink.

Here is what is now in my /root/.config/Trolltech.conf under [Qt]:

Code: Select all

font="Sans Serif,16,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0"
Font size seems to be capped at 12 or so by toolbar heights...


Posted: Fri 15 Nov 2013, 02:00
by slavvo67
I noticed the cache files have been building up so I decided to delete them. Most browsers let you view the cache but I didn't see any instruction on how to do so with Slimboat. Does anyone know of a resolve to this? ~Thanks

By the way, I'm using Pemasu's Slimboat pet 1.1.19 in Upup Precise 3.8.2. No problems. I also used the newer version with no issues 1.1.42 but I didn't care for it as much.

Posted: Fri 15 Nov 2013, 21:10
by OscarTalks
@ slavvo67

The cache is located in /root/.cache/FlashPeak/SlimBoat so you can look there. There is a setting in Tools>Options to delete the cache whenever you close the browser so the data does not need to build up if you don't want it to.

@ Marv and anyone else interested,

I have come up with another cunning plan which does not duplicate the libs and does not increase the size of the package. I have modified the wrapper script thingy so that Slimboat will now find libraries in the subfolders of /usr/lib so it should find the needed libs in either Firefox or Seamonkey in the conventional Puppy configuration.

Tested and Flash Player works in Slacko 5.6 and 5.5 and 5.3.3 but not sure about 5.4 (haven't got that one to hand) which I recall had Opera but those libs were probably included somewhere. Also still works in Wheezy, will check Ubuntu derivs later but probably OK. There are a few whinges in console and a few minor rendering glitches, but for the most part it runs quite well.

For Wary, Racy and derivatives:-
A reminder that it won't run in Wary or Racy unless you do a glibc upgrade which there are a couple of threads about if anyone wants to give that a try (a .pet in my Yandex Disk includes watchdog's fix for locales). You may also need to upgrade libxml2 if you want to remove a whinge in console, but it runs without doing this step.

Any other comments or suggestions welcome. Version 1.1.43 now re-uploaded to my Yandex Disk here:-

md5sums = 066daf4628984183fb0b2a66be830353
slimboat-1.1.43.sfs = 1f4b1bfd0df5da3817271f1d0fcc0679

Posted: Sat 16 Nov 2013, 23:27
by chapchap70
I tried slimboat for the first time the other day with the old 1.1.43 SFS and flash didn't work. The new one enabled flash to work so I was watching youtube videos, etc in Slacko 5.6 and LuPu 5.2.8 version 6.

Nice little browser.

I got a weird error when I tried it in Fatdog. I expected a wrong Elfclass error but I got:

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/slimboat: line 2: /usr/lib/slimboat/ No such file or directory
I mounted the SFS and manually copied the /usr/lib/slimboat (sfs) to my /usr/lib

Slimboat now works in my Fatdog 621 but with no flash so no videos.

I also had to load the slacko 32 bit sfs.

Slimboat Cache Files

Posted: Sun 17 Nov 2013, 03:11
by slavvo67
Oscar, thanks for your help but I guess my quesiton was more pertaining to the http: or https: directory under the .cache/Flashpeak/Slimboat directory. The http and https directories fill up with a bunch of cache files making Slimboat no so slim after all.

My question was how can I actually view these .cache files before deleting them to see what's in them? The Flashpeak / Slimboat site avoids that topic. Most other browsers you can see and scrape the files from the cache directory.

Tnanks everyone for reading...

Posted: Tue 19 Nov 2013, 13:39
by Marv
Oscar Talks said:
A reminder that it won't run in Wary or Racy unless you do a glibc upgrade which there are a couple of threads about if anyone wants to give that a try. You may also need to upgrade libxml2.
I have it running in Carolina 1.0 non-PAE (originally had glibc 2.10.x ) using what seems like the latest 2.11 deb from this thread ... 391#437391. Haven't flogged everything but opera,thunar,editors etc all seem ok after the upgrade. SlimBoat just fine with flash.

Posted this earlier in a hurry but it showed up as empty, somehow I whinged the url bars (Thanks Semme). Sorry.

Edit: Now running in lina-lite 005 with the glibc update as above. I submitted a request to SlimBoat re the console font sizes, got a prompt reply and am optimistic a fix will happen.

Posted: Tue 19 Nov 2013, 22:58
by OscarTalks
If you find that SlimBoat crashes (segmentation fault) when surfing to certain websites, try removing the tick from the checkbox:-

Tools>Options>New Tab>Auto create new tab when a URL is entered.

I have had no crashes since doing this step.

I believe I now have a better understanding of what is going on with Flash Player and the paths to the mozilla libraries. I have tidied up the code a bit and removed a few duplicate libs so it should work in a greater range of eventualities. The packages are now re-uploaded.

Update:- I have now added an initial config file and re-uploaded so at least the setting above is unticked out of the box. Users should avoid ticking it.