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Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 05:20
by Minni
Moat, have you tried lots of black cherries? You may wanna try my techniques for your condition, and if you have the wherewithall to set up an inframud setup in your yard, go for it!

Smithy / Bird Dog:

Bird Dog, I'm not worried now about my self-operated skin tag.
I was worried when it killed me, prior to removal. Which is why I self operated. I took necessary sequences, culminating with dabbing periodically with alchohol. The latter galvanizes the "current-of-healing" to throbbingly heal.

Smithy wrote:Hi Minnie, well I don't know enough about the condition, but I know that whenever I get out of a car I get a quite painful zap everytime, so much so....
Can you say what has helped you in the past? Clothing, equipment and what was the effect, even if minor?
If you're willing to read my truth, even if it flies in the face of majority truth:

What helped LOADS in past, was a tiny stint at Dead Sea
(very similar to the Infra Pic. I posted above)
If only I had wherewithall to set it up in my yard [sigh]
There's much more to the above story, involving input from acquaintances, as well as online testimonials, so it's NOT JUST my own experience.
(read the eytonsearth site re: the Chinese women at ceramic factory, which inspired TDP lamp. Not that I so much believe in the latter as much as the real thing, as per my posted pic.)

Now on to what helps calm me:

As we all mutually agree - exercise - but with me, too much of same kills me due to very bad legs & FM. So moderation's the ticket for me.

Coffee, when needed, with milk and turbinado sugar
(or xylitol & molasses, or honey)
Mostly lysine foods (balanced occasionally with arginine foods)
smooth, non-abrasive foods, not-too-tart foods
yogurt, kefir, rice, coconut-stuff
Corn, yams, greens
cherries, berries, beets
berry tea
pumpernikel bread with low-fat margrine

Also balancing wet-heat with wet-cold to various parts of body (intuitively) as needed, either dunking, bathing, or cloths.

Also avoiding dehydrating air-conditioning (IE dry eyes cause ocular headaches)
Also avoiding too cold weather.
Also avoiding HOT baths prior to bedtime.
...(upper body is worst, lower body bathing preferable @bedtime

Likewise, my going to bed at this time, after all this computer use, is definitely gonna zap me BIG TIME, similar to sleeping after alcohol, or after taking hot bath.

thanks again

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 05:58
by Minni
Ted Dog wrote:hardest part of science is to have a ton of correlating effects and NOT having a reproducible scientific methodology to prove it. That is when the sharks circle and deep pockets start thowning money at researchers to OWN the knowledge and control the outcomes.
Second favorite is the coat tail research once a scientific methodology works to oncover results everybody studies it.. like coldfusion.
happens ALL the time.
I'm bored to death of so-called factual debates perpetrated
by the USA (unhealthcare stealthcare afficianados)
I'd be way less bored by abracadabra solutions.
Why abracadabra?
Cuz I know the solutions for me - they're just not easily available.
But abracadabra would make them easily available.

my amateur renderings & more on back burner:






Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 10:30
by Barkin
"LIFE system" shown in the previous post is an expensive example of quantum woo , [ specifically quantum biofeedback ].

Posted: Tue 01 Jul 2014, 21:16
by Minni
There's quack watchers & there's watch crackers.
I prefer the latter, as long as its just a cheap watch :)

meantime I got busy with computer issues, due to my R52's display crashing (thus transferred to my remaining R52).

Time to shop. Yet another drain on me.

Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2014, 00:08
by Smithy
That Rational Wiki site speaks with the heart of an algorithm, the logic of an old sage from the middle ages who did too much irgot and was on a major comedown, and the soul of fukushima.

Quantum Jesus begorah.
Who made this one Barkin?

Interesting, but even Mr Spock had the occasional shag at a Vulcan disco.

Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2014, 00:39
by Barkin
Smithy wrote:That Rational Wiki site speaks with the heart of an algorithm,
the logic of an old sage from the middle ages who did too much irgot and was
on a major comedown, and the soul of fukushima.
RationalWiki is accurate , and does include some humour , e.g. on David Icke ... wrote:14 ↑ ... If Prince Charles was a shapeshifter, how can you think he'd choose to look like that?