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Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2018, 21:14
by 01101001b
Mike Walsh wrote:I've given up trying to get Flash working in Palemoon 28.1.0
Same problem here... or almost. I had the plugin but I couldn't find the folder where to put it.
All you have to do is [...] put it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [...]
Geniusssss!!! Now it's working ok. Thank you so much!

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2018, 22:56
by Mike Walsh
Evening, all.

Just found what could be a bug with Palemoon. This is related to the Java Runtime package, of all things.

I don't go into PaleMoon that often, but I do keep it updated. Went to fire PaleMoon up in Racy 5.5 this evening, and.....nothing happened. Weird.

I started her up via the terminal, and got the following:-

Code: Select all

# /opt/palemoon/palemoon
/opt/palemoon/palemoon: symbol lookup error: /mnt/sda1/opt/jre/lib/i386/ undefined symbol: _ZSt7getlineIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES7_RNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIS4_S5_T1_EES4_
(I keep 'common' installs of many apps/progs on /mnt/sda1. It's where XP used to be until a couple of years ago. Now I use it for loads of 'common', sym-linked stuff across the kennels....including 32/64-bit versions of JRE.)

I recently upgraded from JRE 8_181 to JRE 8_191 a few days ago. To test a theory, I temporarily reverted back to JRE 8_181, and fired PaleMoon up again. This time, it started as expected.


Why is PaleMoon even looking at JRE in the first place???


If you run JRE, and are on the newest version, run it as an SFS.....and, for now, unload the SFS before you start the browser. Crazy kinda workaround, but it's working for me...


Something, somewhere in the Java Runtime Environment, is interfering with the PaleMoon startup sequence.....but what? That's the million-dollar question, because I fail to comprehend why PaleMoon is going anywhere near the JRE in the first place. Unless anyone out there knows better.....because previous versions of the JRE weren't causing this behaviour, that's for certain..!

Mike. :?

Posted: Thu 06 Dec 2018, 19:05
by tallboy
You obviously haven't fully understood the concept of 'progress', ,Mike! :lol:

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2019, 09:29
by darry19662018
watchdog wrote:Palemoon 28.0.0 works in my frugal installs in precise and slacko 5.3.3 without tweaks. I have built a package glibc219tweaked for wary and racy which I have summarily tested working. I propose it for your testing:


No go for me in lucid e puppy4.

EDIT: for wary-racy:






EDIT4: ... sp=sharing

EDIT5: ... sp=sharing

EDIT6: ... sp=sharing
Yep tried the 28.4.0 glibc219 defo no go in Macpup 525 oh well back to 27.9sse build still works well.

Palemoon 28.4.0 works with Debiandog Wheezy (2015-09-02)

Posted: Sun 10 Mar 2019, 01:01
by sindi
The latest Palemoon will not work with Lucid Puppy any version (including 5287 from 2016), including sulu with later kernels, though it will with Tahr. I have laptops where Tahr (2014) does not work (video problem, no sound, too little memory).

DebianDog Wheezy (2015) with kernel 3.2 works with it. No need to boot up XP to use MyPal to access websites that won't work with PM 27.9.4.
It also works with an older youtube-viewer pet. Now I only need to learn to install debian packages such as ssh.

I have not tried the wary package because on this laptop wary squeals.

Posted: Sun 10 Mar 2019, 14:39
by 666philb
i use palemoon and unfortunately firefox have now removed all legacy addons from their site, and so i've just been keeping my old addon .xpi files to use across installs. but whilst looking for links to old versions of the addons when replying to this post
i found

it's an addon you install to give access to all the legacy firefox addons that have been removed.

added link on first post

Palemoon is very good on BionicPup64

Posted: Sun 10 Mar 2019, 15:16
by gychang
Running latest version 28.4, had been running chrome-firefox for years, now on pup... Tried PM, definitely faster than FF. Actually scroll bug I had with FF on my main PC (spacebar wouldn't advance properly) have been fixed. No complaints at all. Works well with my startme home page.

Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2019, 11:29
by Mike Walsh
Many thanks to watchdog for his 27.9.4 SSE w/glibc-tweak build. I don't really know why I'm still using Lucid - I think I'm one of those retro-freaks at heart...

Whatever the reason, 27.9.4 is running beautifully.....including YouTube. And the addition of Phil's recent discovery (the 'Legacy' archive) just makes a good thing even better!

Cheers, mate!

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2019, 11:45
by watchdog
Mike Walsh wrote:Many thanks to watchdog for his 27.9.4 SSE w/glibc-tweak build. I don't really know why I'm still using Lucid - I think I'm one of those retro-freaks at heart...
Happy to hear that. I can use a chroot environment on hd from precise to run the latest palemoon even in puppy 4.31. But the latest palemoon does not support SSE anymore, so for this kind of CPU my is the best choice. Cheers.

Posted: Sat 16 Mar 2019, 16:44
by Mike Walsh
@ watchdog:-

Nah, it's all good, mate. I cannot believe how fast this thing is.

Ok, my CPU's a dual-core Athlon64 with SSE3s.....but this thing just flies! Best browser I've found for Lucid by a country mile, even though the CPU's capable of so much more. It's all the other ancient stuff in Lucid that holds it back, of course.....though Richard's done a sterling job of keeping Lupu going for as long as he has. Much appreciated.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2019, 19:08
by Mike Walsh
'Portable' Palemoon 27.9.4-SSE with glibc219 'tweak'

Evening, kiddiwinks.

We all know how popular watchdog's 27.9.4 SSE-only build of Palemoon is, incorporating as it does the glibc 2.19 'tweak'. It brings life back to many older Puppies, which, but for a decent browser, are otherwise still perfectly usable on a day-to-day basis. My own Lucid (lupu-super2) and Racy 5.5 are a case in point.

It also runs well in newer Pups, too, since the CPU doesn't work so hard to process the browser's code.


To make this even more usable, I'm pleased to be able to offer a 'portable' version of this SSE-only edition of Palemoon. It's been built along the same lines as my other Mozilla 'portables', FF60esr and Palemoon28.

Obviously, I've had to make a few modifications, especially with the inclusion in the mix of the glibc 2.19 'upgrade'.

a) The 'palemoon' launch script has been moved from /usr/bin into the browser directory itself, and renamed 'launch'. The 'plmn' start script now points to this rather the main palemoon binary.

b) 'Launch' has been re-jigged a bit. The same '$LAUNCHDIR' variable as used in the 'plmn' start script has been specified, and every reference to the original '/usr/lib/palemoon/' location has been replaced with this variable.

Clicking on 'plmn' now runs the 'launch' script, which in turn starts Palemoon, using the glibc 2.19 components. (I must be starting to get the hang of this 'variable' stuff, because amazingly it fired-up straight away on the first trial run!)

Well; it amazed me, anyway..... It's been tested in my Lucid & Racy installs, temporarily adding 'pfix=ram' to menu.lst so as to get Pup to boot as a pristine install. It works a treat.


For anybody who would like to try this out, you can find it at my Google Drive:- ... sp=sharing

As with the other Palemoon 'portable', unzip; move the resulting 'palemoon32' directory anywhere you like, then click on the 'plmn' scipt to start Palemoon. That's it.

Palemoon will create the 'profile' directory at first run, thereafter always using this profile directory on subsequent long as you start Palemoon using the start script.


To run with an existing profile, locate your existing /root/.moonchild productions directory. Click through 'palemoon' to reach your 'xxxxxxx.default' profile. If you wish to do this before you fire up for the first time, manually create the 'profile' directory. If you already created the 'profile' directory by starting Palemoon with the 'plmn' script, then delete the contents.

Open your existing 'xxxxxxx.default' profile. Now, copy the contents of this across to the empty 'profile' directory in the portable-Palemoon directory. Once that's done, you can restart Palemoon-portable. That's all there is to it.


Credits go to:-

watchdog - for putting this marvellous build together in the first place

fredx181 - for giving me the original inspiration with his 'FF-Quantum-portable'


Hope some of you may find this useful. Feedback is appreciated, as always.


Mike. :wink:

Posted: Thu 28 Mar 2019, 15:13
by fredx181
Anyone has seen this Palemoon weird view ? (see pic)
With (latest at this time) version 28.4.1

Mmmm... even more weird, suddenly it looks normal now after reboot and running Palemoon....


Posted: Fri 29 Mar 2019, 14:48
by gychang
I am using PM 28.4.1, on Quirky Beaver64 and BionicPup64, finally got it figured out how to use sync, it is a very useful feature.

Only usual web viewing problem I noticed is the netflix, for which I use firefox. Is there any other difference? (don't use add ons much at all).

Posted: Wed 01 May 2019, 00:50
by Mike Walsh
A tip for those of you who haven't yet updated to the new version, 28.5.0.

The 'About (Palemoon)' box has been re-designed. The 'Check for Updates' box is no longer within this window; it's been moved to the 'Tools' menu section. This only shows when you have the main Menu toolbar enabled.

Those of you who (like me) prefer to have the minimal MenuEntry showing in the top-left corner, instead of the Menu toolbar taking up valuable screen 'real estate', will need to switch back to the Menu toolbar temporarily to perform the updates check.

In every other respect, the updater works as before; integral to the browser, instead of the separate (and now deprecated) Updater app.

Mike. Image


@ gychang:-

You'll need to keep using FF for NetFlix for the forseeable future. Moonchild Productions have been negotiating with Mozilla for rights to employ the WideVine DRM modules (as used by Firefox) for some time now. As yet, Mozilla aren't budging.

Like you, I too would love to see this ability implemented in Palemoon. It's the final 'stumbling-block' to making Palemoon pretty much the perfect browser for Puppy.

We live in hope.....!

Mike. :wink:)

Posted: Wed 01 May 2019, 01:37
by nic007
As a matter of interest. The other day I ripped the builtin Palemoon 27.6.1 from Xenial 7.0.5 to work with Precise 571 which has gclib2.15. Very fast and everything works.

Posted: Wed 01 May 2019, 01:39
by nic007
As a matter of interest. The other day I ripped the builtin Palemoon 27.6.1 from Xenial 7.0.5 to work with Precise 571 which has gclib2.15. Very fast and everything works.

Posted: Sat 29 Jun 2019, 21:06
by greengeek
Does anyone know of a Glibc pet that is standalone please? (ie not included as part of a browser or other software).

I would like to trial it on Slacko 5.6 to see if it enables me to run some newer software. cheers!

Posted: Sat 29 Jun 2019, 22:51
by Mike Walsh
@ GG:-


Take a look here:-

I've been using this 'upgrade' in every Puppy older than Tahrpup for some time now....including 560. There's no 'issues' attached to it at all, and it's entirely successful.

Y'know, I'm pretty sure you were asking about this a while back.....and I'm equally as certain I answered you in this same vein. However, if my memory's getting 'flaky', I'm still willing to help with this.

The links in the thread don't work. We all know meownplanet went tits-up some time ago, though fortunately, russoodle was able to recover a lot of folk's stuff that was hosted there. That included these items by battleshooter.

The recovered files are somewhat jumbled-up; due, so I understand, to the fact that russoodle had to grab as much stuff as possible while it was still ordering everything wasn't a priority at that point in time.


So; to save searching through the whole list for each individual item - there's 5 (sorry, 6) separate .pets, and they have to be installed in a specific order - I put them all together in an archive. You can find the tarball at my MediaFire a/c, here:- ... r.bz2/file

Unzip it, and install the .pets in this order:-

1.) Install the 3 .pets in the 'GCC deps' folder first. The order for these 3 doesn't matter.....but the install order for the remaining 3 very decidedly does.

2.) Next, binutils.

3.) Then, glibc-2.20.

4.) And finally, the gcc .pet.

It needs doing in that order; the GCC compiler requires the glibc upgrade to be installed first, since the compiler itself has been built against that version.....and if it isn't already in place, it seems the compiler won't install correctly.



It can't be packed as an SFS, or an all-in-one .pet package. Battleshooter and mikeslr discussed that in the original thread, reaching the conclusion that it wouldn't work because certain bits have to be installed before others IF the whole lot are to work correctly. A .pet tries to install everything at the same time; so does an SFS.....and system stuff always takes priority over anything 'installed' via SFS.

So I don't quite know how you're going to get around that one with your set-up.....unless you're planning to do a new re-master with this stuff included.

Let me know what happens, please. :)

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Sat 29 Jun 2019, 23:58
by jrb
Mike Walsh wrote:@ GG:-.....and system stuff always takes priority over anything 'installed' via SFS.
With the exception of the adrv. Copy the .pet contents in order into the adrv.sfs and it might work. I haven't tried it but it should work.

Good Luck, J

Posted: Sun 30 Jun 2019, 01:50
by phat7
Mike Walsh wrote:@ GG:-


Take a look here:-

I've been using this 'upgrade' in every Puppy older than Tahrpup for some time now....including 560. There's no 'issues' attached to it at all, and it's entirely successful.
As a total noob I don't understand what this Glibc is. Why and when would i need it?