Page 4 of 5

Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2014, 17:35
by CatDude
Hello phredo
phredo wrote:..Alternatively, are there other ways to get beyond the 6 sfs loading limit?
I'm running Slacko-5.7 and i currently have 20 .sfs files loaded up
  • devx_slacko_5.7.sfs
i use SFS-Load on-the-fly and let it create new mount points as necessary,
even though it say's "(not recommended)", but i am rather reckless. :lol:


Posted: Fri 08 Aug 2014, 18:17
by phredo
Thanks, CatDude, Thats really good to learn. My savefile seems to grow more than it should and making more use of SFS-Load-On-The-Fly rather than installing PETs should help.

One of the things I love about Puppy is the quick and valuable help I can often find on this forum. :D

Posted: Fri 06 Apr 2018, 21:38
by musher0
Hello all.

As some of you may have noticed, MU's wonderful and quite practical
SFS-Combiner does not work anymore on recent Pups because (as I
understand it with my limited knowledge of BASIC) its BASIC foundation
has become obsolete.

It would be nice if a local BASIC expert would diagnose what's wrong with
it and suggest a cure.

In the meantime, please find attached a Bash script that does most of
the same.

It uses mount points at /mnt/zip instead of unsquashfs to preserve space

This script has:
-- its own progress bar,

-- its own icon,

-- a wrapper (so it will behave like a "quasi-GUI"),

-- a *.desktop file (so will appear in your menu, under Archiving),

-- some pretty ANSI colors,

-- a frame.

It is bilingual English-French. The messages appear automatically in the
language defined in the system $LANG variable -- or in English. It would
be great if additional translations could be contributed.

I did a fair amount of testing, and it works fine at this end. A couple of
confirmations that it works on your Pup would be nice.

Any questions about this script, please ask, I'll do my best to answer.

Of course constructive suggestions for improvements are welcome.


Include Muppy-Filer?

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2018, 00:00
by davids45
G'day musher0,

With my present playing around making adrv-sfs for Pups here (I wonder who gave me that idea? :wink: ), I have been using both MU's Muppy-filer and SFS-Combiner with no problems in the latest Xenial-Artful-Bionic builds.

SFS-Combiner needs one of the two extra files for the Muppy-Filer pet (the GtkBasic003e pet) so I've combined SFS-Combiner and Muppy-Filer into the one pet with, so far, no problems.

But given enough time and tinkering, I'm sure I can muck them up :roll: .

So I'd better look at your script for future salvation.

David S.

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2018, 00:26
by musher0
Hi davids45.

Eh? What? Extra file? Where? You produced something?

To tell you the truth I did not want to write this script, but I felt I had to.
Really. The original kept failing on me on xenial-7.0.6. and I could not
make sense of the long list of error messages I got when I tried to run it.

MU's was a very useful utility, and I thought it needed a replacement
ASAP. Puppy is all about sfs's, isn't? We Puppyists do not have something
like this, we Puppyists start sweating!

So if you are the silent strong man or the incognito genius, please share
your package, I for one will be most grateful.


Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2018, 16:19
by nilsonmorales
Hi musher0, spanish here

Code: Select all

# Va à /opt/local/bin/ ou encore à /root/my-applications/bin/
# Usage : Mettez les sfs que vous voulez combiner dans /mnt/home,
# --------- ouvrez une console et tapez < > (sans les chevrons).
# © Christian L'Écuyer, Gatineau (Qc), Canada, 2018-04-05. GPL3.
# (Alias musher0 [forum Puppy].) # Rev. : 2018-04-06.
##########  Please see:
#    Ce programme est libre : vous pouvez le redistribuer ou modifier selon les termes de la
#   Licence Publique Générale GNU publiée par la Free Software Foundation (v. 3 ou toute
#   version ultérieure choisie par vous).
#         Ce programme est distribué dans l'espoir qu'il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE
#   GARANTIE, ni explicite ni implicite, y compris des garanties de commercialisation ou
#   d'adaptation à un but spécifique. Pour obtenir plus     de détails, veuillez vous reporter au
#   texte de cette licence à pour le texte officiel, à
# pour une traduction et à
#énérale_GNU pour une explication en français.
################ set -xe
# LANGvx="$LANG";LANG=en_CA # for tests
nettoie () {
ls -1 --file-type /mnt/zip > /mnt/home/mnt-zip.lst
while read line;do umount /mnt/zip/$line;done < /mnt/home/mnt-zip.lst
rm -fr /mnt/zip/*
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /mnt/zip/* 2>/dev/null
[ -d /mnt/home/tentative ] || mkdir -p /mnt/home/tentative
rm -fr /mnt/home/tentative/*
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /mnt/home/tentative/* 2>/dev/null; }
cd /mnt/home

case "${LANG:0:2}" in
     fr)echo -e "\t\e[33m\e[4m\e[1mCOMBINEUR D'ARCHIVES SFS, par musher0, 2018-04-05.\e[0m
\n\e[33mCombien de sfs voulez-vous combiner ?\e[0m"
     read combien
     echo -e "\n\e[33mEn voici la liste :\e[0m"
     en|*)echo -e "\t\e[33m\e[4m\e[1mSFS ARCHIVES COMBINER, by musher0, 2018-04-05.\e[0m
\n\e[33mHow many sfs's do you wish to combine?\e[0m"
     read combien
     echo -e "\n\e[33mHere is the list:\e[0m"
     es|*)echo -e "\t\e[33m\e[4m\e[1mCOMBINADOR DE ARCHIVOS SFS, por musher0,2018-04-05.\e[0m
\n\e[33mCuantos sfs's desea combinar?\e[0m" 
     read combien 
     echo -e "\n\e[33mAquí está el listado:\e[0m" 
ls -1 *.sfs | grep -v tentative | nl > fichiers;more fichiers

> liste.sfs
echo;while [ "$i" -le "$combien" ]; do
case "${LANG:0:2}" in
     fr)echo -e "\e[33mS.v.p. taper le numéro d'un sfs à incorporer à partir de la liste ci-dessus :\e[0m"
     en|*)echo -e "\e[33mPlease type the number of an sfs to incorporate from the list above:\e[0m"
     es|*)echo -e "\e[33mPor favor, escriba el número de un sfs para incorporarlo de la lista anterior:\e[0m"
     read incorpor
     awk '$1=='"$incorpor"' { print $2 }' fichiers >> liste.sfs
     i=$(($i + 1))

confirme="" # Vérif.
case "${LANG:0:2}" in
     fr)echo -e "\n\e[33mLes sfs suivants seront combinés. Est-ce bien ce que vous souhaitez ?
(Taper 'o' ou 'O' pour 'oui'; toute autre touche excepté 'y|Y' quitte.)\e[0m"
     en|*)echo -e "\n\e[33mThe following sfs's will be combined. Is that your wish?
(Type 'y' or 'Y' for 'yes'; any other key except 'o|O' exits.)\e[0m"
     es|*)echo -e "\n\e[33mLos siguientes sfs se combinarán. ¿Es ese tu deseo?
(Escriba 'y' o 'Y' para 'sí'; cualquier otra tecla excepto 'o | O' para salir.\e[0m"
more liste.sfs;read confirme

case "${confirme}" in y|Y|o|O) # Action
     case "${LANG:0:2}" in
          fr)echo -e "\n\e[33mTrès bien. Merci de patienter pendant que la combinaison se fait.\e[0m"
          en|*)echo -e "\n\e[33mExcellent. Thanks for waiting while the chosen archives are combined.\e[0m"
          es|*)echo -e "\n\e[33mExcelente. Gracias por esperar mientras se combinan los archivos elegidos.\e[0m"
     while read line;do
          mkdir /mnt/zip/"${line:0:6}"
          mount $line /mnt/zip/"${line:0:6}"
     done < liste.sfs

     > /mnt/home/liste.rep
     cd /mnt/zip
     ls -1 >> /mnt/home/liste.rep
     while read line;do rsync -az /mnt/zip/$line/* /mnt/home/tentative
     done < /mnt/home/liste.rep

     cd /mnt/home
     mksquashfs tentative/ tentative.sfs -no-progress -all-root -noappend -b 1048576 -comp xz -Xdict-size 100% > mksquashfs.rpt &
     # Pour voir les détails de l'opération, s.v.p. ouvrir le fichier texte mksquashfs.rpt dans votre éditeur ou lisez-le avec more.
     # To see the details of the operation, please open the mksquashfs.rpt text file in your editor or read it with more.
     while pgrep mksquashfs &> /dev/null;do
     echo -en "\e[34m¤";sleep 0.5
     # Source de cette barre : réponse no 0 par « purushothaman poovai » à https://
done ;;

     *)exit ;;
rm -f /mnt/home/mnt-zip.lst;rm -f /mnt/home/fichiers
rm -f /mnt/home/liste.sfs;rm -f /mnt/home/liste.rep
case "${LANG:0:2}" in
     fr)echo -e "\n\e[0m
\e[33m\e[4mLa combinaison est terminée. Il ne vous reste qu'à
renommer l'archive sfs résultante « tentative.sfs »
et à la monter avec l'utilitaire « sfs_load ». N'oubliez
pas de démonter les sfs d'origine s'il y a lieu. \e[24m
\e[1m-- Je vous souhaite une excellente journée !\e[0m\n"
     en|*)echo -e "\n\e[0m
The combining operation is now done. What is left for you to
do is rename the resulting sfs archive 'tentative.sfs' and
mount it with the 'sfs_load' utility. Do not forget to unmount
the originating sfs's.\e[24m \e[1m-- Have a great day!\e[0m\n"
     es|*)echo -e "\n\e[0m
La operación de combinación ahora está hecha. Lo que queda por hacer
es renombrar el archivo sfs resultante 'tentativo.sfs' y
móntelo con la utilidad 'sfs_load'. No te olvides de desmontar
los sfs de origen.\e[24m \e[1m-- Que tenga un buen dia!\e[0m\n"
# set +xe
# LANG="$LANGvx" # for tests
when try to open in terminal the wrapper say urxvt: Loading image icon failed, continuing without. Icon is in the right place, then a blue terminal open and close.

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2018, 17:43
by musher0
Many thanks, nilsonmorales.

Translation has to go in like this:

Code: Select all

 case "${LANG:0:2}" in 
      fr)echo -e "\n\e[0m 
 \e[33m\e[4mLa combinaison est terminée. Il ne vous reste qu'à 
 renommer l'archive sfs résultante « tentative.sfs » 
 et à la monter avec l'utilitaire « sfs_load ». N'oubliez 
 pas de démonter les sfs d'origine s'il y a lieu. \e[24m 
 \e[1m-- Je vous souhaite une excellente journée !\e[0m\n" 
      es)echo -e "\n\e[0m 
 \e[33m\e[4mLa operación de combinación ahora está hecha. Lo que queda 
 por hacer  es renombrar el archivo sfs resultante 'tentativo.sfs' 
 y móntelo con la utilidad 'sfs_load'. No te olvides de desmontar 
 los sfs de origen.\e[24m \e[1m-- Que tenga un buen dia!\e[0m\n" 
      en|*)echo -e "\n\e[0m 
 The combining operation is now done. What is left for you to 
 do is rename the resulting sfs archive 'tentative.sfs' and 
 mount it with the 'sfs_load' utility. Do not forget to unmount 
 the originating sfs's.\e[24m \e[1m-- Have a great day!\e[0m\n" 
But your translation is much appreciated. I can juggle the paragraphs
at the proper place.

Because we keep the English as last resort. The " * " in the formula
means if everything else fails, we try English. This is a peculiarity of
the case...esac structure. We can make the last item the catch-all.

As to the urxvt problem, what version of urxvt? If old urxvt I will have
to remove the ICON line in the wrapper. Edit: don't bother! My error,
icon was wrong. Thanks for spotting it. Corrected.

I have posted the now multilingual version of this utility here.

Again, thanks, nilsonmorales!


Combined Muppy-Filer & SFS-Combiner

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2018, 22:45
by davids45
G'day musher0,

I've attached the pet I made merging Muppy-Filer and SFS-Combiner.

Both need MU's GtkBasic003e pet and Muppy-Filer also needs his PuppyBasic pet.

I can attach the PuppyBasic pet (below) but not the GTKBasic pet which I believe is too large at just over 500kB.

These/this run(s) for me in recent Pups such as Xenial and Bionic.

I'm curious to know if they work for you, given the often imperfect tinkering to Pups I've done on my computer, and continue to do :) .

Still, it "keeps me off the streets".

David S.

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 00:53
by musher0
Godd evening, all.

I have made available a revised multilingual version for ALL Puppies
starting from version 5.7.0 (AFAIK !) here.

Edits, in short:
-- nl utility replaced with a while...done loop that numbers the sfs list;

-- in the wrapper,
---- selected the correct icon (nilsonmorales was right);
---- enabled it to fall back on urxvt-9.05 if urxvt-9.2? is not present;
---- reduced the transparency;
---- reduced the width of the window.

Please report below any undiagnosed bug with this updated version. TIA.



Thanks for your files. If you have a download URL for the Basic-003 that
is required for MU's utilities, could you please provide it? I could perhaps
split it in 2 or 3 parts so they would fit as attachments in this thread. TIA.


Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 03:03
by musher0
Hello davids45 and all.

With what David attached above, I was able to reconstruct Mark's original
SFS-Combiner with its PuppyBasic and GTKBasic003 dependencies.

Upon testing, I discovered that the substantial set of GTKBasic demo files
which MU had originally included was not needed . So I removed these
demos, along with the MuppyFiler that was in David's input (to focus on
the SFS Combiner only). I retested, and it went fine. I ended up with a
file that I can actually attach to a forum post! Unbelievable! :)

I must say I am quite glad I could do this -- with David's precious help, of
course, and with ally's copy of the GTKBasic003 at

This is an important Puppy utility -- everything in Puppy is closely or
distantly related to sfs's. IMO, we must not let this work by MU fall into
disrepair, or worse, oblivion.

So... please find attached a streamlined reconstruction. It seems to work
well on my xenialPup-706 machine. Feedback appreciated.


Note -- The "0.1" number in the file name of the pet does not mean
anything. It's there because the dir2pet utility needs a number, any
number, at the end of the directory name, otherwise it goes on strike!

The "r", however, stands for "reconstructed", to distinguish this pet from
MU's original, if you are lucky enough to have it in your software

Finally -- this may be important for some -- I used gzip to create this pet
archive, so it can be installed in most Puppies, whatever their age.

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 04:51
by nilsonmorales
musher0, sorry, forget the .desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SFS Combiner
Name[fr]=Combineur de SFS
Name[es]=Combinador de SFS
Comment=SFS Combiner
Comment[fr]=Combineur de SFS
Comment[es]=Combinador de SFS
GenericName=SFS Combiner
GenericName[fr]=Combineur de SFS
GenericName[es]=Combinador de SFS

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 06:51
by sfs

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 06:58
by musher0
nilsonmorales wrote:musher0, sorry, forget the .desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SFS Combiner
Name[fr]=Combineur de SFS
Name[es]=Combinador de SFS
Comment=SFS Combiner
Comment[fr]=Combineur de SFS
Comment[es]=Combinador de SFS
GenericName=SFS Combiner
GenericName[fr]=Combineur de SFS
GenericName[es]=Combinador de SFS
Thanks nilson. I will include it in the next version.

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 07:09
by musher0
Thanks sfs.
According to the reverso online Russian to English translation, those are
"Pfs-utils. Utilities to work with squash modules. Version 2"
Correct ?

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 07:35
by sfs
musher0 wrote: "Pfs-utils. Utilities to work with squash modules. Version 2"
Correct ?
Yes. Version 3
merge , extract squash
Only english in scripts
Doc : - only russian

? One Application -- Combine this with PaDS ?

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2018, 15:25
by mikeslr
Hi All,

PaDS is an application which converts and combines pet, deb and txz files into one SFS. ... 359#658359*. During its operation it identifies a source file by its suffix/ending, employs a routine for extracting a file with that ending, and then merges all the extracted files.

What it can't do is handle a file ending in SFS (or PFS or SquashFS) as it does not include (a) the code to identify such files, and (b) the routine to extract it. That, of course, is what SFS-Combiner does at least with respect to files ending in SFS.

Once the files are extracted, both PaDS and SFS-Combiner use essentially the same routines to merge the extracted source files and package them as an SFS. And both applications have code creating a GUI. In other words, we now have two applications with GUIs containing essentially the same merge and repackage routines. I figured, while the coding of SFS-Combiner was still fresh in your minds, perhaps someone might consider creating an "Uber-Combiner".

By now It should go without saying that while I have sufficient knowledge to follow the logic of applications employing bash, I don't have sufficient knowledge to write them; and my knowledge of GUI coding is best described as "slim to none."

Additional routines:
If possible, add routines to handle PFS and SquashFS files.

Lastly, along the same lines, how about including routines to convert pets to SFSes and vice-versa.


* On 64-bit systems, PaDS depends on the found here, ... 515#938515 rather than the via link on first post of the PaDS thread. The difference between these pets involves how deb files are handled. unrpm uses a binary not recognized by 64-bit OSes. unrpm-64bit employs the OS's builtin routine for decompressing deb files.

P.S. to Flash: Is it possible to move this thread to the Utiliities Section?

Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2018, 01:45
by musher0
Hi Mikeslr.

Care to expand the PSF acronym? ;) I'm sure it's not referring to the
"Pondichery Science Forum", but beyond that... TIA.

Not a bad suggestion. Out of politeness and because of his expertise with
these files, we should first ask RSH it he'd be willing to augment his PADS
utility. It's his baby.

I could maybe attempt something, but it wouldn't be GUI. I'm like you in
that respect, I know next to nothing concerning GUIs, plus philosophi-
cally, my idea of a good interface is an urxvt window with a numbered
menu! :twisted: (Am I hearing a loud and collective "Yerk!" ?)

From a practical point of view (it would save a lot of coding), maybe we
do not need to invent a new utility. An exhaustive round-up of all such
utilities could be enough, perhaps, but regrouped in the same place (sub-
dir?) with its own aemenu or similar. Good descriptions about them in a
single doc would no doubt help the user too. (My 2¢ !)


Posted: Mon 09 Apr 2018, 05:43
by musher0
Hello all.

I looked further into MikesLr's suggestion, and one problem would be that
pads is a bash script and SFS-Combiner is a Basic app.

A menu like this, perhaps, would be the next best thing, IMO. However, it
would need a volunteer writer to replace the "bla-blas" and improve on
the descriptions. Anyone ?

But basket the menu idea if you don't like it, that's ok too.


Code: Select all

# /root/.aewm/ae/
# aemenu for sfs process
# Requires aemenu.
# (c) musher0, 2018-04-09. GPL3.
echo -e "### aemenu ###
cmd \"    sfs-processors \"\"
cmd \"¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤\" \"\"
menu \"\tedit_sfs\" 
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
	cmd edit_sfs \"rox $AppS/edit_sfs.desktop\"
	menu description
		cmd \"Allows the user to edit an sfs archive.\" \" \"
	menu usage 
		cmd \"bla-bla\" \"\"
		cmd \"ble-ble\" \"\"
		cmd \"bli-bli\" \"\"
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"

menu SFS-Combiner_MU
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
	cmd SFS-Combiner_MU \"rox $AppS/SFS-Combiner_MU.desktop\"
	menu description
		cmd \"Combines multiple sfs' into one.\" \" \"
		cmd \"(A GTKBasic003 application)\" \"\"
	menu usage 
		cmd \"bla-bla\" \"\"
		cmd \"ble-ble\" \"\"
		cmd \"bli-bli\" \"\"
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
menu \"\"
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
	cmd \"rox $AppS/\"
	menu description
		cmd \"Combines multiple sfs' into one.\" \" \"
		cmd \"(A Bash application)\" \"\"
	menu usage 
		cmd \"bla-bla\" \"\"
		cmd \"ble-ble\" \"\"
		cmd \"bli-bli\" \"\"
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
menu \"\tlp2pads\"
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
	cmd lp2pads \"rox $AppS/lp2pads.desktop\"
	menu description
		cmd \"Combines deb, rpm and pet archives in an sfs.\" \"\"
	menu usage 
		cmd \"bla-bla\" \"\"
		cmd \"ble-ble\" \"\"
		cmd \"bli-bli\" \"\"
	cmd \"~~~~~~~\" \" \"
cmd \"¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤\" \" \"" > /tmp/sfs-processors
aemenu -rc /tmp/sfs-processors

about pupsave to Sfs,

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2018, 02:31
by hamoudoudou
about pupsave to Sfs, you can use Pet-Maker 2.3 (Included in Chloe, wonderful Xfce make up released one year ago).
#Pet Maker (Creating dotpet with GUI)
#Copyright 2009 GPL
#Trio Tjandradjaja
# Modified Oct 2011 scsijon WITH PETBASE v2.2

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2018, 03:49
by musher0
URL for the thread of this, please, hamoudoudou? Thanks in advance.

Also note the "one by one" in the panel above. You better have a lot of time
ahead of you if you use this. Shall we set an appointment for this day next
year? :roll:

With all due respect to forum member "Trio", no wonder devs have
continued developing scripts which can handle such files in batches.