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Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 06:02
by Lobster

None of the links are working?

- just saw sparrows in my cherry tree
they used to be so common - maybe this is an evolved version . . .

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 06:14
by droope
Hey, I just got an idea.

How about making the main page static, and everything else dynamic?

That should be a relief for our hosting.

Moving to a non-drupal page seems ok, but we will lose our lovely design, the ISO's page, and all the info on the wiki...

THat's a bit too much to lose, right?

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 13:52
by SirDuncan
Lobster wrote:None of the links are working?
I can confirm that they seem to be dead. If you click on a link that does not use clean URLs (like on the links to a different comment page) it will work. That leads me to believe that either clean URLs have been screwed up by HostGator, or that some of the other pages have been deleted.

I was able to login and can see revisions and stuff, but these are all posts (PHP posts, not posts like to a forum) to the same page using dirty URLs (stuff with ?id=something after the page name). Of course, for all I know the site is actually just one page that makes itself look like many by using clean URLs and dynamic content. If that's the case, then it is obviously a problem with clean URLs. It could even be something as simple as Hostgator deleting our .htaccess file.

Who all has direct access to the server to check this out?

I'm now pretty certain it has to do with clean URLs getting turned off. If I manually type in instead of the clean URL given by the page, it works fine. Same with instead of

Somebody with FTP/SFTP access would have to get in to fix it. Actually, Hostgator may may have to fix it depending on the privileges they give users.


Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 15:31
by raffy
Prit has been working on it and has renamed htaccess. (Sir Duncan's observation is correct.)

Prit's work is in connection with the move of the site to another host within the month (July).

Anyway, the links should be working again.

Thanks for the alert, guys. :)

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 17:54
by Lobster
Thanks Raffy - thanks Prithish

Looking forward to move
Instead of a news link how about using twitter?
We have puppy_Linux and PuppyLinux both providing regular Puppy News
daily . . . [something I did once upon a time]

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 22:27
by Aitch
Yes, thanks to all contributors & sorters of Puppy Linux site problems

Shame about the adverts though....


Can't we be more selective, than to advertise spammy/phishing/adware?

Aitch :)

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2009, 22:54
by prit1
Hi Aitch .. I have not seen an option where Google will allow one to choose between ads. I know that there are other ad providers that do this. I will discuss with Raffy about this.

Even I had noticed some undesirable ads on the site.


Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 05:20
by raffy
The ads take cue from the words in the page, so close editorial supervision of the content will be essential. We have quite a number of editors. Please PM me if you would like to be upgraded to editor.

I've also put in a preference for "netbooks" or "net-tops" in the ad space, and hope that advertisers would notice this. Of course some enterprising guys have been targeting the site for their Puppy Linux CD ads.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 06:33
by prit1
Hi Raffy ... From what I have noticed, even if we keep static content, there can be real crazy and unrelated ads showing up. Google gets to decide most of this stuff using their algorithm. I came across this ad site called Ad brite who claim that we can approve or reject ads. We can also set a mandatory approval for every ad that is shown on the site. From their site, it looks like a popular ad network. But, I can't say for sure how the ads/payments are going to be.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 07:43
by Lobster
Who is financing the site? Cost per year? Anyone able to sponsor it to be ad free?


Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 14:34
by raffy
(For the new site) Nobody. It's a Virtual Private Server with (prevailing rate) of US$50 monthly. Sponsors welcome. :)

Thanks to Warren for sponsoring it in hostgator for 16 months (up to this month).


Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 14:52
by ttuuxxx
raffy wrote:(For the new site) Nobody. It's a Virtual Private Server with (prevailing rate) of US$50 monthly. Sponsors welcome. :)

Thanks to Warren for sponsoring it in hostgator for 16 months (up to this month).
Well I think ecomoney should take the next 16months since he's the one who basically made WhoDo leave, and if he wasn't such a nob, he would humble himself to Warren and make him come back!!, I'm sure Warren would still be paying for it, If he was here. So "Show me the money? Ecomoney"
lol it rhymes

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 17:24
by prit1
Here is the first test setup on the new server. Its basically the same site ( on the new server.

Don't worry about the name. We are just using a spare domain name until some initial testing is done and the name servers of can be changed.

Please report any problems (errors, speed, responsiveness etc) you may notice.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 18:26
by Caneri
Yes..thanks to Whodo for his hosting.

Please remember that without Whodo, tombh and crew the new (16 months old now) web site would not have happened.

With Warren's support, and his paying for the hosting, it made the new setup, and now, the transitions a reality....thanks, to all the very fine people that made this happen..well done and cheers to all,


Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 18:35
by Caneri
To add,

There is a way to focus Google ads, but that requires Google to have access to the cgi bin with their scripts.

I don't recommend this approach.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 18:44
by Aitch
Yes, & please count yourself in there Eric,.... yours is an increasingly important part of the Puppy community, IMHO - thanks

Methinks even without a committee we need to ensure adequate funding/support is maintained, to prevent getting a bad name due to losing control of advertising... is paypal an option?

ttuuxxx - c'mon man - get over it....the world's full of 'em, if you wanna keep looking/holding on to the past
I'm sure there must've been other factors in Warren's decision, but it was that....his decision, as will coming back if he feels like it

Onwards & upwards.....YO-OH.... :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 18:54
by Caneri
Hi Ya Aitch,

I miss lots on here as I'm not on the forum much.

Paypal is on all the front pages..all we need now is for people to use it and send BIG money...just kidding, as even a small donation is very much needed.


Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 18:59
by prit1
On some of the blog sites, I have noticed that they don't run Google ads, but run some good open source ads that don't change overtime. Maybe this is an alternative too.

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 21:35
by Aitch
Hya Eric,
Cool, will do, ... but I was thinking of the Community website
There's a link for donations to Barry....admirable though it is... he has said the community website is for shouldn't it be self-supporting & have it's own paypal/donation button?
...or do we somehow expect Barry to donate something [more/financial] back to the community?
Now there's a hornet's nest for you...... :wink:

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2009, 22:35
by Caneri
Lordy Aitch...the donations that go to Barry are without compromise.

If a person says pay their donation to cause then so be hornets nest as all the donations will go where it's needed.

I would have liked the education fund to prosper..alas there isn't enough money to pay for all the under-structure that's needed. Before anyone can donate to university or college needs there has to be cash on the barrel head...what a shame as there are people here that truly deserve help with their school costs.

Oh's free software you see..Eric