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Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2012, 19:04
by sickgut
I now have a handle on the seizure type health problems and ill be back helping out around here again soon.

When i was struggling with my health it used me up so much that i couldnt do the puppy stuff and my project that is pussy at the same time i had to pick either or. Now i am recovering and have a more positive outlook on life i may be making regular contributions to the puppy community again as well as continue with my pussy project.

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2012, 20:06
by Sylvander
I'm no health expert, but nevertheless I recommend:

(a) Non-intense and FUN physical exercise in the open air.

(b) I found skiing was good healthy fun.
I found it promotes a happy frame of mind.

(c) The most stress-free activity I ever tried was keeping an allotment.
Enriching the soil...
Growing fruit and veg.
The resulting feeling of one-ness with the whole.
Feels rather spiritual.
It generates a deep sense of tranquility.
You will only understand when you stand gazing into the distant land and sky...
With mother natures' breeze rustling through your hair...
Her wind caressing your face...
And rustling the trees...
And the grasses...
In the "fields of Gold"...
Feeling that all is exactly as it should be.
That the world has existed for aeons...
And nature sustains you...
Nourishes you without demands...
And love goes goes on...
Within you...
And through you.
And beyond you. :D

Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2012, 08:45
by Aitch

Getting the balance right between life and self is often much deeper than just stress
Delve a little into the spiritual side, and also look at what constitutes 'nourishment' as that word includes not just foody stuff that's good for you, but other forms of, visual, aural, sensory, books/entertainment/PC and physical touch - [massage is good :wink: ]...however a dietary regime change can have beneficial effects on whether flashing images cause seizure type experiences, as can removing frustrations and finding something satisfying or otherwise rewarding to the inner being

There are many big changes going on this year, in terms of individual and collective consciousness, and flexibility...the ability to respond to changes by not being stuck with old/bad habits/repeat behaviour is important for all of us

Whatever you decide...always remember you have choice and hence the power to make things different, if they cause you problems....and we only get what we need, spiritually, not what we want, physically and mentally

good luck :D

Nice words, Sylvander

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2012, 12:58
by sickgut
thanks for words of encouragement people

I will be back working on Pussy very soon as i have a handle on the health thing now. However i will post here on the forum about puppy stuff if i can help, i wont be developing puppy things anymore, i realize that to lead a balanced life i only have time for one OS and that is Pussy and Pussy for the Rasp Pi.

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2012, 18:48
by linuxbear
I am thinking the raspberry might make a very nice file server

Posted: Tue 17 Apr 2012, 20:30
by Puppyt
sickgut - I'm a bit alarmed at your symptoms - an over-active thirst center PLUS the epilepsy, to my muddled mind point to something going on with your hypothalamus. I'd have myself booked in for a scan (but that's just me), and probably easier said than done in rural Tassie.

Just to echo Aitch and Sylvander - (not linked for fear of complaints I may be spruiking) - not in Tassie or Queensland yet, but they and their reputation are growing...

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 18:54
by linuxbear
Puppyt wrote:sickgut - an over-active thirst center
Over-active thirst is also a classic symptom of diabetes, which is well controlled in my case, but an interesting intellectual challenge.

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 05:09
by sickgut
I have trouble expressing my thoughts into words.

The leaving community soon thing in hind sight was a bit of overkill, a bit harsh.

In my overworked and negative state i thought i was facing problems that where larger than they where. My holiday from coding (9 months or so) seems to have put me in a much more positive mindset.

Infact its working out quite nicely hanging around here, even tho im not working on Puppy packages anymore, im only doing Pussy things, i havent left and i dont think i will leave the community at all, its just my contributions to the community have changed. There seems to be a Puppy AND a Pussy (as well as ubuntu and other OSes) community here kind of coexisting. I think i over estimated the difficulty of running a Pussy thread on a Puppy forum. Initially there where some setbacks and negative vibes but that seems to have faded.

Pussy isnt Puppy but it initially started out as a project to be as Puppy as possible while trying to keep it 100% debian compatible, while branching off in a direction that isnt as Puppy goal oriented as it started, we are still trying to keep the basic interface the same and there are alot of crossovers regarding apps and configuration.

There is a strong Rasp Pi community here as well, and Pussy will eventually be running on the Pi in all its glory, yet another binding factor and crossover with Puppy/ Pussy happening here. I already have a server/ console version of Pussy for the Pi ready to download from but the desktop/ graphical version is on hold until there is OpenGL driver support for Linux.

Looks like old sickgut is here to stay. Thanks for putting up with me and i do regret posting stuff in a negative mindset previously. A tiny bump in the road really does seem like a snow capped mountain when your strung out on coding psychosis.

Peace out yall

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 06:46
by Puppyt
great to see you back, and in such a positive frame. Onwards and upwards!

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 15:45
by Xtanova
Hi sickgut,

Thanx for changing your mind about completely leaving the puppy community.

This is my third week btw as a linux user, after a loOng life with the micro $oft world.

In brief, my first two days was an ubunto user, then moved to the mother Debian, then this week i settled to be a puppy user .. yet it took me just two weeks to decide that.

I wish you accept this advice from a noob .. Puppy is the innovation for the future in my opinion VS the full installation Distros (fedora, debian, ubuntu , .., etc).

The puppy community is lacking funds, and the Devs number is very small as compared to those Distros (but its so remarkable how committed and helpful they are) .. But I can see in Puppy more future, as nothing can prove that than the idea of making a super computer out of a dead machine with no hard disk, like the one im using now :wink: .. imagine then how it would be like in brand new computer !

You can just take the idea of puppy and merge it with Debian .. and leave .. Or you can contribute to make this project take the lead that it deserves.

syntax : If there were no puppy Linux, there wouldn't have been Pussy Linux.

I don't think the package management will remain an eternal issue for puppy, with the help of brilliant Dev like sickgut, puppy linux will reach a solution for this issue, and finally there will be a unified package manager, sfs, and pet .. that can be installed on every puppy derivative.

Posted: Sat 06 Oct 2012, 16:55
by darkcity
@xtanova - welcome 8) . one problem with the repositories is that maintenance is a lot of work and can be quite tedious. Something not easily resolved, even with brilliant devs. Pussy addresses this by being 100% compatible with Debian's repositories. There is a long discussion about package management here-

@sickgut - glad your sticking around. everyone needs a break sometimes.

Posted: Sun 07 Oct 2012, 15:23
by Xtanova
Thanks Darkcity,

I do agree with your point .. I use myself pemasu's SMP distro Dpup Exprimo 5.X.3.4.1, debian compatibility yet still under puppy. very impressing project I dare to say.

And this is what i like about puppy or linux overall, where every distro's group has a kind of a workshop and each group shares what it got with others, unlike with microsoft guys a one workshop talking to themselves :lol: .. ending by dooming themselves by making the win8 unfriendly environment for desktops.

Reaching the universal independent package manager and the universal pet for puppy linux, will happen one day .. we just keep testing in different ways for now .. and i see nothing in that but FUN.

People will look back one day and say wow that was good damn hard work!

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2012, 05:09
by greengeek
sickgut wrote:Also once this process is working ok, there will be a "rebranding" wizard, like a linear process of filling in a few custom things, like start menu icon or text, rename background icons etc, also the wizard would ask to provide a new background and also boot splash screen etc, rename boot options etc and usernames/ accounts and passwords for the purpose of providing server functionality.

This will open the distro to be useful to OEMs, computer stores and even businesses that just use alot of computers who would like to have their own branded and recognizable operating system.

Wow, nice idea! I was just looking back on the earlier parts of this discussion and I really like this idea sickgut. "Just add corporate logo and have your own linux_on_a_stick".

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2012, 07:58
by sickgut
Xtanova wrote:Hi sickgut,

Thanx for changing your mind about completely leaving the puppy community.

This is my third week btw as a linux user, after a loOng life with the micro $oft world.

In brief, my first two days was an ubunto user, then moved to the mother Debian, then this week i settled to be a puppy user .. yet it took me just two weeks to decide that.

I wish you accept this advice from a noob .. Puppy is the innovation for the future in my opinion VS the full installation Distros (fedora, debian, ubuntu , .., etc).

The puppy community is lacking funds, and the Devs number is very small as compared to those Distros (but its so remarkable how committed and helpful they are) .. But I can see in Puppy more future, as nothing can prove that than the idea of making a super computer out of a dead machine with no hard disk, like the one im using now :wink: .. imagine then how it would be like in brand new computer !

You can just take the idea of puppy and merge it with Debian .. and leave .. Or you can contribute to make this project take the lead that it deserves.

syntax : If there were no puppy Linux, there wouldn't have been Pussy Linux.

I don't think the package management will remain an eternal issue for puppy, with the help of brilliant Dev like sickgut, puppy linux will reach a solution for this issue, and finally there will be a unified package manager, sfs, and pet .. that can be installed on every puppy derivative.
I was fairly unimpressed with linux and didnt see it as a viable alternative until i found Puppy. There wasnt anything in between Damn Small Linux that was small and fast and PCLinuxOS that was large and full of eye candy and slow for a desktop OS. For server stuff i had been using Red Hat since version 5 and that is where it excelled. Puppy was the only thing that impressed me for every day use.

However, even having been professionally working in the I.T industry since i was 17, it still took me atleast 2 months to switch over from Windows to Puppy. And that would never have happened at all if it wasnt for the handy XChat icon in Puppy 4.2 that automatically logged me into the official puppy IRC support channel. Without those people there, i would never have been able to make the change over.

You are right in thinking that Pussy wouldnt have existed if it wasnt for Puppy as i initially tried to make Pussy as Puppylike as i possibly could. The whole idea of full featured apps running on the lightest possible desktop interface is pure gold. I dont mean to offend people but its like running Windows 98 rather than huge bloated Windows XP in comparison.
The larger bloated Linuxes like Ubuntu and PCLinuxOS where like Windows XP or Windows Vista.. while advertising themselves as being faster than Windows, but they where even slower (in my experience)... Puppy was the only Linux that was actually faster, as fast as Windows 98 while retaining all the functionality of Windows Vista or XP.

The only real concern i had about making the change over from Windows to Linux was games. In recent years there have been a whole slew of multiplayer first person shooter free games for Linux with large online communities and now Linux can be a sweet gaming system.

The only reason Puppy exists is because i was and still am trying to bring debian or ubuntu apt-get functionality to Puppy. However, i dont believe this can be done. Instead of OS specific package management (rpm's for fedora/ centOS and debs for debian/ ubuntu, pets for puppy...) vendors simply need to make high quality static applications/ programs (completely self contained within one directory/ folder, everything it needs resides in this one dir, there is no need to have dependencies and libraries scattered all over the OS) that are compiled to include all the dependencies in the application and then people from all major linux distros could create a central universal software repository for all the applications rather than debian and puppy and fedora keeping different, incompatible repositories and package managers.

However greed is the only reason it isnt practical now, not really green for financial gain but credit. everyone wants to be the best and they are competing with each other. Realistically it would only take about 5 people from each Linux OS to talk to each other and then inturn consult with vendors releasing linux software about the standards that are expected.

Maybe another 5 years maybe 10, maybe it will never happen. but i hope it does.

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2012, 15:28
by jpeps
sickgut wrote:
The only reason Puppy exists is because i was and still am trying to bring debian or ubuntu apt-get functionality to Puppy. However, i dont believe this can be done. Instead of OS specific package management (rpm's for fedora/ centOS and debs for debian/ ubuntu, pets for puppy...) vendors simply need to make high quality static applications/ programs (completely self contained within one directory/ folder, everything it needs resides in this one dir, there is no need to have dependencies and libraries scattered all over the OS) that are compiled to include all the dependencies in the application and then people from all major linux distros could create a central universal software repository for all the applications rather than debian and puppy and fedora keeping different, incompatible repositories and package managers.


Maybe another 5 years maybe 10, maybe it will never happen. but i hope it does.
You mentioned your choice of Puppy and DSL...for purposes of speed due to lack of bloating. DSL was just updated, I noticed, but they're keeping the old kernel so it's specifically for old computers. Likewise, Puppy is fast because it's efficient. You only load what you need. The tradeoff for lack of bloat is not everything in the universe works out of the box.

There are apps like CDE that easily create static builds in one folder. The problem is that they are large....the opposite of efficient, where many apps share the same tools. Linux offers different choices for different needs.

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2012, 16:43
by sickgut
jpeps wrote:
sickgut wrote:
The only reason Puppy exists is because i was and still am trying to bring debian or ubuntu apt-get functionality to Puppy. However, i dont believe this can be done. Instead of OS specific package management (rpm's for fedora/ centOS and debs for debian/ ubuntu, pets for puppy...) vendors simply need to make high quality static applications/ programs (completely self contained within one directory/ folder, everything it needs resides in this one dir, there is no need to have dependencies and libraries scattered all over the OS) that are compiled to include all the dependencies in the application and then people from all major linux distros could create a central universal software repository for all the applications rather than debian and puppy and fedora keeping different, incompatible repositories and package managers.


Maybe another 5 years maybe 10, maybe it will never happen. but i hope it does.
You mentioned your choice of Puppy and DSL...for purposes of speed due to lack of bloating. DSL was just updated, I noticed, but they're keeping the old kernel so it's specifically for old computers. Likewise, Puppy is fast because it's efficient. You only load what you need. The tradeoff for lack of bloat is not everything in the universe works out of the box.

There are apps like CDE that easily create static builds in one folder. The problem is that they are large....the opposite of efficient, where many apps share the same tools. Linux offers different choices for different needs.
One thing to take into account to do with bloat is that size on the disk doesnt equate to more ram usage or cpu usage so it doesnt slow the OS.
A blank DVD is less than $1 and it holds 4.3GB, a 4GB USB stick can be purchased for $6 - $10. HDD's are hundreds of GB or even multiple TB's in size. So this is why i dont think that a 99mb ISO is any better than a 600MB ISO, they can both fit on a CDROM and an both fit on even the cheapest USB sticks and if you are running a live CD and only using 99mb of its 700mb capacity you are just wasting space. I believe that disk footprint of an OS should only be restricted by the size of the media that you aim to install it to. However, this only applies to non copy to ram boot methods. With copy to RAM enabled then yeah, small is good. But computers with 1Gb RAM or 4 or 8GB are now the norm so even large ISO copy to RAM booting is becoming practical.

The above is why i believe that a trade off of size to attain compatibility is worth while.

Puppy is basicly perfect but like you said the working out the box is a little restrictive and also the packages that can be installed are not as much as other Linux OSes. The main cause of this is that libs and deps that really should be there are missing in favor of keeping the OS at 100MB ISO or so. Other than package management Puppy is the best. I hope to improve the package management thing and my Pussy OS is an experiment to see if its possible, hopefully one day we can make Puppy more compatible and the 5 people that are spending all their free time compiling apps for Puppy can take a break.

Just imagine Puppy with all its leet awesomeness being able to install everything with no hassle. Its a dream of mine.

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2012, 17:11
by sickgut
Bert wrote:
cthisbear wrote:Good day Sickgut.
I think that you should still be here on Murga.
And good luck mate.
+1 :)

Sickgut, I think most of us have come to appreciate your enthousiasm and ongoing willingness to communicate. I've been following your project with much interest.
Must confess I too was diappointed when trying -an earlier- version of Pussy. But I did not complain, as your product was still in alpha. But secretly this end user had hoped for better graphics and...synaptic :wink:
Don't give up!
It's not Puppy or Pussy :idea:

Anyway, grateful you did not call it Zebra Linux..
The Pussy DVD version im working on now has synaptic. What better graphics are you wanting in Pussy? Im all about music and sound, i think the visual asthetic appreciation part of my brain is missing. im going for the lightest possible JWM desktop with the option to enable the roxfiler background and desktop features. However the first background with the cat there in the middle of the black screen when the JWM desktop is enabled with no roxfiler started is poor quality and even i know that sucks. I think ill have the high quality cat background (the one you see when you select rox filer background from the jwm menu) as the default background for the jwm only desktop.

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2012, 22:13
by cthisbear
sickgut :

Though highly criticised by some....

ecomoney released this based on Puppy 215E.

Basically you could boot the cd...
and unzip the hidden contents to reveal a completely
different Puppy with lots of goodies...on the next boot.

But the whingeing that went on.........

I thought a lot of his work was outstanding.

Which is why I re-uploaded his Seafarers cd.



Made for a Seamens Mission Cybercafe in England.


(447,898 KB)

You have to register at 4 big issue.


If anyone wants Ecopup I could re-upload it,
unless I find it elsewhere.

I never had trouble connecting on Lan myself.

OK! I have re-uploaded the only version I have

>>> ecopup0.7.1.iso

to 4Shared.

687,316 KB


Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 07:38
by jpeps
sickgut wrote:
Just imagine Puppy with all its leet awesomeness being able to install everything with no hassle. Its a dream of mine.
Moooo linux, 5 Gig version. Who's volunteering to maintain the database?

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 20:36
by TheAsterisk!
Mischief or accidental associations via search engines' results is nothing special. Asia put out an album this summer called XXX, ostensibly to denote thirty years since their first album. I'm sure that's caused a few technologically impaired folks some fun. :lol:

sickgut wrote:I dont understand why it even matters what an OS is called when its in the development stages. Starwars was called blue harvest when it was being made.
The Star Wars fanboy in me feels a need to volunteer some unsolicited context and information.

The third movie (sixth episode) was booked for filming not under the official title of Revenge of the Jedi but instead under Blue Harvest (Horror Beyond Imagination). This was in response to well above-market rates being demanded by soundstages and property owners upon discovering that they were booking for the next Star Wars film. Upon reading/hearing the bogus title, they'd instead assume it was a low-budget film and offer more reasonable, competitive rates.

(Walt Disney bought up property in Florida in the US with a similar tactic, using disparate real estate companies and individual purchases, later consolidated for the big theme park that Disney has there now.)

So... the example of Blue Harvest would be relevant only if you were trying to throw people off of your trail and maintain secrecy while you develoepd Pussy Linux.

Presumably, that is not the case? 8)

In any case, I don't think the name is an issue, at least not any greater issue than other names in free software. The GIMP comes to mind, as does the automated FS mounter for XFCE, Gigolo.

Otherwise I appreciate your efforts. Puppy's lack of a giant repository has made me into a much more adventurous Linux user than I would be otherwise, but it has also caused me troubles and headaches from time to time. I might like to run Pussy Linux once it's stable and growing, but for now I'll keep on trying to teach my Puppies new tricks. (And whoever came up with the idea of using Pussy as the 'underdog' installation (sc0ttman? You, sickgut?) is a genius.)