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Re: Raspberry pi and SDHC

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2012, 22:50
by 01micko
peterw wrote: # unxz --stdout raspi-sd-4gb-sap6-5.95.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb
# sync
In my case it is sdb1
.. and therein lies the problem. sdb1 will be a partition on the device, even though it may be the whole space on the device. Please just use sdb. The image needs to be written to the device, not a partition.


Re: Raspberry pi and SDHC

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 00:31
by BarryK
peterw wrote:Hi

I am looking for suggestions as to what I am doing wrong. I can't get the Puppy SAP image to my SDHC. The history so far.

I have recently received my board. To get it to work reliably I had to add two parallel power supply wires to the +5V and 0V USB lead to achieve a stable 5V at the board TP1 and TP2. It then booted up the debian programme using their procedure to write it to the SDHC and my keyboard and mouse attached to a powered usb hub works fine.

Knowing my hardware is OK, I have then used Barry's procedure to write the image:
# unxz --stdout raspi-sd-4gb-sap6-5.95.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb
# sync
In my case it is sdb1

It writes the image but it is not then recognised by the system and does not produce an icon on the screen. dmesg shows that the SHDC is seen with errors (Unhandled sense error). If inserted to the board the PWR light comes on but not the OK green LED. To get the SDHCs to work again I have to use the HP usb utility.

I have tried this with two SDHCs and got the same result. I have also tried the raspberry pi method by uncompressing the SAP file and using a modified version of their command:
dd bs=1M if=raspi-sd-4gb-sap6-5.96.img of=/dev/sdb1

Looking at the debian SDHC it has a 75MB vfat partition and a large ext4 one. Should I have done something to the partition of the SDHC first?

Sorry this is bit of a ramble. I am running out of ideas.

No, /dev/sdb1 is wrong. In your case it is /dev/sdb
You write the image to the entire drive, not the partition.

EDIT: ah ha! 01micko already replied!

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 00:35
by BarryK
eowens2 wrote:A question about the Puppy Package Manager.

I wanted to add some board games to SAP Alpha2, so I entered "Ace-of-Penguins" to the "Find" field of PPM. PPM promptly found the file in debian-squeeze-main, I checked "examine dependencies" and PPM downloaded the file and any necessary dependencies and gave me a final "Successfully Installed" message.

I closed down PPM and went to the "Fun" menu, hoping to find some new games there, but there were no new items in the menu.

I went to the console and used "find" to look for *ace-of-penguins* and all of the files were found in various directories of "/usr" and a session can be initiated with something like "/usr/games/ace-frecell" or "/usr/games/ace-taipei".
So the question is, does PPM not install programs into Puppy's menus if they are not a dot-PET package?

Another observation about PPM. I must have somehow accidentally un-ticked "debian-squeeze-contrib" and "debian-squeeze-main" as repos, because they disappeared from the list at the top of the PPM main page. I clicked on "Configure package manager" and re-ticked those two repositories, clicked on "O.K." and exited PPM.

However on re-entering PPM, those two repos are still missing from the list (and if I again go into "Configure package manager", those two repos are again un-ticked).

When I look at /root/.packages/REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT I find "" which I assume is debian-main. PPM seems to be not remembering that I want to include debian-squeeze-contrib and debian-squeeze-main. Or do I need to edit REPOS_DISTRO_COMPAT?
Ah yes, there is a problem with executables in /usr/games. I had better put that one on the to-do list.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 00:41
by BarryK
There is a bug with using a usb wireless broadband mobile thingy.

My Optus modem, when I plug it in, is supposed to cause 'usbserial' kernel module to load, and then /dev/ttyUSB0 (etc) get created, but none of that is happening.

I found that manually running

# modrobe usbserial product=0x12d1 vendor=0x140c

then it does work.

My modem is one that does not require a usb-modeswitch, it is simultaneously in storage and modem modes.

So, I am trying to figure this one out.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 07:01
by Lobster
I can now use keyboard keys like delete and arrows.
However typing can involve considerable and disconcerting screen lag. I notice this particularly in Chromium where I am now.

Tried to find settings in HDMI TV to enable sound. No luck there.

Code: Select all

# aplay leave.wav
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4170:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4170:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4170:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4649:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2190:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
aplay: main:654: audio open error: No such file or directory
Have NOT yet activated settings in config, which I will do next.

Just reporting in.

Linux that barks

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 07:53
by rhadon
Hi Berry,

good explanation at your blog about hardware setup and excellent link about polyfuses. Although it's not my experience.

Since one or two days after I got my Pi, I use a seperate PS for the board and an active hub (4x 500mA, switchable, cheap one, ~13€) which I allways connected first, before I swich on the board. Since about one week I use partitions of my connected usb hd for sap6, instead of the 2nd partition and swap of the sd card. Works flawlessly.

After your post, I did some measurements.

If board has no power , but connected usb hub has power, I have no voltage on the board, not before and not behind the polyfuses. OK, there could be a peak (which I can't measure) when I swich on the power of the hub, but I tested whith my keyboard dongle instead of the hub and at both polyfuses I have nearly the same voltage drop if the dongle is connected (~109mV and ~115mV). I think that a difference of 0.006V is tolerance. So I guess, that it's save for me, but I'll measure from time to time to be sure.

Maybe of interest, the board is feeded with ~0.5V by a connected HDMI cable.

Thanks for the explanation and the link,


Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 07:59
by Lobster
OK changed config.txt
and modprobed
also set hdmi from suggestions previously posted
You need to set hdmi_drive=2 in the config.txt and then on boot modprobe snd_bcm2835
aplay is giving me crackle (sound of sorts in terms of duration and I can recognize the sound is being played) from command line

Code: Select all

# aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA]
So sound to HDMI is possible but not on Barrys hardware?
I removed the mini speakers from the headphone socket.
And also had to do a reboot, when I set the hdmi 3 1(not quite right something like that) it turned off the sound (I could see this from the tray icon)

Mick has mentioned that we are not trying to get the ALSA driver to work?
Which driver are we trying to get working? Sound through HDMI has to be the first step? Also if you get a woof SLR that might well be better than ye olde but stable Debian . . .

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 09:00
by Lobster
Barry you can put

Code: Select all

in your config.txt to test your hardware

Your difficulties might be your powered USB hub. Only difference in set up I can think of.

I spent two days thinking I had faulty RPi hardware.
I hope it is not that . . .

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 09:30
by Lobster

I put the following

Code: Select all

modprobe snd_bcm2835
aplay /usr/share/audio/2barks.wav
It may not be barks (more like a throttled wasp)
but it tests sound and plays through HDMI

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 10:31
by rhadon
Hi Lobster,

one of the first things I did, was selecting snd_bcm2835 in menu->System->Puppy boot configuration(maybe in other words)->Click here to add another module and move snd_bcm2835 from the left to the right side. Now it's loaded at every boot :wink: .

To change from analog to HDMI or vice versa, I've build two scripts, one with amixer cset numid=3 1 and one with amixer cset numid=3 2. Both I placed on the desktop. Now I can change sound by just one click. It works.

With analog, sometimes i can hear some scratches, maybe 1 per min., more or less. With all players I've tested. Gxine, gnome mplayer and Mick's playmusic. Maybe other running processes are disturbing? Just a feeling because I get a lot of more "scratches" when I select e.g. another window with the cursor.

Sound via HDMI seems to be more stable to me, although it doesn't sound so good (TV speaker vs. hifi :roll: ).

About speaker tray icon: for me it's allways muted, no matter what I select.

Btw., similar to the network icon, which shows allways active.


Edit: you should take a bigger file for testing :wink: . Using aplay with 2barks.wav, I can't decide is it 1bark or a big "scratch" :oops: .

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 10:55
by Lobster
Thanks rolf,

I was finding that using a USB hub (unpowered) but with just the keyboard connected was giving me auto repeat again.
I am not going to get a powered hub unless essential.

I am not very keen on using the headphone socket . . . but may try that.

It seems to me extraordinary that with the same motherboard but different peripherals we are still having hardware problems.

Anyway back in x86-Slacko-Puppy for now. 8)

Penguin Power

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 11:09
by antiloquax
I am trying to update the package database in PPM. It's giving a lot of syntax errors: "Unexpected '(' in ..."
Am I doing something wrong?

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 11:35
by rhadon
Loster wrote:I was finding that using a USB hub (unpowered) but with just the keyboard connected was giving me auto repeat again.
Sometimes I have the same problem (including missing keys), your'e not alone :wink: .
I am not going to get a powered hub unless essential.
At least if you want to connect other parts like sticks or hds, I would strongly recommend to buy one.
My power supply (IIRC 1.2A) provides 4.86V, measured between tp1 and tp2 on the board. That's OK. If I connect only my wireless dongle for keyboard (no hub and nothing else), it gets only 4.74V (measured after the polyfuse). Not much. Maybe it's OK, maybe not.
It seems to me extraordinary that with the same motherboard but different peripherals we are still having hardware problems.
One explanation, different peripheral sucks different power. For me a good reason.
But that's my explanation. I'm not sure, reality takes care about what I think :P


Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 11:45
by rhadon
antiloquax wrote:I am trying to update the package database in PPM. It's giving a lot of syntax errors: "Unexpected '(' in ..."
You're welcome :D .
I've asked this question yesterday, but still no answer :wink: .


Edit: If you don't break the process, you can use PPM as before, but I don't know if it's updated or not.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 13:50
by eowens2
In updating the package database in PPM, I have also been getting the "syntax errors: 'Unexpected "("" reported by antiloquax and rhadon.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 13:59
by Lobster
I was able to update the ppm - it took nearly two hours but is rather flaky in alpha2. Try and hang on for alpha3 when there should be improvements from Barry.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 15:14
by antiloquax
Lobster wrote:I was able to update the ppm - it took nearly two hours but is rather flaky in alpha2. Try and hang on for alpha3 when there should be improvements from Barry.
Yes, it seems to have worked. I am part-way through compiling Python. The tk bits seem to have been found this time :)

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 17:37
by antiloquax
I have Python 3.14 working, with tk (so I have IDLE).
Next ... pygame.

I'm pleased with how fast Puppy boots.
It seems to run a bit slower than Arch though. It took a long time to compile Python ....

Building pygame. Hope to have a pet for you to try soon.

Edit 2
Pygame is installed. No time to test tonight, so I won't share the pet yet. Also I am going to attach a couple of pics. A Python calculator I am working on and a little game that should be in the next MagPi.

SDHC Image

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 22:06
by peterw
Thank you 01micko and BarryK for pointing out that when writing the image to the sdhc I should only use sdb and not sdb1. I had spent hours on this problem. With this error corrected the process worked a treat. I can now boot my raspberry pi board and I am impressed with how good it is at such an early stage in its development. Thank you.


Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 05:47
by Lobster
It seems to run a bit slower than Arch though.
Yes that is Debian. Solid but older.
Congratulations on your Python efforts.

I have a feeling that sound works in Python and RacyPy?

In another month or two, buying multiple motherboards will be possible. Leaving a Rpi to compile for a day or two will not be so much of an issue. In fact Sickgut already seems keen on the idea of a server farm of Rpi's. Sounds good.

Hopefully today or tomorrow Barry will release Alpha3 of Puppi Sap which with the devx will have Python support as well as the potential of the Woof build system for Puppi SLR.

My xcowsay promo script is progressing nicely. May be able to turn it into a Puppi intro/tutorial. I hope sneaky Linux, Icyos and other reviewers have Rpi's on standby.

The great thing is being able to develop script on x86 (I am in an Alpha x86) and then move to the still unstable but rapidly evolving ARM architecture.

Woof. Woof

Breaking the Linux mold