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Posted: Fri 12 Oct 2018, 07:52
by thinkpadfreak
ethplorer wrote:

> run as spot didn't work.

I run as spot the version of chromium which I installed from ubuntu deb packages.

To enable user spot, I open Login and Security Manager, uncheck "chromium-browser" and press "OK."
Then again I open Login and Security Manager, check "chromium-browser" and press "OK."

It is my understanding that user spot is enabled when the status is changed from "unchecked" (disabled) to "checked" (enabled).


Posted: Fri 12 Oct 2018, 20:03
by Bird Dog
Hi ethplorer have you tried Palemoon. If you have a minimum P4 computer it receives updates, is the default browser for Xenialpup and I haven't had any problems (crashes etc)except when Palemoon switched to version 28 which quickpet will take care of when you update it.
Just want to thank some of the posters here for mentioning quickpet (was included in previous pups) and for the people who spend the time to fix problems which helps puppy users keep using this great operating system.

Bird Dog

Posted: Sat 10 Nov 2018, 15:34
by glene77is

I have noticed an extra 30 odd seconds of System Boot Time
when switching from Tahr-pup to Xenial-pup.

IMO, the difference is do partly to the different software
used to control Disk Writes.
There is some difference in required Bootup time
as I test between several vintage PC's and a vintage LapTop,
and then between different types of bootable USB FlashDrives.
The same events occur on my bootable HardDrive system,
and my bootable FlashDrive systems.

Thus far:
(1) The Linux Xenial pup system seems to have a 30 second onger boot time
than the Linux Tahr pup system.
(2) Also two different USB FlashDrive brands have different times.
(3) IMO, there are soft-ware differences which cause these differences.

Focusing on the Xenial pup slow shutdown on USB :
Format Fat32 , so that M$ XP can read, in an emergency.

I have been using USB (SanDisk) for 7 years, bootable.
Normally, a 32 GB, SanDisk. Lupu to Xenial systems.

The SanDisk write speed is about as advertised.
with no stalling or waiting.
(1) LED blinks when working .
(2) LED stops blinking and control returns to system.

When I tried using a different ( Lexar ) USB,
then the write speed on shutdown slowed 50% more.

Measurements are by timing the wait until actual full return
to system and user control is allowed.

The SansDisk USB appears to flush the out-going data immediately
into the Ram storage areas on the USB chip ,
and stops LED blinking just a second before real control is returned
to the system.

The Lexar USB appears to buffer the out-going data ,
and then shuffle it out to the final area on the layered RAM chips.
The Lexar LED blinking continues for a dozen extra seconds
before real control is returned to the system.

When using 128 GB and 256 GB USB flash drives,
the difference in shutdown speed of Lexar USB is a minute longer.

I think this slower Real-Time Write speed ( Lexar )
is due to different soft-ware
used by Lexar.
If Lexar is using a quick loading buffer for common small writes,
(1) then re-writing out to the real RAM area,
(2) then the user will see a quicker apparent save of 1 MB data files,
and will not notice that Lexar is re-shuffling the data.
(3) Very Large Data Saves will seem to go faster,
but the persistent write will be much slower.

I found this Lexar overall speed slow and un-acceptable
when doing backups of 100 GB of data onto a USB drive.
Therefore, I have continued to use the SansDisk
( with slightly slower large file save speed )
because the large file backup is saved and control returned to system
in a faster time. Control is returned to the system as expected.

For example of this problem
with Lexar backup on 100 GB data :
(1) I do a "save2flash" , and then request to "unmount' Lexar.
(2) then Xenial system stalls
(3) then Lexar blinking LED continues for several minutes.
(4) then Lexar LED stops blinking,
(5) then Xenial system is responsive again.

I was curious about where Xenial was spending much of its time
during sysinit , so I wrote logging-with-date-time routines
into all the scripts running : rc.sysinit, sfs_load, fixmenus, init.
Results are: sfsload is the script using most of the time, not fixmenus.

So, that is for today.

PS: Your Results May Vary.


how to take backup?

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2018, 17:23
by sendwho
I used the use the full drive option and now the pupsave backup doesn't do anything when I try to use it. How can I take backup of my system, in order to restore it later?

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2018, 19:09
by bigpup
Pupsave Backup program only works for making backups of the save file/folder used in frugal installs.

What exact program are you trying to use?

Posted: Mon 12 Nov 2018, 05:22
by sendwho
I tried taking backup and only found pupsave backup in utility but it shows the welcome screen and then does nothing. All I want is to take back up of my system as it is right now.

It is frugally installed but it doesn't have any backup file or folder.

Posted: Mon 12 Nov 2018, 05:58
by James186282
My internal hard disc sda loads up and the icons for the 3 different partitions show up on the desktop. When I first got it installed (Frugal AMD 64 Bit dual core) plugging in USB drives always worked as expected with an icon showing up shortly after plugging one in or seeing icons for an external drive I have that is always plugged in.

Now that has stopped for some reason. I can mount the drives and a window opens but no drive icons. I'm not sure how this works. I know a little bit about fstab and thought maybe putting in some lines for my always plugged in external drive would make it appear as an Icon as I'm used to but... no soap.

Could someone give me the 101 on how the process of auto mounting drives you plug in works? Maybe some ideas on how to fix this without doing a reinstall.

I've tried a couple things with fstab here are a couple lines from my latest attempts.
/dev/sdf1 /mnt/sdf1 vfat nofail,x-systemd.device-timeout=1,auto 0 2
UUID=e6af1e54-bbac-4c90-bec7-3681b72706ba /mnt/sdg1 ext4 auto,root,rw 1 2

I decided to give up on Virtual Box for Xenialpup and started up a Win7 laptop thats collected dust for two years. OMG how does anyone have the patience to sit for two days waiting for the updates (And the system for doing it) to finish? I thought I could speed things up by downloading the updates and doing it from the computer. I found several hundred pages of updates and nearly pulled my own head off. I gave up on updating everything and am pondering just setting up a fresh frugal tharpup to do my cad stuff on virtualbox. BTW how is it that Microsoft exists? Its an insult to garbage to call Windows garbage ware.

Posted: Mon 12 Nov 2018, 11:27
by bigpup
sendwho wrote:pupsave backup in utility but it shows the welcome screen and then does nothing. All I want is to take back up of my system as it is right now.
Need more info.
After Pupsave Backup starts and opens to the first window.
You make no selection changes and select backup button?
Nothing happens?

What size is the Xenialpupsave?
Is there free space to make a copy of the save?
What format is the partition Xenialpup frugal install is on?

does nothing could be saying many different things.
Does not go to next window.
Does not make a backup.
Program just closes.
Says it made a backup, but can not find it.
You need to give specific details. You are our eyes.
You do what?
You see what?

Posted: Wed 14 Nov 2018, 18:04
by sendwho
when i click on pupsave backup in utility , the pupsave backup help window shows up and says bunch of things and then i click ok and it goes away and nothing happens after it.

i accidentally clicked on "resize personal storage file" below it and window popped up saying that puppy is currently using a savefolder there is no reason to resize it or something like that.

the drive is currently using 6 gigabytes and the drive partition is ext2/ and there is plenty of space on the drive.

Posted: Wed 14 Nov 2018, 18:41
sendwho wrote:when i click on pupsave backup in utility , the pupsave backup help window shows up and says bunch of things and then i click ok and it goes away and nothing happens after it.

i accidentally clicked on "resize personal storage file" below it and window popped up saying that puppy is currently using a savefolder there is no reason to resize it or something like that.

the drive is currently using 6 gigabytes and the drive partition is ext2/ and there is plenty of space on the drive.
Use ext3 !!!

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2018, 10:08
by sendwho
any other way of taking back up, i don't want to format the drive before taking a snapshot?

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2018, 10:30
by 666philb
hi sendwho,

one simple way to backup a save folder is to drag and drop the save folder onto the zip icon on the desktop. this creates a zipped archive of your savefolder

another way is to use menu >> utility >> GADmin-rsync . after the first backup (takes a while) subsequent backups will be quicker only adding changed files. GADmin-rsync creates a backup script in /etc/gadmin-rsync/scripts which can be run whenever you want to add to the backup.
either manually or through its gui

Posted: Tue 20 Nov 2018, 06:49
by sendwho
i chose the single profile option so i don't have a save folder. what directory should i choose as source directory to backup "/" or "/root"?

one more thing, i created xlock lock screen password, is it possible to ask for it when booting up?

Posted: Fri 04 Jan 2019, 04:18
by bigpup

You really need to release a new fully updated Xenialpup 7.5 iso.
With all the Xenialpup updates and the atheros_kernel_modules fix.

I just helped another new Puppy user get his atheros wifi adapter working in Xenialpup 7.5, after doing the Xenialpup updates and installing the

Arrr! APT Has abandoned ship!

Posted: Sat 02 Feb 2019, 12:08
by FatBeard
Hi ...

Tried to use APT ... no joy even after installing it from a .deb ---

root# apt-get update
Reading package lists... Error!
W: Unable to read /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ - DirectoryExists (2: No such file or directory)
W: Unable to read /etc/apt/sources.list - RealFileExists (2: No such file or directory)
W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop privileges
E: flAbsPath on /var/lib/dpkg/status failed - realpath (2: No such file or directory)
E: Could not open file - open (2: No such file or directory)
E: Problem opening
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Is there a way to make APT work?


Later ...

So had a chat with the ladz on HexChat ty ...

So APT isnt intended to be used within Xenial Puppy eh? So ... what do I do when I see a cool piece of software and its install instructions start with ...

apt-get update


Arrr ye broke mi hearrrt! Arrrr!

Later still ...

Actually ... apt has been a pain in my stern for so long I would be HAPPY to see the back of it.

Posted: Sat 02 Feb 2019, 14:38
by artsown
Instead of APT use Puppy Package Manager (PPM) or Quickpet. Make sure to
update PPM.


No Apt = Puppy Package Manager or try Pkg

Posted: Sat 02 Feb 2019, 15:00
by mikeslr
Xenialpup is not a cut-down version of Xenial Xerus. It is built using some of the latter's binaries, making it 'binary compatible' --that is, occasionally with a great deal of searching* applications can be installed or SFSes to be loaded and unloaded from the packages stored on Ubuntu's repositories. Menu>Setup>Puppy Package Manager provides direct access to those repositories. Very often, obtaining the necessary files is "one-stop shopping".

But, if you really want a package manager which works like apt, try Pkg, ... 531#985531. Properly first announced in the "Cutting Edge" Section, scottman's creation has quickly advanced to the point that it is now included in Bionicpup64 and made use of in some instances to provide applications which PPM isn't able to OOTB.

* Puppies do not employ the entire framework used by the distro-version they are binary compatible with. Under Xenial Xerus, apt and synaptic do not always identify as necessary dependencies components which a deb creator took for granted or overlooked because it was assumed to be present in the OS as part of its frame-work. Puppy Package Manager can only finds components Ubuntu devs identified as dependencies. Consequently, it is likely that apt would be just as unsuccessful as Puppy Package Manager in automatically finding and downloading ALL components actually necessary for an application to function OOTB.

After PPM has found and installed an application and the dependencies it knows about, if an application doesn't function, or fully function, you can determine what components were missing by finding the application's binary and running List Dynamic Dependencies via Puppy's Right-Click Menu or Menu>System>List Dynamic Dependencies. They can be obtained via PPM or your web-browser.

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2019, 03:51
by xdpx
Hi, can someone say if it is possible to install any package, so I can have the brightness of the display even darker than the minimum of "1" which is possible with xbacklight? I've tried instead of 1, "0.more numbers/digits" or ".more numbers/digits" but in all those cases the display goes dark at all. Thank you.

Posted: Sat 16 Feb 2019, 13:20
by bigpup
Try this.
menu>Setup>Screen/Graphics Wizard>Monitor Gamma Calibration
Adjust each color the same.
You can go negative numbers here.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2019, 15:33
by bigpup
Xenialpup 7.5 full install seems to have problem.

I just helped someone get wifi connection in Xenialpup 7.5
They needed the atheros kernel modules pet to get drivers for their Atheros hardware.
Installed the pet in their Xenialpup 7.5 full install.
The wifi hardware still did not show in network connection tools. (any of them)

I suggested to try a frugal install of Xenialpup 7.5
Installed the atheros kernel modules pet.
Their atheros hardware was setup and wifi connection setup with no problem.

Please release an updated Xenialpup 7.5 iso with the Atheros stuff in it.