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pavrecord for Akita

Posted: Wed 24 Oct 2012, 14:27
by mcewanw
sc0ttman wrote:pavrecord will also be included, although I can't seem to get it to do anything except record buggered up audio... Probably Akitas old ffmpeg
Having read your comment, I was curious so downloaded and installed Akita. I discover that the existing pavrecord does indeed have some issues with the ffmpeg version in Akita: x11grab doesn't work from pavrecord and nor does the preview and video player ffplay, because of the ffmpeg version. However, it only required a slight modification to the existing pavrecord to allow it to work with that version of ffmpeg. I will post a special version for Akita tomorrow (and hopefully therefore for some other puppies should they come with that ffmpeg version.

On my machine, I do find that the webcam driver provided by Akita doesn't work so well with either of my webcams compared to that in say Slacko-5.3.3. Probably related to the older 2.6.x kernel in Akita. Both my webcams are recognised and work well in Slacko, but one of them gives a very distorted image in Akita and though the other one displays okay, the frame rate is very slow. So that is likely to be the main problem for most users - the older kernel not supporting the webcam very well. If it works in some other app like Xawtv then it will also work in pavrecord, but not otherwise. x11grab/screencasts will certainly work in the modified pavrecord I'll upload, and sound should be okay... but on that topic:

I don't understand your comment that pavrecord produced "buggered up audio". pAVrecord does not use ffmpeg for most of its audio - it simply, for example, uses arecord and lame for mp3 and arecord alone for wav, so it is just alsa in that case. If alsa is therefore working correctly, I cannot understand why the recorded audio should end up garbled (I haven't tried sound with Akita on my test computer as yet because it is late night and my family are sleeping...). But please let me know in detail if you can what the exact problem is with the recorded audio so that I can try and address that too.

Not much I can do if arecord or lame is broken on your system though. However, I'd be grateful if you would check your alsaconf first and perhaps check other recording apps in Akita, such as Bacon record and mhwavedit to see if sound is always recorded garbled. From what I've read Bacon uses the same arecord-lame commandline, though I've never tried it to check that and from experience if mhwavedit records okay, so would the new precord-1.8.4 and pavrecord uses the same audio recording code. I'll check audio recording on my test system with Akita and let you know the result.

pavrecord for Akita

Posted: Thu 25 Oct 2012, 06:07
by mcewanw
I have now produced a modified version of pavrecord for Puppy 4.x series computers (tested as fully working on Akita on my Pentium M 1.6GHz 1GB RAM machine).

I did not have to modify any of the sound recording code in pavrecord at all in fact, just some of the ffmpeg parameters to suit Akita's ffmpeg. Note that everytime I rebooted Akita, however, I needed to run alsaconf before it would fully recognise my soundcard. Without doing so, alsa wouldn't record properly, and thus pavrecord couldn't work. Obviously alsa must all be set up correctly and working fully before using an app like pavrecord. You can find the Akita tested version here if you want it: ... 582#656582

Re: pavrecord for Akita

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 14:27
by sc0ttman
mcewanw wrote:I have now produced a modified version of pavrecord for Puppy 4.x series computers (tested as fully working on Akita on my Pentium M 1.6GHz 1GB RAM machine).

I did not have to modify any of the sound recording code in pavrecord at all in fact, just some of the ffmpeg parameters to suit Akita's ffmpeg. Note that everytime I rebooted Akita, however, I needed to run alsaconf before it would fully recognise my soundcard. Without doing so, alsa wouldn't record properly, and thus pavrecord couldn't work. Obviously alsa must all be set up correctly and working fully before using an app like pavrecord. You can find the Akita tested version here if you want it: ... 582#656582
Great, thanks, seems to work fine, it will be in the next Akita.

Akita 13

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 18:26
by sc0ttman
Akita Linux BETA 13

- a mongrel: sfs3, kernel, wary 5.1.x compatible
- akita repo -
- uses jwm, but many other WMs in the repo
- easily enable/disable rox icons, startups, etc
- no office, no cups, all in repo
- massive choice of web browsers in easy installer
- uses vlc and vlc-gtk for media player
- many apps i18n'd, lots of French, Spanish, Russian, German translations included
- includes many good console apps: elinks, doc2txt, mocp, mc,
- good for old clunkers, craptops, etc

size: 89mb, md5: 6e3350ded95e8eda396c22bcc6afb732

Devx, for compiling:
md5: 68fe4a15228f9cc41ff8cd553e90f3a5, 111MB, sfs3
(Right-click and choose 'SFS Loader' to load/install it)

Summary of updates

- updated many apps (PupMenu, PupSnap, Pburn, Precord, etc)
- much updated media player, VLC and VLC-GTK support youtube,
- more right click options, for SFS, audio files
- PasteNGo (Ctrl-Alt-V) is improved - can auto download & install pets, more
- fixes for Java and opera12
- added random wallpaper changers (from SFR and my own right click option)
- more apps in repo, especially multimedia
- nice new font viewer, sfontview (thx to thunor)
- added Premote, PAVrecord, RWC (thx to SFR, mcewanw)


Code: Select all

- Sept 22
	- re-compiled vlc_nogui 1.1.9
			- added lua support, used lua pkg from akita repo
			- fixed youtube.luac, using uncompiled XP version, now plays youtube URLs ok
			- doesn't actually seem to need lua installed
	- updated VLC-GTK to 2.5:
			- fixed GUI info when saving a fave stream
			- support play youtube URLs as 360p mp4
			- support record youtube URLs as 360p flv, gets filename from URL, user can edit befor saving
			- record stream btn now accepts any fave stream or URL, fixes for naming streams $STREAM_FILE
			- updated help info, tooltips, more info about recording streams
- Sept 23
	- more fixes in VLC-GTK 
			- fixes for youtube playback and download
			- fixed subtitles delay option
- Sept 24
	- updates to VLC-GTK 
			- fixes for immediate playback in CLI interface
			- added 'Edit' rc file button, moved 'Save' button
			- added OSD options: OSD timeout
			- added network options: http and mms caching, ipv4/ipv6, youtube quality 
			- added advanced options: ffmpeg direct output, sub-pictures
			- lots of fixes in GUI layout, other code clean ups
	- updated /usr/sbin/pastengo (called with Ctr-Alt-V): autoplay youtube URL from clipboard in defaultmediaplayer
- Sept 25
	- VLC-GTK 2.5.1: fixed support URLs without http://, starting www. or ending .m3u .pls .aspx .wmv
	- fixes for auto playback of streams in /usr/sbin/pastengo (called with Ctr-Alt-V)
	- added ROX right click option for PET files: "Convert to SFS" 

Oct 01
	- fixed VLC youtube playback: updated /usr/lib/vlc/lua/playlist/youtube.luac 

Oct 02
	- fix: remove /sbin/ldconfig from mainfs
	- fix: replaced 4 or 5 zero byte files in /sbin with actual files from beta11
	- fix keyboard keymap setup: remove duplicate keymap-set in /sbin (older than the one in /usr/sbin)
	- updated Akita Repo:
		- added gtk_youtube_viewer 3.0.2
		- fixed virtual box, removed older packages

 Oct 03
 	- updated gtk_youtube_viewer 3.0.2-akita:
 			- fixed all icons in menus
 			- now uses VLC for playback, no mplayer required
 	- updated Akita repo and PPM:
			- gtk_youtube_viewer 3.0.2,  in Multimedia, 1.8mb
			- easytag-2.1.6-i386-akita,   in Multimedia,   322K
			- easytag_DOC-2.1.6-i386-akita,   in Multimedia,   32K
			- easytag_NLS-2.1.6-i386-akita,   in Multimedia,   648K
			- lua-5.1.4-akita,   in BuildingBlock,   126K
			- lua_DEV-5.1.4-akita,   in BuildingBlock,   94K
			- lua_DOC-5.1.4-akita,   in BuildingBlock,   3K
			- wavpack-4.60.1-w-20110126,   in BuildingBlock,   121K
			- wavpack_DEV-4.60.1-w-20110126,   in BuildingBlock,   81K

Oct 04
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.2:
			- new 'Capture' tab, can capture and transcode File, DVD, Screen
			- can only capture and transcode to file at the moment (not URLs)
Oct 06
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.4
			- fixes for dvd ripping
			- fixes for transcoding options
			- fixes in transcoding handling, and killing its processes
			- fixes in debug handling
			- added more transcode options, codecs etc
Oct 08
	- updates to VLC-GTK
		- added batch file converting, see the Dir option in Capture tab
		- other fixes
Oct 09
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.5
		- close/kill all vlc capture cmds and progress dialogs automatically/on user cmd, as needed
		- fixed building output filenames for DIR capture
		- fixed debug handling in DIR capture
		- added dialog, ask to play all converted files, in DIR capture, after conversion
Oct 10
	- VLC-GTK 2.5.6
		- create audio files better in capture tab
		- fixes in filetype extensions in capture tab
		- updated gui tooltips
		- fixes in waiting times to cancel capture cmds
		- fixed capture from DIR with no trailing slash

Oct 14
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.7
		- updated logging, new logging system uses -vvv and BASH redirects to all vlc cmds in run_vlc
		- fixed: screen fps values in run_vlc()
		- fixed: audio transcoding: guess filetype, rename mp4 to m4a, if no video used
		- fixed: disable OSC if no xdotool found
		- fixed: if using vesa Xorg module, disable Xvideo output, use X11 instead 
		- fixed: if using Xvesa server, disable Xvideo output, use X11 instead 
		- added "DVD Simple" button, skips menus, straight to movie
		- GUI fixes and cleanups, renamed 1st tab, updated tooltips, etc

Oct 15:
	- updated ROX right-click option "Start Slideshow", for all images 
			- added sort by name, filetype, size, newest, oldest, ...
			- added rcfile, so it remembers your preferred settings each time you use it
			- added "Set as Rotating Wallpaper" button, uses /usr/sbin/feh_wallpaper_rotator, rotates wallpaper on given interval

Oct 16:
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.8: much improved for multiple instances of VLC
		- fixed: never use 'killall' to end vlc, fixes multi-user and multiple instances
		- updated run_vlc(): add PID of newest vlc playback process to end of list
		- updated run_vlc(): only playback is added to list, to be ended by kill_vlc 
		- updated run_vlc(): all capturing, converting, transcoding, dvd ripping, stream downloading etc will continue when playback is quit
		- updated kill_vlc(): get PID from list of VLC playback pids, kill only most recent PID, then remove that PID from the list
		- updated kill_vlc(): if trying to kill a PID that is no longer running, remove from list, kill previous one in list, recursive
		- updated GUI: 'Stop Playback' button will kill most recent VLC process that is still running
		- updated GUI: do not allow multiple instances of main GUI
		- updated OSC: never interfere with other playback windows, only its own (the one its attached to)
		- updated OSC: 'Quit' button will kill only the VLC its attached to
		- updated: workdir always dir of current file/playlist etc, or $HOME if none given
		- fixed: all streams now download to $WORKDIR, not always to $HOME, as before
		- fixed: cleaned up tmp files created and used, fixes for multiple users

Oct 17:
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.9:
		- fixed run_vlc(): force vlc exit at end of playback, added vlc://quit to end of each playback command
		- fixed OSC: always quit OSC when VLC playback ends, waits while vlc PID is running, then closes OSC gui and quits
		- added more Capture options (size, aspect, format) 
		 - renamed 'Duration' to 'Timer' in main GUI 
		 - renamed 'Output' to 'Save' in main GUI 
		 - fixed double re-load main GUI after playback
		 - added the path ($WORKDIR) that files will be saved to in relevant tooltips 
		 - GUI fixes, better spacing etc in capture tab

Oct 18th
	- added: ffmpeg_vidcap-0.4, pburn-3.7.5, pburn_NLS, precord-8.1.3, premote-0.9.3, PupMenu-3.0
	- updates to VLC-GTK 2.5.9:
		- many updates and fixes for Format/Size option in Capture tab: 
				- Create 4:3 padded/cropped, 16:9 padded/cropped, PAL, NTSC, Ipod, BBCurve, Flash 240/360/480p, etc
		- if no video codec, disable Format/Size options
		- fixes, using vfilter{}, cropadd{}, canvas{} in transcoding
		- fix WORKDIR: replace blank or . with `pwd`

Oct 20th
	- updated to VLC-GTK 2.6
		- added: support for start/stop times in Capture->Timer
		- added: Youtube, DVD formats to Capture->Format list
		- added: 'Convert using VLC-GTK' ROX right-click option
		- added GPL license and vlc-gtk description to script
		- fixed GUI: in capture tab, renamed "Timer" to "Times", "Size" to "Format"
		- fixed: all vlc cmds assign their PID to $RUNVLC_PID
		- fixed: fixed Flv settings, in Capture->Format list
		- updated tooltips in Capture->Adv and Capture->Times
Oct 22:
	- updated to PupSnap 2.0

Oct 23:
	- updated ~/.gtkrc.mine: better highlighted items in ROX-filer
	- updated pavrecord 1.9.2
Oct 26
- updated PupControl, PupSysInfo, 
- fixed better highlight in ROX, updates to ~/.gtkrc.mine:
		- added needed imgs, removed ROX-Filer theme stuff to fix icons too big in filechoosers, etc
- added Random Wallpaper Changer 1.6.2, added support for feh and toggle-rox-desktop
- added IconFinder 1.0-2  Menu->Utility->Icon Finder

Nov 04
- added to Akita Repo:
		"amuc-1.7-1-i386-akita: the Amsterdam Music Composer, music and audio creation" off "Multimedia +libjack 2112K" /
		"calibre-0.9.4-i686-akita: great reader for ebooks, kindles, epub files, etc" off "Document 58000K" /
		"rezound-0.12.3beta-akita: audio creator and editor" off "Mutlimedia +fftw,+fox 1299K" /
		"fox-1.6.43-i686: GUI toolkit" off "BuildingBlock 1705K" /
		"fftw-2.1.5: audio library, needed by rezound" off "BuildingBlock 157K" /
		"flite_gui-2.2-akita: text2speech (text file to audio file) tool" off "Multimedia 14000K" /
		"rar-4.20: needed to create .rar archive files" off "BuildingBlock 198K" /
		"updf-0.3-akita: a GUI frontend for mupdf" off "Document +mupdf 18K" /
- added sfontview as default font viewer
- updated PupSnap 2.0 (fixed)
- added SFS to PET right click option
- added Telnet Starwars in Menu->Fun
- added movgrab 1.1.12
- updated JRE pet in akita repo, now works out of the box with opera-12

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 21:49
by Puppyt
Hooray for mongrels! I'm sure what you mean really is that you've probably generated hybrid vigour in the Puppy stable :) I'll have my little squad of testers on this very intensively, but alas not for at least a fortnight.
Many Thanks!

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 01:38
by bark_bark_bark
I've been waiting awhile to see a new version. But I don't have an old machine anymore, and this was my fav puppy420-based puppy.

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 04:52
by technosaurus
I tried akita on my Dectop with an amd geode and most jwm icons were missing. i don't recall if they were xpm or png, but whichever it is was likely compiled for 686 so it would likely fail on other 586 machines including the surfboard and gecko edubook. This is the same reason it won't boot ubuntu (missing cmov instructions)

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 09:56
by sc0ttman
technosaurus wrote:I tried akita on my Dectop with an amd geode and most jwm icons were missing. i don't recall if they were xpm or png, but whichever it is was likely compiled for 686 so it would likely fail on other 586 machines including the surfboard and gecko edubook. This is the same reason it won't boot ubuntu (missing cmov instructions)
Interesting.... Is there anything i can do about it? Does the same thing happen with other puppies on that PC?

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 10:23
by sc0ttman
bark_bark_bark wrote:I've been waiting awhile to see a new version. But I don't have an old machine anymore, and this was my fav puppy420-based puppy.
I could make a version with a newer kernel, they seem to work OK, except that I can't seem to get OpenGL working with them.. For example, if I replace the pup4 kernel with the wary511 kernel, the new pup uses the wary511 kernel, but the nvidia drivers for that w511 kernel don't seem to work... That really bugs me, stops me updating the kernel ... I use the method from the 'switching kernels' thread... Maybe there is a better way??

As a side note, Akita does seem to be a bit of a pain the ass to get OpenGL working, unless you got an ATI/Nvidia card... It might have something to do with Xorg pkgs used from w5, or maybe I'm just dumb - I can't seem to get the 'xorg_xorg_dri' pkg from the pup4 repo working, nor the equivolent stuff from the wary5OLD repo....

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 14:36
by technosaurus
sc0ttman wrote:Interesting.... Is there anything i can do about it? Does the same thing happen with other puppies on that PC?
most official t2 packages were built with --build=i486-t2-linux-gnu, which sets -march=i486, so those packages work. The problem occurs on secondary compiles where the packager simply does ./configure && make && new2dir make install without setting --prefix --build --sysconfdir or --localstatedir. It probably just needs a recompile with -march=i586 or lower added to cflags, but I no longer have a handy copy of a devx for this series to check it. I'm sure I will find others at some point.

noobe willing to help

Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 19:15
by partsman
:) hello sc0ttman been useing puppy for about a year so still a noobe but after trying alot of pups i love akita ! how can i help and anyway to get broadcom sta to work ? thanks again for akita !

Re: noobe willing to help

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 09:04
by sc0ttman
partsman wrote::) hello sc0ttman been useing puppy for about a year so still a noobe but after trying alot of pups i love akita ! how can i help and anyway to get broadcom sta to work ? thanks again for akita !
Welcome to the forum.

Glad to hear you enjoy Akita... That's two of us now ;)

About the broadcom drivers:

There is a thread called "Extra Drivers for k2.6.25.16" (or similar),
it might contain the needed broadcom drivers, but Akita has most of
the drivers from that thread already added...

You can search for it using the 'Puppy Search Engine', just see the link below in my signature :)
If I were you I'd bookmark the puppy search engine too, if you plan on using Puppy or Akita regularly...

The only other way to update drivers is to switch the kernel, for a more recent version.
This also means moving from sfs3 to sfs4 (not really important for end users)..

I no nothing about compiling kernels, so I would be stealing a pre-made kernel,
found either at or ripped out of some other puppy.

I have posted about changing kernels a few posts above, listing some issues..

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 09:10
by sc0ttman
On another note, I have created a rather awesome SFS downloader and installer.
The "Akita SFS Installer" will be available in the PPM, and in the next Akita as default.

It searches the Akita repo for SFS files - I have been uploading some SFS files recently:

After finding all the SFS files in the Akita repo, it gets their descriptions from the livepackages*.txt, then builds the GUI.

Click on an SFS to download and install it. Click on it again to unload it.
It is small, about 200 lines of code, nice scalable GUI, integrated with sfs_load.

So.... What SFS files should I upload to the Akita repo? What do people use or need?

BTW, I added a koffice3 .pet and .sfs to the repo, under 50mb!! :)
And I also added a few PETs to the repo - just click the 'Update' button in the PPM.

Re: noobe willing to help

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 21:52
by Puppyt
sc0ttman wrote: Glad to hear you enjoy Akita... That's two of us now ;)
That's a pretty cheeky comment :) There's at least 3 in my family who use Akita regularly for media playing, games etc via the TV, and it'll be my distro of choice when "distributing" my old desktop hardware Johnny-Appleseed-like to various causes...
Sorry again that I won't have time for at least another week to run your updated ISO though the hoops. Just a quick note though that I found it very simple to extract various games files from sidder's HSB (HanSamBen - a 412/431 pupplet for kids) repository and have them running in Akita. From memory, "Fattybear's Birthday Surprise" was a doddle to have up and funning from within your DBGL pet, sc0ttman - big cheer from the kids :)
I noticed OOlight in your repository, and I am reminded that there is an OOlight4kids- or something similarly named - lurking in the forums somewhere. Maybe soon I'll dig one of my copies out and test it on Akita. My intention is to have the kids learning how to do animations and simple storytelling using the "powerpoint" application in OOlight. Maybe keep them interested during the skool hols, I've sussed out some various 3rd-party software to do this sort of thing, but I feel experience with the powerpoint environment - which they get in classes at school anyway - will be more helpful.

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 22:19
by Puppyt
P.S. Without meaning to hog your thread or your time sc0ttman, I wonder what software solutions could be included for text-to-speech or voice recording, maybe even simple movie editing? [Hmmm I see you've got drec and Cinerella - I'll try them out]. Perhaps a typing game suite perhaps? Just looking for something to challenge (read: offline "babysit!") primary school kids without them realising that they're actually learning something really important. Not looking to co-opt your distro completely into the educashun field, so please feel free to ignore my suggestions :)
Legendary game engineer, Mike Singleton, passed away recently ... ary-games. I've kinda peppered the forums with requests for "Lords of Midnight" games in Puppy linux, and while I can get various fan-made java remakes going, the dos versions remain a bit of a challenge to me (the ones I have use the dexe format). Wine would be the environment of choice to run Chris Wilds' remakes in Windows, as with the "War of the Solstice" remake. Seems like I have myself a project this Christmas break, in Akita :)

Posted: Sat 10 Nov 2012, 00:17
by sc0ttman
Puppyt wrote:I am reminded that there is an OOlight4kids- or something similarly named - lurking in the forums somewhere
I've been gathering SFS recently as it happens...

I added these, briefly tested as working.
I found it very simple to extract various games files from sidder's HSB (HanSamBen - a 412/431 puplet for kids) repository and have them running in Akita
I'll see if I can package them up as a collection in sfs or pet... It's easy in akita, using the right click options, if you wanna beat me to it...
I wonder what software solutions could be included for text-to-speech or voice recording
Here's a text to speech thing:

Also, for movie editing, there is Avidemux in the repo. I am no expert in using them, cinerella seems tricky, but I only gave it 5 mins...

Also for screen/voice recording, the latest Akita has FFMPEG Vidcap, VLC-GTK, PAVrecord, latest Precord, rezound (in PPM), and FFconvert (if u wanna manually fix the ffmpeg commands it generates)...
Perhaps a typing game suite perhaps?
Funnily enough, I tried out a typing game called tuxtype something... Didn't work..
Legendary game engineer, Mike Singleton, passed away recently ... ary-games. I've kinda peppered the forums with requests for "Lords of Midnight" games in Puppy linux, and while I can get various fan-made java remakes going, the dos versions remain a bit of a challenge to me (the ones I have use the dexe format). Wine would be the environment of choice to run Chris Wilds' remakes in Windows, as with the "War of the Solstice" remake. Seems like I have myself a project this Christmas break, in Akita :)
I think you know a lot more about DosBox and WINE etc than I do, but if you get any of it going I can package it up... ;)

Posted: Sat 10 Nov 2012, 10:28
by Puppyt
That's fabulous, sc0ttman - as ever, you're a champ :)
I'll get around to tinkering with L.O.M. issues next weekend- stay tuned...
Especial thanks for all those media pets - you're right I thnk, I explored Cinerella briefly for a small movie-making project recently, and I think Avidemux will be more appropriate for numpties like me and schoolkids, alike.

"Darkness has fallen, and the foul are abroad..."

P.S. have noticed that your repository has been given honorable mention on an external forum for Puppy Linux - so don't think there are only a handful of us fans out here in the ether :)

Posted: Sat 10 Nov 2012, 16:42
by Keef
Welcome to this weeks meeting of AA (Akita Anonymous)

"My name is Keef and I'm an Akitaholic!"

I drink a lot too....

Akita beta13 isn't seeing any USB's

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2012, 05:30
by dennis-slacko531
I've tried both Pmount and Ymount.
Pmount says ERROR: unable to mount sdb1
Ymount says Sorry, mounting partition sdb1 failed.
*** Rox just shows an empty box for all my HDD also. Using the LiveCD now...

My old junker PC could really use this puppy. Earlier today I installed Carolina 003 and yesterday Precise 5.4.1, so my hardware is sure capable. Actually it's 9 yrs old and really needs something like Akita. Any idea's very appreciated. 8)

Re: Akita beta13 isn't seeing any USB's

Posted: Sun 11 Nov 2012, 08:14
by sc0ttman
dennis-slacko531 wrote:I've tried both Pmount and Ymount.
Pmount says ERROR: unable to mount sdb1
Ymount says Sorry, mounting partition sdb1 failed.
*** Rox just shows an empty box for all my HDD also. Using the LiveCD now...

My old junker PC could really use this puppy. Earlier today I installed Carolina 003 and yesterday Precise 5.4.1, so my hardware is sure capable. Actually it's 9 yrs old and really needs something like Akita. Any idea's very appreciated. 8)
All I can think of is that you're trying to access ext4?? The old kernel doesn't support it... Even if I update to a newer kernel with ext4, there are still more changes needed to fully support ext4...

If not, try using these commands to check things out: gparted, parted, probedisk, probepart, disktype, mnt, partprobe