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Re: LxPupXenial-16.07.1

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2016, 08:08
by Moat
peebee wrote:LxPupXenial-16.07.1...
Just having a very brief play - looking fantastic so far, Peebee. Love the fact that adding compositing/Compton adds virtually no resource overhead.




Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 11:26
by peebee
Slackware-14.1 flavour of LxPup

LxPup-16.07.1-s {devx} {kernel sources}

ISO md5 = 584882d130a554e552e6dbbb6d3307db LxPup-16.07.1-s-pae-uefi.iso

Things to note:
- derivative of Woof-CE built Slacko-6.3.2
- but with 32-bit kernel 4.6.4 pae
- and browser in adrv is Light (Firefox-light)
- iso is uefi compliant (hopefully)
- non-kernel drivers: Broadcom-wl and ndiswrapper are included
- LxPanel replaces LxPanelX
- JWM <-> LXDE switch included

LxPup : a Puppy with LXDE as its desktop environment

Posted: Sat 23 Jul 2016, 14:42
by Billtoo
I did a manual frugal install to a usb hard drive, pc is a hp mini

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sat 23 Jul 2016 on LxPup 16.07 Linux 4.6.4-lxpup-32-pae i686
2.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)

X Server: Xorg Driver: modesetting
X.Org version: 1.14.3
dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 9.1.7

Intel(R) Celeron(R) 2957U @ 1.40GHz
Core 0: @800 1: @800 MHz

I switched to the modesetting driver because the intel driver couldn't
play youtube videos very well, the modesetting drivers plays them well
but can't go full screen in mplayer, it can do full screen in vlc.

I needed to add "intel_pstate=disable" to the kernel line in menu.lst
in order to get the CPU Frequency Scaling Tool to work.

Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2016, 17:20
by festus
I did a Frugal Install of LxPup-16.07.1-s-pae on the spec's listed below:

Code: Select all

# inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: lxslack1607 Kernel: 4.6.4-lxpup-32-pae i686 (32 bit gcc: 5.3.0)
           Desktop: LXDE (Openbox 3.6.1) dm: N/A Distro: Slacko Puppy 6.3.2
Machine:   System: Dell (portable) product: Inspiron N5050 serial: G7TPLR1
           Mobo: Dell model: 01HXXJ v: A05 serial:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
           Bios: Dell v: A05 date: 08/03/2012
           Chassis: type: 8 serial: G7TPLR1
CPU:       Dual core Intel Core i3-2350M (-HT-MCP-) cache: 3072 KB
           flags: (lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 9179
           clock speeds: min/max: 800/2300 MHz 1: 801 MHz 2: 899 MHz
           3: 804 MHz 4: 815 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller
           bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:0116
           Display Server: 1.14.3 drivers: intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa)
           tty size: 80x24 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Audio:     Card Intel 6 Series/C200 Series Family High Definition Audio Controller
           driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:1b.0 chip-ID: 8086:1c20
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.6.4-lxpup-32-pae
Network:   Card-1: Realtek RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller
           driver: r8169 v: 2.3LK-NAPI port: e000
           bus-ID: 05:00.0 chip-ID: 10ec:8136
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full
           mac: 24:b6:fd:26:d6:7c
           Card-2: Broadcom BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller
           driver: bcma-pci-bridge bus-ID: 09:00.0 chip-ID: 14e4:4727
           IF: wlan0 state: down mac: 64:27:37:d5:7b:a1
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 500.1GB (28.0% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: ST500LM012_HN size: 500.1GB serial: N/A
Partition: ID-1: swap-1 size: 9.10GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda3
RAID:      System: supported: linear raid0 raid1 raid10 raid6 raid5 raid4
           No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
           Unused Devices: none
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 192 Uptime: 2:25 Memory: 177.6/3950.3MB
           Init: SysVinit v: N/A runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 4.8.2
           Client: Shell (bash 4.2.532 running in lxterminal) inxi: 2.3.0
All is working extremely well. I like this version even better than the 15.11.4 one, and it is/was a workhorse.

Thanks, Peebee for your efforts, application.


Posted: Mon 25 Jul 2016, 18:43
by irishrm
Just did the same,working great. Very modern feel. Thanks peebee.

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2016, 01:06
by Belham
Ok, admitted many distro linux & puppy user here. Machines and hard drives around the house all sporting multiple partitions with many labels, still managed by the exquisite simplicity of grub4dos.

But 6-7 months ago, I made myself go to all 64-bit everything. Figured it was the future, everyone keeps telling/yelling that at me, so I plunged. Have learned quite a bit along the way. But every once in awhile, I would stare at peebee's different lxpup versions, and tell myself to give one a go, much like I had with Barry's stuff for many years. Yeah, just do it, you know, just for fun, a few days, and then get it out of my system and be back on to the 64-bit slog.

Well, I loaded LxPup Xenial 16.07, kernel 4.5.2, and on two of my 6-7 year old dual-core 2.8ghz Athlon II Regors with 4-8GB DDRII ram, this creation of Peebee's----for lack of a better word---truly screams. I am totally in "whoa" state for several days now. A smile on my face every time I use it, which has become basically all the time And the best part is, I haven't managed to crash it yet no matter how much I plow/throw at it. This can't be said about the 64-bit pups of the past 12 months, as I've tanked basically all of them in one way or another when pushing them to their limits.

Peebee, darn you, you just might have kicked me off the 64-bit road as if I am a drunken luddite sailor. Weeks/months of hard work teaching myself about 64-bit, especially when compiling stuff, and getting my head around the different libraries & their infuriating tendencies, and the temptation, lure, the visceral draw of wondering what you were up to, has grabbed me.

This 32-bit Xenial lxpup of yours is just dam#, dam# absolutely dam# fine work.


desktop savefile button LxPupXenial-16.07.1?

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 19:54
by Belham
Hi Peebee and all,

I set up LxPupXenial-16.07.1, everything runs great for me, I just had a question about the savefile function in LXPupXenial. When I set everything up doing the initial full install to a USB, I am pretty sure I chose "savefile". So, now, every 30 mins (as set in Puppy Event Manager, Save Session tab) LXPupXenial saves any changes and also at shutdown saves changes. My question is this: can I have a desktop shortcut for this saving function, so that I can choose to save all current changes at that moment?

My problem is I have one of those bad Gigabyte AM2/AM2+ motherboards where the USB stays lit up & on no matter what is set in boot. Therefore, when shutting down, if there's anything plug into any USB port, the motherboard will automatically reboot. So, to avoid this, I want to be able to use a desktop save file button in LxPUPXenial to save whatever I might have done up to that point, then I have a USB switch setup where I automatically punch it and it unplugs the USB (while LxPupXenial is still running), and I let it shutdown that way from ram.

Problem is, I can't figure out how to get a desktop savefile button on LxPupXenial like I have on my Tahr64s and a few other pups I use that have the savefile function. Is it possible or not in LxPupXenial?? If so, how do I go about it??


P.S. I notice it says to set PUPMODE=77 to get manual save with desktop icon and at shutdown. But how does one set LcxPupXenial into this PUPMODE=77? What file do I edit with Geany/Leafpad?? I am currently setup as says right in the Puppy Event manager, Save Session tab that in PUPMODE=13 there is supposed to be a "save" icon on the desktop, and also a save occurs at shutdown. But I've not seen any desktop "save icon" since I set installed LxPupXenial and set it up. What did I do wrong??

Re: desktop savefile button LxPupXenial-16.07.1?

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 20:02
by Sailor Enceladus
Belham wrote:P.S. I notice it says to set PUPMODE=77 to get manual save with desktop icon and at shutdown. But how does one set LcxPupXenial into this PUPMODE=77? What file do I edit with Geany/Leafpad?? I am currently setup as PUPMODE=13
I have PUPMODE=13 (using pmedia=ataflash in grub4dos) and this should create a Save icon on desktop after you create a savefile. Not sure why LxPupXenial-16.07.1 doesn't, but the file that icon points to is /usr/sbin/save2flash, so maybe dragging a shortcut to that from there to the desktop will work (or maybe it was disabled in LxPupXenial on purpose)?

Re: desktop savefile button LxPupXenial-16.07.1?

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 20:03
by Belham
Sailor Enceladus wrote:
Belham wrote:P.S. I notice it says to set PUPMODE=77 to get manual save with desktop icon and at shutdown. But how does one set LcxPupXenial into this PUPMODE=77? What file do I edit with Geany/Leafpad?? I am currently setup as PUPMODE=13
I have PUPMODE=13 (using pmedia=ataflash in grub4dos) and this should create a Save icon on desktop after you create a savefile. Not sure why LxPupXenial-16.07.1 doesn't, but the file that icon points to is /usr/sbin/save2flash, so maybe dragging a shortcut to that from desktop will work (or maybe it was disabled in LxPupXenial on purpose)?
Hi Sailor,

Trying your suggestion right now....thanks. Will report in a minute.


Big thanks, Sailor. It works. Now that I know where the darn file is, I am going to create a menu item and .desktop file, so it looks nice on the desktop with a "savefile" icon I copy from one of the other pups. I must've did something wrong setting LxPupXenial up, as I cannot figure out why that desktop "savefile" icon wasn't created. Anyhow, thanks again!!

Re: desktop savefile button LxPupXenial-16.07.1?

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 20:25
by peebee
Belham wrote:My question is this: can I have a desktop shortcut for this saving function, so that I can choose to save all current changes at that moment?
There is a built-in .pet at:


The absence is because the Puppy savespace routines don't know about the lxde desktop.....

Re: desktop savefile button LxPupXenial-16.07.1?

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 20:37
by Belham
peebee wrote:
Belham wrote:My question is this: can I have a desktop shortcut for this saving function, so that I can choose to save all current changes at that moment?
There is a built-in .pet at:


The absence is because the Puppy savespace routines don't know about the lxde desktop.....

Thanks, Peebee. I knew you had probably already accounted for it. I was just getting frustrated at myself for not figuring it out. Just installed the and up popped the nice-looking desktop icon. Thank you! I see some other goodies in the lxpup-xtras folder. Nice :D

Posted: Sun 31 Jul 2016, 21:48
by dancytron
Just installed lxxenialpup. All seems to work well, including lxrightclick, lxsave2flash and lxdesktop drive icons.

If it was me, I'd install at least the lxrightclicks by default.

Great job, keep up the good work.

SFS Issues

Posted: Mon 01 Aug 2016, 01:52
by bh56
Hi Peebee,
Thanks for the LxPup_Xenial variant.
It works fine on my PC except for the loading of sfs files.
For example I run Calibre as an sfs load but the install does not add a menu entry.
The Calibre binary is in /usr/local/Calibre/bin and the os cannot find it ie it cannot be found when clicking the Run option from the menu or from a terminal.
The program runs fine if the binary is clicked.
Thanks again.

Re: SFS Issues

Posted: Mon 01 Aug 2016, 06:23
by peebee
bh56 wrote:the install does not add a menu entry.
Did you Restart the Window Manager.....??

If it still does not appear, there must be an unrecognised category in the .desktop file - you will need to locate it in /usr/share/applications and edit it to the same value as an existing menu item that does show.

Posted: Mon 01 Aug 2016, 20:42
by dancytron
Never mind. I confirmed this problem also occurs in Xenial Pup 7.01. I am reporting it there.
dancytron wrote:Just installed lxxenialpup. All seems to work well, including lxrightclick, lxsave2flash and lxdesktop drive icons.

If it was me, I'd install at least the lxrightclicks by default.

Great job, keep up the good work.
Think I might have found a small bug/something missing.

I just attempted to use the Universal Installer to put lxxenial puppy on a USB drive. I formatted the drive to Ext4 using gparted when prompted to do so in the installer. Then I chose it to do the install and got the following error.
You need 'Extlinux version 4.x for frugal install on 'ext4' partitions.
I repeated it again and got the same error.

Will try again with Ext3 and see if I get the same or similar message.

edit: it worked correctly with Ext3 and I was able to boot it up and create a save folder.

alexandra From Russia only..

Posted: Fri 05 Aug 2016, 19:53
by Pelo
No problem with starting LXpupXenial, wireless, pupsaves, resize, all was doing as it should.
Installed Griffith from PPM, easy and complete, and installed Alexandra with more difficulties, dependencies found from the PPM
For cabin passengers only.
When your Puppy has no bugs, tell it ! Non registered users believe it's always hard to install our speedy Puppies. Sure if people post only when something wrong, the forum will look like a an help desk, what it is, but not only.
Underline what new Puppy offers.. Alexandra is really a new application, available only since Xenial.
:) and it is fun to browse for your favourite movies
Green : information and poster found by alexandra
White : the same, but in russian
Les barbouszes found but no poster.
Audacious : For Audio
Parole 0.8.1 : Video and audio files , but Cannot play my CDs

Re: Keyboard Layout handler - no flags in the panel

Posted: Sat 06 Aug 2016, 07:14
by riedzig
peebee wrote:
riedzig wrote:Hi Peebee
I'm still using your excellent LXpup as No. 1 among all distros, but I am also trying to get through some bugs (not found in forums). One of them is the Keyboard Layout switcher/handler), which won't show in any LXPup the appropriate flags in the panel (shows only a blank frame). Do you please know a solution?
Hi riedzig

You didn't say which "flavour" and version of LxPup you are running??

Not sure what to advise here....Puppy keyboard layouts are controlled through:
Setup -> Quicksetup First Run Settings

and this won't / doesn't integrate with the LxPanelX tools....although it might be possible to make them I guess....would need further investigation!

This discussion seems potentially useful....

The flags are all present at:
/usr/share/lxpanelx/images/xkb-flags (for LxPup-15.11)

Can you describe why you want the flag showing? Do you swap keyboard layouts frequently??

Hi peebee,
sorry for later reply. It's the same with all LxPups. In Keyboard layout switcher I can choose the proper flags, but instead of them it shows in the panel words PC and NONE. I would be happy just if it let me rename those words to the land abbrevations.

Can you tell me what happens when you try it?

Up to now I use the method: setxkbmap -layout "cz,us" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

LxPup : a Puppy with LXDE as its desktop environment

Posted: Sat 13 Aug 2016, 19:05
by Billtoo
I did a manual frugal install to the hard drive of my COMPAQ Presario desktop pc.

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sat 13 Aug 2016 on LxPupXenial 16.07 Linux 4.5.2 i686
0.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV530 [Radeon X1600 PRO]

X Server: Xorg Driver: radeon
X.Org version: 1.18.3
dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project
OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RV530
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 11.2.0

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
Core 0: @2800 1: @2800 MHz

I added applications with PPM + pets + compiled Mplayer-1.3.0

I installed kodi in PPM but it won't run, get this in the terminal:

root# kodi
Unable to find path to Kodi data files!

Vlc works well.


Posted: Mon 15 Aug 2016, 09:17
by peebee
LxPupXenial-16.08.2 {devx} {kernel 4.1.31 sources}

based on Xenialpup CE 7.0.4

666philb has decided to revert to an earlier kernel.


Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2016, 05:44
by Pelo
Version 7.0.7 will be LTS at home, is it the good topic ?
Many puppies have some problems with new kernels. This one does what i wants without having to Linux anything.
Shutdown, pupsave, PPM, tested
One of us tried Lubuntu few days ago, he is back to Puppy, for eternity.