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Posted: Mon 05 Nov 2012, 20:42
by vobbino
ICPUG wrote:Hi Vobbino,

666philb response to your query is, of course, correct but perhaps doesn't clarify things.

The Linux filesystem and the way Linux sees EVERYTHING including hardware as a point in the filesystem tree is different from the way other OS like Windows work. Consequently, it can be a little hard to adjust to in the beginning.

The simplest way to get at your hard drives is to use the icons at the bottom of the screen because these will automatically 'mount' the drive and open the file manager looking at the drive.

Having to mount the drive before you can see its contents is another feature of Linux. Consequently, even if you follow 666philb comments and try to seek the contents of your hard drive via the file manager you will not see the contents until the drive is mounted. The same thing applies if you want to save data from a program directly to the hard drive. The drive must be mounted first. This concept can really be tricky and upsets some people. However, it can be viewed as a security measure because mounting a device is an extra step any malware has to perform before it can deposit something on your computer without your knowledge. Also it is an extra step YOU have to perform before you can delete something you didn't mean to!
Thanks ICPUG now I got it, I also was asking myself why I've to mount a drive!
By playing I was able to see the option (right click) but I still was confused then I manually copied the entire content of a DVD to another drive tough that wasn't my final expectation.
Your answer will clarify some issues I am having in another my thread:
Thanks for help.

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 20:10
by SorinMS
I've follow your indication and I've installed Slacko 5.3.3.
I haven't the errors that I had on Precise Puppy.
But the problem with printer installing still persist.
I followed the indication on help, but I couldn't install foo2zjs package.
When I type "make" command, that message appear: ERROR: must install GNU dc with -e option. I've download dc, and I follow the install help provided with it (configure, make, and make install). But is of no use; the error still appear. I have an HP laserjet 1005.

dogbert0360 wrote:(@zorinms)

Sorry that you had a bad experience using Puppy Linux. It seems to me that you installed "Precise Puppy 5.4" which is a new release from Puppy founder Barry K. I too, had the same thing happen and this could be a serious bug flaw. Barry in his blog post is working on a service pack which may address this issue and other bugs. Price one pays with any new release.

Please don't take this one bad experience with Puppy Linux as all are like this. I'm using Slacko 5.3.3 and from my use is very stable with plenty of software. Give it a try!

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 21:09
by rcrsn51
SorinMS wrote:But the problem with printer installing still persist.
I followed the indication on help, but I couldn't install foo2zjs package.
When I type "make" command, that message appear: ERROR: must install GNU dc with -e option. I've download dc, and I follow the install help provided with it (configure, make, and make install). But is of no use; the error still appear. I have an HP laserjet 1005.
You don't need to make anything. There is a ready-made PET at the bottom of the page named

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 21:27
by SorinMS
rcrsn51 wrote:
SorinMS wrote:But the problem with printer installing still persist.
I followed the indication on help, but I couldn't install foo2zjs package.
When I type "make" command, that message appear: ERROR: must install GNU dc with -e option. I've download dc, and I follow the install help provided with it (configure, make, and make install). But is of no use; the error still appear. I have an HP laserjet 1005.
You don't need to make anything. There is a ready-made PET at the bottom of the page named

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 21:28
by SorinMS
Finally I succeed in make my printer run on Puppy.
Thanks to all of you that supports me on the Puppy's way.

hello puppy comunity

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2012, 17:39
by Diegogngui
Well this is my feedback!

I recently knew about puppy linux. I read about it at the puppy web page and downloaded it. First I get confused about the iso to download and it was all on Japanese haha. So I read again and successfuly download and installed to my pendrive the last stable version (in that moment was 5.3 because it was on october I think). My intensions are to try it on a pc desktop wich has only 256mb RAM.
But first I tried it on my pc and notebook (or laptop). I was amazed with the speed of running. So I got excited and tried to save my user profile files, but with no luck. My user profile file was created (on harddrive / pendrive) but nothing appears to be restored so, each boot had to start again. By the way, each time the programs icons or whatever icon on desktop, shows only a "!" with a triangle. All of this happened on the desktop with 256 ram too.
This problem shows only from the moment I try to use my user profile file.
I already tried different formats (mean sd2, 3 and 4).
All is restored back when I delete my user file and boot again.

I wasn't posting here to show you this problem but, well I did it anyway. My reason here is to thank the developers and all the comunity and feedback the great job you are doing.

By the way, now I'm downloading the new precise 5.4 iso to see what happens with this and try it. I pretend to make a dual boot on a 256 ram desktop pc and make a frugal install. Hope to get it run!

Re: hello puppy comunity

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2012, 17:50
by rcrsn51
What is the name of the Puppy that you are using?
Diegogngui wrote:which has only 256mb RAM.
That's really not enough memory to run the new Puppies. I would recommend that you start with an older, stable version, like Wary.

What tool did you use to set up your flash drive?

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2012, 17:55
by Arefacti
I am going to try to give you my feeling onto Puppy Linux without my personal tastes interfere..

Puppy is probably a more modern OS than he countered with his concept there " everything pocket it " using of the random access memory.

But, sorry: it is the jungle! As this forum also.

I tried at least fifteen puppies (look at my posts full of stupid questions without answers).:lol:
Fortunately that my key of 32 Go possesses two partitions, otherwise, I would have become crazy.
Of course, it is " the law of the kind(genre) ": everybody can make its puppy, but then one falls on some with many bug, or not adapted in needs.

Maybe it would be necessary to make one girl effort on the big list, in the description of puppies. or other idea..

Well, I hope to have hurt nobody. :D

I like Puppy !

edit : sorry Diegogngui
and rcrsn51 for my post before answer

Re: hello puppy comunity

Posted: Wed 07 Nov 2012, 17:59
by Diegogngui
rcrsn51 wrote:What is the name of the Puppy that you are using?
Diegogngui wrote:which has only 256mb RAM.
That's really not enough memory to run the new Puppies. I would recommend that you start with an older, stable version, like Wary.

What tool did you use to set up your flash drive?
Sorry, I edited my post. It was 5.3 (the previous of precise).

I don't remember because I tried ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu and puppy. I changed the tool. Now I'm making a multibook pendrive with YUMI
I'll keep your advice and try that wary later. But first want to see what happens anyway.

Thanks for your answer!


Edit: Now, I successfuly could save and recover my user profile in my notebook with my pendrive using precise puppy ! I think that maybe there was something wrong with the partitions mounted or unmounted that I could solve a couple of weeks ago.

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2012, 16:44
by Arefacti
More things..

It is also necessary to say that for me a Linux distribution is important from part the quality of its community. Linux suffered enough from the "R.T.F.M".
It is not any more time if we wish to make known quality products as Puppy Linux.
I know a lot of Linux distribution, very well and console don't afraid me , but I liked Ubuntu too for the community.
Today, without answer in a forum because it is too simple it is for me the immediate abandonment of the distribution, I admit it.
( Already some cases for me at Puppy, saddened).
Today, let us consider that Linux became consumer and that "stupid" questions will be put. If we do not accept it, stay in our place.
In brief, persons would be very satisfied to answer to those questions, let them do and everybody will win.

Puppy saved our family's first laptop!

Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2012, 13:41
by Ido Wolf
Just wanted to thank Barry Kauler and this entire community for a wonderful distribution of Linux.

Random details:
I'm a 19 year old, and the son of an electrical engineer who tends to use all sorts of technological products to fill his personal and professional needs.

Personally, I've been meaning to "migrate" from Windows to Linux for quite a few years now, but I've only found the time for it when I recently graduated from high-school and installed Ubuntu 12.10 on my PC. My dad and my brothers, however, are very "Linuxphobics". They never even wanted to try any sort of distribution (nevermind listening to my explanations about different distributions), and it's been impossible trying to show them the benefits of this wonderful system even when I had the beautiful Ubuntu at my disposal.

My needs from the OS:
So, long story short, we use our very first laptop (from Dell) which is probably nearly 10 years old now as a "media center" at the living room. It's mostly used as a "Facebook-oriented" internet browser for my mom, document/spreadsheet processor or email reader for my dad, and rarely to play some DivX files. It used to run on Windows XP, but it worked way too slowly to the point where it was unbearable.

Our experience with the OS so far:
So I finally convinced my dad to try a Linux distro when he realized that there's no harm in booting it as a Live CD. And so, I've downloaded and booted Puppy 5.4.3 Precise.
First, I just want to say that I've booted Live CDs before, but this was the absolute fastest, smoothest Live CD bootup I've ever seen. The desktop appeared after just a few minutes, and with very minimal configuration I could get the laptop to duplicate display to our HDTV, or to support both Hebrew and English as keyboard inputs.
And needless to say, we're all extremely satisfied with this OS. It has all the apps my mom and dad would ever need and then some; AbiWord, that spreadsheet processor, Gnome MPlayer, Paint, SeaMonkey's all there, works right from the get-go, and to be frank Puppy performs faster on that 10-year-old laptop than Ubuntu performs on my 2 year old PC. I was absolutely shocked when I first saw that.
And the funny thing about it is that the OS is so incredibly appealing. Everything you need is on the desktop. Everything you want is on the menu, and it even looks extremely appealing and cute with that puppy as the wallpaper image.

The only gripe I have so far is that Hebrew subtitles are messed up in Gnome MPlayer. I'll try to use SMPlayer as my MPlayer as a frontend and work around it as it's my frontend (and player) of choice in Ubuntu, but honestly, even if we can't figure that one out, it's barely an issue.

So to sum it all up, after playing around with the laptop for a few minutes, my dad told me that "it's like it came back to life". And I answered: "Funnily enough, one of Puppy's goals is to breathe new life into old PCs".

So yeah, that's my $0.02 about Puppy, thank you once again ;)

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2013, 11:56
by MickJW
Hi all,
Just installed my first linux distro ever. I selected Wary Puppy 5.4 and was surprised how easy it was to get up and going. The only problem i had was i got this "Out of Range" error on my monitor (ACER 27 inch LCD) after the second boot. Finally figured out how to run Xorg and got it going by deliberately selecting a smaller resolution.
I opted for the Live to USB install so my cpu remains unchanged. Im quiet impressed how fast it runs and how simple everything is compared to WinXP.
I've had a look over this forum and its pretty comprehensive and an astonishing number of members!
After a few weeks i'd like to dual boot my WinXp with probably Linux Mint 13 , so are there any tuts to show how to make a new partiton , once resizing the original partition and installing Mint 13 that you fellow know is aimed at a newbie?
I already located a few Mint13 Dual boot tuts!
Thanking the developers and the form.

New to Linux

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 06:44
by highway_man
Puppy Impressions: Fascinated. Frustrated. Intrigued.

The destination computer started to die about a year ago. The hard drive started to crash and corrupted the files. I tried Ubuntu at the time. It did see that the hard drive was bad, but failed to connect to the wired LAN. I also have an old '98 desktop that I want to maintain as a printer host and file repository. So I went looking for another distro that would be best compatible with both.

The Puppy OS is fast and light. That is why I even considered Linux. It took a computer that was headed for the trash and breathed new life into it. It found the wired LAN right away. The wireless was a little more challenging, but it is up now. When breakthroughs happen, I consider making my primary computer into a dual boot. As a Windows user, I would love to see a correlation between Windows environment and Puppy equivalent.

There are silly questions like: What is a kernel? Frisbee? VirtualBox? How do I compile source code? how do partitions work and why does Puppy only see one? that will eventually get answered with time. Just wish it was a little more intuitive.
shows me how to load a PET file. I can go into Puppy Package Manager and 'see' that I have installed the game. But there is noting readily found to tell me how to do anything with that it...or put a shortcut into the 'Fun' section.

A couple of Windows migrations that I would love to see. The 'Restore' process to undo any additions that I may regret. Task Manager to close a frozen process. It would save me from hard reboots. Top View Running Process is the closest that I could find, but doesn't fit the bill.

I wanted to at least post the Windows equivalent that I have found.

Console/Shell = Command Prompt

System > Hardinfo hardware information = System/Hardware

Setup > Puppy Package Manager = Remove Programs

Desktop > Pwallpaper background image chooser = Desktop background

Filesystem > ROX = File Manager

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 16:16
by starhawk
Open a terminal/console/shell window.

Type fixmenus and press [ENTER].

When the procedure is done, your installed PET file should be in the Menu.

If not, feel free to start a new topic in this subforum (Beginner's Help) about it.

Reason is that there are files in /usr/share/applications that have a *.desktop extension. Puppy polls all of those, and generates a menu from them.

Hope that helps :)

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 2013, 16:23
by Tote
Hello highway man,

If you make a copy of your save-file - and keep it somewhere safe- you can use it as a form of system restore. Plus, it's always good to keep a copy, just in case.

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 02:37
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
To kill a process, use "pprocess" under "System" or open a terminal and type:

followed by the name of the program.. IE:
killall mplayer
and hit enter.
Some Pups have "kill" as a right click menu item, to use on the taskbar..
You can also start a program this way, by name, and use the terminal to chase errors... 8)
BTW the Linux equiv to ctrl-alt-delete is ctrl-alt-bkspc
which will exit the Xserver to a console..
to return to the desktop...

For fun, open a terminal and enter
xmessage I wrote this!!!

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 12:32
by swaan
I've been using precise puppy 5.5 on a 512mb usb stick for about 3 days now as my hdd went dead along with win7.

First I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible. It's a neat little thing. I have previously had DSL as a backup os and also SysRescue CD.

I love the wizards and pop up windows, how much useful stuff is packed into the tiny footprint. It's easy to use and helps me get things done. That is most important. Great to tinker. It feels warm and friendly and that makes it awesome. I don't want my OS to come and assimilate me with it's cold looks and rigid workflows. I don't want a serious world.

However there are things that nag me: I can't imagine having a more confusing audio setup. I have 2 sound cards and I just couldn't find a way to get the volume sliders work. This is also the first time I have used Seamonkey which is the most awful browser I have used in recent times - weird unreadable fonts, rendering problems, sluggish. Right click can be dangerous (click and it already selected something from the menu). Thats about it for now :)

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 14:06
by Tote
It's the challenge of making it how you want it that makes Puppy addictive. :D Try Firefox or Opera. Experiment. You might want to make a copy of your save file first.

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 16:10
by starhawk
@tote,swaan -- Seamonkey is a 'fork' of Firefox. They're twins. Not identical twins, but twins -- and they generally behave the same.

Try Opera or Chrome/Chromium.

Newbies - Puppy needs YOUR help too!

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2013, 06:58
by Sky Aisling

Sorry to hear your negative report about Seamonkey.
My experience is the opposite.

What version Seamonkey are you using?
You can find the version in the *about* area from the *menu* bar at top of the browser's page.

Some of the older versions present with hard to read font.
That can be changed.
Try adjusting screen themes from puppy's menu/desktop/desktop settings