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Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 23:31
by nitehawk
I'm glad you decided to remind me!
...yes,..there are others who think of "DeepThought" as their favorite Puppy (I believe Colonel Panic is still running it). Which reminds me, well as TEENpup,....I need to put DeepThought back on my main computer. I'm afraid I just don't care for the Ubuntu-ized Lupu. I'm sure a lot of very hard work went into it,....and it seems to be extremely popular (but it just isn't for me).

Posted: Tue 24 Aug 2010, 18:41
by Colonel Panic
nitehawk wrote:
I'm glad you decided to remind me!
...yes,..there are others who think of "DeepThought" as their favorite Puppy (I believe Colonel Panic is still running it). Which reminds me, well as TEENpup,....I need to put DeepThought back on my main computer. I'm afraid I just don't care for the Ubuntu-ized Lupu. I'm sure a lot of very hard work went into it,....and it seems to be extremely popular (but it just isn't for me).

I was, but owing to what appears to be a bottleneck at my ISP most of the time I can't get online with any version of Puppy at the moment without clicking on the Dial button for 10 minutes (the exception is first thing in the morning, if I'm lucky). It just isn't worth it, so most of my browsing now is in Mint since I can set Mint's ppp dialer to autoredial, something I can't do in Puppy's dialers as far as I know (and I have asked).

I agree with you about Lupo btw. I've recently downloaded Lighthouse 5 and like the look of it (though still have the dialer problem). Whichever Puppy I run though, I always seem to come back to either Deeper Thought or Turbo / Turbo Extreme (which are also based on 4.20 / 4.21).

Deeper Thought is a good piece of work, as solid as any Puppy I've yet seen. Turbo Extreme's got those great Icewm themes like Odelite and Sand which don't seem to import well into any other puplet.

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 11:23
by Colonel Panic
Just a quick update; by a stroke of luck I got online with the seventh or eighth time of dialling from WVDial, so I'm posting from Deeper Thought (and it's well into the day, one of the busier times).

Must find a way to solve this properly though.

Favorite Puppies

Posted: Tue 23 Nov 2010, 21:15
by oligin10
Just another thanks to everyone involved with this puppy. Not a big fan of the newer pups, as I don't care for the look of them. Hopefully someone will someday do a remaster of this version of puppy linux. I also really enjoy TeenPup 2010 Mini, which is based on this version. There is also the remaster with the newer kernel PuppyLinux 4.20 rt & smp. I know there was some hard feelings between developers, but imho this is the greatest version of puppy linux.

Re: Favorite Puppies

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 06:19
by WhoDo
oligin10 wrote:I know there was some hard feelings between developers, but imho this is the greatest version of puppy linux.
Nope, no hard feelings between developers ... just one rabid User with the capital U. Glad you liked it. It makes the work and the grief seem worthwhile. 8)

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 14:08
by ttuuxxx
as WhoDo said, plus a lot went into 2.14X afterwords. I did the smallest icemwm ever to hit puppy, funny how with system links with themes are so small.
Anyways WhoDo is a great leader:)

Must agree

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 14:47
by irishrm
I've being intending for a long time to congratulate Whodo on 4.2.1. Its the only puppy which will open a large word file and retain the proper format. None of the other puppy's will do that. Example of what happens: A 259 page word file opened in 4.2.1 will render as 259 pages. In any other puppy I have tried It will render as 309 pages. This means that 4.2.1 will always have a place on my Computer regardless of which more recent version I may use.-Irishrm

Re: Must agree

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 14:56
by ttuuxxx
irishrm wrote:I've being intending for a long time to congratulate Whodo on 4.2.1. Its the only puppy which will open a large word file and retain the proper format. None of the other puppy's will do that. Example of what happens: A 259 page word file opened in 4.2.1 will render as 259 pages. In any other puppy I have tried It will render as 309 pages. This means that 4.2.1 will always have a place on my Computer regardless of which more recent version I may use.-Irishrm
I did the abiword version in 4.2.1 try 2.14X it should be the same ,

Must agree

Posted: Wed 24 Nov 2010, 21:15
by irishrm
Sorry ttuuxxx I should have stated in my previous post that I was referring to opening word docs with openoffice sfs. To be honest I could never open a large word doc with Abiword. Thats no reflection on your excellent work or indeed on anyone involved in producing what I believe is the best OS around at the moment-Irishrm

Posted: Fri 26 Nov 2010, 22:47
by Eyes-Only
ttuuxxx said:
"Anyways WhoDo is a great leader :) "
Hear! Hear! I, too, whole-heartedly agree with this observation as well and think it doesn't get mentioned enough, nor do I remember to offer up my own thanks to WhoDo ( not to mention ttuuxxx as well here! ) enough for the hard work and dedication to the Puppy Community. These two men have offered up to the Community - and the world - some of the very BEST Puppy versions/puplets ever made.

I, for one, shall forever be in their debt for the thousands of hours of fun they've given ME personally with their works, not to mention the enjoyment and pleasure I've had in learning Linux from them in this forum.

Kudos to the both of you fine gents!


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"

thoughts on 4.21

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2011, 03:13
by cowboy

Not a long time Puppy user here, but I use Lucid for most of my day to day computing, and enjoy prowling around the alleys of Puppy history to see how we got to where we are today.

I just wanted to congratulate you on 4.21. It's stable, enjoyable to use, and provided many of the little things that, even now, many new Puppy users ask for. It could still make anyone an excellent transition distro from Windows into Linux.

I have Firefox 4 running on 4.21 without issue, and often boot into it when working in Google Apps. Thank you and the other devs for this intriguing and thoughtfully executed Puppy.

Re: thoughts on 4.21

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2011, 07:35
by WhoDo
cowboy wrote:Thank you and the other devs for this intriguing and thoughtfully executed Puppy.
On behalf of the 4.2x development team, thank you for saying thank you Cowboy! Several of the team from that release are still very active in current releases, including ttuuxxx and 01micko among many, many others. I hope that it and 2.15CE will be seen as the releases that laid the groundwork for a new style of Puppy while still retaining its essential character. Cheers. 8)

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2011, 10:32
by sc0ttman
yeah, I love 4.2.1, and its derivatives - still using them daily, since the first day I found Puppy Linux!

Posted: Sat 16 Apr 2011, 18:31
by Eyes-Only
WhoDo wrote:"I hope that it and 2.15CE will be seen as the releases that laid the groundwork for a new style of Puppy while still retaining its essential character."
Hear! Hear! And I believe Warren that we've seen the fruitition of yours - and the other devs - labour come to be as you've written/hoped for. :)

Especially when you look at all the ground which was set by "The Great" 4.2.1 by the quality of apps included, the amount, the usefulness of those apps, then the full-blown repo for 4/4.2.1 along with all the apps included in the "Software" section here. Of course I could go on and on when it comes just to apps alone!

But then consider the ground broken with the change in looks and the gorgeous artwork involved. You and others dared to break the mold from that "Classic 95" sort of look to something that was truly unique, truly beautiful, giving Puppy an individuality and personality all of its own - while still retaining a connection with past Puppies so that anyone familiar with the OS from 1.0 on up could still easily find everything they needed - I dare say even without the so-called "Dreaded Learning Curve" - while at the same time making it equally compatible/easy for people from an XP environment to switch over to Linux with barely facing that "Learning Curve"! ( IMVHO at least - others may disagree. )

Lastly, there is the "Endurance Factor". I can't even begin to count how many puplets happened to be based off from the beloved 4.2.1, and like Scottman, Cowboy, and myself - plus many others I'm sure would admit! - have a copy, either on CD/DVD, frugal, or even hard drive install, that we are using on a regular basis to this very day. And since I've discovered that WOW's "Gnome.sfs" made for Puppy-4.0 works fantastic on 4.2.1 and without error it has greatly extended the lifetime of this wonderful version into the future for the years ahead as well for me!

Yes indeed! Kudos to Warren and the Devs/Contributors involved in what shall surely go down in Puppy history as THE MOST monumental and pivotal Puppy version of all times - the Woof Building System and LucidPup being the next.

Thanks you all for your time.


"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"

Posted: Sat 16 Apr 2011, 22:23
by WhoDo
Eyes-Only wrote:I've discovered that WOW's "Gnome.sfs" made for Puppy-4.0 works fantastic on 4.2.1 and without error it has greatly extended the lifetime of this wonderful version into the future for the years ahead as well for me!
Thanks, jimmi. I'm pleased to see you appear to have come through another winter. It's nice to know that something that required such hard work is still finding a place with Puppy devotees. 8)

Posted: Sun 17 Apr 2011, 14:52
by Eyes-Only
Hi Warren!

Yes... made it through "another winter" - and talk about a rough one here in the Northeast corner of the USA! Several feet of snow at a time on the ground at any given time! :shock: Even though it's now mid-April and we "should" be well into Spring here many places in Maine still have snow upon the ground, we have frosts at night, and frequent weather reports for snowfall. It doesn't bode well for our "usual two weeks of Maine summer" I'm afraid. -sigh-

And as you have pointed out: "Made it through another winter." But now the time is being measured in months instead of seasons. You ( and others who know my case ) know what I'm talking about. No need for sympathy Warren believe me, okie? I will rejoice when the final lap of the race has been run! :D

Speaking about Gnome on 4.2.1 one more time if I may? WOW's .sfs file of it, though only Gnome 2.16 or 2.18, it looks and runs gorgeus on this Puppy and takes up far less RAM than the Trinity Desktop ( KDE-3.5 ) on LucidPup. Plus WOW included so many of the Gnome programmes like Totem, gedit, FileRoller, and so many more. The only error I encounter is upon bootup where there are a bunch of "udev" readings flashing across the screen but I've found they mean nothing at all. Works flawless. I just wished I had "the knowledge" others seem to possess so as to be able to roll it altogether into one .iso file for a bonafide "GnomePup-4.2.1" ( as I have in my sigfile. lol! ). Somehow I always mess it up. ;)

Okie, enough of my ramblings! Take care Warren and thanks for the comeback my friend!



Posted: Sun 17 Apr 2011, 17:53
by Béèm
Hello Eyes-Only.

Content de te lire.
Et oui, la neige a été abondant partout.
Aussi en Belgique.

J'ai cherché un peu de soleil aux îles Canaries.



Posted: Mon 18 Apr 2011, 08:54
by WhoDo
Eyes-Only wrote:Speaking about Gnome on 4.2.1 one more time if I may? WOW's .sfs file of it, though only Gnome 2.16 or 2.18, it looks and runs gorgeus on this Puppy and takes up far less RAM than the Trinity Desktop ( KDE-3.5 ) on LucidPup. Plus WOW included so many of the Gnome programmes like Totem, gedit, FileRoller, and so many more. The only error I encounter is upon bootup where there are a bunch of "udev" readings flashing across the screen but I've found they mean nothing at all. Works flawless. I just wished I had "the knowledge" others seem to possess so as to be able to roll it altogether into one .iso file for a bonafide "GnomePup-4.2.1" ( as I have in my sigfile. lol! ).
While ever you're here, jimmi, there is a reason. When it's time to go there will be a reason, too! Just a little homespun philosophy! :wink:

I'd like to see a polished version of Gnome offered as an SFS for Lucid! That would complete the picture of an Ubuntu-like Puppy IMHO. I hope someone takes up the cudgels and goes for it, jimmi!

All the best to you and your family, especially Isaac.

Cheers, mate. 8)

Posted: Mon 18 Apr 2011, 10:47
by cthisbear

Lucids crap.

I read it so I knows. ... 439#514439


Puppy 4.2.1 Virtual Machine (wirelessed ?)

Posted: Thu 05 Dec 2013, 04:29
by Pelo
Puppy 4.2.1 Virtual Machine
Connected wireless. Netbook 2013, outdoor.
Seamonkey 1-1-15 is out of date :wink: