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Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 06:26
by Gedrean
Alright, still an idiot, got this error:

text/unicode.c:56:3: error: #error No UTF8 charset conversion implemented on this platform!

What am I missing?

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 15:10
by mikeb
Well I don't have an answer for you but cheers for picking up this you can see it is quite a challenge



Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 16:22
by Gedrean
So, apparently puppy doesn't have a common library called "iconv" in its glibc or in its own libiconv -- I think if the .h is included it's available then, but I'm NOT sure...

I know that would mean that if this "libiconv" is not on my system it will not compile... but does that also mean said is required on the user's system to run?

Is there a way to merge said library into the VLC package so that when distributed it has it whether or not the user has it?

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 16:45
by Gedrean
To be honest, I don't know why VLC needs iconv, considering disabled NLS...

It should just go with the given localeset and be done with it.

EDIT: Bushwhackers.

I realized my previous word may be offensive, and probably is true. ;)

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 17:19
by mikeb
Well the previous packages all included libiconv...but if this can be compiled without this need that would be a saver.


Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 17:44
by Gedrean
For some reason 1.0.1 does not have libiconv included automatically, I built it, made a pet (1.5 MB dl woop) and installed it and copied the damn include file to the VLC dirs, got it included and made... got an error about dvdnav so I disabled dvdnav, it apparently won't work with any DVD files...
Getting errors in V4L2, disabling that...
This is getting ANNOYING, apparently VLC will play movies, but not to anywhere we have!...

BTW, does anyone else get regular I/O errors when exiting puppy when loaded from a pup_save.2fs? I've been having it constantly, though the pupsave is written to with each change when the drivebuffer pushes, it just seems odd, it gets IO errors related to output or something? I dunno it only shows for a bit then reboots machine as I told it to.

Anywho, now it's getting an error in file.c, apparently undeclared identifiers are PRETTY COMMON in VLC code. This is getting insane.

I think I'm gonna put a suggestion into VLCs inbox: l2code, kthxbai.

I'm tired of this. This is ridiculous.

EDIT: And No, I couldn't make it comp WIHTOUT iconv, which is insane too.

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 18:17
by mikeb
Well the nearest sikpuppy got was about 95% working with the main bug of mp4a not working....dvd nav, skins, flv etc ok.
I'm not sure whether he intends to go any further with this as I'm sure his experience would be a big help....he has got nearer to sucess than anyone else on puppy.
I don't think the vlc devs are making life easy for anyone :(


Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 18:38
by Gedrean
Oh gods, I think I shall be struck down for thinking to myself "You know what I could do with my life? Compile stuff on puppy!"

This is absurd. You know what? I started this like 2 days ago thinking "I need a good media player to play my MP3s, pmusic keeps clunking out on me when it comes to moving to the next in a playlist and keeps replaying the same song over and over again"... And then somehow moved to trying to perform make in the vlc-1.0.1 directory 15 times.

I'm going to XMMS... unless there's another good little mp3 and FLAC player someone can suggest?

EDIT: A few minutes later, my conscience got the best of me and I edited a word in here which might have been offensive.

GUESS WHICH ONE!??!?! :twisted:

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 19:36
by mikeb
Give in, which one?......

Well I use beep player and xmms...neat little players.
For video the ttuuxxx vlc 0.8.6h pet works a treat and covers all the main formats


Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 20:34
by Gedrean
lol, stuff is now what the word was...

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 20:40
by Gedrean
Wow, so that took Maybe 3-4 minutes to find and get the XMMS pet 1.2.11, and another minute to install and refresh the menu.

I deleted my VLC directory I was building from - totally not worth that much hassle to build.

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 20:57
by mikeb

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2009, 22:41
by ttuuxxx
Wouldn't the mp4 plugin from 8.6h work on 1.0 ? also iconv is a simple dep to compile I've don it a few times. But I guess he deleted everything, well it is probably one of the hardest apps to compile and don't blame him at all.

Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 00:32
by mikeb
Wouldn't the mp4 plugin from 8.6h work on 1.0
possibilty..pix'n'mix seems to work with vlc...I haven't played with the qt version for a while as everything went quiet on it...but some people have been using it....just not giving any feedback on it


Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 05:01
by Gedrean
ttuuxxx wrote:Wouldn't the mp4 plugin from 8.6h work on 1.0 ? also iconv is a simple dep to compile I've don it a few times. But I guess he deleted everything, well it is probably one of the hardest apps to compile and don't blame him at all.
ICONV, once I managed to obtain it and figure out where to put things (not just install it but put it into the VLC directory) wasn't the problem - it was that literally every ./configure for about 10 times was "3 warnings, 1 error" so I had to disable more things, and eventually getting to make it was "error - iconv isn't here" so I made that and fiddled with it and got it working, then it was "undefined identifier in file.c" -- at which point I got rather fed up with trying to compile something for which the developers had not seen fit to produce a "this is a dependency list and these are the unusual features you can turn off and this is the dependency that isn't mentioned clearly ANYWHERE but causes an undefined identifier that doesn't clearly say where to get the dep for it"...

VLC is by far one of the more difficult apps I've ever come across to compile. And since I started on the project with the intention of getting a mp3 player that played better than pmusic (sorry zigbert, but it really glitches out on every song I've put through it, in some cases playing the same song over and over again in the middle of the playlist, and not showing very well where in the playlist it is or progress in the song), and decided in the end to use XMMS, I've come to LOVE the clean behavior of just working... lol.

Also, VLC just seems like they aren't interested in the Linux port quite as much, amazingly enough.

That being said, we ARE compiling on a distro built to strip out everything not immediately necessary, so common libs and deps that are usually available are a bit harder to come by sometimes. ;)

Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 05:20
by ttuuxxx
Gedrean wrote:bit harder to come by sometimes. ;)
Which version of puppy are you compiling on? I've compiled Iconv on 4.2, 2.14X
also Since you like XMMS, you'll probably love this 25 band per ch. EQ plugin, I had it going on XMMS a few months back running live and lost it, lol anyways it sounds really nice, here a link to the sources, maybe package it up and release it in the xmms thread so others might enjoy it also :)

ps skins are at

Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 05:28
by Gedrean
No offense ttuuxxx, but you misread what I meant.

VLC had all those comp errors. ICONV compiled, well, amazingly smoothly.

Making it into a PET was annoying because it was a meg and a half...

Y'all want that btw? Or not?

Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 05:40
by Gedrean
Hmmm, that's annoying. Gotcher EQ and building it now for fun (what is WRONG with me?) and it wants a newer GLIB... huh.

I wonder if that's Glibc.

EDIT: Nope, It's "GLib" -- and I'm gonna be building another thing.

Maybe there's a glib pet...

EDIT: Huzzah there is! Making my day easier one step at a time.

Hopefully that works...

Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 05:57
by Gedrean
And it's the user-distribute glib, not the glib-devel, so it has no glib-config that this particular package wants.

Posted: Sat 15 Aug 2009, 06:18
by Gedrean
And undeclared/undefined identifier errors when compiling GLib.

I must have gotten boned somewhere on this deal.

*sigh* late, tired, think I'll figure that out tomorrow.

I don't understand why this is so complicated sometimes.