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Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2018, 03:44
by drunkjedi
Hi Mike,

That joke was told to me by my boss when I joined as an apprentice Tool and Die Maker.
Explaining doing Why-Why analysis of problems to get root cause of problem and finding solutions.
The expert doctors stopped at first why, and got a working but costly and depressing solution.

The joke is still funny.

Posted: Sat 21 Apr 2018, 19:05
by mikeslr
drunkjedi wrote:Hi Mike,

The joke is still funny.
Not if you happen to be Jake. :(

So the joke has serious implications :idea: and a prevalence beyond my ethnic group (hence, my attempted use of dialect). I had assumed it was just a cautionary tale reminding me that even if my uncle was a physician to get a second opinion. Or, stated more generally --and as an attorney occasionally brought in on malpractice cases know from experience-- an expert, regardless of his/her field and credentials, can be just as much as screw-up as anyone else.

I was, however, serious about recommending 5HTP. "Big Pharma" can't make money from it, as it's a naturally occuring substance. Consequently, physicians generally don't learn about it and include it in their "tool kit". I don't know the exact chemistry, but it's an intermediary stage in the production of serotonin, a chemical required by synapses in the brain in the transmission of electrical impulses. Lack of sufficient serotonin manifests itself as head-aches and, in severe cases, clinical depression. I've been taking 50 mg per day --100 mg once a month, or on 'really bad days'-- for 20 years, apparently, without adverse effects. [But then, how would I know?].


Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2019, 12:24
by p310don
I don't know why I constantly find the need to resurrect this thread. But then again, I don't know why I constantly do things worth of this thread.

I've recently switched to using Fatdog instead of Xenial for my media PC, after a hard reset killed Xenial. As a part of that process, I discovered that Fatdog actually works with the shutdown & reboot commands, which never worked on Xenial (hence the hard reset).

This PC is connected to a projector. I did a reboot, just because I can, and decided to go to the bathroom. I turned off the projector. After tending to nature, I got distracted (2 kids under 3 will do that). After an hour or so, kids put to bed, I turned on the projector to watch some TV. Nothing. No signal. Checked the lights on the PC, it's on, projector isn't getting signal. There was only one obvious reason, I've killed it.

Because of the two kids, I make a habit of turning off the wireless keyboard when I'm not using it. That adds to the issue. I pressed the any key to get it to work, nothing. I ctrl alt bkspaced, nothing. Luckily I had been playing with the built in VNC settings in Fatdog, and remembered I had set up x11vnc to be always on.

I went to my work PC across the room, also running Fatdog. Logged into the modem to find the media PC's IP address, typed it into TigerVNC. Black screen. What the hell? Was just going to get up to check the HDMI connection, and bumped the mouse so it moved across the TigerVNC window, and the Fatdog wallpaper showed up. Then blink, blink blink, the project (which I left on) flickered, and up came the Fatdog wallpaper, in all it's 8 foot glory.

Yep. There was no signal, because it was on blank screen screensaver.

Posted: Sat 08 Feb 2020, 13:35
by p310don
My project for today, copy some VHS tapes to the PC. It is a tedious process. I simply connected the VCR to the PC via a USB adaptor, played it in VLC and pressed the record button. That saves it in the source format, which happens to be an uncompressed AVI file.

I recorded two 180minute VHS tapes, both come in at around 150 gig each file.!!!

I did this on my laptop. I figured I wanted to save some space, so would convert to m4v using Handbrake. It converts at around 18 frames per second, so the videos, which are 3 hours and 25 frames per second would take 4 - 5 hours to convert.

So I got smart, let my laptop do one, and share the folder to my desktop and let it do the other. Excellent idea, saves time.

5 hours later, I check on my work, I've converted the same file on two different computers, and now have to do the second one anyway.