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Posted: Tue 06 Jan 2015, 00:11
by James C

Desktop drive icons by wbar in Quirky Unicorn

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2015, 13:28
by Keisha
Wow, that's a lot of partition icons.

I've managed to get the drive-icons-by-wbar scheme from BoxPup going on Quirky Unicorn 6.21:

Desktop drive icons by wbar in Quirky Unicorn--2

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2015, 13:30
by Keisha

desktop drive icons from wbar in Unicornpup

Posted: Tue 13 Jan 2015, 15:17
by Keisha
Getting close to a .pet...

Desktop drive icons rendered using wbar, BoxPup style

Posted: Wed 14 Jan 2015, 01:08
by Keisha

Re: desktop drive icons from wbar in Unicornpup

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015, 03:09
by BarryK
Keisha wrote:Getting close to a .pet...
Fascinating wallpaper!

Could you post it here?

Re: desktop drive icons from wbar in Unicornpup

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015, 12:50
by Keisha
BarryK wrote:
Keisha wrote:Getting close to a .pet...
Fascinating wallpaper!

Could you post it here?
It's the default wallpaper of unicornpup

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015, 13:15
by Jasper
Hi BarryK,

Also included with unicornpup is a blue unicorn background.

As I like your icons I used mtpaint to make "my" unicorn yellow - as in the screen shot.

My regards

wbar + rox icons now synchronizing nicely

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015, 14:32
by Keisha
Screencap showing the mounted and boot indicators synchronizing on Quirky Unicorn 6.21, with desktop drive icons provided by both rox and wbar per my post at (using version 0.0.5).

Quirky Unicorn 6.21 (24" monitor)
Openbox 3.4.4 with lxpanel at the top
wbar launcher tray at the bottom
PWidgets calendar+processes+analog clock (skin is Clockface_1-144.png)
gkrellm (theme is LHP-Hardware)
Openbox theme is Gelb
Window titles are in Noto Sans Bold
GTK theme is Stardust
Desktop icon set is Blue-Moon
Infinality-Ultimate font rendering

Inquiry to BarryK on frontend_funcs module of pup_event

Posted: Wed 21 Jan 2015, 05:05
by Keisha

Whilst rummaging around in the pup_event scripts of Quirky Unicorn 6.21, I've discovered that, in /usr/local/pup_event/frontend_funcs there are two functions both identically named free_coord().

The inclusion of these two duplicately-named functions dates all the way back to Lucid Puppy 5.20, when free_coord() was a part of pup_event_frontend_d.

For the next version of my wbar+rox-desktop-drive-icons .pet, I would like to eliminate cruft as much as possible.

Which version of free_coord() is the good one, and which is the cruft?

Re: Inquiry to BarryK on frontend_funcs module of pup_event

Posted: Wed 21 Jan 2015, 07:59
by BarryK
Keisha wrote:@BarryK:

Whilst rummaging around in the pup_event scripts of Quirky Unicorn 6.21, I've discovered that, in /usr/local/pup_event/frontend_funcs there are two functions both identically named free_coord().

The inclusion of these two duplicately-named functions dates all the way back to Lucid Puppy 5.20, when free_coord() was a part of pup_event_frontend_d.

For the next version of my wbar+rox-desktop-drive-icons .pet, I would like to eliminate cruft as much as possible.

Which version of free_coord() is the good one, and which is the cruft?
Good question!

So long ago, I don't know. I have taken a punt and chosen the first (top) one. Mostly because it is simpler.

I wonder what the script does in that situation?

I create a test script to find out. The second function gets chosen.
OK, that settles it, use the second free_coord().

Re: Inquiry to BarryK on frontend_funcs module of pup_event

Posted: Wed 21 Jan 2015, 10:03
by Keisha
BarryK wrote:...OK, that settles it, use the second free_coord().
I guess the fact that it has working code for each of the four placement cases should've clued me in.

Thanks for all you do!

Possible layering error on Quirky, or in Geany?

Posted: Wed 21 Jan 2015, 20:00
by Keisha
I am beginning to wonder if there isn't some kind of a layering error on Quirky Unicorn 6.21. Either that or some kind of an error in Geany, or the way files are locked --something of that nature.

I'm a bit puzzled because QU-621 is a full install, and so how do layers have anything to do with it?

But...has anyone else noticed something like this?

Three times now in a row, I have run dir2pet to do a version update on my rox+wbar icons .pet ( and, all three times, the resultant .pet which I uploaded has failed to carry the version of the very last file I edited containing the last edit I made. Rather, what gets put in is the version with the next-to-last set of edits.

I was chalking it up to, the first time, the sourcefiles partition's disk not having been fsck'ed recently. And the second time, to absent-mindedness on my part. But the third time in a row, it has now dawned on me that the pattern is consistent.

In all three cases, to create the corrected .pet after noticing that the version I uploaded didn't work right,...I copied over the "correct" version of the last file I edited from the work partition to the dir2pet-source partition, did dir2pet, and when done that way, without Geany being involved except just to check that the latest edits are there, the .pet comes out right.

But...if I just did a save in Geany, with Geany still open, and I copy the allegedly-current file from the work partition to the dir2pet-source partition, and immediately run dir2pet, the current version of the sourcefile which is still up in Geany, and which I have just saved in Geany, *does not* get put into the .pet! --rather, a version which does not contain the latest round of edits I have been just making in Geany. Instead the .pet gets the next-to-last saved version.

I am thinking, this behavior is characteristic of a "fencepost error" (off by one in a while-do count) somewhere in the source code of the layering system...but...there is no layering system in Quirky? So, I guess the fault is in Geany?

Posted: Thu 22 Jan 2015, 01:33
by slavvo67
I had an issue where dir2pet was not creating a pet but only an sfs. Not sure why and unfortunately, I can't really elaborate. I think something happens when you download the update to QU but again, not sure.


Here's what I am getting when running petget in one of my QU 6.2 USB's. Note: I am in the correct directory of the pet.

sh-4.3# petget
tar (child): gzip: Cannot exec: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Anyone have any ideas on this one?



My report on Quirky 6.0

Posted: Sat 31 Jan 2015, 05:08
by Billtoo
New install to a 32gb sdhc card, pc is a hp desktop.

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Fri 30 Jan 2015 on Quirky Unicorn 6.2.1 Linux 3.16.6 i686
0.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[AMD/ATI] Redwood PRO [Radeon HD 5550/5570/5630/6510/6610/7570]
product: REDWOOD 01.00

X Server: Xorg Driver: fglrx
X.Org version: 1.16.0
dimensions: 3840x1080 pixels (1015x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: ATI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 5570
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.4.13283 Core Profile Context 14.501.1003

Updated PPM and installed some applications.
It's working well.

Posted: Tue 03 Feb 2015, 20:27
by fw190

I have tried to install but ended up wit an epick fail. My system is latest linux Mint. I have tried to format, and do it again but no luck:

Code: Select all

fw190@wurger ~ $ cd /home/fw190/Pobrane
fw190@wurger ~/Pobrane $ sudo sh ./
[sudo] password for fw190: 

This script will install Quirky to an entire drive, and make it bootable
with the Syslinux boot manager, for any x86 PC.
The intention is to install to pluggable memory drives such as USB Flash
sticks and SD-cards. The entire drive is erased, so take off any files that
you want to keep.
The script will ask questions at each step, and will offer a choice of
drives to install to, but of course it comes down to you to make an intelligent
choice and not erase your PCs internal hard drive!
This script should work when running any Linux distribution, however, it
works best when running a Puppy Linux or Puppy Linux-derivative, as Puppy has,
in my opinion, many superior utilities. However, this script will check for
existence or otherwise of those utilities and downgrade appropriately, or
abort if a missing utility is essential.

Press ENTER key to continue (CTRL-C to abort): 

1 unicorn-6.2.usfs.xz

Type a number from the left column: 1
...ok, have chosen unicorn-6.2.usfs.xz

Testing integrity of compressed file, please wait...

Plug in a USB Flash drive, 2GB size, or greater, right now.
Also, please be sure that it is unmounted.
Note, 2GB is sufficient, however for a satisfactory ongoing experience
using Quirky, it is recommended to use a 4GB or greater drive. If you intend
to keep using this installation on a daily basis, to allow for plenty of
package installations, upgrades, downloads, etc., a much bigger drive is
recommended, at least 8GB.

WARNING: Many Linux distros will auto-mount a drive when it is plugged
         in. You will have to unmount it BEFORE CONTINUING!!!
         (if you are unsure about this, don't worry, the script will
          check again later, after you have chosen the drive)

Have you plugged in the drive? Then press ENTER key: 

As you are not using a Puppy-derivative, you do not have the excellent
'probedisk' utility, which reports all drives. So, falling back to giving you
a simple list:

These are all of the drives found in your PC:
sda sdb 

Choose the drive to install to...
1 sda
2 sdb

Type a number from left column: 2
...ok, have chosen sdb

Uncompressing unicorn-6.2.usfs.xz to unicorn-6.2.usfs...

Final sanity check: 'sdb' is correct? (ENTER if OK, CTRL-C abort): 

Some preliminaries on the sdb...
Size of drive=7681MB

Would you like to zeroize the entire drive before installation?
You should answer 'yes' to this if you choose to make a image-file
of the drive immediately after installation (this script will later offer
to do that) -- an image-file is useful for writing to other drives, or
to give to others. Zeroizing beforehand will make the image-file smaller.
NOTE: zeroizing may take over 30 minutes, depending on size of drive.
NOTE: Do not do this with a USB1 interface or via a USB-hub (too slow).
NOTE: Unless you really need to do this, recommend press ENTER to decline.
ENTER only to decline, (any other char to zeroize drive): 

It is necessary to zeroize a small part of the drive, the beginning
and the end. The end, because if the drive previously had a GPT secondary
partition on it, this has to be wiped.
Zeroizing only first 20MB and last 20MB of drive...
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 3.87186 s, 5.4 MB/s

Creating 16MB FAT-16 first partition...
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
440 bytes (440 B) copied, 0.014434 s, 30.5 kB/s
mkfs.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
mkfs.fat: warning - lowercase labels might not work properly with DOS or Windows
/dev/sdb1: No such file or directory
Installing syslinux in 1st partition, sdb1...
syslinux: /dev/sdb1: No such file or directory
Creating 2nd partition, size 7360MB...

Please choose whether to create a ext2, ext4, of f2fs filesystem in the
second partition. For Flash media, f2fs is very highly recommended.

1 f2fs (best choice for Flash)
2 ext4-without-journal (2nd best choice for Flash)
3 ext2
4 ext4 with journal (recommended for hard drives)

Type a number from left column: 1
...ok, have chosen f2fs

Creating f2fs in 2nd partition...

	F2FS-tools: mkfs.f2fs Ver: 1.2.0 (2013-10-25)

Info: Label = quirky2
	Error: Failed to open the device!

Creating unicorn-6.2.sfs
This will be copied to /audit/reference in the target drive, and
may be used in future for recovery purposes. Creating now...
./ 417: ./ mksquashfs: not found

Populating 1st partition, sdb1...
mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist

Error, failed to mount first partition, sdb1. Aborting
fw190@wurger ~/Pobrane $ 

Posted: Wed 04 Feb 2015, 13:43
by ETP
Hi fw190 & welcome to the kennels.

The instructions for installation can be found here: ... quirky.htm

The output from the script indicates failure to make the first partition bootable due to syslinux not being present or found in Mint followed by failure to create the f2fs partition due to the absence of the needed tools in Mint.
Perhaps the most relevant part of the notes is:
Some people found the script to be troublesome in certain Linux distributions -- this may just be a matter of installing needed packages, for example with Ubuntu you might need to install 'mtools', 'syslinux' and 'f2fs-tools' -- if the latter is not in the repo, then the distro is too old!). If you encounter a problem that you can't solve, go to the Forum to discuss it, or try Method B or D.
Note also that it would fail if you did not start by un-mounting the target stick. You were correct in using an 8GB stick.

Your best bet is to use a live ISO of a Pup such as Precise 5.7.1 which contains everything that is needed to run the script.

Posted: Wed 04 Feb 2015, 19:36
by fw190
Thank you for your reply.

Actually I did read the instruciotns, and checked for the presence of those packages. They were there except of one which I have installed but it didn't help. Then I have tried various things - even changing the language of my system which helped a bit excluding one error but when I got to a point in which I had no clue what to do I just posted the output here.

Then I thought that this might not be the suitable topic for noob problems like mine and I reposted it here ... 993#825993 where a friendly soule pointed me to method D which in the end worked ok with the 8GB file which I plan to test a bit.

Once again thank you ;)

E. spelling

f2fs for partition in internal ssd drive

Posted: Mon 09 Feb 2015, 19:22
by Yelisey
How can I do bootable Puppy with f2fs in internal ssd drive?

Posted: Wed 11 Feb 2015, 03:27
by slavvo67
It appears the Quirky Unicorn upgrade from 6.2 to 6.2.1 breaks my internet connection (eth0 in my case, unsure about wlan0). For now, I have chosen not to upgrade to the 6.2.1 version, though I am not sure how important that 6.2.1 upgrade really is.