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Posted: Mon 08 Apr 2013, 02:10
by rokytnji
64gig new ssd drive on my M&A companion Netbook. AntiX 13 beta 2 (base iso)
Pretty much like a atom based 9" netbook. wireless is internal usb instead of pci.
Best version yet.

Posted: Wed 10 Apr 2013, 10:31
by nooby
Testing the latest Fuduntu which works good
using IsoBooter that rcrsn51 have a thread about.

Edit I wrote using Fuduntu when I wrote this :)
Now I edit when back in lupu again.

Very easy to prepare on a 2GB USB stick
even I could do it. I can see flash on Youtube
and local TV and it has VLC mediaplayer
and I can access the HD and play my music files
and I can edit my HTML files and save them
without needing to be root or to use su or any such.

What does not work is to save changes like keyboard setting
or date and time setting.

But it is a great way to get to know other distros.
Take at most a minute to change from one OS to another
on same USB formatting it using gparted and adding the iso
and the isobooter file and then it just works .

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2013, 13:25
by nooby
I want to test frugal install of latest
Slax 7.0.6 and Porteus 2.0
Here is the code I want to try out. different versions for grub4dos

title Slax 7.0.6 March 2013
kernel (hd0,0)/slax/boot/vmlinuz vga=773 load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0 rw printk.time=0 slax.flags=perch,xmode
initrd (hd0,0)/slax/boot/initrfs.img

title Porteus 2.0 or slax login=root root toor
root (hd0,0)
kernel /porteusboot/syslinux/vmlinuz from_dev=/dev/sda1 from_dir=/porteus login=root changes=/porteus/porteussave.dat max_loop=256 fsck kmap=se
initrd /porteusboot/syslinux/initrd.xz

I finally got the courage to test both of them and had success.
i made frugal install on NTFS formatted HD the default Ms Vista desktop.

Slax had Firefox 19.0.02 IIRC
but Porteus had FF 17.x and both told me they where updated.
so that is somethign me had problem with on Puppy Slacko too
but managed to get 20.0 to work on Puppy Lupu 528-005
Both Slax and Porteus had Adobe Flash built in as I remember

Then feeling victorious I also tested Knoppix 7.0
but unfortunate it did not have Adobe Flash built in.

All three can save in a kind of save file on the HD.
So them do frugal and persistence.

Which others are there that can do frugal on NTFS?
I am starting to forget. I know Gparted do due to being slax?
but it has old firefox and not much of multimedia it is
only a rescue OS so what to expect.

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 05:36
by mcewanw
I've also been trying out Porteus 2.0 (32 bit version) on my old Pentium-M 1.6GHz 1GByte laptop. I particularly like the Razor Qt desktop version, which seems to run fine on this old machine.

I like Porteus, because it has a facility that reminds me of tinycore: you can simply add and remove installed applications by simply moving the respective application module in or out of their storage folder. The only problem I'm having with it is that I can't get cpufreq scaling to work properly; I like to run my old laptop cool, and Puppy Slacko lets me do that correctly.

It would certainly be very easy to produce a very small (or large and full) Porteus distribution via mix and match. The apps supplied by default in the Razor Qt desktop version are a nice choice though (including firefox, gimp and easypaint, avidemux (video editor), perl and gcc development environment). I also note that it includes a thunor version of gtkdialog (and Pburn) so probably very easy to get most Puppy gtkdialog apps running on it (murga forum puppy developer big_bass adopting Porteus may be behind that...).

All in all, I find Porteus a lovely, quite sophisticated small Linux distribution with Slackware compatibility (so tons of available apps). The main concern I have, however, is how long a distribution ends up being supported, which includes how many developers and testers are active. Only time will tell. Puppy has been around a long time; that support (including this forum) is one of its greatest strengths. I hope Porteus becomes as popular as Puppy for that same reason, and hopefully end up with a nice active forum too.

On this class of machine (Pent-M 1600MHz) Slacko 5.3.3 wins

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 08:51
by mcewanw
Much though I like the lovely polish of Razor QT desktop Porteus 2, it remains the case, however, that on this Pentium mobile 1.6 GHz laptop machine at least, Slacko 5.3.3 runs in the available resources much better. Youtube videos play fullscreen faultlessly in Slacko 5.3.3 on this machine whereas Porteus stutters badly using 100% CPU when displaying less than half a fullscreen video... But as far as I remember, in earlier tests, Slacko 5.5 stutters on this old Pent-M when playing videos too... Good old Slacko 5.3.3 stays, but I will be using Porteus elsewhere because I love the ease by which it can be customised loading and unloading packages (Porteus "modules").

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 18:01
by rmcellig
My current distro that I really like is the latest Crunchbang 11. I keep bouncing between Puppy 5.2.8 and Crunchbang. Love it

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 19:19
by nooby
rmcellig wrote:My current distro that I really like is the latest Crunchbang 11. I keep bouncing between Puppy 5.2.8 and Crunchbang. Love it
I had it on a USB booted using rcrsn51 isobooter method
and that worked well. Does it have Adobe Flash in the browser
already installed? I don't remember and all my 2GB and 4GB USB
are already filled with Solyd linux, Mint LXDE Funduntu Zorin
so not which of those I should change for Crunchband instead.

What is it that you like about #! or what the symbol is.

Posted: Sat 13 Apr 2013, 19:45
by rmcellig
I like the speed and leanness of it. It has a great interface which incluses one of my favorite if not my favorite window manager/DE's, Openbox. Installing software is very easy by using the command line with apt-get or Synaptic Package Manager.

I love using fast and simple distros like Puppy and #! instead of using some of the more bloated distros out there. The bottom line for me is, what do I need to do, and can Puppy and #! do it for me with the least amount of bloat. The answer is yes. Overall though, Puppy always wins the race for me. Excellent distro!!

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2013, 05:17
by nooby
Thanks I skipped TinyCore on an old 1GB and installed
a frugal live version of #! on it just to check up on how it behaved
and it seems to works as good as any of the others.

is it not odd that the isoboot code allow several OS to not need
sudo for to edit files on the HD if one install it on USB flash?

Usualy any linux forbid even access to the NTFS HD
and some actually do that from isobooter too.

So some odd "quirk" makes them behave different with this kind of install.
the only bad thing is that they don't remember changes.

In that way Slax Porteus is good them allow you to download
and add the program withot having a save file but they allow
save file too just in case you need one?

Debian does not seem to care about such?
Sickgut is the exception him want us to have persistence on frugal install

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2013, 16:16
by rcrsn51
nooby wrote:is it not odd that the isoboot code allow several OS to not need sudo for to edit files on the HD if one install it on USB flash?
Here is a possible explanation. ISObooter simulates running off a Live CD. So you are logged in as the "root" user that has the necessary privileges to perform the install procedure.

But once you do an install, you become a regular user. So you need sudo. Or you may be completely restricted from some operations.

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2013, 16:53
by nooby
That is a good explanation.

May I ask a crazy question.
Could one do a kind of semi-persistence
in that one download the program and
manually move the install over to the mnt/home
and let a script do an automatic reinstall while booting
so when it is finally booted then it has the wanted programs added?

As it is now I need to first boot up the iso and then
install the wanted program and then at shut down all get lost.
If one could make a copy of that install that would give
script based or manual semi-persistence. Make one independent
on dowloading the program for the program database which can be slow.

Posted: Mon 15 Apr 2013, 19:06
by Colonel Panic
A success and a failure to report this time.

I gave up on Calculate Linux 13 (XFCE) after nearly an hour spent compiling Firefox from source, as the distro required, and it still wasn't finished. I know some people think that's par the course with Gentoo (on which Calculate is based), but I really can't see the point on modern machines (or even six year old ones) which load applications in seconds anyway.

I'm much happier with the latest version of Manjaro (0.8.5), though with only 2 GB of RAM I'd probably be better off still if I'd downloaded the 32-bit version instead of the 64-bit one. With Fluxbox installed, I'm happily typing this and listening to *classical music on Youtube and no problems at all.

*Martha Argerich playing Chopin's 1st piano concerto, if anyone's interested.

Fuduntu Team meeting held on April 14, 2013

Posted: Tue 16 Apr 2013, 02:35
by rokytnji
I always had respect for fewt and his skill set. Makes me sad. :( ... 3/#respond

[quote]The team discussed several options and, ultimately, voted to end-of-life Fuduntu Linux. This decision was not made lightly but, ultimately, it is was the best option. In its current state, Fuduntu would be broken when we tried to move forward.

Beginning today, no new features will be implemented. The only exception are those features which are already being worked on. We will continue to provide bug and security fixes until the last day of support, however. 2013.3 will be the last release and September 30 will be the last official day of Fuduntu Linux.

Following that decision, however, most of the team members then discussed the idea of creating a “new

Posted: Tue 16 Apr 2013, 07:22
by nooby
Yes that is the Funduntu I have isobooter installed on a 2GB USB.
Worked well IIRC.

Linux Distros are dependent on that they have enough people
caring about that particular Distro.

One would need some kind of Standard Linux Distro that everybody
cared about so if all the other personal distros lose their main motivator
then at least millions still cared about the Standard Distro?

Yeah I am that naibe. None want to support the Standard I know I kknow :)

Correction and none would want to use it either.
It would not allow you to be root or to do frugal
and it would not work on NTFS and not have Flash.
Totally useless distro :) Absolutely FOSS Linux Distro

Posted: Tue 16 Apr 2013, 20:38
by bark_bark_bark
@nooby: It seems you are obsessed with running linux on ntfs. I do prefer ntfs as well but in my opinion it is more suited for windows.

For a small amount of time I had Linux Mint Debian Edition (Cinnamon) running. I had 2 different Atari ST/TT/Falcon emulators installed. (The Atari ST is my favorite vintage computer.) As well I installed LXDE as an additional desktop.

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 08:49
by nooby
Hehe @nooby: It seems you are obsessed with running linux on ntfs.

Nope it is the other way around. Ms win are obsessed to sell
each cheap computer here locally only having that partitions
them want on it. And making it difficult to keep Ms win if you
resize their and reformat them to ext3 or something else.

My smartphones are all dependent on that I have windows.
Some programs I use like TV program Silverfox I only got
working on Ms Win and not on Linux. MakeHuman is another
such program that I have no idea how to get working
but it just did work out of the box on Ms Win.

Now I never use ms win but that means I never use the Tv
Dongle I bought for 1000SEK I never use the Smartphone
for 6000SEK never use the MakeHuman program.

So No! I would prefer that Ms Win went over to Ext3
and did stop that UEFI craziness.

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 19:14
by linuxbear
Nooby: The reason I do not put Linux on NTFS is I do not want to have to "optimize" both windows and linux. I do a windows backup before a "Nix install. This means that I do a clone of the Windows OS and create an image file. I too have programs that requires windows and also I cannot login from home to my machine at work without windows. After the backup, you can shrink the NTFS partition and make room to create a new EXT3 partition.
If you want to play (learn more about) with Gparted, just unhook your hard drive and boot Puppy with a CD. Then you can plug in a USB thumb drive and do anything you want to the USB drive without worrying about needed windows files being changed or damaged.

Posted: Wed 17 Apr 2013, 20:49
by Colonel Panic
nooby wrote:Hehe @nooby: It seems you are obsessed with running linux on ntfs.

Nope it is the other way around. Ms win are obsessed to sell
each cheap computer here locally only having that partitions
them want on it. And making it difficult to keep Ms win if you
resize their and reformat them to ext3 or something else.

My smartphones are all dependent on that I have windows.
Some programs I use like TV program Silverfox I only got
working on Ms Win and not on Linux. MakeHuman is another
such program that I have no idea how to get working
but it just did work out of the box on Ms Win.

Now I never use ms win but that means I never use the Tv
Dongle I bought for 1000SEK I never use the Smartphone
for 6000SEK never use the MakeHuman program.

So No! I would prefer that Ms Win went over to Ext3
and did stop that UEFI craziness.
I agree, but it won't happen because Microsoft have staked too much on NTFS.

Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 04:31
by jakfish
With all my distro hopping, I finally gave up on usb or ntfs install. I was having a hard enough time getting the distros to please me, and did not need the extra hassle of tweaking the basic installation.

With a Win7 netbook, I was able to partition through Windows itself, and so far, the work has remained stable.

With my EEE that comes with a XP SP3 *image*, I first had to install the recovery disk/OS image on my 32gb ssd. The image takes up the whole ssd and there's nothing I can do about it.

But once the image is on the ssd, I can shrink it with gparted to 4gbs, and make two other partitions for hopping. All my Linux partitions are ext4 if only because Semplice and Lubuntu recommend ext4.

The puppy os, save file, and optional sfs's go on the windows drive, and I boot the puppy via a class 10 sd card. It's the fastest frugal approach I've found, I have XP (and god knows why), and two Linux distros on the EEE 900. On the other netbook, I have Win7 Premium (which serves little purpose), two Windows recovery partitions (FAT32 and NTFS), and two Linux partitions.

It works nicely so far.


Posted: Thu 18 Apr 2013, 09:23
by nooby
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

Yes I have enough computers now
that I can skip Ms on one of them.
so I will take that into consideration.

That would allow me to have one dedicated
to full install and if I start with Linux Mint
and then use the grub2 that one create
and add dual booting to it one the other partitions.

Only my noobyness and lazyness is in the pipeline
for to just do it :)
And that temporaliy I will have two Screens
two computers going at same time and two keyboards
and two mouses. But maybe I could set it up
so I sit at a table with on set of Linux and
stand at a high rise desk for the other Linux
and that would allow me to get some variation
on ergonomic body because to sit all day is not healthy.

I know that from pesonal experience. Legs hurts badly.