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Have webspace, willing to write up a webpage for Puppy Linux

Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 04:16
by SnowShinobi
I'll keep it simple, I've got a subdomain of my hosting company under my blog name but nothing to do with it. I'm interested in contributing to the Puppy project in terms of webspace. I'll be writing my own webpage and the like for repositories, useful links, etc. Will post the source of the webpage for those who would want to expand on it. this project would entail people interested in contributing their latest and greatest in packages and guides for Puppy to be included (of course I'll be scouring the murga forums for useful things as well).

Want to include your project? Got a useful guide? Please PM me and if I have enough support I'll do some work on this. Think of it as a handbook, if you will.

you can look at my current works over at, where the project will be written up.

Posted: Tue 29 Sep 2015, 06:06
by bigpup
Some info you may need to look at.