optimizing svg paths for generating themes

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#76 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

Thanks. Please post any snippets you have related to generating SVGs that we might find useful....and the editor, whenever it is ready. :)

With kind regards,

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#77 Post by technosaurus »

Ok, It looks like crap but here is a font path editor

Code: Select all

	td div{float:left}
<table id="layout">
<td width="200">
	<div onclick="addPoint(this,event)" onmousemove="showPos(this,event)">
		<svg title="tooltip" id="svg" width="200" height="400" viewBox="0 0 8 16" />
		<div onclick="addPath()">
		<svg id="thumb" title="click to append" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 8 16" />
		<div><select id="select" onchange="setThumb('template')" ></select></div>
		<div><input id="color" onchange="setThumb()" type="color" ></input></div>
		<div><button id="bold_but" onclick="toggleBold();"> <b>B</b> </button></div>
		<div><button id="ital_but" onclick="toggleItalic();"> <i>I</i> </button></div>
		<div>Saved: <select id="select_saved" onchange="setThumb('saved')" ></select></div>
		<div><button id="save" onclick="save();"> <b> Save </b> </button></div>
		<div><button id="show" onclick="showSaved();"> <b> Show </b> </button></div>
		<div>width: <input id="width" value="8" onchange="setFont(this,'w')" type="number" min="1" max="8"></input></div>
		<div>height: <input id="height" value="16" onchange="setFont(this,'h')" type="number" min="1" max="16"></input></div>
		<div>cap: <input id="cap" value="1" onchange="setFont(this,'cap')" type="number" min="0" max="15"></input></div>
		<div>mean: <input id="mean" value="6" onchange="setFont(this,'mean')" type="number" min="1" max="15"></input></div>
		<div>base: <input id="base" value="12" onchange="setFont(this,'base')" type="number" min="1" max="16"></input></div>
		<div>descent: <input id="descent" value="15" onchange="setFont(this,'descent')" type="number" min="1" max="16"></input></div>
	<textarea name="raw" oninput="setSVG()" id="raw">

	var last,raw=document.getElementById("raw"),
		font = {"h":16,"w":8,"cap":1,"mean":6,"base":12,"descent":15,"cur":"","editing":"template"},
		isbold=false, isitalic=false,
		viewbox = svg.getAttribute("viewBox").split(" "),
	paths = {
		"template" : {
			"!"	:	"m4 2v10m0 1v1m4-14",
			"\"":	"m3 3v3m2-3v3m3-6",
			"#"	:	"m2 4v8m4-8v8m-5-2h6m-6-4h6m1-6",
			"$"	:	"m2 12a2 3 0 1 0 2-4a2 3 0 1 1 2-4m-2-3v14m4-15",
			"%"	:	"m2 2v1m4-1l-4 12m4-1v1m2-14",
			"&"	:	"m6 4a2 2 0 1 0-3 3a3 3 0 1 0 4 4m0 2l-4-6m5-7",
			"'"	:	"m4 3v3m4-6",
			"("	:	"m4 14q-3-6 0-12m4-2",
			")"	:	"m4 14q3-6 0-12m4-2",
			"*"	:	"m1 8h6m-1 4l-4-8m2 0v8m-2 0l4-8m2-4",
			"+"	:	"m1 8h6m-3-4v8m4-12",
			","	:	"m5 11v1l-2 2m5-14",
			"-"	:	"m2 8h4m2-8",
			"."	:	"m4 11v1m4-12",
			"/"	:	"m2 14l4-12m2-2",
			"0"	:	"m2 7a2 4 0 1 1 4 0v2a2 4 0 1 1-4 0zm2 0v2m4-9.1",
			"1"	:	"m3 4l1-1v11m4-14",
			"2"	:	"m2 4a2 3 0 1 1 3 5l-3 4h4m2-13",
			"3"	:	"m2 4a2 2 0 1 1 1 3m0 0a2 3 0 1 1-1 4m6-11",
			"4"	:	"m2 2v6h4v6-12l2-2",
			"5"	:	"m2 14h2a2 2 0 1 0 -2-6v-5h4m2-3",
			"6"	:	"m3 8a2 3 0 1 1 -1 1l4-7m2-2",
			"7"	:	"m2 3h4l-4 11m6-14",
			"8"	:	"m3.5 7a2 2 0 1 1 1 0a2 3 0 1 1 -1 0zm4.5-7",
			"9"	:	"m2 14l4-6a2 3 0 1 0 -1 1m3-9",
			":"	:	"m4 4v1m0 4v1m4-10",
			";"	:	"m4 4v1m0 4q0 1-1 1m5-10",
			"<"	:	"m6 12l-4-4 4-4m2-4",
			"="	:	"m2 6h4m-4 3h4m2-9",
			">"	:	"m2 12l4-4-4-4m6-4",
			"?"	:	"m2 6a2 2 0 1 1 2 2v2m0 1v1m4-12",
			"@"	:	"m5 8a1 1 0 1 1 0 -1a1 2 0 1 0 2-0a3 4 0 1 0 -2 4m3-11",
			"A"	:	"m1 14l3-12l3 12m-1-4h-4m6-10",
			"B"	:	"m2 2a3 2 0 1 1 0 5a2.5 2 0 1 1 0 7zm6-2",
			"C"	:	"m6 4a2.5 6 0 1 0 0 8m2-12",
			"D"	:	"m2 2a4 6 0 1 1 0 12zm6-2",
			"E"	:	"m6 14h-4v-12h4m-4 6h3m3-8",
			"F"	:	"m2 14v-12h4m-4 6h3m3-8",
			"G"	:	"m6 4a2.5 6 0 1 0 0 8v-2h-1m3-10",
			"H"	:	"m2 2v12-6h4v6-12m2-2",
			"I"	:	"m2 2h4-2v12h2-4m6-14",
			"J"	:	"m4 2h2v8q0 4-4 4m6-14",
			"K"	:	"m2 2v12-7l4 7-4-7 4-5m2-2",
			"L"	:	"m2 2v12h4m2-14",
			"M"	:	"m2 14v-12l2 6 2-6v12m2-14",
			"N"	:	"m2 14v-12l4 12v-12m2-2",
			"O"	:	"m6 8a2 6 0 1 0 0 .1zm2-8.1",
			"P"	:	"m2 2a3 2 0 1 1 0 5v7zm6-2",
			"Q"	:	"m6 8a2 6 0 1 0 0 .1zm-2-1.1l3 7m1-14",
			"R"	:	"m2 14v-12a3 2 0 1 1 0 5l4 7m2-14",
			"S"	:	"m2 12a2 3 0 1 0 2-4a2 3 0 1 1 2-4m2-4",
			"T"	:	"m1 2h6-3v12m4-14",
			"U"	:	"m2 2v10q2 4 4 0v-10m2-2",
			"V"	:	"m2 2l2 12 2-12m2-2",
			"W"	:	"m2 2l1 12 1-6 1 6 1-12m2-2",
			"X"	:	"m2 2l4 12m-4 0l4-12m2-2",
			"Y"	:	"m2 2l2 6v6-6l2-6m2-2",
			"Z"	:	"m6 14h-4l4-12h-4m6-2",
			"["	:	"m5 14h-2v-12h2m3-2",
			"\\"	:	"m2 2l4 12m2-14",
			"]"	:	"m3 14h2v-12h-2m5-2",
			"^"	:	"m2 5l2-2 2 2m2-5",
			"_"	:	"m1 15h6m1-15",
			"`"	:	"m3 4l2 1m3-5",
			"a"	:	"m6 9a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v2-7m2-7",
			"b"	:	"m2 9a2 3 0 1 1 0 3v2-12m6-2",
			"c"	:	"m6 9a2 3 0 1 0 0 3m2-12",
			"d"	:	"m6 9a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v2-12m2-2",
			"e"	:	"m6 12a2 3 0 1 1 0-2h-4m6-10",
			"f"	:	"m2 14v-6h2-2q0-4 4-4m2-4",
			"g"	:	"m6 11a2 3 0 1 1 0-3a2 4 0 1 1-4 6m6-14",
			"h"	:	"m2 2v12-4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v4m2-14",
			"i"	:	"m4 6v1m0 1v6m4-13",
			"j"	:	"m4 6v1m0 1v5q0 2-2 2m6-15",
			"k"	:	"m2 2v12-4l4 4-4-4 4-2m2-8",
			"l"	:	"m4 2v12m4-14",
			"m"	:	"m2 8v6-4a1 2 0 1 1 2 0v4-4a1 2 0 1 1 2 0v4m2-14",
			"n"	:	"m2 8v6-4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v4m2-14",
			"o"	:	"m6 10a2 3 0 1 0 0 .1zm2-10.1",
			"p"	:	"m2 9a2 3 0 1 1 0 3v4-8m6-8",
			"q"	:	"m6 9a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v5-9m2-8",
			"r"	:	"m2 8v6-4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0m2-10",
			"s"	:	"m2 13a2 1 0 0 0 2-3a2 1 0 0 1 2-2m2-8",
			"t"	:	"m4 6v8-6h2-4m6-8",
			"u"	:	"m2 8v4a2 2 0 1 0 4 0v2-6m2-8",
			"v"	:	"m2 8l2 6 2-6m2-8",
			"w"	:	"m2 8l1 6 1-4 1 4 1-6m2-8",
			"x"	:	"m2 8l4 6m-4 0l4-6m2-8",
			"y"	:	"m2 8l2 4l2-4-4 8m6-16",
			"z"	:	"m2 8h4l-4 6h4m2-14",
			"{"	:	"m5 14a1 6 0 0 1-1-5l-1-1 1-1a1 6 0 0 1 1-5m3-2",
			"|"	:	"m4 14v-12m4-2",
			"}"	:	"m3 14a1 6 0 0 0 1-5l1-1-1-1a1 6 0 0 0 -1-5m5-2",
			"~"	:	"m2 4q1-1 2 0t2 0m2-4",
			"~NA":	"m1 1h6v14h-6zm7-1"
		"saved" : {}

function setFont(o,d){

function setThumb(o){
	var p="";
	if (o=="saved")	p = paths[o][select_saved.value];
	else p = paths[o][select.value]
	thumb.innerHTML = "\\"+createPath(p);

function createPath(p){
	var b = (isbold)? '2' : '1', c = color.value,
		i = (isitalic)? ' transform="skewX(-8)" ' : ' ';
	return '\n<path id="path"'+i+'stroke="'+c+'" stroke-width="'+b+'" d="'+p+'"/>';

function addPath(){
	font.cur = (font.editing=="saved") ? select2.value : select.value;
	raw.value = paths[font.editing][font.cur];

for (i in paths["template"]){
	var option = document.createElement("option");

function save(){
	for (i in paths.saved){
		var option = document.createElement("option");

function showSaved(){
	var s="";
	for (i in paths["saved"]){
		s+='"'+i+'" : "' + paths["saved"][i]+ '"\r\n'

function getVBpos(n,ev){
	var style=getComputedStyle(svg,null),
	return [((ev.pageX - n.offsetLeft)/vbw).toFixed(1) , ((ev.pageY - n.offsetTop)/vbw).toFixed(1)];

function toggleBold(){
	var bold_but=document.getElementById("bold_but");
	bold_but.innerHTML=(isbold)? "B" : "<b>B</b>";

function toggleItalic(){
	var ital_but=document.getElementById("ital_but");
	ital_but.innerHTML=(isitalic)? "I" : "<i>I</i>";

function showPos(n,ev){
	var title=getVBpos(n,ev);
	svg.parentNode.setAttribute("title",title); //chrome doesn't do tooltip on svg

function addPoint(n,ev){
	var abspoint = getVBpos(n,ev), path = document.getElementById("path"),
		point = path.getPointAtLength(path.getTotalLength());
	raw.value+="" + (abspoint[0]-point.x).toFixed(1) + " " + (abspoint[1]-point.y).toFixed(1);

function guide(){
	return '<path stroke="#f77" stroke-width=".1" d="m0 '+font.cap+'h'+font.w+'"/>'+
		'<path stroke="#7f7" stroke-width=".1" d="m0 '+font.mean+'h'+font.w+'"/>'+
		'<path stroke="#77f" stroke-width=".1" d="m0 '+font.base+'h'+font.w+'"/>'+
		'<path stroke="#f77" stroke-width=".1" d="m0 '+font.descent+'h'+font.w+'"/>'+
		'<path stroke="#777" stroke-width=".5" fill="none" d="m0 0h'+font.w+'v'+font.h+'h-'+font.w+'z"/>';

function setSVG(){
	var cur = guide()+createPath(raw.value);
	if (last != cur){

Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].

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#78 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

Thanks. I am now looking at it and it looks useful; however, there is a learning curve, as with everything. :)

With kind regards,

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#79 Post by technosaurus »

vovchik wrote:there is a learning curve, as with everything
Thanks for testing it out - I realize its not _user-friendly_ yet. I spent too much time getting the little nuances to work. I futzed for a long time with clicking on the preview to automatically add a relative point - turns out chromium/chrome/opera has a bug computing the current location if there is a "z" in the path (firefox/seamonkey is fine)... I had no more patience for BS after that, so formatting the html with css will have to wait.

Here are the basics though:
Left hand side is the preview area with a gray box surrounding the desired font size. The lines represent the cap, mean, base and descent as illustrated in my previous post

Right hand side is the control area. The first thing is a thumbnail view of the currently selected template (or saved) glyph, followed by a dropdown of my (now much more obviously crappy - with guides in place) glyphs. The B and I buttons just give you a preview of what they _could_ look like bold or italic - I haven't added a parameter for the stroke-width (normal or bold) or the skew (italic)
After that is the dropdown for saved glyphs which get saved when you click the save button (next) You can get a copy of all of your saved paths by clicking the show button. The rest of the parameters change what they say in the preview area - I would recommend setting these once at the beginning of your session though, so fonts look like they belong together.

I would like to add a grid checkbox too, so that its easier to guess at relative points

I'd like to add a way to introduce other unicode characters - any thoughts on the best way to do that?

I added the click method - so you can just put your "l" and click where you want it to go, It works for the points associated with "c" "q", "s" "t" and "m" as well, but "h" and "v" get extra unwanted parameters. I'd like to make it smarter by checking the last letter in the path

Some of the SVG path commands are not intuitive to learn, I'd like to set up a clickable/configurable graphical interface to automatically add the appropriate letter (and other parameters as applicable, such as in arcs)

Side note for vovchik: Are you using nanosvg in BACON for your SVG? - If so, do you think we could'should use (something like) this to add <text> support ... I already patched nanosvgrast.h to do independent x-y scaling for use in jwm, but AFAIK the parser just throws out text. I almost started to hack this directly into the parser until I realized nanosvgrast.h is already based on stb_truetype code, so I'm not sure.
(4.5 KiB) Downloaded 449 times
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].

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#80 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

Thanks for all the details on the path editor. I will study it. And I have been using both stb_truetype - for display of truetype in BACON on an OPEN_GL canvas - and nanosvg for the SVG bits and had to do the workaround with paths because of the missing <text> implementation. Although, as you rightly say, it would be preferable to hack nano to display <text>, perhaps by getting the glyphs via stb_truetype, and modding nanosvg to accept <def font><glyph> and <text>. Just thinking out loud. :)

With kind regards,

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#81 Post by technosaurus »

I was drawing up a tile pattern to use as a template in one of my battery experiments for maximizing surface area while allowing sufficient electrolyte flow (It's going to be a variation of a Ni-Fe battery) It turned out to be visually interesting as well, so I thought I would post it:

Code: Select all

<svg width="192" height="192" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 96 96">
<path stroke="#eee" d="m0 1h47m0 2l-46 92m0-4l43-86m0-2h-44m0 2h41m0 2l-40 80m0-4l37-74m0-2h-38m0 2h35m0 2l-34 68m0-4l31-62m0-2h-32m0 2h29m0 2l-28 56m0-4l25-50m0-2h-26m0 2h23m0 2l-22 44m0-4l19-38m0-2h-20m0 2h17m0 2l-16 32m0-4l13-26m0-2h-14m0 2h11m0 2l-10 20m0-4l7-14m0-2h-8m0 2h5m0 2l-4 8m0-4l1-2m0-2h-2m49-30h47m0 2h-44m3 2h41m0 2h-38m3 2h35m0 2h-32m3 2h29m0 2h-26m3 2h23m0 2h-20m3 2h17m0 2h-14m3 2h11m0 2h-8m3 2h5m0 2h-2m-45-28l46 92m0-4l-43-86m3 2l40 80m0-4l-37-74m3 2l34 68m0-4l-31-62m3 2l28 56m0-4l-25-50m3 2l22 44m0-4l-19-38m3 2l16 32m0-4l-13-26m3 2l10 20m0-4l-7-14m3 2l4 8m0-4l-1-2m-91 62h90m-1-2l-43-86m-2 0l-43 86m2 0h84m-1-2l-40-80m-2 0l-40 80m2 0h78m-1-2l-37-74m-2 0l-37 74m2 0h72m-1-2l-34-68m-2 0l-34 68m2 0h66m-1-2l-31-62m-2 0l-31 62m2 0h60m-1-2l-28-56m-2 0l-28 56m2 0h54m-1-2l-25-50m-2 0l-25 50m2 0h48m-1-2l-22-44m-2 0l-22 44m2 0h42m-1-2l-19-38m-2 0l-19 38m2 0h36m-1-2l-16-32m-2 0l-16 32m2 0h30m-1-2l-13-26m-2 0l-13 26m2 0h24m-1-2l-10-20m-2 0l-10 20m2 0h18m-1-2l-7-14m-2 0l-7 14m2 0h12m-1-2l-4-8m-2 0l-4 8m2 0h6m-1-2l-1-2m-2 0l-1 2"/>
tiled example
(2.74 KiB) Downloaded 413 times
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].

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#82 Post by technosaurus »

I updated the C code generator with some cleaner fonts using the default guides in the font editor from a previous post ... now it looks a little bit less like a 4 year old's alphabet practice.

to do outlined text, you can do something like this:

Code: Select all

./svg_generator -b "#777" -s "stroke='#000' fill='none' stroke-width='2'" -t "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!" -s "stroke='#fff' fill='none' stroke-width='.5'"  -t "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog!" >a.svg
Same text twice with a thinner font over a thicker one.

Anyhow here is the code:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char *stpcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
#define FONT_HEIGHT 16
#define FONT_WIDTH 8
#define TAB_WIDTH 32
#define TAB_PATH(x) "m" #x " 0"
#define ICON_HEIGHT 96
#define ICON_WIDTH 96

static const char *char_paths[96] = {
/* " " */ "m8 0",
/* "!" */ "m4 1v9m0 1v1m4-12",
/*"\"" */ "m3 2v3m2-3v3m3-5",
/* "#" */ "m2 3v8m4-8v8m-5-2h6m-6-4h6m1-5",
/* "$" */ "m2 11a2 3 0 1 0 2-4a2 3 0 1 1 2-4m-2-2v12m4-15",
/* "%" */ "m2 3a1 1 0 1 1 0 .1zm4-2l-4 11m2-2a1 1 0 1 1 0 .1zm2-14",
/* "&" */ "m7 12l-3-6a2 2.5 0 1 1 .1 0a3 3 0 1 0 3 2m1-8",
/* "'" */ "m4 2v3m4-5",
/* "(" */ "m4 12q-3-6 0-11m4-1",
/* ")" */ "m4 12q3-6 0-11m4-1",
/* "*" */ "m1 6h6m-1 4l-4-8m2 0v8m-2 0l4-8m2-2",
/* "+" */ "m1 6h6m-3-3v6m4-9",
/* "," */ "m5 11q1 1-2 3m5-14",
/* "-" */ "m2 6h4m2-6",
/* "." */ "m3 12a.5.5 0 1 0 0-.1zm5-12",
/* "/" */ "m2 12l4-11m2-1",
/* "0" */ "m2 5.5a2 4 0 1 1 4 0v2a2 4 0 1 1-4 0zm2 0v2m4-8",
/* "1" */ "m3 3l1-1v10m4-12",
/* "2" */ "m2 3a2 5 30 0 1 0 9h5m1-12",
/* "3" */ "m2 2a2 2 0 1 1 3 4m0 0h-1a3 3 0 1 1-3 4m7-10",
/* "4" */ "m2 1v5h4v6-11m2-1",
/* "5" */ "m2 10a2 4 0 1 0 0-4v-5h4m2-1",
/* "6" */ "m3 6a2 3 0 1 1 -1 1l4-6m2-1",
/* "7" */ "m1 1h5l-4 11m6-12",
/* "8" */ "m3.5 6a2 2.5 0 1 1 1 0a2 3 0 1 1 -1 0zm4.5-6",
/* "9" */ "m2 12l4-6a2.5 3 0 1 0 -1 1m3-7",
/* ":" */ "m3 3a.5.5 0 1 0 0-.1zm0 6a.5.5 0 1 0 0-.1zm5-9",
/* ";" */ "m3 3a.5.5 0 1 0 0-.1zm0 6a.5.5 0 1 0 0-.1zq2 0 -1 2m6-11",
/* "<" */ "m6 12l-4-6 4-5m2-1",
/* "=" */ "m2 5h4m-4 2h4m2-7",
/* ">" */ "m2 12l4-6-4-5m6-1",
/* "?" */ "m2 4a2 2 0 1 1 2 2v2m0 3a.5.5 0 1 0-.1 0zm4-11",
/* "@" */ "m5 8a1 1 0 1 1 0 -1a1 2 0 1 0 2-0a3 5 0 1 0 -2 4m3-11",
/* "A" */ "m1 12l3-10l3 10m-1-4h-4m6-8",
/* "B" */ "m2 1h1a2 2 0 1 1 0 5h-1h2a2 2 0 1 1 -2 6zm6-1",
/* "C" */ "m5.5 3a2 5 0 1 0 0 7m2.5-10",
/* "D" */ "m2 1h1a3 5 0 1 1 0 11h-1zm6-1",
/* "E" */ "m6 12h-4v-11h4m-4 5h3m3-6",
/* "F" */ "m2 12v-11h4m-4 5h3m3-6",
/* "G" */ "m6 4a2 5 0 1 0 0 5v-2h-2m4-7",
/* "H" */ "m2 1v11-6h4v6-11m2-1",
/* "I" */ "m2 1h4-2v11h2-4m6-12",
/* "J" */ "m4 1h2v7q0 4-4 4m6-12",
/* "K" */ "m2 1v11-6l5-5-4 4 4 7m1-12",
/* "L" */ "m2 1v11h4m2-12",
/* "M" */ "m1 12v-11l3 6 3-6v11m1-12",
/* "N" */ "m2 12v-11l4 11v-11m2-1",
/* "O" */ "m4 1a2 5.5 0 1 0 .1 0zm4-1",
/* "P" */ "m2 12v-11h1a3 2 0 1 1 0 5h-1m6-6",
/* "Q" */ "m4 1a2 5.5 0 1 0 .1 0zm0 7l3 4m1-12",
/* "R" */ "m2 12v-11h1a3 2 0 1 1 0 5h-1 1l4 6m1-12",
/* "S" */ "m2 10a2 3 0 1 0 2-4a2 2.5 0 1 1 2-4m2-2",
/* "T" */ "m1 1h6-3v11m4-12",
/* "U" */ "m2 1v9a2 2 0 0 0 4 0v-9m2-1",
/* "V" */ "m2 1l2 11 2-11m2-1",
/* "W" */ "m1 1l2 11 1-6 1 6 2-11m1-1",
/* "X" */ "m2 1l4 11m-4 0l4-11m2-1",
/* "Y" */ "m2 1l2 6v5-5l2-6m2-1",
/* "Z" */ "m6 12h-4l4-11h-4m6-1",
/* "[" */ "m5 12h-2v-11h2m3-1",
/*"\\" */ "m2 1l4 11m2-12",
/* "]" */ "m3 12h2v-11h-2m5-1",
/* "^" */ "m2 4l2-2 2 2m2-4",
/* "_" */ "m1 14h6m1-14",
/* "`" */ "m3 2l2 1m3-3",
/* "a" */ "m6 7a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v2-7m2-5",
/* "b" */ "m2 7a2 3 0 1 1 0 3v2-11m6-1",
/* "c" */ "m6 7a2 3 0 1 0 0 3m2-10",
/* "d" */ "m6 7a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v2-11m2-1",
/* "e" */ "m6 10a2 3 0 1 1 0-2h-4m6-8",
/* "f" */ "m2 12v-6h2-2q0-4 4-4m2-2",
/* "g" */ "m6 7a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v-5 8a2 2 0 0 1 -4 0m6-13",
/* "h" */ "m2 1v11-4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v4m2-12",
/* "i" */ "m4 4v1m0 1v6m4-12",
/* "j" */ "m4 4v1m0 1v5q0 2-2 2m6-13",
/* "k" */ "m2 1v11-3l3 -3-2 2 3 4m2-12",
/* "l" */ "m4 1v11m4-12",
/* "m" */ "m2 6v6-4a1 2 0 1 1 2 0v4-4a1 2 0 1 1 2 0v4m2-12",
/* "n" */ "m2 6v6-4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0v4m2-12",
/* "o" */ "m6 9a2 3 0 1 0 0 .1zm2-9",
/* "p" */ "m2 7a2 3 0 1 1 0 3v5-10m6-5",
/* "q" */ "m6 7a2 3 0 1 0 0 3v5-10m2-5",
/* "r" */ "m2 6v6-4a2 2 0 1 1 4 0m2-8",
/* "s" */ "m2 10a2 2 0 1 0 2-2h-1a2 1 0 0 1 3-2m2-6",
/* "t" */ "m4 4v8-6h2-4m6-6",
/* "u" */ "m2 6v4a2 2 0 1 0 4 0v2-6m2-6",
/* "v" */ "m2 6l2 5 2-5m2-6",
/* "w" */ "m2 6l1 6 1-4 1 4 1-6m2-6",
/* "x" */ "m2 6l4 6m-4 0l4-6m2-6",
/* "y" */ "m2 6l2 4l2-4-4 8m6-14",
/* "z" */ "m2 6h4l-4 6h4m2-12",
/* "{" */ "m5 13a1 6 0 0 1-1-5l-1-1 1-1a1 6 0 0 1 1-5m3-1",
/* "|" */ "m4 13v-12m4-1",
/* "}" */ "m3 13a1 6 0 0 0 1-5l1-1-1-1a1 6 0 0 0 -1-5m5-1",
/* "~" */ "m2 6q1-1 2 0t2 0m2-6",
/* ??? */ "m1 1h6v14h-6zm7-1",

#define ICON_MAP(OP) /* OP(name, path) */ \
	OP(AtoZ,	"m12 72h12l2-12h12l2 12h12l-12-48h-18zm22-24h-6l3-12zm16-6h8v6h-8zm22-6h-16v-12h30v12l-16 24h16v12h-30v-12z")  \
	OP(GT_left,	"m28 6v12l18 30-18 30v12l26-42z")  \
	OP(GT_right,	"m68 6v12l18 30-18 30v12l26-42z")  \
	OP(LT_left,	"m28 6v12l-18 30 18 30v12l-26-42z")  \
	OP(LT_right,	"m68 6v12l-18 30 18 30v12l-26-42z")  \
	OP(X,	"m12 24l12-12 24 24 24-24 12 12-24 24 24 24-12 12-24-24-24 24-12-12 24-24z")  \
	OP(arrow_down,	"m30 48h12v-12h12v12h12l-18 24z")  \
	OP(arrow_left,	"m48 30v12h12v12h-12v12l-24-18z")  \
	OP(arrow_right,	"m48 30v12h-12v12h12v12l24-18z")  \
	OP(arrow_up,	"m48 30l18 24h-12v12h-12v-12h-12z")  \
	OP(articulated_spline,	"m15 15q12 32 32 32t34 34l-12 8q-24-24-24-48t-24-32m-5 9l8-8m0 24l16-12m8 36l9-9m0 26l16-9")  \
	OP(at,	"m57 47c0 16 -21 16 -21 0s21-16 21 0zm8 17c-17 15 -41 4 -41-16c0 -30 46 -30 46-3c0 10-6 14-13 14v-24")  \
	OP(bar_bottom,	"m18 78h60v6h-60z")  \
	OP(bar_left,	"m12 18h6v60h-6z")  \
	OP(bar_right,	"m78 18h6v60h-6z")  \
	OP(bar_top,	"m18 12h60v6h-60z")  \
	OP(bluetooth,	"m48 48l-24 24 6 6 18-18 0 36 30-30-18-18 18-18-30-30 0 36-18-18-6 6zm8-8l0-19 9 9zm0 36l0-19 9 9z")  \
	OP(bulb,	"m36 68a32 32 0 1 1 24 0zv6h24v-6zh24v12h-24zv18h24v-18zm12-28q3 6 0 24z")  \
	OP(button_clear,	"m0 42q0-42 42-42h12q42 0 42 42v12q0 42-42 42h-12q-42 0-42-42zM0 48a48 48 0 1 0 0-0.1z")  \
	OP(calculator,	"m24 6v84h48v-84h-48zm6 6h36v24h-36v-24zm3 30h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm-24 12h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm-24 12h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm-24 12h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6zm12 0h6v6h-6z")  \
	OP(camera,	"m84 48c0 28-42 28-42 0s42-28 42 0zm-21-15c-7.5 0-15 5-15 15c0 20 30 20 30 0c0-10-7.5-15-15-15zm0 6c4.5 0 9 3 9 9c0 12-18 12-18 0c0-6 4.5-9 9-9zm-54-18v54h78v-54zm6 6h15v12h-15v-12z")  \
	OP(cd,	"m4 48a44 44 0 1 1 0 1zm39 1a5 5 0 1 0 0-1z")  \
	OP(circle,	"m0 47v1a48 48 0 1 0 0-1z")  \
	OP(cylinder,	"m24 8q24-6 48 0v80q-24 8-48 0z")  \
	OP(cylinder_reverse_large,	"m30 12v54q18 6 36 0v-54q-18 -4 -36 0z")  \
	OP(cylinder_reverse_max,	"m30 12v72q18 6 36 0v-72q-18 -4 -36 0z")  \
	OP(cylinder_reverse_med,	"m30 12v30q18 6 36 0v-30q-18 -4 -36 0z")  \
	OP(cylinder_reverse_small,	"m30 12v12q18 6 36 0v-12q-18 -4 -36 0z")  \
	OP(e2dots,	"m48 23c-46.5 0-40.5 88 25.5 61v-10c-20 8-43 8-43-15h46v-6c0-19-14.3-30-28.5-30zm18.5 27h-36c0-24 36-24 36 0zm5.5-37.5c0 8.5-14 8.5-14 0s14-8.5 14 0zm-34 0c0 8.5-14 8.5-14 0s14-8.5 14 0z")  \
	OP(e,	"m32 60h48a30 36 0 1 0-6 18l-6-12a9 8 0 1 1-36-6zm2-12a12 12 0 1 1 32 0z")  \
	OP(film,	"m14 14v68h68v-68zm6 6h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm50 -48h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6zm0 12h6v6h-6z")  \
	OP(flag,	"m12 80v-64h6v2h-2v2h70v48h-70v16")  \
	OP(flag_blank,	"m12 18q24 8 36 0t36 0v48q0-8-36 0t-36 0z")  \
	OP(globe,	"m48 1a47 47 0 1 0 0.1 0a18 47 0 1 0 0.1 0zm-41 24h82m-88 22h94m-88 24h82")  \
	OP(joypad,	"m80 12l-24 24 24 24a12 12 0 0 1 -24 24l-42-42a12 12 0 0 1 24-24l18 18m-24-12l-4-4-4 4-4-4-4 4 4 4-4 4 4 4 4-4 4 4 4-4-4-4zm32 28a4 4 0 1 0 1 1zm8 8a4 4 0 1 0 1 1zm-8 8a4 4 0 1 0 1 1zm-8-8a4 4 0 1 0 1 1z")  \
	OP(keyboard,	"m6 36v24q0 6 6 6h72q6 0 6-6v-24q0-6-6-6h-72q-6 0-6 6m6 0v3h3v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m-71 6v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h9v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m-71 4v3h5v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h7v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m-71 4v3h7v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h9v-3m-57 4v3h9v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h11v-3m7 0v3h3v-3m-67 4v3h5v-3m1 0v3h4v-3m1 0v3h4v-3m1 0v3h24v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h4v-3m3 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m1 0v3h3v-3m-34-58v30")  \
	OP(key,	"m36 48a18 18 0 1 0 12 12l12-12 0-6 6 0 3-3 0 -4 2 0 0-2 4 0 0-4 4-4 0-12-6 0zm6 0l30-30m-36 48a6 6 0 1 1 -6 -6z")  \
	OP(laptop,	"m16 14h64v36h-64zm6 6v24h52v-24zm-6 32h64l6 16v4h-76v-4zm24 10l-2 5h18l-2-5z")  \
	OP(magazine,	"m12 24q24-8 36 0q24-8 36 0v48q0-8-36 0q0-8-36 0z")  \
	OP(menu,	"m24 18a6 6 0 1 0 0 12h48a6 6 0 1 0 0 -12zm0 24a6 6 0 1 0 0 12h48a6 6 0 1 0 0 -12zm0 24a6 6 0 1 0 0 12h48a6 6 0 1 0 0 -12z")  \
	OP(mic,	"m42 12a12 12 0 0 0-24 24l12 6 48 42 10-12-42-48zl-24 24z")  \
	OP(music_note,	"m68 29v25c0 10-16 10-17 8-1-3 3-8 11-8v-14l-18 3v17c0 10-16 11-17 8s3-8 11-8l0-26z")  \
	OP(notepad,	"m8 24v48h2v-48l24-6h2l-24 6v48h2v-48l24-6h2l-24 6v48h2v-48l24-6h2l-24 6q0 24 36 36l24-6q-24 0-36-36h-12l-24 6v48h12l24-6v-10q-23-9-24-32")  \
	OP(paperclip,	"m13 48l5 4l36-36c14-14 35 7 21 21l-41 41c-9 9-21-4-13-12l41-41c3-2 6 1 4 4l-36 36l5 4l36-36c8-8-5-21-13-13l-40 40c-18 18 6 37 21 22l40-40c20-20-10-50-30-30z")  \
	OP(paper,	"m66 6l18 72-48 6-18-72zm-40 12l32-4m-30 12l32-4m-30 12l32-4m-30 12l32-4m-30 12l32-4m-30 12l32-4z")  \
	OP(pencil,	"m48 72l12-12 12-48-12-6-12 48z")  \
	OP(phone,	"m48 2h-12a22 46 0 1 0 0 92h6v-24a18 24 0 1 1 0-48z")  \
	OP(puppy,	"m90 54c-2 56-82 56-84 0 0-2.9 1-6 1-9v-19c0-6 13-11 23-8 10-6 20-6 29-4h20c8 0 10 16 4 20 3 3 7 12 7 20m-12-12a6 6 0 1 0 1 1zm-36 6a12 12 0 1 0 1 1zm-1 0a6 6 0 1 0 1 1zm18 24l12-12-24 6zq6 6 18 -6q-12 12 -18 6 q-6 12-18 6q12 6 18-6m24-38q-6 6 -8 -6t-6-12m-40 2q6 12 -18 16")  \
	OP(puppy_outline,	"m90 54c-2 56-82 56-84 0 0-2.9 1-6 1-9v-19c0-6 13-11 23-8 10-6 20-6 29-4h20c8 0 10 16 4 20 3 3 7 12 7 20")  \
	OP(rect,	"m0 0h96v96h-96z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded2,	"m0 12q0-12 12-12h72q12 0 12 12v72q0 12-12 12h-72q-12 0-12-12z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded3,	"m0 18q0-18 18-18h60q18 0 18 18v60q0 18-18 18h-60q-18 0-18-18z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded4,	"m0 24q0-24 24-24h48q24 0 24 24v48q0 24-24 24h-48q-24 0-24-24z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded5,	"m0 30q0-30 30-30h36q30 0 30 30v36q0 30-30 30h-36q-30 0-30-30z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded6,	"m0 36q0-36 36-36h24q36 0 36 36v24q0 36-36 36h-24q-36 0-36-36z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded7,	"m0 42q0-42 42-42h12q42 0 42 42v12q0 42-42 42h-12q-42 0-42-42z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded8,	"m0 45q0-45 45-45h6q45 0 45 45v6q0 45-45 45h-6q-45 0-45-45z")  \
	OP(rect_rounded,	"m0 6q0-6 6-6h84q6 0 6 6v84q0 6-6 6h-84q-6 0-6-6z")  \
	OP(ribbon,	"m15 15q12 32 32 32t34 34l-12 8q-12-32-34-34t-28-28z")  \
	OP(slash,	"m48 6h12l-12 84h-12z")  \
	OP(touch_bottom,	"m0 96h96v-48a48 48 0 0 0-96 0z")  \
	OP(touch_left,	"m0 0h48a48 48 0 1 1 0 96h-48z")  \
	OP(touch_right,	"m48 96a48 48 0 0 1 0-96h48v96z")  \
	OP(touch_top,	"m0 0h96v48a48 48 0 0 1-96 0z")  \
	OP(triangle,	"m12 18v60h48zm28 50h-18v-24z")  \
	OP(umlaut,	"m32 6a6 6 0 1 0 1 0zm30 0a6 6 0 1 0 1 0z")  \
	OP(video_cam,	"m36 30c0 8-12 8-12 0s12-8 12 0zm-18-12v12c0-16 24-16 24 0v-12c0-16-24-16-24 0zm24 12c0 16-24 16-24 0v48c0 16.12 24 16.406 24 0zm0-6h6v-12h24c7 0 12 5 12 12v24h-36v-12h-6")  \
	OP(warn,	"m48 48l24 30h-48zm3 6h-6v12h6zm0 15h-6v6h6z")  \
	OP(wrench,	"m84 72q6 0 6-6l-42-42q6 -24-18-18l8 8q0 6-6 6l-8-8q0 24 18 18z")  \

#define AS_ICON_ENUM(x,...) ICON_ENUM_##x,
#define AS_ICON_STRING(x,...) #x,
#define AS_ICON_PATH(x,y) y,

enum icon_enum { ICON_MAP(AS_ICON_ENUM) };
static const char *icon_names[] = { ICON_MAP(AS_ICON_STRING) };
static const char *icon_paths[] = { ICON_MAP(AS_ICON_PATH) };

static inline const char *get_icon_path(const char *icon){
	size_t bot=0, top=ICON_ENUM_zzLASTICON, i=(bot+top)>>1;
	int cmp;
	for (; bot<=top && i<=ICON_ENUM_zzLASTICON; i=(bot+top)>>1){
		if (! cmp) return icon_paths[i]; //match found
		else if (cmp>0) bot=i+1;
		else top=i-1;
	return "";

static inline char *
put_icon(char *bp, const char *s, const char *style, int *sizes){
	if (!s || !bp) return bp;
	int width = sizes[SVG_DX]+ICON_WIDTH;
	int height = sizes[SVG_DY]+ICON_HEIGHT;

	bp+=sprintf(bp,"\t<path %s d=\"M%d %d%s\"/>\n",
		style,sizes[SVG_DX],sizes[SVG_DY], get_icon_path(s));
	if (width > sizes[SVG_MAX_X]) sizes[SVG_MAX_X] = width;
	if (height > sizes[SVG_MAX_Y]) sizes[SVG_MAX_Y] = height;
	return bp;

static inline int usage(int r){
	puts("\nusage:\n" \
"  text2svg [-x x_offset] [-y y_offset] [-w width] [-w height] [-s style]\n"\
"    [-v viewBox] [-t \"text to style\"] [-d \"extra data\"] [-b background]\n"\
"    [-i icon] [-l all/single)\n" \
"example:\n" \
"  text2svg -x 96 -y 0 -s 'stroke=\"#fff\" fill=\"none\"' -d '<path d=\"m0 0h96v96h-96z\"/>' -t 'hello world'\n"
	return r;

static inline char *
convert2paths(char *bp,	const char *s, const char *style, int *sizes){
	if (!s || !bp) return bp;
	bp+=sprintf(bp,"\t<path %s d=\"M%d %d",style,sizes[SVG_DX],sizes[SVG_DY]);
	int width = sizes[SVG_DX];
	int height = sizes[SVG_DY]+FONT_HEIGHT;
		if (*s == '\n' || *s == '\t'){
			if (*s=='\n'){
				bp+=sprintf(bp,"m-%d %d",width-sizes[SVG_DX],FONT_HEIGHT);
				if (width > sizes[SVG_MAX_X]) sizes[SVG_MAX_X] = width;
				width =sizes[SVG_DX];
				height += FONT_HEIGHT;
			if (*s=='\t'){
				width += TAB_WIDTH;
			size_t c = (size_t)(*s-' ');
			if (c>95) c=95; //non-printing characters get a rectangle
			width += FONT_WIDTH;
	if (width > sizes[SVG_MAX_X]) sizes[SVG_MAX_X] = width;
	if (height > sizes[SVG_MAX_Y]) sizes[SVG_MAX_Y] = height;
	return bp;

int main(int argc, char **argv){
	char  buf[65536], w[32], h[32], vB[32];
	char *bp=buf, *vBp=NULL, *style=NULL, *hp=NULL, *wp=NULL;
	const char *data, *defaultstyle="stroke=\"#fff\" fill=\"none\"";
	int i, sizes[SVG_NUM_SIZES]={0};
	if (argc<2) return usage(1);
		if (**++argv!='-') return usage(2);
		switch (argv++[0][1]){
		case 'x': sizes[SVG_DX]=atoi(*argv);break;
		case 'y': sizes[SVG_DY]=atoi(*argv);break;
		case 'w': wp=w; (void)sprintf(wp,"width=\"%s\" ",*argv);  break;
		case 'h': hp=h; (void)sprintf(hp,"height=\"%s\" ",*argv); break;
		case 'v': vBp=vB; (void)sprintf(vBp,"viewBox=\"%s\"",*argv); break;
		case 's': style=*argv; break;
		case 'i': 
			bp=put_icon(bp, *argv,(style)?style:defaultstyle,sizes);
		case 'l': 
			for(i = 0;i<ICON_ENUM_zzLASTICON;i++)
			return 0;
		case 'b':
			bp+=sprintf(bp,"\t<path fill=\"%s\" d=\"M0 0h999v999h-999z\"/>",*argv);
		case 't':
		case 'd': for(data=*argv;*data;) *bp++=*data++;;break;
		default: return usage(1);
	if (!vBp){
		(void)sprintf(vBp,"viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d\"",sizes[SVG_MAX_X],sizes[SVG_MAX_Y]);
	printf( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" \
"<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" version=\"1.1\" %s%s%s>\n%s</svg>\n",
	(wp)?wp:"", (hp)?hp:"", vBp, buf);
	return 0;
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].

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Location: Ukraine

#83 Post by vovchik »

Dear technosaurus,

Very nice work, as usual. Thanks. This is very useful.

With kind regards,

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